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Πέμπτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

A candidate probiotic strain of Enterococcus faecium from the intestine of the crucian carp Carassius auratus
In the present study, a Gram-positive bacterium was isolated from the intestine of healthy crucian carp Carassius auratus and named strain R8. It was initially identified as Enterococcus faecium according to its ...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Cavernous sinus and abducens nerve in human fetuses near term
Abstract A long tortuous course of the abducens nerve (ABN) crossing a highly curved siphon of the internal carotid artery is of interest to neurosurgeons for cavernous sinus surgery. Although a “straight” intracavernous carotid artery in fetuses can change into an adult-like siphon in infants, there is no information on when or how the unique course of ABN is established. Histological observations of 18 near-term fetuses (12 specimens of frontal sections and 6 specimens of sagittal...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Radiologic analysis of the location, shape and size of the external aperture of the carotid canal in children
Abstract Objectives This retrospective computed tomography (CT) study was aimed to assess the growth dynamic of the external aperture of the carotid canal (EACC) in children aged between 1 and 20 years. Methods Two hundred patients (sex 100 females/100 males, average age 10.50 ± 5.77 years) with good head CT image quality were included in this study. CT images...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
The Modern Epidemic of Syphilis
Syphilis was first recognized in Europe in the late 15th century; its cause, Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum, was identified four centuries later. The advent of penicillin, together with effective public health measures, was responsible for a marked decline in syphilis in the United States…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Neurology\Neurosurgery
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Microbiota as Predictor of Mortality in Allogeneic Hematopoietic-Cell Transplantation
Allogeneic hematopoietic-cell transplantation is a curative therapy for hematologic cancers in which a patient receives a cytotoxic conditioning regimen followed by infusion of hematopoietic precursor cells from a donor matched for major histocompatibility antigens. Complications such as…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Hematology\Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Case 7-2020: A 52-Year-Old Man with a Mass in the Left Breast
Presentation of Case. Dr. Douglas S. Micalizzi (Medicine): A 52-year-old man was referred to the multidisciplinary breast clinic of this hospital for evaluation and management of invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast. Seven weeks before the current evaluation, the patient felt a nontender…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Hematology\Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Angiosarcoma Involving the Heart
Figure 1.
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Hematology\Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Effects of Germline VHL Deficiency on Growth, Metabolism, and Mitochondria
Oxygen-sensing pathways orchestrate phenotypic adjustments from the cellular to the whole-body level, allowing function and survival under a variety of conditions. The hypoxic response is exquisitely sensitive and dynamic, with relatively small changes in oxygen availability initiating…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Hematology\Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Pembrolizumab for Early Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
High-risk early triple-negative breast cancer is frequently associated with early recurrence and high mortality. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is the preferred treatment approach. In addition to potentially increasing the likelihood of tumor resectability and breast conservation, patients who have a…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Hematology\Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Tumor Microenvironment, Metabolism, and Immunotherapy
Tumor growth is supported by oncogene-driven metabolic activities that allow cancer cells to take up nutrients, build macromolecules, and proliferate. A long-standing goal of cancer research has been to deprive tumors of the nutrients that supply the anabolic metabolism that promotes their growth.…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Hematology\Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Psychodermatology in Balkans: Knowledge, awareness and practice patterns of dermatologists in Albania
ABSTRACT To find out the practice patterns, awareness and knowledge about Psychodermatology in Albanian dermatologists. A survey questionnaire was sent to Albanian dermatologists by mail and distributed during a regional dermatology conference. The dermatologists were requested to provide information on demographic variables, level of training, referral patterns, degree of comfort in managing psychocutaneous disorders, awareness of community resources and interest in continuing medical educational...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
“Annular lichenoid dermatitis of youth ‐ recurrent case of rare skin disease treated with cyclosporine”
Abstract Annular lichenoid dermatitis of youth (ALDY), first described in 2003, represents an uncommon entity whose etiopathogenesis is still debated. Futhermore, the optimal treatment for ALDY is yet to be established. We report a 9‐year‐old girl who presented with annular and oval erythematous lesions mostly on her trunk, with several lesions on the neck, groin, flanks and upper extremities. The lesions had histological and immunohistochemical features characteristic for ALDY. Treatment with H1‐antihistamines,...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Treatment of psoriatic skin lesions with a new Er:Yag laser technology: A case series study
Abstract Erbium: YAG (Er:YAG) laser with RecoSMA technology. This laser emits thousands of microbeams of energy causing superficial epidermal ablation and a separation of dermal fibers due to a mechanical‐acoustic and resonance effect. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Erbium: YAG (Er:YAG) laser with RecoSMA in the treatment of stable psoriasis vulgaris lesions. A questionnaire completed by 112 patients enrolled in the study. Photographs taken before each session, the...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:09
How does the joint Dermatology‐Rheumatology clinic benefit both patients and Dermatologists?
Abstract Psoriasis (Pso) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are chronic and debilitating diseases which often develop in the same patient and are linked to a wide range of comorbid conditions. Dermatologists and Rheumatologists need to cooperate in combined clinics, especially when they deal with severe, recalcitrant disease and multiple comorbidities. The clinical and research benefits of this collaboration have been previously described to contribute to a better and more sustainable health care system....
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:09
Efficacy of Dupilumab in two patients with severe and recalcitrant atopic dermatitis previously treated with extracorporeal photopheresis
Abstract Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a complex disease and can often be a clinical challenge for dermatologists. When standard immunosuppressive therapies fail, Extracorporeal phototherapy (ECP) can be considered as a therapeutic option. In recent years better understanding of the pathogenesis of AD allowed to improve treatment strategies with many emerging therapeutic options. Currently, Dupilumab, a monoclonal antibody that selectively inhibits IL‐4 and IL‐13, is the only biological drug authorized...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:09
Nutritional outcomes after radiotherapy target volume reduction for nasopharyngeal cancer: a Phase III trial
Future Oncology, Ahead of Print.
Future Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:14
Robust markers and sample sizes for multi‐centre trials of Huntington's disease
Abstract Objective The identification of sensitive biomarkers is essential to validate therapeutics for Huntington's disease (HD). We directly compare structural imaging markers across the largest collective imaging HD dataset, to identify a set of imaging markers robust to multi‐centre variation and to derive upper estimates on sample sizes for clinical trials in HD. Methods We used one post‐processing pipeline to retrospectively analyse T1‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans...
Annals of Neurology
The Genetic Landscape of Epilepsy of Infancy with Migrating Focal Seizures
Annals of Neurology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:29
Achieving Multiple Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Timepoints of Carbohydrate Hydroxyls Using Theta-Electrospray Emitters
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0AN00135J, PaperH. Jamie Kim, Elyssia S GallagherHydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a well-established technique for structural analysis of proteins. In HDX experiments it is common to label for multiple, different lengths of time...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Evaluation of Top-Down Mass Spectrometry and Ion-Mobility Spectroscopy as a Means of Mapping Protein-Binding Motifs within Heparin Chains
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0AN00097C, PaperYunlong Zhao, Igor KaltashovIdentifying structural elements within heparin (as well as other glycosaminoglycan) chains that enable their interaction with a specific client protein remains a challenging task due to the high degree of...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Nanocomposites of poly(L-methionine), carbon nanotube-graphene complexes and Au nanoparticles on screen printed carbon electrodes for electrochemical analyses of dopamine and uric acid in human urine solutions
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN02638J, PaperYunpei Si, Yae Eun Park, Ji Eun Lee, Hye Jin LeeA sensitive electrochemical sensor featuring novel composites of gold and carbon nano complexes alongside a polymerized amino acid was developed for the determination of uric acid (UA) and dopamine (DA)...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Lossless Immunocytochemistry using Photo-polymerized Hydrogel Thin-films
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN02503K, CommunicationJeong-Hyun Lee, Aline T. Santoso, Emily S Park, Kerryn Matthews, Simon P. Duffy, Hongshen MaImmunocytochemistry (ICC), or immunofluorescence microscopy, is an essential biological technique for phenotyping cells in both research and diagnostic applications. Standard ICC methods often do not work well when the cell...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Unethical International Nurse-Staffing Agencies — The Need for Legislative Action
After passage by the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate is currently considering the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act (H.R.1044 and S.386), which would, among other things, remove the 7% cap on employment-based visas for immigrants from any single country and raise family caps from…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Health Policy and Reform
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Transforming Global Health with AI
People in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) face entrenched problems of inadequate access to health care and inconsistent quality of care, stemming from weak funding mechanisms and shortages of well-trained health care workers. Poor health care quality in LMICs has been estimated to result…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Health Policy and Reform
Thu Feb 27, 2020 02:00
Inhibition of IDO leads to IL-6-dependent systemic inflammation in mice when combined with photodynamic therapy
Abstract It was previously reported that the activation of antitumor immune response by photodynamic therapy (PDT) is crucial for its therapeutic outcome. Excessive PDT-mediated inflammation is accompanied by immunosuppressive mechanisms that protect tissues from destruction. Thus, the final effect of PDT strongly depends on the balance between the activation of an adoptive arm of immune response and a range of activated immunosuppressive mechanisms. Here, with flow cytometry and...
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
The Technological Evolution of Today’s Hearing Aids
This course will walk through a variety of recent technological developments, occurring in this industry and in ancillary industries, that pertain to hearing aids. We’ll then take a look at the implications of what’s transpired to understand what’s on the horizon for tomorrow’s hearing aids.
Process–Structure–Quality Relationships of Three-Dimensional Printed Poly(Caprolactone)-Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds
Tissue Engineering Part A, Ahead of Print.
Tissue Engineering
Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:00
A Layered Manufacturing Approach for Soft and Soft-Rigid Hybrid Robots
Soft Robotics, Ahead of Print.
Soft Robotics
Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:00
Developing a Surgical Site Infection Surveillance System Based on Hospital Unstructured Clinical Notes and Text Mining
Surgical Infections, Ahead of Print.
Surgical Infections
Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:00
Isolation and Characterization of Extraocular Muscle-Derived Muscle Progenitor Cells from Normal and Graves' Orbitopathy Patients
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development
Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:00
Assessing the accuracy of direct-coupling analysis for RNA contact prediction [Article]
Many non-coding RNAs are known to play a role in the cell directly linked to their structure. Structure prediction based on the sole sequence is however a challenging task. On the other hand, thanks to the low cost of sequencing technologies, a very large number of homologous sequences are becoming available for many RNA families. In the protein community, it has emerged in the last decade the idea of exploiting the covariance of mutations within a family to predict the protein structure using the...
RNA In Advance
Thu Feb 27, 2020 18:52
Visualizing the structure and motion of the long noncoding RNA HOTAIR [Article]
Long noncoding RNA molecules (lncRNAs) are estimated to account for the majority of eukaryotic genomic transcripts, and have been associated with multiple diseases in humans. However, our understanding of their structure-function relationships is scarce, with structural evidence coming mostly from indirect biochemical approaches or computational predictions. Here we describe direct visualization of the lncRNA HOTAIR (HOx Transcript AntIsense RNA) using atomic force microscopy (AFM) in nucleus-like...
RNA In Advance
Thu Feb 27, 2020 18:04
The emotional impact of surveillance programs for pancreatic cancer on high‐risk individuals: A prospective analysis
Abstract Objective Literature shows that emotional status can influence participation in screening/surveillance programs, and that screening/surveillance programs may alter the psychological wellbeing of subjects examined. This study aims to assess if participating in a surveillance program for pancreatic cancer early detection is associated with abnormal levels of psychological distress in high‐risk individuals, compared to the general population. Methods Fifty‐four high‐risk individuals...
Self‐compassion moderates the perceived stress and self‐care behaviors link in women with breast cancer.
Abstract Purpose Women with breast cancer are exposed to various stressors, and self‐care behaviors play an important role in their recovery. However, very few studies have investigated self‐care behaviors specifically for women with breast cancer. The current study examined the relationship between perceived stress and self‐care behaviors, and explored whether self‐compassion moderated this relationship. Methods A sample of 210 women with breast cancer aged 27‐60 years old from three hospitals...
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:27
Acute Esophageal Necrosis (Gurvits Syndrome): A Rare Complication of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in a Critically Ill Patient
Acute esophageal necrosis (AEN) is a rare clinical diagnosis that primarily affects the distal third of the esophagus. AEN causes odynophagia, leading to decreased oral intake and food avoidance. AEN can arise in critically ill patients with multiple comorbidities and is an uncommon complication of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). We present a case of a young female with poorly controlled, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 2 who developed odynophagia, small volume coffee-ground emesis, and inability...
Case Reports in Medicine
Thu Feb 27, 2020 18:05
Long-Lasting Follow-Up with Low-Dose Steroid in an 18-Year-Old Male with Rosai–Dorfman Disease
Rosai–Dorfman disease (RDD) is a rare and benign pathology of sinus histiocytosis of unknown etiology. Lymphadenopathy is the predominant clinical manifestation, but diverse organs can also be affected. Histological features involve S-100+ histiocytes with characteristic nuclear features within the enlarged sinusoids of the lymph nodes. The clinical course is unpredictable, but is often benign with spontaneous resolution of disease in most patients. We report a patient with bilateral massive enlargement...
Case Reports in Medicine
Thu Feb 27, 2020 18:05
Ezetimibe: An Unusual Suspect in Angioedema
We describe a case of new onset angioedema likely due to Ezetimibe therapy in an elderly patient with a prior history of drug-induced bradykinin reactions who had been on the medication for multiple years. This is the second reported incidence of Ezetimibe-associated angioedema in literature. A 90-year-old African American female presented with angioedema of the face and oral mucosa with associated difficulty speaking developing hours after taking Ezetimibe 10 mg PO. She denied adding any new or...
Case Reports in Medicine
Thu Feb 27, 2020 16:05
[Research progress of kisspeptin in female reproductive endocrine and assisted reproductive techniques].
Related Articles[Research progress of kisspeptin in female reproductive endocrine and assisted reproductive techniques]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):125-132 Authors: Zhang Y, Sun NX Abstract In recent years, it has been found that kisspeptin plays some key roles in the physiological processes of the brain, such as gender differentiation, positive and negative feedback of sex hormones, onset of puberty, and transduction of energy signals in the...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...
[Mechanisms for establishment of the placental defensive barrier].
Related Articles[Mechanisms for establishment of the placental defensive barrier]. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2020 Feb 25;72(1):115-124 Authors: Zheng WS, Hu XQ, Wang YL, Cao B Abstract Placenta serves as a temporary fetal organ, which mediates maternal-fetal crosstalk and intrauterine fetal growth. Placental defensive barrier is a fundamental physiological function, which balances maternal immune tolerance to the fetus and resistance to pathogens. This review...
pubmed: "sheng li xue bao"[j...

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