
Τετάρτη 29 Απριλίου 2020


IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3148: Host BAG3 Is Degraded by Pseudorabies Virus pUL56 C-Terminal 181L-185L and Plays a Negative Regulation Role during Viral Lytic Infection
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3148: Host BAG3 Is Degraded by Pseudorabies Virus pUL56 C-Terminal 181L-185L and Plays a Negative Regulation Role during Viral Lytic Infection International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093148 Authors: Chuang Lyu Wei-Dong Li Shu-Wen Wang Jin-Mei Peng Yong-Bo Yang Zhi-Jun Tian Xue-Hui Cai Bcl2-associated athanogene (BAG) 3, which is a chaperone-mediated selective autophagy protein, plays a pivotal role in modulating the life cycle...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3146: Designing Single-Molecule Magnets as Drugs with Dual Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Diabetic Effects
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3146: Designing Single-Molecule Magnets as Drugs with Dual Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Diabetic Effects International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093146 Authors: Arturo Navas Fatin Jannus Belén Fernández Javier Cepeda Marta Medina O’Donnell Luis Díaz-Ruiz Cristina Sánchez-González Juan Llopis José M. Seco E. Rufino-Palomares José Antonio Lupiáñez Santiago Gómez-Ruiz José Luis Quiles Maurizio Battino Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3144: Tyrosinase-Targeting Gallacetophenone Inhibits Melanogenesis in Melanocytes and Human Skin-Equivalents
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3144: Tyrosinase-Targeting Gallacetophenone Inhibits Melanogenesis in Melanocytes and Human Skin-Equivalents International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093144 Authors: Ji Young Lee Jooyun Lee Daejin Min Juewon Kim Hyoung-June Kim Kyoung Tai No Demands for safe depigmentation compounds are constantly increasing in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, since the numerous relevant compounds reported to date have shown undesirable...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3143: Changes in TRPV1-Mediated Physiological Function in Rats Systemically Treated with Capsaicin on The Neonate
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3143: Changes in TRPV1-Mediated Physiological Function in Rats Systemically Treated with Capsaicin on The Neonate International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093143 Authors: Keun-Yeong Jeong Capsaicin is the active component of chili peppers and is a hydrophobic, colorless, odorless, and crystalline to waxy compound. The transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is the capsaicin receptor channels that are involved in a variety of functions...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3145: Potent Inhibitory Effect of BJ-3105, a 6-Alkoxypyridin-3-ol Derivative, on Murine Colitis Is Mediated by Activating AMPK and Inhibiting NOX
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3145: Potent Inhibitory Effect of BJ-3105, a 6-Alkoxypyridin-3-ol Derivative, on Murine Colitis Is Mediated by Activating AMPK and Inhibiting NOX International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093145 Authors: Pallavi Gurung Sadan Dahal Prakash Chaudhary Diwakar Guragain Ujjwala Karmacharya Jung-Ae Kim Byeong-Seon Jeong Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic relapsing inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Biological therapeutics...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3142: Twin Research in the Post-Genomic Era: Dissecting the Pathophysiological Effects of Adversity and the Social Environment
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3142: Twin Research in the Post-Genomic Era: Dissecting the Pathophysiological Effects of Adversity and the Social Environment International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093142 Authors: Jonathan D. Turner Conchita D’Ambrosio Claus Vögele Martin Diewald The role of twins in research is evolving as we move further into the post-genomic era. With the re-definition of what a gene is, it is becoming clear that biological family members who...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3140: Induction of CEMIP in Chondrocytes by Inflammatory Cytokines: Underlying Mechanisms and Potential Involvement in Osteoarthritis
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3140: Induction of CEMIP in Chondrocytes by Inflammatory Cytokines: Underlying Mechanisms and Potential Involvement in Osteoarthritis International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093140 Authors: Takashi Ohtsuki Omer F. Hatipoglu Keiichi Asano Junko Inagaki Keiichiro Nishida Satoshi Hirohata In patients with osteoarthritis (OA), there is a decrease in both the concentration and molecular size of hyaluronan (HA) in the synovial fluid...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3141: Digital PCR: A Reliable Tool for Analyzing and Monitoring Hematologic Malignancies
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3141: Digital PCR: A Reliable Tool for Analyzing and Monitoring Hematologic Malignancies International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093141 Authors: Nicoletta Coccaro Giuseppina Tota Luisa Anelli Antonella Zagaria Giorgina Specchia Francesco Albano The digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) is considered to be the third-generation polymerase chain reaction (PCR), as it yields direct, absolute and precise measures of target sequences....
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3139: The Dark Side of Orchid Symbiosis: Can Tulasnella calospora Decompose Host Tissues?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3139: The Dark Side of Orchid Symbiosis: Can Tulasnella calospora Decompose Host Tissues? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093139 Authors: Martino Adamo Matteo Chialva Jacopo Calevo Silvia De Rose Mariangela Girlanda Silvia Perotto Raffaella Balestrini Photosynthetic orchids associate with mycorrhizal fungi that can be mostly ascribed to the “rhizoctonia” species complex. Rhizoctonias’...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3138: Poly(lysine) Dendrimers Form Complexes with siRNA and Provide Its Efficient Uptake by Myeloid Cells: Model Studies for Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Delivery
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3138: Poly(lysine) Dendrimers Form Complexes with siRNA and Provide Its Efficient Uptake by Myeloid Cells: Model Studies for Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Delivery International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093138 Authors: Michał Gorzkiewicz Olga Kopeć Anna Janaszewska Małgorzata Konopka Elżbieta Pędziwiatr-Werbicka Irina I. Tarasenko Valeriy V. Bezrodnyi Igor M. Neelov Barbara Klajnert-Maculewicz The disruption of the cellular...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3137: Quantitative Assessment of Arthritis Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Using [11C]DPA-713 Positron Emission Tomography
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3137: Quantitative Assessment of Arthritis Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Using [11C]DPA-713 Positron Emission Tomography International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093137 Authors: Maqsood Yaqub Nicki J.F. Verweij Simone Pieplenbosch Ronald Boellaard Adriaan A. Lammertsma Conny J. van der Laken Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) should be started as early as possible to prevent destruction of bone and cartilage in...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3135: Regenerative Rehabilitation for Stroke Recovery by Inducing Synergistic Effects of Cell Therapy and Neurorehabilitation on Motor Function: A Narrative Review of Pre-Clinical Studies
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3135: Regenerative Rehabilitation for Stroke Recovery by Inducing Synergistic Effects of Cell Therapy and Neurorehabilitation on Motor Function: A Narrative Review of Pre-Clinical Studies International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093135 Authors: Akira Ito Naoko Kubo Nan Liang Tomoki Aoyama Hiroshi Kuroki Neurological diseases severely affect the quality of life of patients. Although existing treatments including rehabilitative therapy...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3136: Interactions of the Lysosomotropic Detergent O-Methyl-Serine Dodecylamide Hydrochloride (MSDH) with Lipid Bilayer Membranes—Implications for Cell Toxicity
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3136: Interactions of the Lysosomotropic Detergent O-Methyl-Serine Dodecylamide Hydrochloride (MSDH) with Lipid Bilayer Membranes—Implications for Cell Toxicity International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093136 Authors: Giraldo Eriksson Wennmalm Fyrner Ederth Öllinger O-methyl-serine dodecylamine hydrochloride (MSDH) is a detergent that accumulates selectively in lysosomes, a so-called lysosomotropic detergent, with unexpected...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3134: Targeting Mitochondrial Network Architecture in Down Syndrome and Aging
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3134: Targeting Mitochondrial Network Architecture in Down Syndrome and Aging International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093134 Authors: Nunzia Mollo Rita Cicatiello Miriam Aurilia Roberta Scognamiglio Rita Genesio Maria Charalambous Simona Paladino Anna Conti Lucio Nitsch Antonella Izzo Mitochondria are organelles that mainly control energy conversion in the cell. In addition, they also participate in many relevant...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3133: What Role Does CFTR Play in Development, Differentiation, Regeneration and Cancer?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3133: What Role Does CFTR Play in Development, Differentiation, Regeneration and Cancer? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093133 Authors: Margarida D. Amaral Margarida C. Quaresma Ines Pankonien One of the key features associated with the substantial increase in life expectancy for individuals with CF is an elevated predisposition to cancer, firmly established by recent studies involving large cohorts. With the recent advances...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3132: Restoring Mitochondrial Function While Avoiding Redox Stress: The Key to Preventing Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Machine Perfused Liver Grafts?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3132: Restoring Mitochondrial Function While Avoiding Redox Stress: The Key to Preventing Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Machine Perfused Liver Grafts? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093132 Authors: Julia Hofmann Giorgi Otarashvili Andras Meszaros Susanne Ebner Annemarie Weissenbacher Benno Cardini Rupert Oberhuber Thomas Resch Dietmar Öfner Stefan Schneeberger Jakob Troppmair Theresa Hautz Mitochondria...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3131: Novel Indole-Based Hydrazones as Potent Inhibitors of the α-class Carbonic Anhydrase from Pathogenic Bacterium Vibrio cholerae
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3131: Novel Indole-Based Hydrazones as Potent Inhibitors of the α-class Carbonic Anhydrase from Pathogenic Bacterium Vibrio cholerae International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093131 Authors: Kübra Demir-Yazıcı Özlen Güzel-Akdemir Andrea Angeli Claudiu T. Supuran Atilla Akdemir Due to the increasing resistance of currently used antimicrobial drugs, there is an urgent problem for the treatment of cholera disease, selective inhibition...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3130: The In Vitro Non-Tetramerizing ZapAI83E Mutant Is Unable to Recruit ZapB to the Division Plane In Vivo in Escherichia coli
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3130: The In Vitro Non-Tetramerizing ZapAI83E Mutant Is Unable to Recruit ZapB to the Division Plane In Vivo in Escherichia coli International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093130 Authors: Nils Y. Meiresonne Tanneke den Blaauwen Bacterial cell division is guided by filamenting temperature-sensitive Z (FtsZ) treadmilling at midcell. FtsZ itself is regulated by FtsZ-associated proteins (Zaps) that couple it to different cellular processes. Z-associated...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3129: Bisphenol a Exposure in Utero Disrupts Hypothalamic Gene Expression Particularly Genes Suspected in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neuron and Hormone Signaling
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3129: Bisphenol a Exposure in Utero Disrupts Hypothalamic Gene Expression Particularly Genes Suspected in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Neuron and Hormone Signaling International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093129 Authors: Anne D. Henriksen Alejandro Andrade Erin P. Harris Emilie F. Rissman Jennifer T. Wolstenholme Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine-disrupting compound detected in the urine of more than 92% of humans, easily crosses...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1290: An In Vivo Study in Rat Femurs of Bioactive Silicate Coatings on Titanium Dental Implants
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1290: An In Vivo Study in Rat Femurs of Bioactive Silicate Coatings on Titanium Dental Implants Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051290 Authors: Giulia Brunello Lisa Biasetto Hamada Elsayed Elia Sbettega Chiara Gardin Anna Scanu Simone Carmignato Barbara Zavan Stefano Sivolella Silica-based ceramics have been proposed for coating purposes to enhance dental and orthopedic titanium (Ti) implant bioactivity. The aim of this study was...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1289: Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference with All-Cause Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1289: Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference with All-Cause Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051289 Authors: Chang Seong Kim Kyung-Do Han Hong Sang Choi Eun Hui Bae Seong Kwon Ma Soo Wan Kim In this study based on a large nationally representative sample of Korean adults, we investigated the potential associations of the body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) with mortality in...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1287: Calciprotein Particles and Serum Calcification Propensity: Hallmarks of Vascular Calcifications in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1287: Calciprotein Particles and Serum Calcification Propensity: Hallmarks of Vascular Calcifications in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051287 Authors: Silaghi Ilyés Van Ballegooijen Crăciun Cardiovascular complications are one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide and are strongly associated with atherosclerosis and vascular calcification (VC). Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1286: Compliance of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment with the Atrial Fibrillation Better Care (ABC) Pathway Improves the Clinical Outcomes in the Middle East Population: A Report from the Gulf Survey of Atrial Fibrillation Events (SAFE) Registry
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1286: Compliance of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment with the Atrial Fibrillation Better Care (ABC) Pathway Improves the Clinical Outcomes in the Middle East Population: A Report from the Gulf Survey of Atrial Fibrillation Events (SAFE) Registry Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051286 Authors: Jakub Gumprecht Magdalena Domek Marco Proietti Yan-Guang Li Nidal Asaad Wafa Rashed Alawi Alsheikh-Ali Mohammad Zubaid Gregory Y. H. Lip Atrial...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1288: Early Postoperative Death in Patients Undergoing Emergency High-Risk Surgery: Towards a Better Understanding of Patients for Whom Surgery May Not Be Beneficial
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1288: Early Postoperative Death in Patients Undergoing Emergency High-Risk Surgery: Towards a Better Understanding of Patients for Whom Surgery May Not Be Beneficial Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051288 Authors: Aggarwal Broughton Williams Peden Quiney The timing, causes, and quality of care for patients who die after emergency laparotomy have not been extensively reported. A large database of 13,953 patients undergoing emergency laparotomy,...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1285: Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Protein Glycooxidation and Nitrosative Stress in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1285: Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Protein Glycooxidation and Nitrosative Stress in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051285 Authors: Maciejczyk Szulimowska Taranta-Janusz Wasilewska Zalewska This study is the first to evaluate protein glycooxidation products, lipid oxidative damage and nitrosative stress in non-stimulated (NWS) and stimulated whole saliva (SWS) of children with chronic kidney disease...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1284: Current Concepts on the Reno-Protective Effects of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors in Acute Kidney Injury: Systematic Search and Review
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1284: Current Concepts on the Reno-Protective Effects of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors in Acute Kidney Injury: Systematic Search and Review Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051284 Authors: Georgiadis Zisis Docea Tsarouhas Fragkiadoulaki Mavridis Karavitakis Stratakis Stylianou Tsitsimpikou Calina Sofikitis Tsatsakis Mamoulakis Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with increased morbidity, prolonged...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1283: The Effect of a Virtual Reality-Based Intervention Program on Cognition in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Control Trial
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1283: The Effect of a Virtual Reality-Based Intervention Program on Cognition in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Control Trial Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051283 Authors: Ngeemasara Thapa Hye Jin Park Ja-Gyeong Yang Haeun Son Minwoo Jang Jihyeon Lee Seung Wan Kang Kyung Won Park Hyuntae Park This study aimed to investigate the association between a virtual reality (VR) intervention program and cognitive,...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1282: Group IIA Secretory Phospholipase A2 Predicts Graft Failure and Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients by Mediating Decreased Kidney Function
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1282: Group IIA Secretory Phospholipase A2 Predicts Graft Failure and Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients by Mediating Decreased Kidney Function Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051282 Authors: Wijtske Annema Jan Freark de Boer Arne Dikkers Lidiya G. Dimova Markus van der Giet Stephan J.L. Bakker Uwe J.F. Tietge The acute phase protein group IIA secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2-IIA) has intrinsic proatherosclerotic properties. The...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1281: Luteinizing Hormone Levels Relate to the Unfavorable Pathology of Prostate Cancer
JCM, Vol. 9, Pages 1281: Luteinizing Hormone Levels Relate to the Unfavorable Pathology of Prostate Cancer Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm9051281 Authors: Se Young Choi Byung Hoon Chi Wonchul Lee Bumjin Lim Dalsan You Choung-Soo Kim Purpose: This study analyzed the association between sex hormone concentrations and stage/condition in patients with prostate cancer. Materials and methods: The concentrations of sex hormones, including testosterone (total, free,...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JoF, Vol. 6, Pages 57: Loss of Kex2 Affects the Candida albicans Cell Wall and Interaction with Innate Immune Cells
JoF, Vol. 6, Pages 57: Loss of Kex2 Affects the Candida albicans Cell Wall and Interaction with Innate Immune Cells Journal of Fungi doi: 10.3390/jof6020057 Authors: Manuela Gómez-Gaviria Nancy E. Lozoya-Pérez Monika Staniszewska Bernardo Franco Gustavo A. Niño-Vega Hector M. Mora-Montes The secretory pathway in Candida albicans involves the protein translocation into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and transport to the Golgi complex, where proteins undergo posttranslational...
Journal of Fungi
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
JPM, Vol. 10, Pages 32: Deficits in Mitochondrial Spare Respiratory Capacity Contribute to the Neuropsychological Changes of Alzheimer’s Disease
JPM, Vol. 10, Pages 32: Deficits in Mitochondrial Spare Respiratory Capacity Contribute to the Neuropsychological Changes of Alzheimer’s Disease Journal of Personalized Medicine doi: 10.3390/jpm10020032 Authors: Simon M. Bell Matteo De Marco Katy Barnes Pamela J. Shaw Laura Ferraiuolo Daniel J. Blackburn Heather Mortiboys Annalena Venneri Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is diagnosed using neuropsychological testing, supported by amyloid and tau biomarkers and...
Journal of Personalized Medicine
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Life, Vol. 10, Pages 54: The Nitrogen Stress-Repressed sRNA NsrR1 Regulates Expression of all1871, a Gene Required for Diazotrophic Growth in Nostoc sp. PCC 7120
Life, Vol. 10, Pages 54: The Nitrogen Stress-Repressed sRNA NsrR1 Regulates Expression of all1871, a Gene Required for Diazotrophic Growth in Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 Life doi: 10.3390/life10050054 Authors: Isidro Álvarez-Escribano Manuel Brenes-Álvarez Elvira Olmedo-Verd Agustín Vioque Alicia M. Muro-Pastor Small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) are post-transcriptional regulators of bacterial gene expression. In cyanobacteria, the responses to nitrogen availability, that are mostly controlled...
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Medicines, Vol. 7, Pages 24: Emerging Research in Chronic Pruritus: From Bedside to Bench and Back Again
Medicines, Vol. 7, Pages 24: Emerging Research in Chronic Pruritus: From Bedside to Bench and Back Again Medicines doi: 10.3390/medicines7050024 Authors: Kyle A. Williams Shawn G. Kwatra This Medicines special issue highlights emerging research spanning from epidemiology to diagnostic workup, pathogenesis, and therapeutics for patients suffering from chronic pruritus. The special issue contains 13 articles reporting relevant epidemiologic and experimental data on chronic pruritus.
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 87: Transport Properties and Mechanical Features of Sulfonated Polyether Ether Ketone/Organosilica Layered Materials Nanocomposite Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 87: Transport Properties and Mechanical Features of Sulfonated Polyether Ether Ketone/Organosilica Layered Materials Nanocomposite Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications Membranes doi: 10.3390/membranes10050087 Authors: Simari Enotiadis Nicotera In this work, we study the preparation of new sulfonated polyether ether ketone (sPEEK) nanocomposite membranes, containing highly ionic silica layered nanoadditives, as a low cost and efficient proton exchange...
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 86: Strongly Selective Polymer Membranes Modified with Heteroarm Stars for the Ethylene Glycol Dehydration by Pervaporation
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 86: Strongly Selective Polymer Membranes Modified with Heteroarm Stars for the Ethylene Glycol Dehydration by Pervaporation Membranes doi: 10.3390/membranes10050086 Authors: Rostovtseva Pulyalina Rudakova Vinogradova Polotskaya Hybrid membranes based on poly (2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) modified with heteroarm stars (HAS) were developed to separate ethylene glycol/water mixtures by pervaporation. The HAS consist of a small branching center...
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 85: Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Nanofiltration—a Case Study on the Anodizing Industry
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 85: Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Nanofiltration—a Case Study on the Anodizing Industry Membranes doi: 10.3390/membranes10050085 Authors: Ali Nymann Christensen Quist-Jensen The anodizing industry generates several alkaline and acidic wastewater streams often with high concentrations of heavy metals. In this study, nanofiltration (NF) was used to treat wastewater from individual baths, i.e., wastewater from color rinse, alkaline pickling rinse,...
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 178: Profiling of Chlorogenic Acids from Bidens pilosa and Differentiation of Closely Related Positional Isomers with the Aid of UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS-Based In-Source Collision-Induced Dissociation
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 178: Profiling of Chlorogenic Acids from Bidens pilosa and Differentiation of Closely Related Positional Isomers with the Aid of UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS-Based In-Source Collision-Induced Dissociation Metabolites doi: 10.3390/metabo10050178 Authors: Ramabulana Steenkamp Madala Dubery Bidens pilosa is an edible herb from the Asteraceae family which is traditionally consumed as a leafy vegetable. B. pilosa has many bioactivities owing to its diverse phytochemicals,...
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 176: Challenging a “Cushy” Life: Potential Roles of Thermogenesis and Adipose Tissue Adaptations in Delayed Aging of Ames and Snell Dwarf Mice
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 176: Challenging a “Cushy” Life: Potential Roles of Thermogenesis and Adipose Tissue Adaptations in Delayed Aging of Ames and Snell Dwarf Mice Metabolites doi: 10.3390/metabo10050176 Authors: Valencak Spenlingwimmer Nimphy Reinisch Hoffman Prokesch Laboratory mouse models with genetically altered growth hormone (GH) signaling and subsequent endocrine disruptions, have longer lifespans than control littermates. As such, these mice are commonly...
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 177: Biochemical Characteristics and a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of an Indian Euryhaline Cyanobacterium with High Polyglucan Content
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 177: Biochemical Characteristics and a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of an Indian Euryhaline Cyanobacterium with High Polyglucan Content Metabolites doi: 10.3390/metabo10050177 Authors: Ahmad Ahmad Ruchi Pathania Shireesh Srivastava Marine cyanobacteria are promising microbes to capture and convert atmospheric CO2 and light into biomass and valuable industrial bio-products. Yet, reports on metabolic characteristics of non-model cyanobacteria are scarce....
Wed Apr 29, 2020 03:00

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