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Δευτέρα 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Water, Vol. 12, Pages 616: Change of Contributions from Different Natural Processes to the Ionic Budget in the Yarlung Tsangpo River
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 616: Change of Contributions from Different Natural Processes to the Ionic Budget in the Yarlung Tsangpo River Water doi: 10.3390/w12030616 Authors: Rui Wang Zhijun Yao Zhaofei Liu Understanding the geochemistry of natural waters is helpful for grasping how the water environment responds to climate and environment changes. The basin of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, the most important river in the Tibetan Plateau, was selected as the study area. Based on our field...
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 615: Topographic Effects on Three-Dimensional Slope Stability for Fluctuating Water Conditions Using Numerical Analysis
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 615: Topographic Effects on Three-Dimensional Slope Stability for Fluctuating Water Conditions Using Numerical Analysis Water doi: 10.3390/w12020615 Authors: Yue Zhou Shun-Chao Qi Gang Fan Ming-Liang Chen Jia-Wen Zhou With recent advances in calculation methods, the external factors that affect slope stability, such as water content fluctuations and self-configuration, can be more easily assessed. In this study, a three-dimensional finite element strength...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 613: Ubiquitous Fractal Scaling and Filtering Behavior of Hydrologic Fluxes and Storages from A Mountain Headwater Catchment
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 613: Ubiquitous Fractal Scaling and Filtering Behavior of Hydrologic Fluxes and Storages from A Mountain Headwater Catchment Water doi: 10.3390/w12020613 Authors: Ravindra Dwivedi John F. Knowles Christopher Eastoe Rebecca Minor Nathan Abramson Bhaskar Mitra William E. Wright Jennifer McIntosh Thomas Meixner Paul A. “Ty” Ferre Christopher Castro Guo-Yue Niu Greg A. Barron-Gafford Michael Stanley Jon Chorover We used the...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 612: Marine Litter in Transitional Water Ecosystems: State of The Art Review Based on a Bibliometric Analysis
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 612: Marine Litter in Transitional Water Ecosystems: State of The Art Review Based on a Bibliometric Analysis Water doi: 10.3390/w12020612 Authors: Monia Renzi Valentina H. Pauna Francesca Provenza Cristina Munari Michele Mistri Transitional water ecosystems (TWEs), despite their ecological and economic importance, are largely affected by human pressures that could be responsible for significant inputs of litter in the marine environment. Plastic input...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 614: Importance of Precipitation on the Upper Ocean Salinity Response to Typhoon Kalmaegi (2014)
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 614: Importance of Precipitation on the Upper Ocean Salinity Response to Typhoon Kalmaegi (2014) Water doi: 10.3390/w12020614 Authors: Fu Liu Han Zhang Jie Ming Jiayu Zheng Di Tian Dake Chen Using multiple-satellite datasets, in situ observations, and numerical simulations, the influence of typhoon-induced precipitation on the oceanic response to Typhoon Kalmaegi has been discussed. It is found that the convective system and precipitation distribution...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 611: Impact of Sea Ice on the Hydrodynamics and Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Coastal Waters of Qinhuangdao, China
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 611: Impact of Sea Ice on the Hydrodynamics and Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Coastal Waters of Qinhuangdao, China Water doi: 10.3390/w12020611 Authors: Jiang Pang Liu Jiang The influence of sea ice on the hydrodynamics, sediment resuspension, and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the coastal area of Qinhuangdao was systematically investigated using 45-day in situ measurements at two stations (with ice at station M1 and without ice...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 609: A Borehole-Based Approach for Seawater Intrusion in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers, Eastern Part of Jeju Island, Korea
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 609: A Borehole-Based Approach for Seawater Intrusion in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers, Eastern Part of Jeju Island, Korea Water doi: 10.3390/w12020609 Authors: Jehyun Shin Seho Hwang Understanding the basaltic aquifer system and seawater intrusion on the volcanic island of Jeju, Korea, has received significant attention over the years, and various methodologies have been suggested in the contributions. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to effectively characterize...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 610: Revisiting the Statistical Scaling of Annual Discharge Maxima at Daily Resolution with Respect to the Basin Size in the Light of Rainfall Climatology
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 610: Revisiting the Statistical Scaling of Annual Discharge Maxima at Daily Resolution with Respect to the Basin Size in the Light of Rainfall Climatology Water doi: 10.3390/w12020610 Authors: Perdios Langousis Over the years, several studies have been carried out to investigate how the statistics of annual discharge maxima vary with the size of basins, with diverse findings regarding the observed type of scaling (i.e., simple scaling vs. multiscaling), especially...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 608: An Integrated Urban Flood Vulnerability Index for Sustainable Planning in Arid Zones of Developing Countries
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 608: An Integrated Urban Flood Vulnerability Index for Sustainable Planning in Arid Zones of Developing Countries Water doi: 10.3390/w12020608 Authors: Carlos Salazar-Briones José Mizael Ruiz-Gibert Marcelo A. Lomelí-Banda Alejandro Mungaray-Moctezuma Floods are among the most recurring and devastating natural hazards, impacting human lives and causing severe economic damage. Urbanization can increase the risk of flooding due to increased peak discharge...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 607: Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Photosynthesis, Growth, and Anatomical Features of Two Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.)
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 607: Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Photosynthesis, Growth, and Anatomical Features of Two Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) Water doi: 10.3390/w12020607 Authors: Shokoofeh Hajihashemi Sonia Mbarki Milan Skalicky Fariba Noedoost Marzieh Raeisi Marian Brestic The wastewater from the Razi petrochemical complex contains high levels of salts and heavy metals. In the present research, the effects of different wastewater dilution levels (0, 25%,...
Mon Feb 24, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 606: Mathematical Study on Wave Propagation through Emergent Vegetation
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 606: Mathematical Study on Wave Propagation through Emergent Vegetation Water doi: 10.3390/w12020606 Authors: Yuan-Jyh Lan In this paper, the problem of the interaction between a periodic linear wave and offshore aquatic vegetation is investigated. The aquatic vegetation field is considered as a flexible permeable system. A vegetation medium theory is proposed based on Lan–Lee’s poro-elastomer theory, in which linearizing vegetation friction...
Sun Feb 23, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 604: Estimation and Mapping of the Transmissivity of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 604: Estimation and Mapping of the Transmissivity of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Kharga Oasis, Egypt Water doi: 10.3390/w12020604 Authors: Mustafa El-Rawy Florimond De Smedt The Nubian sandstone aquifer is the only water source for domestic use and irrigation in the Kharga oasis, Egypt. In this study, 46 pumping tests are analyzed to estimate the transmissivity of the aquifer and to derive a spatial distribution map by geostatistical analysis and kriging...
Sun Feb 23, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 605: Flood Routing Process and High Dam Interception of Natural Discharge from the 2018 Baige Landslide-Dammed Lake
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 605: Flood Routing Process and High Dam Interception of Natural Discharge from the 2018 Baige Landslide-Dammed Lake Water doi: 10.3390/w12020605 Authors: Bin-Rui Gan Xing-Guo Yang Hai-Mei Liao Jia-Wen Zhou The outburst flood of the Baige landslide dam caused tremendous damage to infrastructure, unfinished hydraulic buildings, roads, and bridges that were built or under construction along the Jinsha River. Can downstream hydraulic buildings, such as high...
Sun Feb 23, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 603: Towards an Assessment of the Ephemeral Gully Erosion Potential in Greece Using Google Earth
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 603: Towards an Assessment of the Ephemeral Gully Erosion Potential in Greece Using Google Earth Water doi: 10.3390/w12020603 Authors: Christos Karydas Panos Panagos Gully erosion may cause considerable soil losses and produce large volumes of sediment. The aim of this study was to perform a preliminary assessment on the presence of ephemeral gullies in Greece by sampling representative cultivated fields in 100 sites randomly distributed throughout the country....
Sun Feb 23, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 602: Climate Change Impacts on Cold Season Runoff in the Headwaters of the Yellow River Considering Frozen Ground Degradation
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 602: Climate Change Impacts on Cold Season Runoff in the Headwaters of the Yellow River Considering Frozen Ground Degradation Water doi: 10.3390/w12020602 Authors: Pan Wu Sihai Liang Xu-Sheng Wang Jeffrey M. McKenzie Yuqing Feng Climate change has effects on hydrological change in multiple aspects, particularly in the headwaters of the Yellow River (HWYR), which is widely covered by climate-sensitive frozen ground. In this study, the annual runoff was...
Sat Feb 22, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 600: Using a Data Driven Approach to Predict Waves Generated by Gravity Driven Mass Flows
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 600: Using a Data Driven Approach to Predict Waves Generated by Gravity Driven Mass Flows Water doi: 10.3390/w12020600 Authors: Zhenzhu Meng Yating Hu Christophe Ancey When colossal gravity-driven mass flows enter a body of water, they may generate waves which can have destructive consequences on coastal areas. A number of empirical equations in the form of power functions of several dimensionless groups have been developed to predict wave characteristics....
Sat Feb 22, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 599: Ammonium-Nitrogen (NH4+-N) Removal from Groundwater by a Dropping Nitrification Reactor: Characterization of NH4+-N Transformation and Bacterial Community in the Reactor
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 599: Ammonium-Nitrogen (NH4+-N) Removal from Groundwater by a Dropping Nitrification Reactor: Characterization of NH4+-N Transformation and Bacterial Community in the Reactor Water doi: 10.3390/w12020599 Authors: Amit Kumar Maharjan Tatsuru Kamei Iswar Man Amatya Kazuhiro Mori Futaba Kazama Tadashi Toyama A dropping nitrification reactor was proposed as a low-cost and energy-saving option for the removal of NH4+-N from contaminated groundwater. The...
Sat Feb 22, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 601: Transient-Flow Induced Compressed Air Energy Storage (TI-CAES) System towards New Energy Concept
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 601: Transient-Flow Induced Compressed Air Energy Storage (TI-CAES) System towards New Energy Concept Water doi: 10.3390/w12020601 Authors: Besharat Dadfar Viseu Brunone Ramos In recent years, interest has increased in new renewable energy solutions for climate change mitigation and increasing the efficiency and sustainability of water systems. Hydropower still has the biggest share due to its compatibility, reliability and flexibility. This study...
Sat Feb 22, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 598: The Effect of Soil Iron on the Estimation of Soil Water Content Using Dielectric Sensors
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 598: The Effect of Soil Iron on the Estimation of Soil Water Content Using Dielectric Sensors Water doi: 10.3390/w12020598 Authors: George Kargas Paraskevi Londra Marianthi Anastasatou Nick Moustakas Nowadays, the estimation of volumetric soil water content (θ) through apparent dielectric permittivity (εa) is the most widely used method. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the high iron content of two sandy loam soils on estimating...
Sat Feb 22, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 597: Changes in Planktivory and Herbivory Regimes in a Shallow South American Lake (Lake Blanca Chica, Argentina) Over the Last 250 Years
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 597: Changes in Planktivory and Herbivory Regimes in a Shallow South American Lake (Lake Blanca Chica, Argentina) Over the Last 250 Years Water doi: 10.3390/w12020597 Authors: David Carrozzo Simona Musazzi Andrea Lami Francisco E. Córdoba María de los Ángeles González Sagrario Shallow lakes are vulnerable ecosystems impacted by human activities and climate change. The Cladocera occupy a central role in food webs and are an excellent paleoecological indicator...
Sat Feb 22, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 595: Electrocoagulation: A Promising Method to Treat and Reuse Mineral Processing Wastewater with High COD
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 595: Electrocoagulation: A Promising Method to Treat and Reuse Mineral Processing Wastewater with High COD Water doi: 10.3390/w12020595 Authors: Gaogui Jing Shuai Ren Yuesheng Gao Wei Sun Zhiyong Gao Mineral processing wastewater contains large amounts of reagents which can lead to severe environmental problems, such as high chemical oxygen demand (COD). Inspired by the wastewater treatment in such industries as those of textiles, food, and petrochemistry,...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 596: An Integrated Review of River Bars for Engineering, Management and Transdisciplinary Research
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 596: An Integrated Review of River Bars for Engineering, Management and Transdisciplinary Research Water doi: 10.3390/w12020596 Authors: Alessandra Crosato Erik Mosselman River training and river restoration often imply modifying the patterns and dimensions of bars, channels, and pools. Research since the 1980s has greatly advanced and matured our knowledge on the formation and behavior of river bars, thanks to field work, laboratory experiments, theoretical...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 593: Understanding Complexity in Freshwater Management: Practitioners’ Perspectives in The Netherlands
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 593: Understanding Complexity in Freshwater Management: Practitioners’ Perspectives in The Netherlands Water doi: 10.3390/w12020593 Authors: Guido Rutten Steve Cinderby Jennie Barron Ecosystems have been stabilized by human interventions to optimize delivery of certain ecosystem services, while at the same time awareness has grown that these systems are inherently dynamic rather than steady state. Applied research fields have emerged that try to increase adaptive...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 594: Preliminary Characterization of Underground Hydrological Processes under Multiple Rainfall Conditions and Rocky Desertification Degrees in Karst Regions of Southwest China
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 594: Preliminary Characterization of Underground Hydrological Processes under Multiple Rainfall Conditions and Rocky Desertification Degrees in Karst Regions of Southwest China Water doi: 10.3390/w12020594 Authors: Guijing Li Matteo Rubinato Long Wan Bin Wu Jiufu Luo Jianmei Fang Jinxing Zhou Karst regions are widely distributed in Southwest China and due to the complexity of their geologic structure, it is very challenging to collect data useful...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 592: Nutrient Recovery from Anaerobically Treated Blackwater and Improving Its Effluent Quality through Microalgae Biomass Production
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 592: Nutrient Recovery from Anaerobically Treated Blackwater and Improving Its Effluent Quality through Microalgae Biomass Production Water doi: 10.3390/w12020592 Authors: Melesse Eshetu Moges Arve Heistad Thorsten Heidorn The blackwater stream of domestic wastewater contains energy and the majority of nutrients that can contribute to a circular economy. Hygienically safe and odor-free nutrient solution produced from anaerobically treated source-separated...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 588: Wastewater Treatment by Novel Polyamide/Polyethylenimine Nanofibers with Immobilized Laccase
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 588: Wastewater Treatment by Novel Polyamide/Polyethylenimine Nanofibers with Immobilized Laccase Water doi: 10.3390/w12020588 Authors: Milena Maryšková Markéta Schaabová Hana Tománková Vít Novotný Miroslava Rysová Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are highly resistant organic compounds, commonly occurring in the aquatic environment, that can interfere with the endocrine system of animals and humans, causing serious chronic diseases. In recent decades,...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 590: Visualization Framework for High-Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Hydrological Gridded Datasets Using Machine-Learning Techniques
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 590: Visualization Framework for High-Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Hydrological Gridded Datasets Using Machine-Learning Techniques Water doi: 10.3390/w12020590 Authors: Abeer Mazher Numerical modelling increasingly generates massive, high-dimensional spatio-temporal datasets. Exploring such datasets relies on effective visualization. This study presents a generic workflow to (i) project high-dimensional spatio-temporal data on a two-dimensional (2D) plane accurately...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 589: Effect of Heavy Metal Ions on Steroid Estrogen Removal and Transport in SAT Using DLLME as a Detection Method of Steroid Estrogen
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 589: Effect of Heavy Metal Ions on Steroid Estrogen Removal and Transport in SAT Using DLLME as a Detection Method of Steroid Estrogen Water doi: 10.3390/w12020589 Authors: Ge Zhang Yuesuo Yang Ying Lu Yu Chen Wenbo Li Siyuan Wang Environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals have become a global environmental problem, and the distribution, transport, and fate of estrogens in soil and water environments closely relate to human and ecological health...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 591: An Experimental Method for Generating Shear-Free Turbulence Using Horizontal Oscillating Grids
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 591: An Experimental Method for Generating Shear-Free Turbulence Using Horizontal Oscillating Grids Water doi: 10.3390/w12020591 Authors: Wenjie Li Peng Zhang Shengfa Yang Xuhui Fu Yi Xiao An experimental apparatus driven by horizontal oscillating grids in a water tank is proposed for generating shear-free turbulence, which is measured using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The performances of the proposed apparatus are investigated through the instantaneous...
Fri Feb 21, 2020 02:00

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