
Δευτέρα 27 Απριλίου 2020


Emergence of a multidrug-resistant ST 27 <i>Escherichia coli</i> co-harboring <i>bla</i><sub>NDM-1</sub>, <i>mcr-1,</i> and <i>fosA3</i> from a patient in China
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - science feeds
Mon Apr 27, 2020 03:00
Intraoperative use of optical coherence tomography to differentiate normal and diseased thyroid and parathyroid tissues from lymph node and fat
Abstract The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to determine the feasibility of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to differentiate normal and diseased tissue of the neck region intraoperatively and (2) to evaluate how accurately a cohort of test subjects can identify various tissue types when shown a sample set of OCT images. In this in vivo, prospective, single institutional study, an OCT imaging system (Niris, Imalux, Cleveland, OH) was used to image parathyroid, thyroid,...
Mon Apr 27, 2020 03:00
Exploring the effects of deep brain stimulation and vision on tremor in Parkinson’s disease - benefits from objective methods
Tremor is a cardinal symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD) that may cause severe disability. As such, objective methods to determine the exact characteristics of the tremor may improve the evaluation of therapy....
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation - Latest Articles
Sat Apr 25, 2020 03:00
Immediate and long-term effects of BCI-based rehabilitation of the upper extremity after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A substantial number of clinical studies have demonstrated the functional recovery induced by the use of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology in patients after stroke. The objective of this review is to e...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation - Latest Articles
Sat Apr 25, 2020 03:00
miR-615-3p promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis of breast cancer by targeting PICK1/TGFBRI axis
Increasing evidence indicates that epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) can be regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). miR-615-3p was shown to be involved in tumor development. However, the role of miR-615-3p in t...
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research - Latest Articles
Sun Apr 26, 2020 03:00
11β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1: a new marker for predicting response to immune-checkpoint blockade therapy in non-small-cell lung carcinoma
Mon Apr 27, 2020 02:03
Trends in cervical cancer incidence in sub-Saharan Africa
Mon Apr 27, 2020 02:03
Pregnancy-related risk factors for sex cord-stromal tumours and germ cell tumours in parous women: a registry-based study
Mon Apr 27, 2020 02:03
LncRNA-HNF1A-AS1 functions as a competing endogenous RNA to activate PI3K/AKT signalling pathway by sponging miR-30b-3p in gastric cancer
Mon Apr 27, 2020 02:03
Clinically high-risk breast cancer displays markedly discordant molecular risk predictions between the MammaPrint and EndoPredict tests
Mon Apr 27, 2020 02:03
Targeted therapy for mTORC1-driven tumours through HDAC inhibition by exploiting innate vulnerability of mTORC1 hyper-activation
Mon Apr 27, 2020 02:03
11β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1: a new marker for predicting response to immune-checkpoint blockade therapy in non-small-cell lung carcinoma
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 27 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0837-311β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1: a new marker for predicting response to immune-checkpoint blockade therapy in non-small-cell lung carcinoma
Mon Apr 27, 2020 01:54
Pregnancy-related risk factors for sex cord-stromal tumours and germ cell tumours in parous women: a registry-based study
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 27 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0849-zPregnancy-related risk factors for sex cord-stromal tumours and germ cell tumours in parous women: a registry-based study
Mon Apr 27, 2020 01:54
Targeted therapy for mTORC1-driven tumours through HDAC inhibition by exploiting innate vulnerability of mTORC1 hyper-activation
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 27 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0839-1Targeted therapy for mTORC1-driven tumours through HDAC inhibition by exploiting innate vulnerability of mTORC1 hyper-activation
Mon Apr 27, 2020 01:54
Clinically high-risk breast cancer displays markedly discordant molecular risk predictions between the MammaPrint and EndoPredict tests
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 27 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0838-2Clinically high-risk breast cancer displays markedly discordant molecular risk predictions between the MammaPrint and EndoPredict tests
Mon Apr 27, 2020 01:54
Trends in cervical cancer incidence in sub-Saharan Africa
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 27 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0831-9Trends in cervical cancer incidence in sub-Saharan Africa
Mon Apr 27, 2020 01:54
LncRNA-HNF1A-AS1 functions as a competing endogenous RNA to activate PI3K/AKT signalling pathway by sponging miR-30b-3p in gastric cancer
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 27 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0836-4LncRNA-HNF1A-AS1 functions as a competing endogenous RNA to activate PI3K/AKT signalling pathway by sponging miR-30b-3p in gastric cancer
Mon Apr 27, 2020 01:54
Letter to the editor: Evaluating the effectiveness of plastic surgery simulation training for undergraduate medical students1
We read with interest the recent correspondence regarding the effectiveness of plastic surgery simulation for training undergraduate medical students. We are in wholehearted agreement with the statement regarding medical school curricula lacking exposure to plastic surgery and commend the authors for their efforts to pique the interest of medical students in our specialty. We wish however to point out some vagueness that, unless clarified, could be misleading to your readership.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Sun Apr 26, 2020 03:00
Associations Between Teachers’ Autonomic Dysfunction and Voice Complaints
This investigation aimed to verify if there were any differences in autonomic nervous system function and voice parameters of teachers with and without voice complaints.
Journal of Voice
Sun Apr 26, 2020 03:00
Revisiting Sustained Phonation Time of /s/, /z/, and /a/
Research studies of maximum phonation time, have questioned its validity and value as a tool to assess laryngeal competence. This study proposes a fresh look at phonation time, from a different perspective. The interrelationships of the durations between semiocclusion vs. open vocal tract (/s/-/z/ vs. /a/) and voiced vs voiceless (/z/-/a/ vs. /s/) sound are examined to determine whether this approach might provide additional clinical insight into the respiratory phonatory efficiency of patients.
Journal of Voice
Sun Apr 26, 2020 03:00
LINC01128 resisted acute myeloid leukemia through regulating miR-4260/NR3C2
Cancer Biology & Therapy: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
Sun Apr 26, 2020 09:14
Sensory and motor responses after photobiomodulation associated with physiotherapy in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury: clinical, randomized trial
Abstract Complete or incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) results in permanent neurological deficits due to the interruption of nerve impulses, causing the loss of motor and sensory function, which leads to a reduction in quality of life. The focus of rehabilitation for such individuals is to improve quality of life and promote functional recovery. Photobiomodulation (PBM) has proved to be promising complementary treatment in cases of SCI. The aim of the present study was to investigate...
Sun Apr 26, 2020 03:00
Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Related ArticlesGlobal injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Inj Prev. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV, Fox JT, Hamilton EB, Liu Z, S Roberts NL, Sylte DO, Henry NJ, LeGrand KE, Abdelalim A, Abdoli A, Abdollahpour I, Abdulkader RS, Abedi A, Abosetugn AE, Abushouk AI, Adebayo OM, Agudelo-Botero M, Ahmad T, Ahmed R, Ahmed MB, Eddine Aichour MT, Alahdab F, Alamene GM, Alanezi FM, Alebel...
International Journal of Experimental Dental Science
Sun Apr 26, 2020 16:14
[A confusing tumor of the thyroid].
Related Articles[A confusing tumor of the thyroid]. Ann Pathol. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Yakoub S, Bani MA, Chelly B, Azzouz H, Besbes G, Haouet S PMID: 32331812 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Sun Apr 26, 2020 15:54
Hydroxychloroquine and "off-label" utilization in the treatment of oral conditions.
Related ArticlesHydroxychloroquine and "off-label" utilization in the treatment of oral conditions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Brown R PMID: 32331804 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
oral surg oral med
Sun Apr 26, 2020 15:33
human physiology; +16 new citations
16 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: human physiology These pubmed results were generated on 2020/04/26PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Human physiology
Sun Apr 26, 2020 15:17
Rhinology Future Debates 2018, a EUFOREA Report.
Related ArticlesRhinology Future Debates 2018, a EUFOREA Report. Rhinology. 2020 Apr 25;: Authors: Prokopakis E, Vardouniotis A, Bachert C, Bousquet J, Carrie S, Castelnuevo P, Constantinidis J, Fokkens W, Hopkins C, Leunig A, Molteni G, Mullol J, Scadding G, Marien G, Doulaptsi M, Hellings P Abstract The third Rhinology Future Debates was organized by the European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airways diseases (EUFOREA) in 2018 in...
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:54
"U-Sniff" - the international odor identification test for children: an extension of its normative database and study of global reliability.
Related Articles"U-Sniff" - the international odor identification test for children: an extension of its normative database and study of global reliability. Rhinology. 2020 Apr 25;: Authors: Zou L, Dworschak A, Alizadeh R, Kamrava SK, Alwashahi M, Bock MA, Boesveldt S, Singh B, Brusevold I, Voznessenskaya V, Hummel T, Schriever VA Abstract BACKGROUND: To extend the previous study by Schriever and colleagues from 2018 providing normative data and re-investigating...
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:54
Feeding and Swallowing Problems in Infants with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1: an Observational Study.
Related ArticlesFeeding and Swallowing Problems in Infants with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1: an Observational Study. J Neuromuscul Dis. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: van der Heul AMB, Cuppen I, Wadman RI, Asselman F, Schoenmakers MAGC, van de Woude DR, Gerrits E, van der Pol WL, van den Engel-Hoek L Abstract BACKGROUND: Infantile hereditary proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 1 is characterized by onset in the first 6 months of life and severe...
swallowing exercises
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:35
Rufinamide as add-on therapy in children with epileptic encephalopathies other than Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: A study of 34 patients.
Related ArticlesRufinamide as add-on therapy in children with epileptic encephalopathies other than Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: A study of 34 patients. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Apr 22;108:107074 Authors: Caraballo RH, Pociecha J, Reyes G, Espeche A, Galichio S, Fasulo L, Semprino M Abstract OBJECTIVE: Here, we present a multicenter series of patients with developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEE) and related electroclinical patterns (REP) other than...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Quality and denoising in real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback: A methods review.
Related ArticlesQuality and denoising in real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback: A methods review. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020 Apr 25;: Authors: Heunis S, Lamerichs R, Zinger S, Caballero-Gaudes C, Jansen JFA, Aldenkamp B, Breeuwer M Abstract Neurofeedback training using real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI-NF) allows subjects voluntary control of localised and distributed brain activity. It has sparked increased interest...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Recommendations for Deep Brain Stimulation Device Management During a Pandemic.
Related ArticlesRecommendations for Deep Brain Stimulation Device Management During a Pandemic. J Parkinsons Dis. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: Miocinovic S, Ostrem JL, Okun MS, Bullinger KL, Riva-Posse P, Gross RE, Buetefisch CM Abstract Most medical centers are postponing elective procedures and deferring non-urgent clinic visits to conserve hospital resources and prevent spread of COVID-19. The pandemic crisis presents some unique challenges for patients...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-antibody in children with focal seizures of undetermined cause.
Related ArticlesGlial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-antibody in children with focal seizures of undetermined cause. Acta Neurol Belg. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: Savaş M, Tzartos J, Küçükali Cİ, Dursun E, Karagiorgou K, Gezen-Ak D, Türkdoğan D, Papaconstantinou A, Başoğlu S, Hacıhafızoğlu N, Kutlubay B, Tzartos S, Tüzün E Abstract Anti-neuronal antibodies that are related with autoimmune encephalitis syndromes may also be found in children with new onset...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Gynecologic Management of Adolescents and Young Women With Seizure Disorders: ACOG Committee Opinion, Number 806.
Related ArticlesGynecologic Management of Adolescents and Young Women With Seizure Disorders: ACOG Committee Opinion, Number 806. Obstet Gynecol. 2020 May;135(5):e213-e220 Authors: Abstract Seizure disorders frequently are diagnosed and managed during adolescence; therefore, obstetrician-gynecologists who care for adolescents should be familiar with epilepsy and other seizure disorders, as well as antiepileptic drugs. Patients diagnosed with seizure...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Gynecologic Management of Adolescents and Young Women With Seizure Disorders: ACOG Committee Opinion Summary, Number 806.
Related ArticlesGynecologic Management of Adolescents and Young Women With Seizure Disorders: ACOG Committee Opinion Summary, Number 806. Obstet Gynecol. 2020 May;135(5):1242-1243 Authors: Abstract Seizure disorders frequently are diagnosed and managed during adolescence; therefore, obstetrician-gynecologists who care for adolescents should be familiar with epilepsy and other seizure disorders, as well as antiepileptic drugs. Patients diagnosed with...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Etiological assessment of status epilepticus.
Related ArticlesEtiological assessment of status epilepticus. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Valton L, Benaiteau M, Denuelle M, Rulquin F, Hachon Le Camus C, Hein C, Viguier A, Curot J Abstract Status epilepticus (SE) is a potentially serious condition that can affect vital and functional prognosis and requires urgent treatment. Etiology is a determining factor in the patient's functional outcome and in almost half of all cases justifies...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
Kv1.1 Channelopathies: Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches.
Related ArticlesKv1.1 Channelopathies: Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr 22;21(8): Authors: D'Adamo MC, Liantonio A, Rolland JF, Pessia M, Imbrici P Abstract Kv1.1 belongs to the Shaker subfamily of voltage-gated potassium channels and acts as a critical regulator of neuronal excitability in the central and peripheral nervous systems. KCNA1 is the only gene that has been associated with episodic ataxia...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
166 Post Market Rate of Seizures During TMS Treatment with NeuroStar® System Appears to Be Lower than Previously Estimated.
Related Articles166 Post Market Rate of Seizures During TMS Treatment with NeuroStar® System Appears to Be Lower than Previously Estimated. CNS Spectr. 2020 Apr;25(2):306 Authors: Janicak P, Heart K, McGugan B Abstract ABSTRACT: Objective: NeuroStar® Advanced Therapy System is a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device with FDA-clearance for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in adult patients who have failed to receive satisfactory...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32
130 Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Is It in Your Differential Diagnosis? Two Case Reports.
Related Articles130 Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Is It in Your Differential Diagnosis? Two Case Reports. CNS Spectr. 2020 Apr;25(2):282 Authors: Avery DK, Min JBD Abstract TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY: Is it in your differential diagnosis? Two Case Reports. OBJECTIVE: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE), also referred as Complex Partial Seizures, is a medical diagnosis that must be considered in the pediatric, adolescent, and adult population presenting for psychiatric...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Sun Apr 26, 2020 14:32

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