
Πέμπτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Is oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscope (oSLO) applicable to human ocular optics? A feasibility study using an eye model for volumetric imaging
Abstract Oblique scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (oSLO) is a novel imaging modality to provide volumetric retinal imaging without depth sectioning over a large field of view (FOV). It has been successfully demonstrated in vivo in rodent eyes for volumetric fluorescein angiography (vFA). However, engineering oSLO for human retinal imaging is challenging because of the low numerical aperture (NA) of human ocular optics. To overcome this challenge, we implement optical designs to 1) increase the angle...
Journal of Biophotonics
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:36
Structured illumination imaging with quasi periodic patterns
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is a well established method for optical sectioning and superresolution. The core of structured illumination is using a periodic pattern to excite image signals. This work reports a method for estimating minor pattern distortions from the raw image data and correcting these distortions during SIM image processing. The method was tested with both simulated and experimental image data from two‐photon Bessel light sheet SIM. The results proves the method is effective...
Journal of Biophotonics
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:36
Wide‐field monitoring and real‐time local recording of microvascular networks on small animals with a dual‐raster‐scanned photoacoustic microscope
ABSTACT Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) provides a new method for the imaging of small‐animals with high‐contrast and deep‐penetration. However, the established PAM systems have suffered from a limited field‐of‐view or imaging speed, which are difficult to both monitor wide‐field activity of organ and record real‐time change of local tissue. Here, we reported a dual‐raster‐scanned photoacoustic microscope (DRS‐PAM) that integrates a two‐dimensional motorized translation stage for large field‐of‐view...
Journal of Biophotonics
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:36
Development of a Flexible Light‐Sheet Fluorescence Microscope for High‐Speed 3D Imaging of Calcium Dynamics and 3D Imaging of Cellular Microstructure
ABSTRACT We report a flexible light‐sheet fluorescence microscope (LSFM) designed for studying dynamic events in cardiac tissue at high speed in 3D and the correlation of these events to cell microstructure. The system employs two illumination‐detection modes: the first uses angle‐dithering of a Gaussian light sheet combined with remote refocusing of the detection plane for video‐rate volumetric imaging; the second combines digitally‐scanned light‐sheet illumination with an axially‐swept light‐sheet...
Journal of Biophotonics
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:36
Impact of teleconsultations on the conduct of oral health teams in the Telehealth Brazil Networks Programme
Abstract Telehealth has been applied in the Unified Health System (SUS) as a tool for qualifying professionals and improving the healthcare provided to the population served by the system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of teleconsultations on the qualifications of the clinical approach of the oral health teams involved in primary health care (PHC) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul under the Telehealth Brazil Networks Programme. The sample population of the study was composed...
Brazilian Oral Research
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:30
Characteristics of neutrophil extracellular traps in patients with periodontitis and gingivitis
Abstract We sought to compare the characteristics and clinical significance of neutrophil extracellular traps in gingival samples from patients with periodontitis and those with gingivitis. The clinical indexes of gingival samples from patients with periodontitis and gingivitis were measured; the expression of TNF-alpha and IL-8 was measured by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR; and the expression of TLR-8 and MMP-9 was measured by western blotting assays. Chemotaxis, phagocytosis and phagocytic...
Brazilian Oral Research
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:30
Prevalence of horizontal alveolar changes in edentulous patients: a retrospective tomographic study
Abstract Horizontal bone loss after tooth extraction is a common finding that demands bone reconstruction in various cases. The aim of this study was to assess the horizontal alveolar status in partially and completely edentulous patients using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). In total, 1516 CBCT scans of 1404 adult patients were analyzed. Assessment of the images was performed in accordance with the previously published horizontal alveolar change (HAC) classification, which categorizes horizontal...
Brazilian Oral Research
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:30
System dynamics modeling for tooth decay treatment in Brazilian children
Abstract Prevention and health promotion are considered important strategies to control oral diseases. Dental caries is preventable disease and remains the most common chronic disease that affects mainly low income children and still considered the main cause of tooth loss in adulthood in Brazil. The aim of this study is to present a System Dynamics model (SDM) specifically developed with the Stella Architect software to estimate the cost and clinical hours required to control the evolution of dental...
Brazilian Oral Research
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:30
The relation between anti‐TGBFR1 immunohistochemical reaction and low Ki67, small tumor size and high estrogen receptor expression in invasive breast cancer
Most breast cancers are derived from the luminal epithelium, which composes the inside of the breast ductal structure. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) leads to invasive ductal carcinoma, but noncancerous intraductal proliferative lesions are also a risk factor for ductal carcinoma. The transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) signaling pathway behaves as a tumor suppressor in the early stage of cancer, and conversely as a tumor growth factor in invasive stages in several cancers. In this study, we...
Pathology International
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:29
Mass‐forming extramedullary hematopoiesis of the spleen in a patient with CALR‐mutated myeloproliferative neoplasm
Pathology International
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:29
Clinical Outcomes and Bone Level Alterations Around One‐piece Mini Dental Implants Retaining Mandibular Overdentures: 5‐year Follow‐up of a Prospective Cohort Study
Abstract Objectives To report on the clinical outcomes of one‐piece mini‐dental implants (MDIs) retaining mandibular implant overdentures (IODs), including marginal bone level alterations (ΔMBLs), clinical peri‐implant parameters, and technical‐ and biological complications during a five‐year follow‐up. The null‐hypothesis was that ΔMBLs would be equal in subjects older than 65 years relative to younger subjects. Materials and Methods Four 1.8 mm diameter one‐piece MDIs with ball attachments...
Clinical Oral Implants Research
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:28
Nuocytes from mesenteric lymph node promote allergic responses in a mouse model.
Related ArticlesNuocytes from mesenteric lymph node promote allergic responses in a mouse model. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 12;: Authors: Lin L, Tang X, Chen Z, Wei J, Dai F, Sun G Abstract INTRODUCTION: Nuocytes play an important role in Type 2 immunity. However, the contribution of ILC2s to allergic rhinitis remains to be clearly elucidated. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of nuocytes from mesenteric lymph node on allergic responses...
Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:26
Do thyroid nodules that arise in the isthmus have a higher risk of malignancy?
Cancer Cytopathology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:26
The Association Between Smoking on Olfactory Dysfunction in 3,900 Patients With Olfactory Loss
Objectives/Hypothesis The association between smoking and olfactory loss remains a conundrum. Prior studies have found negative and positive effects of smoking on olfactory function in the general population. However, smoking cessation seems to improve both rated and measured olfactory function. The purpose of this study was to investigate the olfactory function and smoking habits in patients with olfactory loss caused by different etiologies to unveil underlying patterns related to smoking. ...
The Laryngoscope
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:16
What Is the Optimal Timing for Dividing a Forehead Flap?
The Laryngoscope
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:16
Reconfiguration of Upper Airway Stimulation Devices Utilizing Awake Endoscopy
Objectives Determine the rates of, reasons for, and effectiveness of device reprogramming utilizing in‐office awake endoscopy (AE) in subjects who underwent upper airway stimulation (UAS) surgery. Study Design Retrospective chart review. Methods Retrospective chart review at a tertiary care center on patients implanted with UAS devices from November 2015 to July 2018. Results Sixty patients were implanted with UAS devices. Average pre‐ and postsurgical total apnea–hypopnea index...
The Laryngoscope
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:16
A Mouse Model of Dysphagia After Facial Nerve Injury
Objective Dysphagia is common following facial nerve injury; however, research is sparse regarding swallowing‐related outcomes and targeted treatments. Previous animal studies have used eye blink and vibrissae movement as measures of facial nerve impairment and recovery. The purpose of this study was to create a mouse model of facial nerve injury that results in dysphagia to enhance translational research outcomes. Study design Prospective animal study. Methods Twenty C57BL/6J mice underwent...
The Laryngoscope
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:16
Utilization of computed tomography in temporal bone fractures at a large level I trauma center
Objectives/Hypothesis To identify which patients with temporal bone fractures who have already undergone trauma pan‐scan computed tomography (CT) do not require an additional dedicated temporal bone CT. To determine the added cost of dedicated temporal bone CT in a lower‐risk group of patients. Study Design Retrospective chart review. Methods A chart review was conducted of adult patients at a large level I trauma center with temporal bone fractures who underwent both trauma pan‐scan...
The Laryngoscope
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:16
Are Cochlear Implants a Viable Option Following Temporal Bone Fracture?
The Laryngoscope
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:16
Designer genetically‐encoded voltage‐dependent calcium channel inhibitors inspired by RGK GTPases
Abstract High‐voltage‐activated calcium (CaV1/CaV2) channels translate action potentials into Ca2+ influx in excitable cells to control essential biological processes that include; muscle contraction, synaptic transmission, hormone secretion, and activity‐dependent regulation of gene expression. Modulation of CaV1/CaV2 channel activity is a powerful mechanism to regulate physiology, and there are a host of intracellular signalling molecules that tune different aspects of CaV channel trafficking...
The Journal of Physiology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:13
Fungal allergen‐induced IL‐33 secretion involves cholesterol‐dependent, VDAC‐1‐mediated ATP release from the airway epithelium
Key points Alternaria aeroallergens induce the release of ATP from human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells by activating a conductive pathway involving VDAC‐1 and by exocytosis of ATP localized within membrane vesicles. Inhibition of VDAC‐1 blocked Alternaria‐evoked Ca2+ uptake across the plasma membrane of HBE cells and IL‐33 release into the extracellular media. Reducing cholesterol content with a cholesterol scavenger (b‐methylcyclodextrin) or statin compound (simvastatin) blocked ATP and...
The Journal of Physiology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:13
Alloplastic total temporomandibular joint replacement in skeletally immature patients: a pilot survey
Publication date: Available online 26 February 2020Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): B.R. Keyser, A.K. Banda, L.G. Mercuri, G. Warburton, S.M. Sullivan
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:10
Palatal augmentation prostheses in individuals treated for head and neck cancer: Effects on speech and oral transport
Abstract Background Negative side effects affecting articulation and oral transport are common after treatment for head and neck cancer (HNC). The aim of this study was to assess the effects on speech and patient‐reported experience of palatal augmentation prostheses (PAP) in this patient group. Methods Twenty consecutive patients who had received a PAP were included. We performed a blinded randomized listener assessment of recordings of the patients' speech with and without the PAP. Patient‐reported...
Head & Neck
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:06
Risk factors for human papillomavirus‐positive nonoropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Abstract Background Human papillomavirus (HPV)‐positive oropharyngeal cancer (HPV‐OPC) is distinct from HPV‐unassociated head and neck cancer. However, whether risk factors for HPV‐positive oropharyngeal and nonoropharyngeal squamous cell cancer are the same is unclear. Methods Incident cases of HPV‐positive head and neck cell cancer and matched non‐cancer controls were enrolled in a multi‐institutional, prospective study examining risk factors, biomarkers, and survival. Results HPV‐nonOPC...
Head & Neck
Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:09
Oral squamous cell carcinoma involving the maxillae: Factors affecting local recurrence and the value of salvage treatment for overall survival
Abstract Objective To determine factors associated with local recurrence (LR) of oral squamous cell carcinoma involving the maxillae (MSCC) and overall survival (OS) after salvage treatment. Subjects and Methods Retrospective study of MSCC operated between 2000 and 2015. Kaplan‐Meier survival and Cox regression were used for analysis of MSCC‐associated clinical and histopathological factors. Results Ninety‐five patients were included. LR occurred in 24% of patients. Vascular invasion...
Head & Neck
Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:09
human homeostasis; +60 new citations
60 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: human homeostasis These pubmed results were generated on 2020/02/27PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Human homeostasis
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:05
human homeostasis; +58 new citations
58 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: human homeostasis These pubmed results were generated on 2020/02/27PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Human homeostasis
Thu Feb 27, 2020 13:00
Efficacy of dual use of Tc‐99m‐pertechnetate and Tc‐99m‐tetrofosmin scintigraphy for the assessment of thyroid nodules
Abstract Introduction Radioisotope methods have shown to be useful in the non‐invasive diagnosis of thyroid nodules over the past years. The present prospective study aims to evaluate the efficacy of gamma imaging using single and dual tracer using Tc‐99m pertechnetate and Tc‐99m tetrofosmin for evaluation and management of thyroid nodules. Methods Dynamic (perfusion) imaging was performed after injecting 148–185 MBq (4–5 mCi) of Tc‐99m pertechnetate followed by static imaging. A second,...
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:04
Future Oncology; +28 new citations
28 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: Future Oncology These pubmed results were generated on 2020/02/27PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
pubmed: future oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 15:02
Future Oncology; +25 new citations
25 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: Future Oncology These pubmed results were generated on 2020/02/27PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
pubmed: future oncology
Thu Feb 27, 2020 13:00
Three‐dimensional facial morphology in Cantú syndrome
Abstract Cantú syndrome (CS) was first described in 1982, and is caused by pathogenic variants in ABCC9 and KCNJ8 encoding regulatory and pore forming subunits of ATP‐sensitive potassium (KATP) channels, respectively. It is characterized by congenital hypertrichosis, osteochondrodysplasia, extensive cardiovascular abnormalities and distinctive facial anomalies including a broad nasal bridge, long philtrum, epicanthal folds, and prominent lips. Many genetic syndromes, such as CS, involve facial anomalies...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:58
Cutaneous findings of familial cerebral cavernous malformation syndrome due to the common Hispanic mutation
Abstract Familial cerebral cavernous malformations due to the common Hispanic mutation (FCCM1‐CHM) is an endemic condition among the Hispanic population of the Southwestern United States associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cutaneous vascular malformations (CVMs) can be found in individuals with FCCM1‐CHM, but their morphology, prevalence, and association with cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) has not been well characterized. A cross‐sectional study of 140 individuals with...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:58
Expanding the spectrum of CEP55‐associated disease to viable phenotypes
Abstract Homozygosity for nonsense variants in CEP55 has been associated with a lethal condition characterized by multinucleated neurons, anhydramnios, renal dysplasia, cerebellar hypoplasia, and hydranencephaly (MARCH syndrome) also known as Meckel‐like syndrome. Missense variants in CEP55 have not previously been reported in association with disease. Here we describe seven living individuals from five families with biallelic CEP55 variants. Four unrelated individuals with microcephaly, speech...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:58
Clinical manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta in adulthood: An integrative review of quantitative studies and case reports
Abstract Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disorder of the bones caused by a mutation in Type I collagen genes. As adults with OI are aging, medical concerns secondary to OI may arise. This integrative review sought to review, appraise, and synthesize the clinical manifestations faced by adults with OI. Four electronic bibliographic databases were searched. Published quantitative, qualitative, and mixed‐methods studies, as well as case reports from 2000 to March 2019, addressing a clinical...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:58
Clinical features, molecular results, and management of 12 individuals with the rare arthrochalasia Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome
Abstract Arthrochalasia Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome (aEDS) is a rare autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder that is characterized by congenital bilateral hip dislocations, severe generalized joint hypermobility, recurrent joint (sub)luxations, and skin hyperextensibility. To date, 42 patients with aEDS have been published. We report 12 patients with aEDS from 10 families with 6 unpublished individuals and follow‐up data on 6 adult patients. The clinical features are largely comparable with patients...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:58
Improvement of bone-erosive temporomandibular joint (TMJ) abnormalities in adolescents undergoing non-surgical treatment: a longitudinal study.
Related ArticlesImprovement of bone-erosive temporomandibular joint (TMJ) abnormalities in adolescents undergoing non-surgical treatment: a longitudinal study. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2020 Feb 26;:20190338 Authors: Abrahamsson AK, Arvidsson LZ, Småstuen MC, Larheim TA Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate the longitudinal changes of the imaging TMJ characteristics in young patients with TMJ-related symptoms and treated with non-surgical methods. The severity...
dentomaxillofac rad
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:57
upper respiratory tract infection; +50 new citations
50 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2020/02/27PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:55
Large concomitant outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis emergency visits in adults and food-borne events suspected to be linked to raw shellfish, France, December 2019 to January 2020.
Related ArticlesLarge concomitant outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis emergency visits in adults and food-borne events suspected to be linked to raw shellfish, France, December 2019 to January 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020 Feb;25(7): Authors: Fouillet A, Fournet N, Forgeot C, Jones G, Septfons A, Franconeri L, Ambert-Balay K, Schmidt J, Guérin P, de Valk H, Caserio-Schönemann C Abstract On 27 December 2019, the French Public Health Agency identified a large...
Institut de veille sanitaire (France) Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (Great Britain) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:54
Interim estimates of 2019/20 vaccine effectiveness during early-season co-circulation of influenza A and B viruses, Canada, February 2020.
Related ArticlesInterim estimates of 2019/20 vaccine effectiveness during early-season co-circulation of influenza A and B viruses, Canada, February 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020 Feb;25(7): Authors: Skowronski DM, Zou M, Sabaiduc S, Murti M, Olsha R, Dickinson JA, Gubbay JB, Croxen MA, Charest H, Jassem A, Krajden M, Bastien N, Li Y, De Serres G Abstract Interim results from Canada's Sentinel Practitioner Surveillance Network show that during a season characterised...
Institut de veille sanitaire (France) Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (Great Britain) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,
Thu Feb 27, 2020 14:54

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