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Τετάρτη 29 Απριλίου 2020


Perinatal mental disorders in Switzerland: prevalence estimates and use of mental-health services
Perinatal mental disorders (PMDs) are the most common complication of pregnancy and the first postpartum year. Since PMD prevalence and use of mental-health services by perinatal women in Switzerland are unknown, we analysed existing health statistics.; We used statistics from a large health insurance company, hospitals and freelance midwives. We assessed the annual rates of mental-healthcare use in perinatal women (n = 13 969). We ascertained the annual rates of PMD treatment in obstetric inpatients...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Evolution of body weight parameters up to 3 years after solid organ transplantation: The prospective Swiss Transplant Cohort Study
Obesity and weight gain are serious concerns after solid organ transplantation (Tx); however, no unbiased comparison regarding body weight parameter evolution across organ groups has yet been performed. Using data from the prospective nationwide Swiss Transplant Cohort Study, we compared the evolution of weight parameters up to 3 years post-Tx in 1359 adult kidney (58.3%), liver (21.7%), lung (11.6%), and heart (8.4%) recipients transplanted between May 2008 and May 2012. Changes in mean weight and...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Können schriftliche Informationen oder eine Beratung (WOMAN-PRO II Programm) bei Frauen mit vulvären Neoplasien die Patientenzufriedenheit und den Versorgungsprozess verbessern? Sekundäre Outcomes einer multizentrischen randomisiert kontrollierten Studie
Hintergrund: Patientinnen mit vulvären Neoplasien berichten über Informationsmangel, fehlende Förderung des Selbstmanagements und Lücken im Versorgungsprozess. Fragestellung: Können schriftliche Informationen oder eine Beratung basierend auf dem WOMAN-PRO II Programm bei Frauen mit vulvären Neoplasien die Patientenzufriedenheit sowie den Versorgungsprozess aus Sicht des Behandlungspersonals verbessern? Methode: Die Patientenzufriedenheit und der Versorgungsprozess wurden innerhalb der multizentrischen...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Le datif et le génitif prépositionnels dans le latin mérovingien à travers l'étude des chartes des 7ème et 8ème siècles
This paper intends to investigate the development of the periphrastic form for the dative and genitive in the Merovingian charters. The periphrastic forms are reserved in Classical Latin to some special uses: the indirect object after a verb that has the prefix ad - and the partitive function of the genitive they replace. These forms extend to new uses in the Late Latin and are the new majoritarian form for the indirect object, but remain a minoritarian variant for the functions of the classical...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Fundraising und Governance
Fundraising wird vornehmlich als operative Aufgabe der Kommunikation und Generierung von Mitteln verstanden. Die strategische Verankerung von Fundraising in der Organisation und der Abgleich mit den Organisationszielen wird dagegen nur selten behandelt. Dieses Kapitel stellt eine Verbindung zwischen Governance und Fundraising her und zwar hinsichtlich der Rolle des Vorstandes im Fundraising sowie der Reduzierung möglicher Risiken bei der Annahme von Spenden.
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Jahrbuch der Hilfswerke 2019. Die Finanzen der Schweizer Nonprofit-Organisationen
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records
A comprehensive database of paleoclimate records is needed to place recent warming into the longer-term context of natural climate variability. We present a global compilation of quality-controlled, published, temperature-sensitive proxy records extending back 12,000 years through the Holocene. Data were compiled from 679 sites where time series cover at least 4000 years, are resolved at sub-millennial scale (median spacing of 400 years or finer) and have at least one age control point every 3000...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
What Protects Youth Residential Caregivers from Burning Out? A Longitudinal Analysis of Individual Resilience
Background: Professional caregivers are exposed to multiple stressors and have high burnout rates; however, not all individuals are equally susceptible. We investigated the association between resilience and burnout in a Swiss population of professional caregivers working in youth residential care. Methods: Using a prospective longitudinal study design, participants ( n = 159; 57.9% women) reported on burnout symptoms and sense of coherence (SOC), self-efficacy and self-care at four annual sampling...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
The quality of data collected online: An investigation of careless responding in a crowdsourced sample
Despite recent concerns about data quality, various academic fields rely increasingly on crowdsourced samples. Thus, the goal of this study was to systematically assess carelessness in a crowdsourced sample (N = 394) by applying various measures and detection methods. A Latent Profile Analysis revealed that 45.9% of the participants showed some form of careless behavior. Excluding these participants increased the effect size in an experiment included in the survey. Based on our findings, several...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Salient beliefs influencing the intention to consider Web Accessibility
Web Accessibility aims to provide usable web information and services to as many people as possible. Despite the availability of standards and the presence of legal obligations, Web Accessibility often remains unsatisfactory. Through a multi-step approach, the present study addresses the question of how web practitioners form their intention to consider Web Accessibility in the development process. Based on a systematic literature review, twelve main salient beliefs influencing the intention to consider...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
COSMO-BEP-Tree v1.0: a coupled urban climate model with explicit representation of street trees
Street trees are more and more regarded as an effective measure to reduce excessive heat in urban areas. However, the vast majority of mesoscale urban climate models do not represent street trees in an explicit manner and, for example, do not take the important effect of shading by trees into account. In addition, urban canopy models that take interactions of trees and urban fabrics directly into account are usually limited to the street or neighbourhood scale and hence cannot be used to analyse...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Health care Professionals' Experiences and Needs When Delivering End-of-Life Care to Children: A Qualitative Study
Pediatric end-of-life care (EOL care) entails challenging tasks for health care professionals (HCPs). Little is known about HCPs' experiences and needs when providing pediatric EOL care in Switzerland. This study aimed to describe the experiences and needs of HCPs in pediatric EOL care in Switzerland and to develop recommendations for the health ministry. The key aspect in EOL care provision was identified as the capacity to establish a relationship with the dying child and the family. Barriers to...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Over- and under-prophylaxis for chemotherapy-induced (febrile) neutropenia relative to evidence-based guidelines is associated with differences in outcomes: findings from the MONITOR-GCSF study
In the MONITOR-GCSF study of chemotherapy-induced (febrile) neutropenia with biosimilar filgrastim, 56.6% of patients were prophylacted according to amended EORTC guidelines, but 17.4% were prophylacted below and 26.0% above guideline recommendations.; MONITOR-GCSF is a prospective, observational study of 1447 evaluable patients from 140 cancers centers in 12 European countries treated with myelosuppressive chemotherapy for up to 6 cycles receiving biosimilar GCSF prophylaxis. Patients were classified...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Heart transplant centers with multidisciplinary team show a higher level of chronic illness management - Findings from the International BRIGHT Study
The objectives of this study were to: (1) explore the proportion of HTx centers that have a multidisciplinary team and (2) assess the relationship between multidisciplinarity and the level of chronic illness management (CIM).; The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) recommends a multidisciplinary approach in heart transplant (HTx) follow-up care but little is known regarding the proportion of HTx centers that meet this recommendation and the impact on patient care. HTx...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Change of sleep quality from pre- to 3 years post-solid organ transplantation: The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study
Poor sleep quality (SQ) is common after solid organ transplantation; however, very little is known about its natural history. We assessed the changes in SQ from pre- to 3 years post-transplant in adult heart, kidney, liver and lung recipients included in the prospective nation-wide Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. We explored associations with selected variables in patients suffering persistent poor SQ compared to those with good or variable SQ.; Adult single organ transplant recipients enrolled in...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Urban storage heat flux variability explored using satellite, meteorological and geodata
The storage heat flux (Δ Q S ) is the net flow of heat stored within a volume that may include the air, trees, buildings and ground. Given the difficulty of measurement of this important and large flux in urban areas, we explore the use of Earth Observation (EO) data. EO surface temperatures are used with ground-based meteorological forcing, urban morphology, land cover and land use information to estimate spatial variations of Δ Q S in urban areas using the Element Surface Temperature Method (ESTM)....
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Blacking out
The COVID-19 pandemic and the partial shutdown of the economy has highlighted the lack of measurements of economic activity that are available with a short lag and at high frequency. The consumption of electricity is a candidate for such a proxy.
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
ESPACOMP Medication Adherence Reporting Guidelines (EMERGE): a reactive-Delphi study protocol
Medication adherence is fundamental to achieving optimal patient outcomes. Reporting research on medication adherence suffers from some issues-including conceptualisation, measurement and data analysis-that thwart its advancement. Using the ABC taxonomy for medication adherence as the conceptual basis, a steering committee of members of the European Society for Patient Adherence, COMpliance, and Persistence (ESPACOMP) launched an initiative to develop ESPACOMP Medication Adherence Reporting Guidelines...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Kritik - Selbstaffirmation - Othering. Immanuel Kants Denken der Zweckmässigkeit und die koloniale Episteme
Die Rassentheorie, die Geschichtsphilosophie, die Ästhetik und die Naturteleologie haben eine Gemeinsamkeit: In all diesen Themengebieten entwickelte Immanuel Kant ein Denken der Zweckmässigkeit. Die Fokussierung auf diesen Strang macht eine Verbindung sichtbar, die von seinen frühen Schriften zu den unterschiedlichen »Rassen« der Menschen hin zur Kritik der Urteilskraft und damit zu seiner Selbstreflexion über die kritische Philosophie reicht. Karin Hostettler arbeitet das mit diesem Denken verbundene...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Handle with care: A systematic review on frailty in cardiac care and its usefulness in heart transplantation
There is growing consensus that frailty, a state of vulnerability and a decline in functioning across multiple physiological body systems, is a valuable criterion to guide clinicians' risk prediction for poor outcomes in adult transplant candidates. In its 2016 listing criteria for heart transplantation the International Society for Heart Lung Transplantation recommends frailty assessment. We aimed to summarize the usefulness of frailty assessment in heart transplant candidates or recipients reported...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Practical Recommendations for Long-term Management of Modifiable Risks in Kidney and Liver Transplant Recipients: A Guidance Report and Clinical Checklist by the Consensus on Managing Modifiable Risk in Transplantation (COMMIT) Group
Short-term patient and graft outcomes continue to improve after kidney and liver transplantation, with 1-year survival rates over 80%; however, improving longer-term outcomes remains a challenge. Improving the function of grafts and health of recipients would not only enhance quality and length of life, but would also reduce the need for retransplantation, and thus increase the number of organs available for transplant. The clinical transplant community needs to identify and manage those patient...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
How to introduce medical ethics at the bedside - Factors influencing the implementation of an ethical decision-making model
As the implementation of new approaches and procedures of medical ethics is as complex and resource-consuming as in other fields, strategies and activities must be carefully planned to use the available means and funds responsibly. Which facilitators and barriers influence the implementation of a medical ethics decision-making model in daily routine? Up to now, there has been little examination of these factors in this field.; A medical ethics decision-making model called METAP was introduced on...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Experiences of Antenatal Care Among Women Who Are Socioeconomically Deprived in High-Income Industrialized Countries: An Integrative Review
Socioeconomic deprivation in high-income industrialized countries is a key factor in poor perinatal outcomes. Limited access, utilization, and quality of antenatal care seem to play an important role in poor perinatal outcomes.; This integrative review aimed to explore experiences of antenatal care among women who are socioeconomically deprived in high-income industrialized countries. A search was conducted using 5 databases for articles published from 2004 to 2014. Six qualitative and 3 quantitative...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Der Wandel von Economic Citizenship im Zuge der europäischen Integration
Die Frage nach dem sozialen Gehalt der europäischen Integration ist nach wie vor ungeklärt. Während auf europäischer Ebene die zivilen und politischen Dimensionen von "Citizenship" gestärkt wurden, sind gerade hinsichtlich der ökonomischen und sozialen Rechte die Entwicklungen uneindeutig, widersprüchlich - und noch wenig erforscht. Der vorliegende Text überträgt Citizenship als zentrale Kategorie der Modernisierungstheorie auf die Erforschung der europäischen Integration. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Diverse roles of TssA-like proteins in the assembly of bacterial type VI secretion systems
Protein translocation by the bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) is driven by a rapid contraction of a sheath assembled around a tube with associated effectors. Here, we show that TssA-like or TagA-like proteins with a conserved N-terminal domain and varying C-terminal domains can be grouped into at least three distinct classes based on their role in sheath assembly. The proteins of the first class increase speed and frequency of sheath assembly and form a stable dodecamer at the distal end...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Role of FNA with core biopsy or cell block in patients with nodular lymphocyte‐predominant Hodgkin lymphoma
Background Nodular lymphocyte‐predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) represents a diagnostic challenge on surgical excisional or incisional biopsy. Classification is further challenging on fine needle aspiration (FNA) material accompanied by needle core and/or cell block biopsy (FNA+core/CB). Methods The authors studied all FNA+core/CB and surgical excisional or incisional biopsies to evaluate for lymphoma in patients who had a prior history of NLPHL or subsequent diagnosis of NLPHL over...
Cancer Cytopathology
High‐risk and intermediate‐high–risk results from the ThyroSeq v2 and v3 thyroid genomic classifier are associated with neoplasia: Independent performance assessment at an academic institution
Background The ThyroSeq panel tests for genetic alterations to risk‐stratify cytologically indeterminate nodules. The authors assessed the test performance of the tests, including the latest version (v3), at an academic center. Methods Results from ThyroSeq testing (v2 and v3) were reviewed over 2 years, and patient demographics, cytology diagnoses, results of ThyroSeq testing, and histopathologic diagnoses on resection (if available) were collected. Results One hundred eighty‐five...
Cancer Cytopathology
Scoring of PD‐L1 positivity: Are we analyzing enough cells?
Cancer Cytopathology
Reply to Scoring of PD‐L1 positivity: Are we analyzing enough cells?
Cancer Cytopathology
Circadian Influences of Diet on the Microbiome and Immunity
Publication date: Available online 28 April 2020Source: Trends in ImmunologyAuthor(s): Danping Zheng, Karina Ratiner, Eran Elinav
ScienceDirect Publication: Trends in Immunology
Characterization of Graphs with an Eigenvalue of Large Multiplicity
Let be a simple and undirected graph. The eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of are called the eigenvalues of . In this paper, we characterize all the -vertex graphs with some eigenvalue of multiplicity and , respectively. Moreover, as an application of the main result, we present a family of nonregular graphs with four distinct eigenvalues.
Advances in Mathematical Physics
Mechanism of Virus Attenuation by Codon Pair Deoptimization
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Nicole Groenke, Jakob Trimpert, Sophie Merz, Andelé M. Conradie, Emanuel Wyler, Hongwei Zhang, Orsalia-Georgia Hazapis, Sebastian Rausch, Markus Landthaler, Nikolaus Osterrieder, Dusan Kunec
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Control of Germinal Center Localization and Lineage Stability of Follicular Regulatory T Cells by the Blimp1 Transcription Factor
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Erxia Shen, Hardis Rabe, Lin Luo, Lei Wang, Qin Wang, Jie Yin, Xueying Yang, Wenquan Liu, Jessica M. Sido, Hidetoshi Nakagawa, Lin Ao, Hye-Jung Kim, Harvey Cantor, Jianmei W. Leavenworth
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Molecular Basis of Zinc-Dependent Endocytosis of Human ZIP4 Transceptor
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Chi Zhang, Dexin Sui, Tuo Zhang, Jian Hu
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Modulation of Peptidoglycan Synthesis by Recycled Cell Wall Tetrapeptides
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Sara B. Hernández, Tobias Dörr, Matthew K. Waldor, Felipe Cava
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Ensemble-Level Organization of Human Kinetochores and Evidence for Distinct Tension and Attachment Sensors
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Emanuele Roscioli, Tsvetelina E. Germanova, Christopher A. Smith, Peter A. Embacher, Muriel Erent, Amelia I. Thompson, Nigel J. Burroughs, Andrew D. McAinsh
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Id1 and Id3 Maintain Steady-State Hematopoiesis by Promoting Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell Survival and Regeneration
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Stephen Gadomski, Satyendra K. Singh, Shweta Singh, Tanmoy Sarkar, Kimberly D. Klarmann, Maximillian Berenschot, Steven Seaman, Brad Jakubison, Kristbjorn O. Gudmundsson, Stephen Lockett, Jonathan R. Keller
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Region-Specific Proteome Changes of the Intestinal Epithelium during Aging and Dietary Restriction
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Nadja Gebert, Chia-Wei Cheng, Joanna M. Kirkpatrick, Domenico Di Fraia, Jina Yun, Patrick Schädel, Simona Pace, George B. Garside, Oliver Werz, K. Lenhard Rudolph, Henri Jasper, Ömer H. Yilmaz, Alessandro Ori
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports
Rheb1-Independent Activation of mTORC1 in Mammary Tumors Occurs through Activating Mutations in mTOR
Publication date: 28 April 2020Source: Cell Reports, Volume 31, Issue 4Author(s): Bin Xiao, Dongmei Zuo, Alison Hirukawa, Robert D. Cardiff, Richard Lamb, Nahum Sonenberg, William J. Muller
ScienceDirect Publication: Cell Reports

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