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Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Journal of Indian System of Medicine

Ayurveda episteme on quality of life parameters
Srihari Sheshagiri

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):139-141

Hepatoprotective action of Nagdantyadi ghrita: A literature review
Abhijeet A Gawai, Sonali P Chalak

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):142-145

Background: Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine with rich heritage and antiquity, is well known since Vedic period. The use of Nagdantyadi ghrita (NG) and its ingredients has been well-defined in ancient Ayurveda literature Charaka Samhita. Aims: This study aimed (1) to support the pharmacological potential of NG and its ingredients with scientific results, and (2) to explore hepatoprotective action of NG. Materials and Methods: Various Samhitas, such as Charaka Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya, Bhavprakash Nighantu, and articles were referred for this literature study. Observations: The literature of NG explores the mechanism of action of its content. Various drugs mentioned in this polyherbal formulation are purgative, anti-inflammatory, and digestive in nature, which helps to get rid of the toxins as well as hepatic disorder as soon as medication is given to the patient. Conclusion: Ingredients of NG are proven to possess hepatoprotective action in context of Ayurveda literature.

Evaluation of efficacy of Brimhana Ksheera Basti with Guggulu Tiktaka Ghrita in lumbar disc degeneration induced Gridhrasi (sciatica): A clinical study
Jitender Kumar, Santosh K Bhatted, Prasanth Dharmarajan, Abhimanyu Kumar

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):146-150

Context: Gridhrasi has been mentioned under the spectrum of Vatavyadhi in Ayurveda texts. The clinical presentation in Gridhrasi is very similar to sciatica. Lumbar disc degeneration is one of the common causes of sciatica. Aim: This clinical study was carried out to judge the effectiveness of Brimhana Ksheera Basti (medicated enema) with Guggulu Tiktaka Ghrita in lumbar disc degeneration induced Gridhrasi (sciatica). Settings and Design: This was an open-labeled single arm interventional clinical study. Materials and Methods: Fifteen diagnosed cases of lumbar disc degeneration induced sciatica were registered from the outpatient and inpatient departments of All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India, and Brimhana Ksheera Basti with Guggulu Tiktaka Ghrita was administered followed by oral administration of Ashwagandha and Shatavari Choorna. Statistical Analysis: The data were statistically analyzed using paired t test. Results: Highly significant (P < 0.001) result was found in all the assessment parameters, namely pain, stiffness, and straight leg raise. Conclusion: Brimhana Ksheera Basti with Guggulu Tiktaka Ghrita followed by oral administration of Ashwagandha and Shatavari Choorna is an effective treatment method for reliable and successful management of Gridhrasi (sciatica) induced by lumbar disc degeneration.

Comparative therapeutic response of instant and incremental oleation (Sadya and Aarohi Snehapana) over hematological and biochemical parameters in healthy volunteers: A pilot study
Punam G Sawarkar, Gaurav R Sawarkar

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):151-162

Introduction: Snehapana (oleation) is the prerequisite treatment for the purification in Panchakarma. Internal oleation therapy is essential for the Dosha migration in the body. So, to identify the effectiveness of instant oleation with incremental as well as safety nature of intervention, the pilot study was planned. Materials and Methods: The study was randomized, parallel group, controlled trial. Participants eligible for internal oleation were included in the study, having age in-between 20 and 40 years. Plane cow ghee was the intervention for both groups. The only difference was in dose pattern. In Group A, 150mL cow ghee with rock salt as used instant administration, whereas in Group B, administration was carried out in incremental dose from 30mL to maximum 210mL (up to the appearance of proper oleation features). Fifteen participants were recruited in each group. Randomization was carried out with simple block method. Objective: The pilot study was intended to measure the hematological and biochemical changes appearing after Snehapana (internal oleation). Outcome: The primary trial objectives of the study were to evaluate therapeutic response of internal oleation in instant and incremental manner and to find out effective modality in vogue. Secondary outcome was to assess safety for the consumption of cow ghee in large amount, which is not good as pretended by contemporary science. Conclusion: Intended primary outcome was not possible to attain because of small sample size. But significant results were obtained in some parameters such as blood urea, serum bilirubin, total bilirubin, serum triglyceride, serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, and very low-density lipoprotein (P < 0.05) but within normal range, and the intervention in both were safe in nature, none of the participants had developed any harm in the study. Further clinical trial is suggested for large sample size.

Assessment of Rasapanchaka of Martynia annua Linn root
Rahul K Gupta, Meena Deogade

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):163-167

Dravya is a fundamental and inevitable factor to human life. The likenesses of Dravya and human body from its molecular level made it an essential part of Ayurveda. Five basic principles, namely Rasa (taste), Guna (quality), Vipaka (post digestive taste ), Virya (potency), and Prabhava (unexplained effect) collectively known as Rasapanchaka clarifies pharmacodynamics in Ayurveda. Martynia annua Linn is commonly found in dense clumps on roadsides, degraded moist and dry deciduous forest, waste lands, and throughout India. In folk medicine, decoction of whole plant is administered in patients with pneumonia and cold fever. The leaves of the plant are consumed in times of scarcity and also given in case of epilepsy, and its juice is gargled for sore throat. The fruits are used for the treatment of asthma; the seeds are applied locally for itching and eczema. The roots are boiled with milk and taken as a tonic, and they are made into a poultice and applied in case of snake bite. In tribal pockets of Satpura Plateau in Madhya Pradesh, root paste of M. annua Linn is used in folk medicine to treat cancer and rheumatism, but to accept it in current clinical practice, it is essential to recognize the basic Rasapanchaka of the drug. By knowing the pharmacodynamics, the physician safely prescribes the drug on apt conditions. In this study, Rasapanchaka of M. annua Linn plant root was found with the help of healthy volunteers. Study results revealed Kashaya and Madhura are the Rasa and Anuras of the drug and Ushna and Snigdha are the chief Guna. It is an Ushna Virya drug and its Vipaka is Katu.

Pharmaceutico-analytical study of Kampillaka (Mallotus philippinensis Muell.) ointment
Heena Mushtaque Sheikh, Anita Santosh Wanjari, Bharat Jagdishji Rathi, Dhirajsingh Sumersingh Rajput, Pratiksha Pandurang Rathod

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):168-172

Background: Medicinal plants have curative properties due to the presence of various complex chemical substances of different compositions, which are found as secondary plant metabolites in one or more parts of these plants. In Ayurveda, Lepa Kalpana (local applications) is a widely used formulation in skin disorders and many more diseases. Aim: The aim of the study was to use the ointment in a modified dosage form of Lepa Kalpana as per the need of modern world. Materials and Methods: Ointment was prepared as per the modern pharmaceutical principle using fine powder of Kampillaka along with white petroleum jelly and beeswax as base. Trituration method was adopted for the preparation of the ointment. Results and Conclusion: Brown-colored, non-gritty, shiny ointment was prepared of Kampillaka. Spreadability was 5.3g/cm/s. Uniformity of content was 102%. The ointment was not rancid. Total acidity was found to be 0.14%. Iodine value was found to be 19.82 g. Peroxide value was 6.0 Meq KOH/g. Refractive index was 1.461. Hence, Kampillaka ointment was found to be a best suited form for Kampillaka Lepa when prepared and analyzed.

Acute toxicity study of Cholewin Plus tablet: A herbal formulation in rodent
Manish P Deshmukh, Rangnath R Chikane, Shyam Bhutada, Anil Anjankar

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):173-177

Background: Cholewin Plus tablets are used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and coronary artery disease. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine acute oral toxicity of Cholewin Plus tablet in vivo in Wistar rats. Materials and Methods Rats were orally administrated single dose of 5, 300, and 2000 mg/kg Cholewin Plus tablet and the controlled group received vehicle only orally. There were five rats in each group. All animals were killed after 14 days of treatment and histopathology was performed. A total of four parameters were observed throughout the study: cage side observation, the effect on body weight, the effect on hematological parameter, and histopathology. Result: No mortality and morbidity were noted after 14 days of treatment. In general, behavior, food and water consumption, hematological studies, and histopathology showed no significant changes. Conclusion: The oral administration of Cholewin Plus tablet did not show any toxic effect on the animal at the dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight. Therefore, it is a safe remedy for human use.

Contribution of Ayurveda for the management of Swarabheda: A case study
Manju Mohan, Punam Sawarkar

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):178-184

Background: Voice is a means of communicating verbal messages, which serves as a powerful carrier of personality and emotional, educational, and social status. Dysphonia (impaired voice production) is a very common ailment, affecting nearly one-third of the population at some point in their life. Hoarseness of voice can be correlated to Swarabheda in Ayurveda. The management provided by contemporary medicine for this condition is either conservative or surgical in nature, which is cost worthy. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of Ayurvedic management of Swarabheda.Materials and Methods: A 35-year-old woman approached to Ayurvedic hospital with complaints of hoarseness of voice and difficulty and pain while deglutition and talking since 1 year. She was diagnosed with Vataj swarabheda and was treated with Panchakarma treatment including Marsha Nasya with Anutaila and Gandusha along with Shamana Chikitsa. The treatment was continued for consecutive 1 month. Results: Hoarseness of voice was assessed after 15 days with the help of Buffalo III Voice Profile and satisfactory outcome was found especially in the quality and loudness of voice, mental strength, and confidence of patient. Conclusion: The collaborative approach of the aforementioned therapy gives symptomatic relief in Swarabheda.

Management of jalodar (ascites) through treatment principles of ayurveda: A case report
Mukul P Singh, Vaishali Kuchewar

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):185-188

Introduction: Ascites is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity. It has numerous etiological factors, but the most common cause is cirrhosis of liver. It can be correlated with Jalodar, which is one of the types of Udarroga (disease of abdomen). It is described in Charaka, Sushruta, and Ashtanghridaya. Case Report: This is a case of ascites having fullness of abdomen, bilateral pedal edema, loss of appetite, and generalized weakness. The patient was chronic alcoholic and had no history of hypertension or diabetes. He was treated on the basis of treatment principles of Jalodar described in Charaksamhita, such as Nityavirechan daily purgation by using Ayurveda medicines, Strotoshodhan (cleaning of microchannels), and some hepatoprotective medicines. Observation and Result: Patient had complete relief from all complaints such as pedal edema, abdominal distension, and lack of appetite. Conclusion: The positive results of this study motivate to conduct further studies to establish treatment protocol of ascites.

Ayurveda management of Mutrashmari with special respect to urolithiasis: A case study
Snehal V Bhende, Shweta Parwe

Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(3):189-193

Background: Mutrashmari (urinary stones) is one among the Ashtamahagada (eight fatal conditions) and is Kaphapradhan Tridoshaja Vyadhi, which is correlated with urolithiasis. It is the major cause of morbidity. The lifetime prevalence of symptomatic urolithiasis is approximately 10% in men and 5% in women. Many treatment modalities have been adopted in medical sciences, but it is quite expensive and also the pathogenesis behind recurrence of formation of stone cannot be avoided. Hence, it is necessary to find out an economical effective, easily available medicine to treat Mutrashmari. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Shaman Chikitsa in Mutrashmari w.r.t. to urolithiasis. Materials and Methods: It is a single case study. A 50-year-old man who was already diagnosed before 20 years approached to outpatient department of Panchakarma with complaints of pain in abdomen and back, which was radiating from loin to groin region; burning micturition; and dysuria. The patient was administered with Shaman Aushadhi. Results: The patient got 80% results in chief and associated complaints, and during and after the completion of therapy there was an improvement in the quality of life of the patient. Conclusion: Satisfactory relief in symptoms was seen in patient after 1 month of Shaman Chikitsa.

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