
Τετάρτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Evolution of the standard genetic code [NEW RESULTS]
A near-universal Standard Genetic Code (SGC) implies a single origin for Earthly life. To study this unique event, I compute paths to the SGC, comparing different histories. SGC-like coding tables emerge, using traditional evolutionary mechanisms - a superior evolutionary route can be identified. To objectively measure evolution, progress values from 0 (random coding) to 1 (SGC-like) are defined, measuring fractions of random-code-to-SGC distance. Progress types are spacing/distance/delta Polar Requirement,...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
EvoProDom: Evolutionary model of protein families by means of translocations of protein domains [NEW RESULTS]
Here, we developed a novel 'evolution of protein domains' (EvoProDom) model for evolution of proteins, which was based on 'mix and merge' of protein domains. We collected and integrated genomic and proteome data for 109 organisms. These data include protein domain content and orthologous protein families. In EvoProDom, we defined evolutionary events, such as translocations, as reciprocal exchanges of protein domains between orthologous proteins of different organisms. We found that protein domains,...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Multivariate Analyses of Codon Usage of SARS-CoV-2 and other betacoronaviruses [NEW RESULTS]
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global health concern as it continues to spread within China and beyond. The causative agent of this disease, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), belongs to the genus Betacoronavirus which also includes severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome related coronavirus (MERSr-CoV). Codon usage of viral genes are believed to be subjected to different selection pressures in different...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Mutation bias can shape adaptation in large asexual populations experiencing clonal interference [NEW RESULTS]
The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis invokes a role for development in shaping adaptive evolution, which in population genetics terms corresponds to mutation-biased adaptation. Critics have claimed that clonal interference makes mutation-biased adaptation rare. We consider the behavior of two simultaneously adapting traits, one with larger mutation rate U, the other with larger selection coefficient s, using asexual traveling wave models. We find that adaptation is dominated by whichever trait has...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Controlling evolutionary dynamics to optimize microbial bioremediation [NEW RESULTS]
Some microbes have a fascinating ability to degrade compounds that are toxic for humans in a process called bioremediation. Although these traits help microbes survive the toxins, carrying them can be costly if the benefit of detoxification is shared by all surrounding microbes, whether they detoxify or not. Detoxification can thereby be seen as a public goods game, where non-degrading mutants can sweep through the population and collapse bioremediation. Here, we constructed an evolutionary game...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Predicting evolution using frequency-dependent selection in bacterial populations [NEW RESULTS]
Predicting how pathogen populations will change over time is challenging. Such has been the case with Streptococcus pneumoniae, an important human pathogen, and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs), which target only a fraction of the strains in the population. Here, we use the frequencies of accessory genes to predict changes in the pneumococcal population after vaccination, hypothesizing that these frequencies reflect negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS) on the gene products. We...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Next-generation phylogeography resolves post-glacial colonization patterns in a widespread carnivore, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), in Europe [NEW RESULTS]
Carnivores tend to exhibit a lack of (or less pronounced) genetic structure at continental scales in both a geographic and temporal sense using various mitochondrial DNA markers on modern and/or ancient specimens. This tends to confound the identification of refugial areas and post-glacial colonization patterns in this group. In this study we used Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) to reconstruct the phylogeographic history of a widespread carnivore, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), in Europe by investigating...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
New insights into Trypanosoma cruzi evolution and genotyping based on system-wide protein expression profiles (PhyloQuant) [NEW RESULTS]
The etiological agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, is subdivided into seven genetic subdivisions termed discrete typing units (DTUs), TcI-TcVI and Tcbat. The relevance of T. cruzi genetic diversity to the variable clinical course of the disease, virulence, pathogenicity, drug resistance, transmission cycles and ecological distribution justifies the concerted efforts towards understanding the population structure of T. cruzi strains. In this study, we introduce a novel approach termed phyloquant...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Divergence, gene flow and the origin of leapfrog geographic distributions: The history of color pattern variation in Phyllobates poison-dart frogs [NEW RESULTS]
The geographic distribution of phenotypic variation among closely related populations is a valuable source of information about the evolutionary processes that generate and maintain biodiversity. Leapfrog distributions, in which phenotypically similar populations are disjunctly distributed and separated by phenotypically distinct populations, represent geographic replicates for the existence of a phenotype, and are therefore especially informative. These geographic patterns have mostly been studied...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Creating outbred and inbred populations of haplodiploid mites to measure adaptive responses in the lab [NEW RESULTS]
Laboratory studies are often criticized for not being representative of processes occurring in natural populations. This can be partially mitigated by using lab populations that capture large amounts of variation. Additionally, many studies addressing adaptation of organisms to their environment are done with laboratory populations, using quantitative genetics or experimental evolution methodologies. Such studies rely on populations that are either highly outbred or inbred. However, the methodology...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
The strength and form of natural selection on transcript abundance in the wild [NEW RESULTS]
Gene transcription variation is known to contribute to disease susceptibility and adaptation, but we currently know very little about how contemporary natural selection shapes transcript abundance. We estimated selection on transcript abundance in cohort of a wild salmonid fish (Salmo trutta) affected by a myxozoan parasite through mark-recapture field sampling and the integration of RNA-seq with classical regression-based selection analysis. We show, based on fin transcriptomes of the host, that...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Convergent evolution of conserved mitochondrial pathways underlies repeated adaptation to extreme environments [NEW RESULTS]
Extreme environments test the limits of life. Still, some organisms thrive in harsh conditions, begging the question whether the repeated colonization of extreme environments is facilitated by predictable and repeatable evolutionary innovations. We identified the mechanistic basis underlying convergent evolution of tolerance to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) - a potent toxicant that impairs mitochondrial function - across evolutionarily independent lineages of a fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae) from...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Ecological memory preserves phage resistance mechanisms in bacteria [NEW RESULTS]
Defense mechanisms against pathogens are prevalent in nature, and their maintenance is critical for long-term survival of a species. Such mechanisms, which include CRISPR-mediated immunity in bacteria and the R genes in plants, carry substantial costs to organisms and can be rapidly lost when pathogens are eliminated. How a species preserves its molecular defenses despite their costs, in the face of variable pathogen levels, and across an ecology of localized patches remains a major unsolved problem...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Case–control study of paternal occupational exposures and childhood bone tumours and soft-tissue sarcomas in Great Britain, 1962–2010
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 26 February 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0760-7Case–control study of paternal occupational exposures and childhood bone tumours and soft-tissue sarcomas in Great Britain, 1962–2010
Genetic heterogeneity and evolutionary history of high-grade ovarian carcinoma and matched distant metastases
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 26 February 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0763-4Genetic heterogeneity and evolutionary history of high-grade ovarian carcinoma and matched distant metastases
Case–control study of paternal occupational exposures and childhood bone tumours and soft-tissue sarcomas in Great Britain, 1962–2010
Genetic heterogeneity and evolutionary history of high-grade ovarian carcinoma and matched distant metastases
Correction: A multicentre, prospective study of plasma circulating tumour DNA test for detecting <i>RAS</i> mutation in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 25 February 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0766-1Correction: A multicentre, prospective study of plasma circulating tumour DNA test for detecting RAS mutation in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Correction: A multicentre, prospective study of plasma circulating tumour DNA test for detecting <i>RAS</i> mutation in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Tue Feb 25, 2020 02:00
Update of Genetic and Molecular Causes of Adrenocortical Hyperplasias Causing Cushing Syndrome
Horm Metab ResDOI: 10.1055/a-1061-7349Bilateral hyperplasias of the adrenal cortex are rare causes of chronic endogenous hypercortisolemia also called Cushing syndrome. These hyperplasias have been classified in two categories based on the adrenal nodule size: the micronodular types include Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease (PPNAD) and isolated Micronodular Adrenal Disease (iMAD) and the macronodular also named Primary Bilateral Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia (PBMAH). This review...
Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung
Tue Feb 25, 2020 01:00
Single Atrium and Miscarriages
THORAC CARDIOV SURG Reports 2020; 09: e4-e8DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-3402765 Background A single atrium is a very rare heart condition, in which the inter atrial septum is missing. These congenital heart defects usually are surgically corrected after birth. Case Presentation We present a successful surgical repair of a single atrium (SA) in a 27-year-old woman, who has a complete missing of the atrial septum, without coexisting valvular pathology. The SA diameter was 9.97 × 6.18 cm...
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports
Tue Feb 25, 2020 01:00
[ASAP] Photocontrolled Radical Polymerization from Hydridic C–H Bonds
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00287
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Offers Mechanistic Insights for an Iridium/Nickel-Catalyzed C–O Coupling
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b12835
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Spotlights on Recent <italic toggle="yes">JACS</italic> Publications
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c02187
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Multimetallic High-Index Faceted Heterostructured Nanoparticles
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00045
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] A Dinuclear Ruthenium(II) Complex Excited by Near-Infrared Light through Two-Photon Absorption Induces Phototoxicity Deep within Hypoxic Regions of Melanoma Cancer Spheroids
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b11313
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Axially Chiral Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) via Regioselective C–C Bond Activation of Biphenylenes
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b12205
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Continuous Variation of Lattice Dimensions and Pore Sizes in Metal–Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b13072
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] DNA 5-Methylcytosine-Specific Amplification and Sequencing
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b12707
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Low-Noise Nanopore Enables In-Situ and Label-Free Tracking of a Trigger-Induced DNA Molecular Machine at the Single-Molecular Level
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00029
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Alkylamine-Substituted Perthiocarbamates: Dual Precursors to Hydropersulfide and Carbonyl Sulfide with Cardioprotective Actions
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b12180
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Correction to “Inverted Binding of Non-natural Substrates in Strictosidine Synthase Leads to a Switch of Stereochemical Outcome in Enzyme-Catalyzed Pictet–Spengler Reactions”
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c01730
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Efficient Separation of Nucleic Acids with Different Secondary Structures by Metal–Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b10936
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Correlation between the C–C Cross-Coupling Activity and C-to-Ni Charge Transfer Transition of High-Valent Ni Complexes
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b10405
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Oxidation of Nonactivated Anilines to Generate <italic toggle="yes">N</italic>-Aryl Nitrenoids
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b13599
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Direct Cytosolic Delivery of Proteins through Coengineering of Proteins and Polymeric Delivery Vehicles
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b12759
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Feb 25, 2020 07:00
Scarves to warm you up in-season and between seasons
Beat the cold. (Karen Cantú Q via Unsplash/)It’s easy to forget to put on a scarf before you go outside, but then you walk into the cold and the regret hits you like an avalanche. The right neck blanket will help keep you warm, whether you’re opting for a down jacket or a light bomber. Of course, you’ll want to consider material, style, and length based on the conditions and event you’re donning it for. Here are a few options we recommend.Made from merino wool. (Amazon/)This Smartwool scarf is exceptionally...
Popular Science
Upgrade your home with a cozy window seat
So inviting! (Jose Mendoza/)Window seats are a great alternative to armchairs and loveseats, but trying to find one the right size can be challenging. Pre-made options are often too small, too big, too wide, or too narrow, and having a professional carpenter build a customized one can be expensive.The solution? Get hands-on and build your very own window seat.Stats (for one window seat)<b>Time: </b>2-3 hours<b>Material cost (not including cushions):</b> $80-$140<b>Difficulty:</b>...
Popular Science
Watch tiny tadpoles breathe by ‘bubble sucking’
A tadpole of a gray tree frog sucks in a bubble full of oxygen—a clever workaround around having to fight against surface tension and get a breath of fresh air. (Kurt Schwenk/)Blowing spit bubbles might seem silly or immature, but when you’re a tiny aquatic creature just trying to catch a breath, there’s a good reason for it.A few summers ago, Kurt Schwenk noticed a splashy new behavior while watching baby tree frogs shimmy around a tank. “One came to the surface and did something strange,” the University...
Popular Science
Tue Feb 25, 2020 22:43

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