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Δευτέρα 6 Απριλίου 2020

Screening and Optimization of Newly Isolated Thermotolerant Lysinibacillus fusiformis Strain SK for Protease and Antifungal Activity.
Related ArticlesScreening and Optimization of Newly Isolated Thermotolerant Lysinibacillus fusiformis Strain SK for Protease and Antifungal Activity. Curr Microbiol. 2020 Apr 04;: Authors: Khadka S, Adhikari S, Thapa A, Panday R, Adhikari M, Sapkota S, Regmi RS, Adhikari NP, Proshad R, Koirala N Abstract The current study was designed to isolate, identify and characterize a Bacillus sp. capable of producing protease and exhibiting antifungal activity....
pubmed: health technology
Integrated in silico and 3D in vitro model of macrophage migration in response to physical and chemical factors in the tumor microenvironment.
Related ArticlesIntegrated in silico and 3D in vitro model of macrophage migration in response to physical and chemical factors in the tumor microenvironment. Integr Biol (Camb). 2020 Apr 06;: Authors: Lee SWL, Seager RJ, Litvak F, Spill F, Sieow JL, Leong PH, Kumar D, Tan ASM, Wong SC, Adriani G, Zaman MH, Kamm ARD Abstract Macrophages are abundant in the tumor microenvironment (TME), serving as accomplices to cancer cells for their invasion. Studies...
pubmed: health technology
One-incubation one-hour multiplex ELISA enabled by aqueous two-phase systems.
Related ArticlesOne-incubation one-hour multiplex ELISA enabled by aqueous two-phase systems. Analyst. 2020 Apr 06;: Authors: Tongdee M, Yamanishi C, Maeda M, Kojima T, Dishinger J, Chantiwas R, Takayama S Abstract This work describes a convenient one-hour enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) formulated with conventional antibodies and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) reagents. The method utilizes aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) droplet formation based...
pubmed: health technology
Checking of the methodical system efficiency of fitness technologies application in students' physical education.
Related ArticlesChecking of the methodical system efficiency of fitness technologies application in students' physical education. Wiad Lek. 2020;73(2):332-341 Authors: Zhamardiy VO, Shkola OM, Okhrimenko IM, Strelchenko OG, Aloshyna AI, Opanasiuk FH, Griban GP, Yahodzinskyi VP, Mozolev OM, Prontenko KV Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim is to carry out a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the traditional system of physical education of students in...
pubmed: health technology
Hygienic signs of diagnostics of early dysmetabolic disorders symptoms.
Related ArticlesHygienic signs of diagnostics of early dysmetabolic disorders symptoms. Wiad Lek. 2020;73(2):302-305 Authors: Poberezhna NM, Omelchuk ST, Pavlovskyi SA, Pavlovska MO Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to identify certain health features among healthy people that can serve as a risk factor and lead to the further development of metabolic syndrome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: A total of 79 men, completely...
pubmed: health technology
Urban Intelligence for Pandemic Response: Viewpoint.
Related ArticlesUrban Intelligence for Pandemic Response: Viewpoint. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2020 Apr 05;: Authors: Yuan L, Yeung W, Celi LA Abstract UNSTRUCTURED: Previous epidemic management research proves the importance of city-level information, but also highlights limited expertise in urban data applications during a pandemic outbreak. In this paper, we provide an overview of city-level information, in combination with analytical and operational...
pubmed: health technology
Efficacy and safety of food fortification to improve vitamin D intakes of older adults.
Related ArticlesEfficacy and safety of food fortification to improve vitamin D intakes of older adults. Nutrition. 2020 Feb 14;75-76:110767 Authors: McCourt A, McNulty BA, Walton J, O'Sullivan A Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the best foods for potential vitamin D food fortification and to model the efficacy and safety of different food fortification scenarios in adults ≥50 y of age in Ireland. METHODS: National...
pubmed: health technology
Improving anxiety in Parkinson's disease: A cautionary tale about mobile health technologies.
Related ArticlesImproving anxiety in Parkinson's disease: A cautionary tale about mobile health technologies. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020 Mar 17;73:50-51 Authors: Lingaiah A, Mohanty D, Marchbank J, Jacob AE, Castellanos RL, Holiday V, Espay AJ, LaFaver K PMID: 32248050 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: health technology
Dual peptide-dendrimer conjugate inhibits acetylation of transforming growth factor β-induced protein and improves survival in sepsis.
Related ArticlesDual peptide-dendrimer conjugate inhibits acetylation of transforming growth factor β-induced protein and improves survival in sepsis. Biomaterials. 2020 Mar 28;246:120000 Authors: Lee W, Park EJ, Kwon OK, Kim H, Yoo Y, Kim SW, Seo YK, Kim IS, Na DH, Bae JS Abstract Sepsis is a potentially fatal complication of infections and there are currently no effective therapeutic options for severe sepsis. In this study, we revealed the secretion...
pubmed: health technology
Summary of the COVID-19 outbreak in vietnam - Lessons and suggestions.
Related ArticlesSummary of the COVID-19 outbreak in vietnam - Lessons and suggestions. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2020 Apr 02;:101651 Authors: Nguyen THD, Vu DC PMID: 32247928 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: health technology
Natural aeolian dust particles have no substantial effect on atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): A laboratory study based on naphthalene.
Related ArticlesNatural aeolian dust particles have no substantial effect on atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): A laboratory study based on naphthalene. Environ Pollut. 2020 Mar 31;263(Pt A):114454 Authors: Zhang L, Zhang X, Xing W, Zhou Q, Yang L, Nakatsubo R, Wei Y, Bi J, Shima M, Toriba A, Hayakawa K, Tang N Abstract Natural aeolian dust (AD) particles are potential carriers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere....
pubmed: health technology
Prediction of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of various processed pork meats using improved hyperspectral imaging technique.
Related ArticlesPrediction of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of various processed pork meats using improved hyperspectral imaging technique. Food Chem. 2020 Mar 26;321:126695 Authors: Ma J, Sun DW Abstract Freezing, heating, and pickling are common processes for pork meats. Unsaturated fatty acids including monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids are indispensable nutrition beneficial to human's health and growth....
pubmed: health technology
Comorbidities within mental illnesses in a multiethnic urban population.
Related ArticlesComorbidities within mental illnesses in a multiethnic urban population. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020 Mar 23;51:102018 Authors: Tan XW, Chong SA, Abdin E, Vaingankar J, Shafie S, Zhang Y, Chang S, Shahwan S, Heng D, Subramanian M Abstract The prevalence and patterns of comorbidities among mental illnesses including substance misuse have been rarely documented in urban communities. In this study, we aimed to examine the prevalence, diagnostic...
pubmed: health technology
Low level of genetic diversity and high occurrence of vector-borne protozoa in water buffaloes in Thailand based on 18S ribosomal RNA and mitochondrial cytochrome b genes.
Related ArticlesLow level of genetic diversity and high occurrence of vector-borne protozoa in water buffaloes in Thailand based on 18S ribosomal RNA and mitochondrial cytochrome b genes. Infect Genet Evol. 2020 Apr 02;:104304 Authors: Nguyen AHL, Tiawsirisup S, Kaewthamasorn M Abstract Vector-borne pathogens (VBPs) pose a great risk to ruminant production through significant economic losses. Several previous studies in Thailand have mainly been focused...
pubmed: health technology
Genome-wide and Mendelian randomisation studies of liver MRI yield insights into the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis.
Related ArticlesGenome-wide and Mendelian randomisation studies of liver MRI yield insights into the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis. J Hepatol. 2020 Apr 02;: Authors: Parisinos CA, Wilman HR, Thomas EL, Kelly M, Nicholls RC, McGonigle J, Neubauer S, Hingorani AD, Patel RS, Hemingway H, Bell JD, Banerjee R, Yaghootkar H Abstract BACKGROUND: A non-invasive method to grade the severity of steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis is magnetic resonance imaging...
pubmed: health technology
The volatile oils from the oleo-gum-resins of Ferula assa-foetida and Ferula gummosa: A comprehensive investigation of their insecticidal activity and eco-toxicological effects.
Related ArticlesThe volatile oils from the oleo-gum-resins of Ferula assa-foetida and Ferula gummosa: A comprehensive investigation of their insecticidal activity and eco-toxicological effects. Food Chem Toxicol. 2020 Apr 02;:111312 Authors: Pavela R, Morshedloo MR, Lupidi G, Carolla G, Barboni L, Quassinti L, Bramucci M, Vitali LA, Petrelli D, Kavallieratos NG, Boukouvala MC, Ntalli N, Kontodimas DC, Maggi F, Canale A, Benelli G Abstract Since time...
pubmed: health technology
International Student Mobility in Radiography: Agency and Experience.
Related ArticlesInternational Student Mobility in Radiography: Agency and Experience. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2020 Apr 02;: Authors: Gunn C, Friedrich-Nel H, Johansen S Abstract PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate student exchange experiences to gain insight into what students perceived as benefits, challenges, and overall areas for improvement that might inform and enhance future exchange projects. METHODS: A general program...
pubmed: health technology
Novel insights into the organic solute transporter alpha/beta, OSTα/β: From the bench to the bedside.
Related ArticlesNovel insights into the organic solute transporter alpha/beta, OSTα/β: From the bench to the bedside. Pharmacol Ther. 2020 Apr 02;:107542 Authors: Beaudoin JJ, Brouwer KLR, Malinen MM Abstract Organic solute transporter alpha/beta (OSTα/β) is a heteromeric solute carrier protein that transports bile acids, steroid metabolites and drugs into and out of cells. OSTα/β protein is expressed in various tissues, but its expression is highest...
pubmed: health technology
[Trends in psychiatric admissions in adults over 65 years old].
Related Articles[Trends in psychiatric admissions in adults over 65 years old]. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2020 Apr 01;: Authors: Guzmán-Parra J, Flordelís-Lasierra E, Fabrega-Ruz J, Cuesta-Vargas A, Romero M, Mayoral-Cleries F Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to analyse the trend in the percentages of elderly patients admitted to hospital for psychiatric reasons. An additional aim was to analyse the characteristics of the elderly population...
pubmed: health technology
Suicide prevention is everyone's business: Challenges and opportunities for Google.
Related ArticlesSuicide prevention is everyone's business: Challenges and opportunities for Google. Soc Sci Med. 2020 Jan 18;:112691 Authors: Kirtley OJ, O'Connor RC Abstract The internet has become a key frontier for large-scale, public health efforts in suicide prevention. Market-leading technology companies, such as Google, are developing interventions to deliver support information to those experiencing suicidal distress, but the precise technology,...
pubmed: health technology
Correction of bias in the estimation of cell volume fraction from histology sections.
Related ArticlesCorrection of bias in the estimation of cell volume fraction from histology sections. J Biomech. 2020 Mar 02;:109705 Authors: Liu Y, Schwartz AG, Hong Y, Peng X, Xu F, Thomopoulos S, Genin GM Abstract Accurate determination of the fraction of a tissue's volume occupied by cells is critical for studying tissue development, pathology, and biomechanics. For example, homogenization methods that predict the function and responses of tissues...
pubmed: health technology
Characterization of perceptual interactions among ester aroma compounds found in Chinese Moutai Baijiu by gas chromatography-olfactometry, odor Intensity, olfactory threshold and odor activity value.
Related ArticlesCharacterization of perceptual interactions among ester aroma compounds found in Chinese Moutai Baijiu by gas chromatography-olfactometry, odor Intensity, olfactory threshold and odor activity value. Food Res Int. 2020 May;131:108986 Authors: Niu Y, Zhu Q, Xiao Z Abstract Ester aroma compounds in Chinese Moutai Baijiu were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) or headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and identified and...
pubmed: health technology
Food protein-derived iron-chelating peptides: The binding mode and promotive effects of iron bioavailability.
Related ArticlesFood protein-derived iron-chelating peptides: The binding mode and promotive effects of iron bioavailability. Food Res Int. 2020 May;131:108976 Authors: Wu W, Yang Y, Sun N, Bao Z, Lin S Abstract Iron is known as an essential nutrient in the human body. Insufficient iron uptake is easy to result in iron deficiency anemia, which is a public health problem in both developing and developed countries. Iron, complexed by iron-chelating peptides,...
pubmed: health technology
Enhancing the prebiotic effect of cellulose biopolymer in the gut by physical structuring via particle size manipulation.
Related ArticlesEnhancing the prebiotic effect of cellulose biopolymer in the gut by physical structuring via particle size manipulation. Food Res Int. 2020 May;131:108935 Authors: Nsor-Atindana J, Zhou YX, Saqib MN, Chen M, Douglas Goff H, Ma J, Zhong F Abstract Cellulose is generally recognised as dietary fibre with no limit of permissible quantity in food, and its consumption may modulate digesta content and impact positively on the gastrointestinal...
pubmed: health technology
Desalted duck egg white peptides-chitosan oligosaccharide copolymers as calcium delivery systems: Preparation, characterization and calcium release evaluation in vitro and vivo.
Related ArticlesDesalted duck egg white peptides-chitosan oligosaccharide copolymers as calcium delivery systems: Preparation, characterization and calcium release evaluation in vitro and vivo. Food Res Int. 2020 May;131:108974 Authors: Zhao M, Ma A, He H, Guo D, Hou T Abstract Two novel calcium delivery systems with high calcium-binding ability were prepared with desalted duck egg white peptides (DPs) and chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) by Amadori-type...
pubmed: health technology
Characterization of important sulfur and nitrogen compounds in Lang baijiu by application of gas chromatography-olfactometry, flame photometric detection, nitrogen phosphorus detector and odor activity value.
Related ArticlesCharacterization of important sulfur and nitrogen compounds in Lang baijiu by application of gas chromatography-olfactometry, flame photometric detection, nitrogen phosphorus detector and odor activity value. Food Res Int. 2020 May;131:109001 Authors: Zhu J, Niu Y, Xiao Z Abstract The volatile compounds in three Lang baijiu ("Honghualangshi, Y1", "Langjiulangge, Y2", and "Laolangjiu, Y3") were identified by gas chromatography-olfactometry...
pubmed: health technology
COVID-19: the current situation in Afghanistan.
Related ArticlesCOVID-19: the current situation in Afghanistan. Lancet Glob Health. 2020 Apr 02;: Authors: Shah J, Karimzadeh S, Al-Ahdal TMA, Mousavi SH, Zahid SU, Huy NT PMID: 32247327 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: health technology
Neutrophil to high-density lipoprotein ratio has a superior prognostic value in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction: a comparison study.
Related ArticlesNeutrophil to high-density lipoprotein ratio has a superior prognostic value in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction: a comparison study. Lipids Health Dis. 2020 Apr 04;19(1):59 Authors: Huang JB, Chen YS, Ji HY, Xie WM, Jiang J, Ran LS, Zhang CT, Quan XQ Abstract BACKGROUND: The importance of the lipid-related biomarkers has been implicated in the pathological process and prognosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Our...
pubmed: health technology
Community initiated kangaroo mother care and early child development in low birth weight infants in India-a randomized controlled trial.
Related ArticlesCommunity initiated kangaroo mother care and early child development in low birth weight infants in India-a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatr. 2020 Apr 04;20(1):150 Authors: Taneja S, Sinha B, Upadhyay RP, Mazumder S, Sommerfelt H, Martines J, Dalpath SK, Gupta R, Kariger P, Bahl R, Bhandari N, Dua T, ciKMC development study group Abstract BACKGROUND: In a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 8402 stable low birthweight (LBW)...
pubmed: health technology
Effect of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis on the prognosis of egg allergy resolution.
Related ArticlesEffect of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis on the prognosis of egg allergy resolution. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2020 Mar 29;: Authors: Kim SH, Yoo HW, Jo YH, Kim YM, Kim HY Abstract BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined the effect of atopic dermatitis (AD) on the resolution of food allergies in Asia, and the predictors of egg allergy resolution are not yet well defined. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether AD severity could...
pubmed: health technology
Influence of adding steam-exploded apple pomace on wheat flour characteristics and biscuit quality
Abstract Apple pomace treated by steam explosion (SE-AP) was mixed with wheat flour, the wheat dough characteristics and biscuit quality are deserved to investigate. In this paper, the characteristics of wheat dough blended with SE-AP, including sedimentation values, pasting properties, and farinographic features were measured; the textural properties and sensory evaluation of the blended biscuits were analyzed. The results showed that the sedimentation values of wheat dough gradually...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation amongst Patients with Facial Dermatoses (Acne, Rosacea, Perioral Dermatitis, and Folliculitis) in Lithuania
Background/Objective: Skin diseases, especially those with visible manifestation, are considered to cause a major influence on global mental health. Therefore, we determined the prevalence and severity of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation in a large sample of patients with facial dermatoses, namely acne, rosacea, folliculitis, and perioral dermatitis. Methods: The mental health of patients with facial dermatoses and respective controls was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression...
DRM : Last 10 articles
Fiber consumption and breast cancer incidence: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of prospective studies
Background Associations between fiber intake and breast cancer risk have been evaluated in prospective studies, but overall, the evidence is inconsistent. The authors performed a systematic review and meta‐analysis of prospective studies to investigate the relation between intake of total and types of fiber with breast cancer incidence. Methods The MEDLINE and Excerpta Medica dataBASE (EMBASE) databases were searched through July 2019 for prospective studies that reported on the association...
Topical pilocarpine for xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy.
Related ArticlesTopical pilocarpine for xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy. Oral Dis. 2020 Apr 05;: Authors: de Sousa Pereira RM, Bastos MDR, Ferreira MP, de Freitas O, de Macedo LD, de Oliveira HF, Ricz HMA, Motta ACF, Macedo AP, Tirapelli C, Pedrazzi V Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a pilocarpine spray as a treatment for xerostomia in patients treated with radiotherapy (RT) for head and neck cancer (HNC)....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Flavor education and training in olfactory dysfunction: a pilot study.
Related ArticlesFlavor education and training in olfactory dysfunction: a pilot study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 04;: Authors: Besser G, Oswald MM, Liu DT, Renner B, Mueller CA Abstract PURPOSE: Olfactory training is recommended in olfactory dysfunction (OD) showing promising results. OD patients frequently ask for training modifications in the hope of a better outcome. Also, a lack of knowledge of the flavor system is evident. This investigation...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Correction to: Magnetic resonance imaging features of the superior cervical ganglion and expected changes after radiation therapy to the head and neck in a long-term follow-up.
Related ArticlesCorrection to: Magnetic resonance imaging features of the superior cervical ganglion and expected changes after radiation therapy to the head and neck in a long-term follow-up. Neuroradiology. 2020 Apr 05;: Authors: Ravanelli M, Tononcelli E, Leali M, Buffa I, Loke SC, Karandikar A, Chokkappan K, Yue GOC, Goh JPN, Tan TY, Farina D Abstract In the article "Magnetic resonance imaging features of the superior cervical ganglion and expected...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Impact of antibiotic use during curative treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancers with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Related ArticlesImpact of antibiotic use during curative treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancers with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Apr 02;131:9-15 Authors: Nenclares P, Bhide SA, Sandoval-Insausti H, Pialat P, Gunn L, Melcher A, Newbold K, Nutting CM, Harrington KJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Pre-clinical evidence suggests reduced efficacy of anticancer treatment in patients exposed to broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is hypothesised...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Deintensification of treatment for human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer: Current state and future directions.
Related ArticlesDeintensification of treatment for human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer: Current state and future directions. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 02;105:104652 Authors: Bigelow EO, Seiwert TY, Fakhry C Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV)-related oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer (OPSCC) has emerged as a distinct clinical entity of head and neck cancer with expected high survival. This recognition has led to the investigation of whether...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Clinical label-free biochemical and metabolic fluorescence lifetime endoscopic imaging of precancerous and cancerous oral lesions.
Related ArticlesClinical label-free biochemical and metabolic fluorescence lifetime endoscopic imaging of precancerous and cancerous oral lesions. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 02;105:104635 Authors: Duran-Sierra E, Cheng S, Cuenca-Martinez R, Malik B, Maitland KC, Lisa Cheng YS, Wright J, Ahmed B, Ji J, Martinez M, Al-Khalil M, Al-Enazi H, Jo JA Abstract INTRODUCTION: Incomplete head and neck cancer resection occurs in up to 85% of cases, leading to increased...
AA pubmed: head and neck

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