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Πέμπτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Ezetimibe: An Unusual Suspect in Angioedema
We describe a case of new onset angioedema likely due to Ezetimibe therapy in an elderly patient with a prior history of drug-induced bradykinin reactions who had been on the medication for multiple years. This is the second reported incidence of Ezetimibe-associated angioedema in literature. A 90-year-old African American female presented with angioedema of the face and oral mucosa with associated difficulty speaking developing hours after taking Ezetimibe 10 mg PO. She denied adding any new or...
Case Reports in Medicine
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:05
[Research progress of kisspeptin in female reproductive endocrine and assisted reproductive techniques].
Related Articles[Research progress of kisspeptin in female reproductive endocrine and assisted reproductive techniques]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):125-132 Authors: Zhang Y, Sun NX Abstract In recent years, it has been found that kisspeptin plays some key roles in the physiological processes of the brain, such as gender differentiation, positive and negative feedback of sex hormones, onset of puberty, and transduction of energy signals in the...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Mechanisms for establishment of the placental defensive barrier].
Related Articles[Mechanisms for establishment of the placental defensive barrier]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):115-124 Authors: Zheng WS, Hu XQ, Wang YL, Cao B Abstract Placenta serves as a temporary fetal organ, which mediates maternal-fetal crosstalk and intrauterine fetal growth. Placental defensive barrier is a fundamental physiological function, which balances maternal immune tolerance to the fetus and resistance to pathogens. This review...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Regulatory mechanism of embryo implantation].
Related Articles[Regulatory mechanism of embryo implantation]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):105-114 Authors: Guo B Abstract Embryo implantation is crucial for the establishment and maintenance of successful pregnancy and requires the synchronization between implantation-competent blastocyst and receptive uterus. In assisted reproductive technologies, recognition of uterine receptivity is the limiting factor for improving pregnancy rate. It has...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Research progress in process and mechanisms of embryo implantation].
Related Articles[Research progress in process and mechanisms of embryo implantation]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):91-104 Authors: Xu QX, Su RW Abstract The onset of tight connection between embryo and uterine endometrium terms "embryo implantation", the beginning and a key step of mammalian pregnancy. Defective implantation leads to failure of pregnancy and infertility. In recent years, along with the technological advance, researches on embryo...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Synaptonemal complex: the fundamental structure of meiosis].
Related Articles[Synaptonemal complex: the fundamental structure of meiosis]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):84-90 Authors: Jiang HW, Jiang XH, Ye JW, Shi Q Abstract Meiosis is a special type of cell division to produce haploid gametes with intact genome. The behavior of homologous chromosomes during the first division (meiosis prophase I) is the most prominent feature of meiosis. During meiosis prophase I, synaptonemal complex (SC) formed between...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Advances in proteomic studies of post-translational modifications during spermatogenesis].
Related Articles[Advances in proteomic studies of post-translational modifications during spermatogenesis]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):75-83 Authors: Zhu TY, Li Y, Liu XF, Qi YL, Guo XJ Abstract Spermatogenesis is composed of a series of complex biological events, which are regulated by complex factors. There is a phenomenon of delayed translation in spermatogenesis, so the changes of transcription and protein expression are not completely consistent....
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Research advances in regulating mechanisms of mammalian ovarian folliculogenesis].
Related Articles[Research advances in regulating mechanisms of mammalian ovarian folliculogenesis]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):63-74 Authors: Zhang Y, Zhang H Abstract Ovary, the female gonad in mammals, is a heterogeneous organ consisting of oocytes and various types of somatic cells. The functions of ovary is not only governing the health of individual female by regulating endocrine status, but also determining the production of mature oocytes...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Function and molecular mechanism of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in regulating oocyte meiotic maturation and ovulation].
Related Articles[Function and molecular mechanism of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in regulating oocyte meiotic maturation and ovulation]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):48-62 Authors: Chen L, Jiang JC, Dai XX, Fan HY Abstract The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is a highly conserved signal transduction pathway from yeast to human species, and is widely distributed in various eukaryotic cells. In almost all of...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Methods used for gene manipulation in mammal female germ cells and early embryos].
Related Articles[Methods used for gene manipulation in mammal female germ cells and early embryos]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):31-47 Authors: Zhang ML, Hao X, Zhou CJ, Wang L, Song CR, Han Z, Zhang XJ, Zhang RF, Liang CG Abstract For sexual reproduction, oocytes are mammalian female germ cells that provide the majority of maternal genetic material for early stage embryo production and development. Early stage embryos begin the process of multicellular...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[The regulation of gonadal somatic cell differentiation during sex determination in mice].
Related Articles[The regulation of gonadal somatic cell differentiation during sex determination in mice]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):20-30 Authors: Cen CH, Chen M, Jiang L, Hou XH, Gao F Abstract In mammals, the gonad is composed of germ cells and somatic cells. The gonads have the potential of bidirectional differentiation before sex determination. The differentiation of somatic cells in the gonad determines the development of testis or ovary,...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Research advances in the function of T cells at the maternal-fetal interface].
Related Articles[Research advances in the function of T cells at the maternal-fetal interface]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):11-19 Authors: Huang XX, Liu L, Wang L, DU MR Abstract Immune tolerance at maternal-fetal interface is the basis for establishment and maintenance of successful pregnancy. T cells are pivotal compositions of uterine decidual immune cells, which are required to mediate anti-infection immunity and protect embryos from external...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[The immune microenvironment in maternal-fetal interface contributes to the parturition and preterm labor].
Related Articles[The immune microenvironment in maternal-fetal interface contributes to the parturition and preterm labor]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):1-10 Authors: Yuan JQ, Wang YC, Wang ZM, Li L, Gao L Abstract The maintenance of human pregnancy and the initiation of parturition are closely related with the dynamic balance of the maternal-fetal immune microenvironment. Implantation of the blastocyst into the maternal decidua is the first step...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
Accurate Sex Identification of Ancient Elephant and Other Animal Remains Using Low-Coverage DNA Shotgun Sequencing Data
Sex identification of ancient animal biological remains can benefit our understanding of historical population structure, demography and social behavior. Traditional methods for sex identification (e.g. osteological and morphometric comparisons) may be ineffective when animal remains are not well preserved, when sex distinguishing characteristics have not yet developed, or where organisms do not exhibit sex-associated phenotypic dimorphisms. Here we adapt a method developed for human sex determination...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: systematic review with meta-analyses of trial data from clinical study reports
To assess the benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.
Systematic Reviews - Latest Articles
Metabolome analysis reveals excessive glycolysis via PI3K/AKT/mTOR and RAS/MAPK signaling in methotrexate-resistant primary CNS lymphoma-derived cells
PURPOSE: Metabolome analysis is an emerging method that provides insight into intracellular and physiological responses. Methotrexate (MTX) is an antifolate that suppresses DNA syntheses by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase. High-dose MTX treatment with deferred radiotherapy is a standard protocol in primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) treatments. However, most cases come to relapse-acquired resistance, in which the role of metabolic pathways are largely unknown. METHODS: Metabolome...
Clinical Cancer Research Online First Articles
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:54
A Randomized Controlled Trial of a 6-month low carbohydrate intervention on disease progression in men with recurrent prostate cancer: Carbohydrate and Prostate Study 2 (CAPS2)
Introduction: Both weight loss and low carbohydrate diets (LCD) without weight loss prolong survival in prostate cancer (PC) models. Few human trials tested weight loss or LCD on PC. Methods: We conducted a multi-site randomized 6-month trial of LCD vs control on PSA doubling time (PSADT) in PC patients with biochemical recurrence (BCR) after local treatment. Eligibility included BMI ≥24 kg/m2 and PSADT 3-36 months. LCD was instructed to eat 20 g/carbs/day; controls were instructed to avoid dietary...
Clinical Cancer Research Online First Articles
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:54
Comparison of GABA, somatostatin, and corticotrophin releasing hormone expression in axon terminals that target the parabrachial nucleus
AbstractSeveral forebrain areas have been shown to project to the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) and exert inhibitory and excitatory influences on taste processing. Some sources of descending input such as the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) might utilize somatostatin (Sst) and/or corticotrophin releasing hormone (Crh) to influence taste processing in the PBN (Magableh and Lundy, 2014; Panguluri et al., 2009). Since the predominate effect of CeA stimulation on PBN taste-evoked responses is inhibition,...
Chemical Senses
Encircling Scleral Buckle with Chandelier Endoillumination and Endolaser for Repair of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Clinical Ophthalmology
Lightning Injury to Eye: Brief Review of the Literature and Case Series
Clinical Ophthalmology
Evaluation of Central and Peripheral Corneal Thicknesses in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Clinical Ophthalmology
Multimodal Chorioretinal Imaging in Erdheim-Chester Disease
Clinical Ophthalmology
Biometric Parameters and Corneal Astigmatism: Differences Between Male and Female Eyes
Clinical Ophthalmology
Identification of the first oomycete mating-type locus sequence in the grapevine downy mildew pathogen, Plasmopara viticola [NEW RESULTS]
Mating types are self-incompatibility systems that promote outcrossing in plants, fungi and oomycetes. Mating-type genes have been widely studied in plants and fungi, but have yet to be identified in oomycetes, eukaryotic organisms closely related to brown algae that cause many destructive animal and plant diseases. We identified the mating-type locus of Plasmopara viticola, the oomycete responsible for grapevine downy mildew, one of the most damaging grapevine diseases worldwide. Using a genome-wide...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Phylogeographic and phylodynamic approaches to epidemiological hypothesis testing [NEW RESULTS]
Computational analyses of pathogen genomes are increasingly used to unravel the dispersal history and transmission dynamics of epidemics. Here, we show how to go beyond historical reconstructions and use spatially-explicit phylogeographic and phylodynamic approaches to formally test epidemiological hypotheses. We illustrate our approach by focusing on the West Nile virus (WNV) spread in North America that has been responsible for substantial impacts on public, veterinary, and wildlife health. WNV...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
The Geometry and Genetics of Hybridization [NEW RESULTS]
We develop an analytical framework for predicting the fitness of hybrid genotypes, based on Fisher's geometric model. We first show that all of the model parameters have a simple geometrical and biological interpretation. Hybrid fitness decomposes into intrinsic effects of hybridity and heterozygosity, and extrinsic measures of the (local) adaptedness of the parental lines; and all of these correspond to distances in a phenotypic space. We also show how these quantities change over the course of...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Hidden genetic variance and residual allogamy contribute to increase the adaptive potential of selfing populations [NEW RESULTS]
Standing genetic variation is considered a major contributor to the adaptive potential of species. The low heritable genetic variation observed in self-fertilising populations has led to the hypothesis that species with this mating system would be less likely to adapt. However, a non-negligible amount of cryptic genetic variation for polygenic traits, accumulated through negative linkage disequilibrium, could prove to be an important source of standing variation in self-fertilising species. To test...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Phylogenomic approaches reveal how a climatic inversion and glacial refugia shape patterns of diversity in an African rain forest tree species [NEW RESULTS]
The world's second largest expanse of tropical rain forest is in Central Africa and it harbours enormous species diversity. Population genetic studies have consistently revealed significant structure across central African rain forest plants, in particular a North-South genetic discontinuity close to the equator at the level of a climatic inversion. Here, we take a phylogeographic approach using 351 nuclear markers in 112 individuals across the distribution of the African rain forest tree species...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Candida albicans genetic background influences mean and heterogeneity of drug responses and genome stability during evolution to fluconazole [NEW RESULTS]
The importance of within-species diversity in determining the evolutionary potential of a population to evolve drug resistance or tolerance is not well understood, including in eukaryotic pathogens. To examine the influence of genetic background, we evolved replicates of twenty different clinical isolates of Candida albicans, human fungal pathogen, in fluconazole, the commonly used antifungal drug. The isolates hailed from the major C. albicans clades and had different initial levels of drug resistance...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Phylogenetic inference of changes in amino acid propensities with single-position resolution [NEW RESULTS]
Fitness conferred by the same allele may differ between genotypes, and these differences shape variation and evolution. Changes in amino acid propensities at protein sites over the course of evolution have been inferred from sequence alignments statistically, but the existing methods are data-intensive and aggregate multiple sites. Here, we develop an approach to detect individual amino acids that confer different fitness in different groups of species from combined sequence and phylogenetic data....
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Natural selection influenced the genetic architecture of brain structure, behavioral and neuropsychiatric traits [NEW RESULTS]
Natural selection has shaped the phenotypic characteristics of human populations. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have elucidated contributions of thousands of common variants with small effects on an individual's predisposition to complex traits (polygenicity), as well as wide-spread sharing of risk alleles across traits in the human phenome (pleiotropy). It remains unclear how the pervasive effects of natural selection influence polygenicity in brain-related traits. We investigate these...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Phenotypic Noise and the Cost of Complexity [NEW RESULTS]
Experimental studies demonstrate the existence of phenotypic diversity despite constant genotype and environment. Theoretical models based on a single phenotypic character predict that during an adaptation event, phenotypic noise should be positively selected far from the fitness optimum because it increases the fitness of the genotype, and then be selected against when the population reaches the optimum. It is suggested that because of this fitness gain, phenotypic noise should promote adaptive...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Adaptive potential and evolution in new environmental conditions [NEW RESULTS]
In presence of rapid environmental changes it is of particular importance to assess the potential of populations to adapt to new conditions. For rapid evolution to occur, standing genetic variation within a population is essential. Additive genetic variance (VA) in fitness is therefore a key parameter for evaluating adaptive capacity. In this study we used Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetles) to investigate potential to adapt to three new environmental conditions (Dry, Hot, Hot-Dry). We estimated...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Integrin-mediated adhesion in the unicellular holozoan Capsaspora owczarzaki [NEW RESULTS]
In animals, cell-matrix adhesion is mainly mediated by integrins and their associated proteins. Comparative genomic analyses have shown that core components of the integrin adhesome pre-date the emergence of animals, however, whether it mediates cell adhesion in non-metazoan taxa remains unknown. Here, we investigate cell-substrate adhesion in Capsaspora owczarzaki, the closest unicellular relative of animals with the most complete integrin adhesome. Using an adhesion assay, we show that C. owczarzaki...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Meta-population structure and the evolutionary transition to multicellularity [NEW RESULTS]
The evolutionary transition to multicellularity has occurred on numerous occasions, but transitions to complex life forms are rare. While the reasons are unclear, relevant factors include the intensity of within- versus between-group selection that are likely to shape the course of life cycle evolution. A highly structured environment eliminates the possibility of mixing between evolving lineages, thus ensuring strong competition between groups. Less structure intensifies competition within groups,...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Host-adaptation in Legionellales is 2.4 Gya, coincident with eukaryogenesis [NEW RESULTS]
Bacteria adapting to living in a host cell caused the most salient events in the evolution of eukaryotes, namely the seminal fusion with an archaeon, and the emergence of both the mitochondrion and the chloroplast. A bacterial clade that may hold the key to understanding these events is the deep-branching gammaproteobacterial order Legionellales - containing among others Coxiella and Legionella - of which all known members grow inside eukaryotic cells. Here, by analyzing 35 novel Legionellales genomes...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Quantifying transmission dynamics of acute hepatitis C virus infections in men having sex with men using phylodynamics [NEW RESULTS]
Opioid substitution and syringes exchange programs have drastically reduced hepatitis C virus (HCV) spread in France but HCV sexual transmission in men having sex with men (MSM) has recently arose as a significant public health concern. The fact that the virus is transmitting in a heterogeneous population, with 'new' and 'classical' hosts, makes prevalence and incidence rates poorly informative. However, additional insights can be gained by analyzing dated phylogenies inferred from dated virus genetic...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Walds martingale and the Moran process [NEW RESULTS]
Many models of evolution are stochastic processes, where some quantity of interest fluctuates randomly in time. One classic example is the Moran birth-death process, where that quantity is the number of mutants in a population. In such processes we are often interested in their absorption (i.e. fixation) probabilities, and the conditional distributions of absorption time. Those conditional time distributions can be very difficult to calculate, even for relatively simple processes like the Moran birth-death...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Case 7-2020: A 52-Year-Old Man with a Mass in the Left Breast
Presentation of Case. Dr. Douglas S. Micalizzi (Medicine): A 52-year-old man was referred to the multidisciplinary breast clinic of this hospital for evaluation and management of invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast. Seven weeks before the current evaluation, the patient felt a nontender…
Clinical Cases
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00

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