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Τετάρτη 29 Απριλίου 2020


Definition of excessive daytime sleepiness in the general population: Feeling sleepy relates better to sleep-related symptoms and quality of life than the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. Results from an epidemiological study.
Related ArticlesDefinition of excessive daytime sleepiness in the general population: Feeling sleepy relates better to sleep-related symptoms and quality of life than the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score. Results from an epidemiological study. J Sleep Res. 2019 12;28(6):e12852 Authors: Thorarinsdottir EH, Bjornsdottir E, Benediktsdottir B, Janson C, Gislason T, Aspelund T, Kuna ST, Pack AI, Arnardottir ES Abstract Many different subjective tools are being...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Sexual function and urinary incontinence complaints and other urinary tract symptoms of perimenopausal Turkish women.
Related ArticlesSexual function and urinary incontinence complaints and other urinary tract symptoms of perimenopausal Turkish women. Psychol Health Med. 2019 10;24(9):1111-1122 Authors: Bilgic D, Gokyıldız Surucu S, Kizilkaya Beji N, Yalcin O Abstract Urinary incontinence (UI) and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) which are quite common among women, have a significant level of impact on women's sexual function. Improving sexual function improves...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Ten-year time trends in mental and physical health correlates of weight/shape overvaluation.
Related ArticlesTen-year time trends in mental and physical health correlates of weight/shape overvaluation. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2019 09;27(5):531-540 Authors: Santana DD, Mitchison D, Griffiths S, Appolinario JC, da Veiga GV, Touyz S, Hay P Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationships between weight/shape overvaluation, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and functional role impairment (days out of role [DOR]) in the general population over...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Clinical Course and Impact of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Confined to the Knee.
Related ArticlesClinical Course and Impact of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Confined to the Knee. Pain Med. 2019 06 01;20(6):1178-1184 Authors: van Bussel CM, Stronks DL, Huygen FJPM Abstract OBJECTIVE: Although complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) of the knee is comparable to CRPS of the ankle/foot at time of diagnosis, no reports are available concerning the course of knee CRPS. Therefore, this study investigated the clinical course in terms of...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Developing and testing intervention theory by incorporating a views synthesis into a qualitative comparative analysis of intervention effectiveness.
Related ArticlesDeveloping and testing intervention theory by incorporating a views synthesis into a qualitative comparative analysis of intervention effectiveness. Res Synth Methods. 2019 Sep;10(3):389-397 Authors: Melendez-Torres GJ, Sutcliffe K, Burchett HED, Rees R, Thomas J Abstract Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) was originally developed as a tool for cross-national comparisons in macrosociology, but its use in evaluation and evidence synthesis...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Neurolaw today - A systematic review of the recent law and neuroscience literature.
Related ArticlesNeurolaw today - A systematic review of the recent law and neuroscience literature. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2019 Jul - Aug;65:101341 Authors: Chandler JA, Harrel N, Potkonjak T PMID: 29747879 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Forensic psychiatry and neurolaw: Description, developments, and debates.
Related ArticlesForensic psychiatry and neurolaw: Description, developments, and debates. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2019 Jul - Aug;65:101345 Authors: Meynen G Abstract Neuroscience produces a wealth of data on the relationship between brain and behavior, including criminal behavior. The research field studying the possible and actual impact of neuroscience on the law and legal practices, is called neurolaw. It is a new and rapidly developing domain of interdisciplinary...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
In defense of free will: Neuroscience and criminal responsibility.
Related ArticlesIn defense of free will: Neuroscience and criminal responsibility. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2019 Jul - Aug;65:101344 Authors: Nestor PG Abstract Is neuroscience the death of free will and if so, does this mean the imminent demise of the psycho-legal practices related to insanity and criminal responsibility? For many scholars of neuro-jurisprudence, recent advances in brain sciences suggesting that the perception of free will is merely illusory,...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Issue Information
Wound Repair and Regeneration
Cosmetics, Vol. 7, Pages 30: Age-Deterring and Skin Care Function of a Polyphenol Rich Sugarcane Concentrate
Cosmetics, Vol. 7, Pages 30: Age-Deterring and Skin Care Function of a Polyphenol Rich Sugarcane Concentrate Cosmetics doi: 10.3390/cosmetics7020030 Authors: Jin Ji Xin Yang Matthew Flavel Zenaida P. Shields Julian Neoh Mae-Ling Bowen Barry Kitchen Increasing evidence suggests that environmental stress, such as UV radiation, generates reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in skin cells, leading to histochemical changes including skin disorders and aging, hyper...
Cosmetics, Vol. 7, Pages 29: Controlled Release of Retinol in Cationic Co-Polymeric Nanoparticles for Topical Application
Cosmetics, Vol. 7, Pages 29: Controlled Release of Retinol in Cationic Co-Polymeric Nanoparticles for Topical Application Cosmetics doi: 10.3390/cosmetics7020029 Authors: Fabien Goudon Yohann Clément Lionel Ripoll Retinol is a compound used in many skin care formulations to act against skin conditions like acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and ichthyosis. While retinol is used as an active ingredient, its efficacy is limited by an extreme sensitivity to light and temperature. Retinol...
Anti COVID-19 Drugs: Need for More Clinical Evidence and Global Action
Abstract The World Health Organization (WHO) called the outbreak of coronavirus infectious disease-2019 (COVID-19) a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC). According to the WHO, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), currently there are no medicines or vaccines that have been claimed to be useful in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Several existing antiviral drugs, previously developed or used...
Advances in Therapy
Topical Delivery of Modified Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction (加味大承气汤) Using Low-Frequency Ultrasound Sonophoresis for Refractory Metastatic Malignant Bowel Obstruction: An Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical Trial
Abstract Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical delivery of modified Da-Cheng- Qi Decoction (加味大承气汤, MDCQD) by low-frequency ultrasound sonophoresis (LFUS) in patients with refractory metastatic malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) using an objective performance criteria (OPC) design. Methods Fifty patients with refractory metastatic...
Latest Results
Research on Function and Mechanism of Tai Chi on Cardiac Rehabilitation
Abstract With the increasing number of cardiovascular patients, more and more people are living with diseases. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an effective treatment and prevention measure for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which aims to relieve both psychological and physiological stress of CVD, reduce risk of death from CVD, improve cardiovascular function and patients' quality of life. Tai Chi is popular in China and mainly used as a daily leisure activity for the elderly to...
Latest Results
Chinese Medicine Treatment on Graft- Versus -Host Disease after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Abstract Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is the most common complication after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and also an important factor affecting the survival and quality of life in patients after transplantation. Currently, immunosuppressive therapy is commonly used for GVHD, but the curative effect is not ideal. How to effectively prevent and treat GVHD is one of the difficulties to be solved urgently in the field of transplantation. In this paper,...
Latest Results
Rethinking patient involvement in healthcare priority setting
Abstract With healthcare systems under pressure from scarcity of resources and ever‐increasing demand for services, difficult priority setting choices need to be made. At the same time, increased attention to patient involvement in a wide range of settings has given rise to the idea that those who are eventually affected by priority setting decisions should have a say in those decisions. In this paper, we investigate arguments for the inclusion of patient representatives in priority setting bodies...
The ethics of ectogenesis
Issue Information
Changes in cerebral perfusion following a 12‐month exercise and diet intervention
Abstract Overweight and obesity may damage the cerebrovascular architecture, resulting in a significant reduction in cerebral blood flow. To date, there have been few randomized clinical trials (RCT) examining whether obesity‐related reductions in cerebral blood flow could be modified by weight loss. Further, it is unknown whether the behavioral intervention strategy for weight loss (i.e., diet alone or diet combined with exercise) differentially influences cerebral blood flow in adults with overweight...
LncRNA HAGLR accelerates femoral neck fracture healing through negatively regulating miRNA-19a-3p
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to uncover the function of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) HAGLR in the healing process of femoral neck fracture and the underlying mechanism. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Expression levels of HAGLR, microRNA-19a-3p (miRNA-19a-3p) and TGFBR2 in fractured femoral neck tissues and adjacent normal tissues were detected by quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). Regulatory effects of HAGLR on viability, apoptosis, migration, and protein levels of BALP and Osteocalcin...
European Review
Inhibition of long non-coding RNA TSIX accelerates tibia fraction healing via binding and positively regulating the SOX6 expression
OBJECTIVE: Fragile fracture patients need to be treated with long-term fixation and the recovery process is slow. Several studies have shown that the fracture healing process is related to gene expression. We aimed to investigate the role of long chain non-coding RNA TSIX (lncRNA TSIX) on fracture healing after tibial fracture (TF) and explore the molecular mechanism underlying its action. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The male C57BL/6J mice were used to construct TF models and osteoblasts were used as...
European Review
LncRNA H19 inhibitor represses synovial cell proliferation and apoptosis in rats with rheumatoid arthritis via Notch signaling pathway
OBJECTIVE: To study the roles and underlying mechanisms of long non-coding ribonucleic acid (lncRNA) H19 in the synovial cell proliferation and apoptosis in rats with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into Control group and Model group. The rat model of RA was induced by using type II collagen in Model group. The primary synovial cells were isolated from the synovial tissues of the rats and were assigned into Control group,...
European Review
A meta-analysis of prognostic factors of osteosarcoma
OBJECTIVE: To systemically evaluate the factors influencing the prognosis of osteosarcoma.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case-control studies (sample size>100) investigating the factors influencing the prognosis of osteosarcoma published from 1st January 1980 to 1st February 2019 were searched in the databases, including PubMed, Embase, and CBM. The meta-analysis was conducted within the Review Manager 5.3 software.RESULTS: 22 studies were included. The 5-year overall survival (OS) of male patients was...
European Review
A pan-HER-targeted approach for recurrent or late-stage cervical cancer therapy: mechanisms, recent advances, and clinical prospects
OBJECTIVE: Over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein, along with gene amplification, is closely associated with recurrent cervical cancer and the disease’s advanced stages. Additionally, it can have a direct impact on the disease’s prognosis. The following are the members of the HER family: (i) EGFR/HER1; (ii) HER2; (iii) HER3; and (iv) HER4. Figure 1 shows its signalling pathway. The synergy between the members facilitates immune escape by tumour cells, which can lead...
European Review
Reduced long non-coding RNA PTENP1 contributed to proliferation and invasion via miR-19b/MTUS1 axis in patients with cervical cancer
OBJECTIVE: Many studies showed that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) may serve as prospective markers for patients with malignant cancers, including cervical cancer (CC). In this study, we mainly investigate the functions of lncRNA PTENP1 in the progression of human CC.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) was performed to detect expression levels of PTENP1, miR-19b and MTUS1 in CC tissues, the adjacent tissues and CC cell lines. The correlations between...
European Review
MicroRNA-489 targets XIAP to inhibit the biological progression of ovarian cancer via regulating PI3K/Akt signaling pathway and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
OBJECTIVE: Ovarian cancer (OC) is a deathful malignant tumor in women worldwide, and its poor prognosis mainly results from metastasis. Recently, microRNA (miRNA/miR) has been found to exert crucial functions in the progression of multiple tumors by affecting expressions of their targets. However, the biological roles and the potential mechanism of miR-489 in OC need further elucidation.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) was utilized to confirm the miR-489...
European Review
Effects of hsa_circ_0000711 expression level on proliferation and apoptosis of hepatoma cells
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of human serum albumin (hsa)_circular (circ)_0000711 in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Circular ribonucleic acids (circRNAs) are proven in numerous studies to play crucial role in tumor biology, but their roles in HCC remain unknown to a great extent.PATIENTS AND METHODS: The circRNA expression profile microarray was employed to screen differentially expressed circRNAs in tumor tissues and adjacent tissues from HCC patients, and Reverse Transcription-quantitative...
European Review
Recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma and non-classic adreno-genital syndrome
OBJECTIVE: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common fatal cancer in the world and androgens are among the possible etiological factors. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of inherited diseases caused by enzyme failure in the steroid biosynthesis of the adrenal cortex, resulting in an augmented 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione and testosterone production. While the occurrence of testicular adrenal rest tumors and adrenocortical tumors in congenital adrenal hyperplasia...
European Review
LncRNA NEAT1 regulates proliferation, apoptosis and invasion of liver cancer
OBJECTIVE: The occurrence and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a multi-step complex process and the exact molecular mechanisms remain to be elucidated. LncRNA NEAT1 is involved in tumorigenesis and progression. However, the role of LncRNA NEAT1 in HCC remains unclear.PATIENTS AND METHODS: The tumor tissues and adjacent tissues of HCC patients were collected and LncRNA NEAT1 expression was detected by Real time PCR. The hepatoma cell line HepG2 was cultured and transfected with lnc...
European Review
Integration of nano‐ and biotechnology for beta‐cell and islet transplantation in type‐1 diabetes treatment
Abstract Regenerative medicine using human or porcine β‐cells or islets has an excellent potential to become a clinically relevant method for the treatment of type‐1 diabetes. High‐resolution imaging of the function and faith of transplanted porcine pancreatic islets and human stem cell–derived beta cells in large animals and patients for testing advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) is a currently unmet need for pre‐clinical/clinical trials. The iNanoBIT EU H2020 project is developing novel...
Cell Proliferation
Innovations in environmental bioprocesses for sustainable development
Latest Results
Issue Information
Clinical Endocrinology
Instructions for authors
Clinical Endocrinology
Cover page
Clinical Endocrinology
Clinical Endocrinology
A robust six‐miRNA prognostic signature for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
(1) Our study has developed a robust microRNA (miRNA)‐based signature for predicting the prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) with high accuracy, which will contribute to improve the therapeutic outcome. (2) Functional studies have demonstrated that miR‐1229‐3p plays a tumor‐promoting role in HNSCC Abstract Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) remains a major health problem worldwide. We aimed to identify a robust microRNA (miRNA)‐based signature for predicting...
Journal of Cellular Physiology

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