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Δευτέρα 27 Απριλίου 2020


Protective effect of dapsone against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat.
Protective effect of dapsone against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2020 Apr 23;:1-8 Authors: Nezamoleslami S, Sheibani M, Jahanshahi F, Mumtaz F, Abbasi A, Dehpour AR Abstract Background: Ischemia/reperfusion can cause injury to tissues and compromise functionality of organs due to inflammatory processes. Significantly, development of these effects in kidney tissue has been a challenging issue that leads to...
Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology
Fri Apr 24, 2020 14:14
Recent advances in the management of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia: biosimilar granulocyte colony-stimulating factor use in Italy.
Related ArticlesRecent advances in the management of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia: biosimilar granulocyte colony-stimulating factor use in Italy. Future Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: Danova M, Pronzato P, Ingrasciotta Y, Antonuzzo A, Trama U, Tondini C, Bernardi FF Abstract During the National Congress of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology, which was held in Rome, Italy, October 2019, experts met to discuss advantages of febrile neutropenia...
Future Oncology.
Sat Apr 25, 2020 15:14
Real-world treatment patterns in patients with advanced (stage III-IV) ovarian cancer in the USA and Europe.
Related ArticlesReal-world treatment patterns in patients with advanced (stage III-IV) ovarian cancer in the USA and Europe. Future Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: Hall JP, Chang J, Moon R, Higson O, Byrne K, Doherty JP, Cappelleri JC Abstract Aim: To analyze real-world data relating to treatment decision-making in stage III-IV ovarian cancer (OC). Materials & methods: Real world data were collected from a survey of physicians and their patients (n = 2413)...
Future Oncology.
Sat Apr 25, 2020 15:14
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the management of cancer patients in Lebanon: a single institutional experience.
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the management of cancer patients in Lebanon: a single institutional experience. Future Oncol. 2020 Apr 23;: Authors: Kattan C, Badreddine H, Rassy E, Kourie HR, Kattan J PMID: 32323581 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Future Oncology.
Fri Apr 24, 2020 14:39
What the oncologist needs to know about COVID-19 infection in cancer patients.
What the oncologist needs to know about COVID-19 infection in cancer patients. Future Oncol. 2020 Apr 23;: Authors: Rassy E, Khoury-Abboud RM, Ibrahim N, Kattan C, Assi T, Kattan J PMID: 32323577 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Future Oncology.
Fri Apr 24, 2020 14:39
Phase I trial of the MET inhibitor tepotinib in Japanese patients with solid tumors.
Related ArticlesPhase I trial of the MET inhibitor tepotinib in Japanese patients with solid tumors. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: Shitara K, Yamazaki K, Tsushima T, Naito T, Matsubara N, Watanabe M, Sarholz B, Johne A, Doi T Abstract OBJECTIVES: Tepotinib (MSC2156119J) is an oral, potent and highly selective small molecule mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor (MET) inhibitor for which the recommended Phase II dose of 500 mg once daily...
pubmed: "jpn j clin oncol"[j...
Sat Apr 25, 2020 15:02
Impact of gender and employment type on job loss among cancer survivors.
Related ArticlesImpact of gender and employment type on job loss among cancer survivors. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;: Authors: Tsuchiya M, Horio Y, Funazaki H, Aogi K, Miyauchi K, Arai Y, Takahashi M Abstract OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with cancer-related job loss following cancer diagnosis. METHODS: A multicentre cross-sectional survey was conducted among adult cancer survivors employed at the time of cancer diagnosis. Hierarchical...
pubmed: "jpn j clin oncol"[j...
Sat Apr 25, 2020 15:02
Second transurethral resection for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients: a propensity score matched analysis.
Second transurethral resection for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients: a propensity score matched analysis. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Apr 23;: Authors: Matsushita Y, Watanabe K, Watanabe H, Tamura K, Motoyama D, Ito T, Sugiyama T, Otsuka A, Miyake H Abstract OBJECTIVES: Second transurethral resection is recommended for patients diagnosed with high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer; however, there have been several studies showing...
pubmed: "jpn j clin oncol"[j...
Fri Apr 24, 2020 13:11
Four versus six chemotherapy cycles in endometrial carcinoma with a high risk of recurrence: a retrospective study.
Four versus six chemotherapy cycles in endometrial carcinoma with a high risk of recurrence: a retrospective study. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Apr 23;: Authors: Mayama M, Asano H, Nomura E, Ihira K, Nozaki A, Kato T, Konno Y, Mitamura T, Kobayashi N, Takeda M, Kudo M, Watari H Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study compared the survival outcomes and the incidence of chemotherapy-related adverse events in endometrial cancer patients who received four and six cycles...
pubmed: "jpn j clin oncol"[j...
Fri Apr 24, 2020 13:11
Population Pharmacokinetics of Metoclopramide in Infants, Children, and Adolescents
ABSTRACT Metoclopramide is commonly used for gastroesphageal reflux. The aims of the present study were to develop a pediatric population pharmacokinetic (PopPK) model, which was applied to simulate the metoclopramide exposure following dosing used in clinical practice. Opportunistic pharmacokinetic (PK) data were collected from pediatric patients receiving enteral or parenteral metoclopramide per standard of care and these data were simultaneously fitted using NONMEM®. Allometric scaling with...
Clinical and Translational Science
Thu Apr 23, 2020 15:56
Beyond the Michaelis‐Menten: Accurate prediction of in vivo hepatic clearance for drugs with low KM
Abstract Clearance (CL) is the major pharmacokinetic parameter for evaluating systemic exposure of drugs in the body and thus for developing new drugs. To predict in vivo CL, the Vmax/KM ratio estimated from in vitro metabolism study has been widely used. This canonical approach is based on the Michaelis‐Menten equation, which is valid only when the KM value of a drug is much higher than the hepatic concentration of the enzymes, especially cytochrome P450, involved in its metabolism. Here we find...
Clinical and Translational Science
Thu Apr 23, 2020 15:54
Quality and access – Early experience of implementing a virtual stereotactic chart round across a national network
Abstract Introduction Stereotactic radiation therapy is a highly specialised technique which requires careful and structured implementation. As part of a national stereotactic programme implementation, protocols were developed and a national stereotactic chart round was formed, which strongly recommended attendance and presentation of all cases before treatment. Herein, we describe our experiences launching a national chart round and its importance in a stereotactic programme. Method...
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Thu Apr 23, 2020 18:59
Retrospective single‐centre experience on the effect of the DAWN trial on the utilisation pattern, diagnostic yield and accuracy of CT perfusions performed for suspected acute stroke
Abstract Introduction The recent DAWN trial created a paradigm shift in acute stroke treatment from ‘time‐based’ criteria (within 6 hours) to ‘tissue‐based’ criteria dependent on advanced neuroimaging such as CT perfusion (CTP). This has expanded the thrombectomy window from 6 to 24 hours and has major implications for healthcare providers involved in acute stroke management. Our aim is to characterise changes in the utilisation, diagnostic yield and accuracy of CTP in the diagnosis of acute...
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Thu Apr 23, 2020 18:59
Novel de novo 2q14.3 deletion disrupting CNTNAP5 in a girl with intellectual impairment, thin corpus callosum, and microcephaly
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:01
Further delineation of Basel‐Vanagaite‐Smirin‐Yosef syndrome: Report of three patients
Abstract Basel‐Vanagaite‐Smirin‐Yosef syndrome is a recently described autosomal recessive intellectual disability syndrome caused by variants in the MED25 gene. While it was originally identified in Brazil, it was further described in Israel by authors who are now the namesake of the condition. A 2018 publication further contributed to its delineation, but the patient's phenotype was complicated by a dual diagnosis. More recently, an article describing a set of affected siblings was published....
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Apr 23, 2020 15:58
Medical genetics education in the midst of the COVID‐19 pandemic: Shared resources
Abstract In the midst of the COVID‐19 pandemic, it is appropriate that our focus is on patient care and preparation. However, the genetics community is well poised to fill in the educational gap created by medical students transitioning to limiting patient contact, creation of telemedicine patient care, and online learning modules. Our history of agility in learning and teaching is now only inhibited by the time constraints of current clinical demands on the genetics community. This publication...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Apr 23, 2020 13:25
Moderators of the internal consistency of error‐related negativity scores: A meta‐analysis of internal consistency estimates
Abstract To ensure adequate reliability (i.e., internal consistency), it is common in studies using event‐related brain potentials (ERPs) to exclude participants for having too few trials. This practice is particularly relevant for error‐related ERPs, such as error‐related negativity (ERN), where the number of recorded ERN trials is not entirely under the researcher's control. Furthermore, there is a widespread practice of inferring reliability based on published psychometric research, which assumes...
Thu Apr 23, 2020 16:15
Neural correlations of the influence of self‐relevance on moral decision‐making involving a trade‐off between harm and reward
Abstract Although economists have suggested that humans generally prioritize maximizing their own self‐interest rather than others’ when distributing rewards, recent psychological studies have shown that people are hyperaltruistic when allocating physical harm to themselves and others during moral decision‐making. However, little is known about how the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying self‐relevance modulate this behavioral tendency under different degrees of physical harm. This study adopted...
Thu Apr 23, 2020 15:37
Renal cell carcinoma with isolated lymph node metastases should be reclassified as Stage IV
Fri Apr 24, 2020 15:54
Impact of pathologic lymph node–positive renal cell carcinoma on survival in patients without metastasis: Evidence in support of expanding the definition of stage IV kidney cancer
Background Stage III renal cell carcinoma (RCC) encompasses both lymph node–positive (pT1‐3N1M0) and lymph node–negative (pT3N0M0) disease. However, prior institutional studies have indicated that among patients with stage III disease, those with lymph node disease have worse oncologic outcomes and experience survival that is similar to that of patients with American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) stage IV disease. The objective of the current study was to validate these findings using a large,...
Fri Apr 24, 2020 15:53
Meeting the challenge of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease in patients with cancer
Thu Apr 23, 2020 16:04
Abstract Nowadays, medical doctors are fighting with new coronavirus, COVID‐19 problem in all countries. Corona means a circular crown, from the Latin word for “crown or garland”. We summarized corona associated some skin problems and also skin involvement like‐crown in dermatology. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Thu Apr 23, 2020 19:24
Clinical efficiency and patient preference of digital and conventional workflow for single implant crowns using immediate and regular digital impression: a meta‐analysis.
Abstract Objective To assess whether digital workflow gives better results than the conventional one in the single implant crowns, when analyzing the impression time, patient preference, time‐efficiency, and adjustment time. Material and methods MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane were searched and supplemented via hand search up to June 19, 2019. Only clinical trials assessing conventional vs. digital workflows for single implant crowns were included. Impression time was evaluated using...
Clinical Oral Implants Research
Thu Apr 23, 2020 20:21
Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility
The first reported case of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the United States was diagnosed in a resident of Snohomish County, Washington, on January 20, 2020. In late February, an outbreak was identified in a skilled nursing facility in neighboring King County; morbidity and mortality among…
NEJM : Research
Fri Apr 24, 2020 03:00
Functional Oral Health‐Related Quality of Life Impact: A Systematic Review in Populations with Tooth Loss
Abstract Patients perceive the impact of oral disorder in four major areas, the dimensions of oral health‐related quality life (OHRQoL) Oral Function, Orofacial Pain, Orofacial Appearance, and Psychosocial Impact. The functional aspect is essential given the need of chewing, biting, speech, and swallowing. The objective of this study was to identify OHRQoL information for dental subjects with functional oral health problems. In a systematic review, distinct and clinically relevant groups of dental...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Fri Apr 24, 2020 16:00
Daytime Masticatory Muscle Electromyography Biofeedback Regulates the Phasic Component of Sleep Bruxism
Abstract Background Electromyography (EMG) biofeedback (BF) training is potentially an effective cognitive‐behavioral approach to regulate bruxism. Objective This study examined sleep bruxism regulation by daytime clenching control using a single‐channel auditory EMG BF device. Methods Seventeen male subjects (mean age, 24.4 ± 3.1 years; mean ± SD) with self‐reported awake/sleep bruxism were recruited and divided into a BF (n = 10) and a control (CO) group (n = 7). All...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Thu Apr 23, 2020 20:58
Methodological considerations when measuring oral health‐related quality of life
Abstract Background Dental patient‐reported outcomes (dPROs) and their measures, dPROMs, are fundamental for evidence‐based dentistry. However when selecting, applying, and evaluating an instrument with a focus on OHRQoL assessment for adults, several methodological considerations are essential to derive valid and meaningful results. Methods In this review article, criteria for selecting the appropriate OHRQoL instrument, aspects of administering the instrument, and how to evaluate...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:10
Mild or Moderate Covid-19
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri Apr 24, 2020 07:04
Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri Apr 24, 2020 07:02
Covid-19 and Kidney Transplantation
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri Apr 24, 2020 07:01
Asymptomatic Transmission, the Achilles’ Heel of Current Strategies to Control Covid-19
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri Apr 24, 2020 07:00
Transforming ORs into ICUs
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri Apr 24, 2020 07:00
Rural Matters — Coronavirus and the Navajo Nation
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri Apr 24, 2020 07:00
Photobiomodulation Therapy is Able to Modulate PGE2 Levels in Patients With Chronic Non‐Specific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Placebo‐Controlled Trial
Background and Objectives Non‐specific low back pain (LBP) is responsible for triggering increased biomarkers levels. In this way, photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) may be an interesting alternative to treat these patients. One of the possible biological mechanisms of PBMT involved to decrease pain intensity in patients with musculoskeletal disorders is modulation of the inflammatory mediators’ levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of PBMT compared with placebo on inflammatory...
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Fri Apr 24, 2020 19:24
Fractional Co2 Laser Treatment of the Vulva and Vagina and the Effect of Postmenopausal Duration on Efficacy
Background and Objectives More studies are needed to assess the long‐term safety profile and clinical outcomes of lasers and energy‐based devices to treat the symptoms associated with vulvovaginal atrophy. This study evaluated a series of three fractional CO2 laser treatments to the vulva and vagina with a 1‐year follow‐up in a postmenopausal population. Study Design/Materials and Methods In this prospective, self‐controlled, open‐label clinical study, 18 postmenopausal females with atrophic...
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Thu Apr 23, 2020 19:13
Sleep Disorders and Vascular Responsiveness in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Abstract Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic systemic inflammation. Half of the deaths of patients with RA are due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD), considered to be 1.5‐2.0 fold that in the general population. Patients with RA also experience poor sleep, which by itself is associated with endothelial dysfunction, CVD events and sudden death. Our aim was to study the mechanistic pathways and the correlations...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:49
REM sleep behaviour disorder in essential tremor: A polysomnographic study
Abstract Our objectives were to assess the prevalence of REM sleep behaviour disorder in patients with Essential Tremor, using video‐polysomnography and to compare REM sleep behaviour disorder features in essential tremor with those of patients with alpha‐synucleinopathies. Forty‐nine patients with essential tremor were screened with the REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder Screening Questionnaire. Patients scoring positive and those with spontaneous complaints of REM sleep behaviour disorder (n = 6) underwent...
Journal of Sleep Research
Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:58
Low‐dose aspirin and risk of gastric and oesophageal cancer: a population‐based study in the United Kingdom using The Health Improvement Network
ABSTRACT There is increasing interest regarding potential protective effects of low‐dose aspirin against various gastrointestinal cancers. We aimed to quantify the association between use of low‐dose aspirin and risk of gastric/oesophageal cancer using a population‐based primary care database in the UK. Between January 2005 and December 2015, we identified a cohort of 223 640 new users of low‐dose aspirin (75‐300 mg/day) and a matched cohort of non‐users at the start of follow‐up from The Health...
International Journal of Cancer
Fri Apr 24, 2020 22:20
Tailored Approach to Sleep Health Education (TASHE): a randomized controlled trial of a web-based application
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Ahead of Print.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:00

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