Perceived Feasibility, Acceptability, and Cultural Adaptation for a Mental Health Intervention in Rural HaitiAbstract
Mental healthcare is largely unavailable throughout Haiti, particularly in rural areas. The aim of the current study is to explore perceived feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of potential culturally adapted interventions to improve mental health among Haitian women. The study used focus group discussions (n = 12) to explore five potential interventions to promote mental health: individual counseling, income-generating skills training, peer support groups, reproductive health education, and couples’ communication training. Findings indicate that individual counseling, support group, and skills training components were generally anticipated to be effective, acceptable, and feasible by both male and female participants. That being said, participants expressed doubts regarding the acceptability of the couples’ communication training and reproductive health education due to: a perceived lack of male interest, traditional male and female gender roles, lack of female autonomy, and misconceptions about family planning. Additionally, the feasibility, effectiveness, and acceptability of the components were described as dependent on cost, proximity to participants, and inclusion of a female health promoter that is known in the community. Given the lack of research on intervention approaches in Haiti, particularly those targeting mental health, this study provides a foundation for developing prevention and treatment approaches for mental distress among Haitian women.
Moral Experiences of Crisis Management in a Child Mental Health Setting: A Participatory Hermeneutic Ethnographic StudyAbstract
Restraints and seclusion are routinely used in child mental health settings for conflict and crisis management, but raise significant ethical concerns. Using a participatory hermeneutic ethnographic framework, we studied conflict and crisis management in a child mental health setting offering care to children aged 6–12 years old in Quebec, Canada. The use of this framework allowed for an in-depth examination of the local imaginaries, of what is morally meaningful to the people in the setting, in addition to institutional norms, structures and practices. Data collection involved participant observation, interviews, and documentation review, with an interpretive framework for data analysis. We argue that the prevalent view of children shared by staff members as “incomplete human becomings” led to the adoption and legitimization of authoritative norms, structures and practices guided largely by a behavioral approach, which sometimes led to an increased use of control measures for reasons other than imminent harm. Children experienced these controlling practices as abusive and hindering the development of trusting relationships, which impeded the implementation of more collaborative approaches staff members sought to put in place to prevent the use of control measures. Study results are discussed in light of conceptions of children as moral agents.
“A Résumé for the Baby”: Biosocial Precarity and Care of Substance-Using, Pregnant Women in San FranciscoAbstract
In the United States, the historical condemnation and punitive legal consequences of substance use during pregnancy—ranging from incarceration to termination of parental custody of a newborn—render pregnant women in state of biosocial precarity. Yet pregnant women who use illicit substances who desire to parent must generate a legible narrative for bureaucratic groups, such as Child Protective Services, through engagement with biomedical care in order to demonstrate parental capacity. Based on longitudinal interviews with pregnant women who were actively using illicit substances and attempting to parent after delivery, we posit that the relationship between biosocial precarity and biomedical care is a procedural interaction that is rooted in the potential to parent, described as the ability to have a “take-home baby.” In order to achieve this goal, the need for engagement in biomedical care and the creation of a biomedical narrative, described as a “résumé for the baby” is required. The relationship between care and biosocial precarity is a unique, underdeveloped concept within medical anthropology and has important consequences not only for the ethical turn within anthropology, but also how applied researchers consider engagement with this highly marginalized, vulnerable population.
Ebola and Localized Blame on Social Media: Analysis of Twitter and Facebook Conversations During the 2014–2015 Ebola EpidemicAbstract
This study aimed to analyze main groups accused on social media of causing or spreading the 2014–2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa. In this analysis, blame is construed as a vehicle of meaning through which the lay public makes sense of an epidemic, and through which certain classes of people become “figures of blame”. Data was collected from Twitter and Facebook using key word extraction, then categorized thematically. Our findings indicate an overall proximate blame tendency: blame was typically cast on “near-by” figures, namely national governments, and less so on “distant” figures, such as generalized figures of otherness (“Africans”, global health authorities, global elites). Our results also suggest an evolution of online blame. In the early stage of the epidemic, blame directed at the affected populations was more prominent. However, during the peak of the outbreak, the increasingly perceived threat of inter-continental spread was accompanied by a progressively proximal blame tendency, directed at figures with whom the social media users had pre-existing biopolitical frustrations. Our study proposes that pro-active and on-going analysis of blame circulating in social media can usefully help to guide communications strategies, making them more responsive to public perceptions.
From Treatment to Containment to Enterprise: An Ethno-history of Therapeutic Communities in Puerto Rico, 1961–1993Abstract
Unpaid work is now a central therapy in Puerto Rican therapeutic communities, where substance users reside and seek to rehabilitate each other, often for years at a time. Once a leading treatment for addiction in mainland United States, therapeutic communities were scaled back in the 1970s after they lost federal endorsement. They continue to flourish in Puerto Rico for reasons that have less to do with their curative powers than with their malleability as multi-purpose social enterprises and their historical co-option by state, market and family actors who have deployed them for a variety of purposes. Their endurance from the 1960s to the neoliberal present obliges us to recognize their capacities as what Mizruchi calls abeyance mechanisms whereby ‘surplus’ populations, otherwise excluded from labor and home, are absorbed into substitute livelihoods. Having initially emerged as a low-cost treatment, in a context of mass unemployment and prison-overcrowding they now thrive as institutions of containment and informal enterprise.
A Point in the Heart : Concepts of Emotional Distress Among Albanian-Speaking Immigrants in SwitzerlandAbstract
Cultural variability regarding concepts of distress for common mental disorders (CMD) has been reported extensively in cultural clinical psychology across the globe. However, little is known about illness narratives in social communities from Southeast Europe. The purpose of this paper is to identify cultural concepts of distress (CCDs) among Albanian-speaking immigrants in Switzerland and to integrate the findings into literature from other parts of the world. Twenty semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted using the Barts Explanatory Model Inventory (BEMI). A set of concepts was described through content analysis and semantic network analysis. The results show complex expressions of distress, which are mainly associated with post-migration living difficulties. Social problems and life-changing events mark the onset of the most common symptoms. Self-management and social support were described as the most important coping behaviors. Participants expressed trust in physical health care but little belief in psychotherapy. There is indication that mental illnesses are stigmatized in this population. It is therefore important to use non-stigmatizing terms in health communication. Moreover, individuals from this community consider suffering to be part of life, and they assume that this suffering must be endured with patience. It is vital to address these beliefs in psychological interventions.
Cultural Consultation in Context: A Comparison of the Framing of Identity During Intake at Services in Montreal, London, and ParisAbstract
Cultural diversity poses a challenge to mental Health care systems in many settings. Specialized cultural consultation services have been developed in a number of countries as a way to supplement existing services. The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast cultural consultation services in Montreal, London, and Paris to determine how culture and society have shaped the evolution of these services to meet local sensitivities and imperatives. Historical contexts of the sites, their descriptions and origins, how they categorize cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, and their intake procedures are compared and contrasted according to a standardized template of themes. Data came from site visits and participant observation at each site. For historical, political, and cultural reasons, categorization of diversity and intake procedures differ markedly by site: Montreal focuses on language categories and language proficiency; London enumerates ethnic diversity according to officially mandated categories; and Paris does not gather ethnic data on its patients in any form. The process of cultural consultation, specifically its triage and intake procedures, is profoundly influenced by local histories and social norms that are maintained by professional cultures of psychiatry in each setting. To properly place their patients in context, cultural psychiatrists must not only aim to understand the culture of the other, but also must consider the culture of the mainstream society and how it shapes the delivery of services.
Can Mobile Health Improve Depression Treatment Access and Adherence Among Rural Indian Women? A Qualitative StudyAbstract
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is associated with low rates of treatment and medication non-adherence, more so in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Mobile mental health (mHealth) interventions offer promise as a tool to address these problems. However, the feasibility and acceptability of mHealth interventions among rural women in LMICs is unknown. We examined barriers to accessing mental health treatment, reasons for non-adherence, and attitudes towards mHealth solutions among women with MDD in rural south India. Six focus groups were conducted among women with MDD (n = 69) who had been in treatment at a rural community health center. The discussion was transcribed and analyzed using a modified grounded-theory approach. Women perceived limited autonomy within their family structure, and experienced financial and systemic barriers as contributing to poor treatment access and non-adherence. Illiteracy, limited personal access to mobile phones, and preference for in-person clinical consultation were identified as barriers to use of mHealth. This is the first qualitative study, to our knowledge, that examines attitude towards mHealth among women with MDD in a rural setting in India. The study identified contextual barriers that will be important to address before implementing mHealth interventions.
The Globalization of Biological Psychiatry and the Rise of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder in IranAbstract
In recent years, psychiatry in Iran witnessed a dramatic increase in the use of the diagnosis of bipolar spectrum disorder (BSD). This qualitative study maps the journey of the BSD diagnosis from the West to Iran, examines the controversy surrounding the diagnosis and its treatment, and explores some of the structural factors that facilitate and maintain the widespread use of the BSD diagnosis in Iran and related practices of prescribing neuroleptic and mood stabilizers. The study methods include archival research and semi-structured interviews with 25 prominent Iranian psychiatrists in the field of mood disorders. Results show the importance of factors in addition to economics in driving changes in diagnostic fashion. Most psychiatrists interviewed reported what they viewed as an over-diagnosis of bipolar disorder and over-prescription of mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics among Iranian psychiatrists over the past decade. In addition to the influence of leading figures of American psychiatry, the dominance of Western psychiatric classifications and textbooks in Iran’s psychiatry, and indirect intervention by pharmaceutical companies, local structural and political factors have played a significant role in the Iranian psychiatric system’s embrace of the new concept of bipolarity. In Iran, the medicalization of social conflict has been embraced by government, families, and psychiatrists for cross-cutting purposes. These challenges and the continued controversy over the adoption of American psychiatric fads in a non-Western country like Iran point to the importance of elaborating a more ecosocial and cultural view of psychiatric practice to disentangle some of the complex trade-offs involved in adopting particular modes of diagnostic practice.
Rights as Relationships: Collaborating with Faith Healers in Community Mental Health in GhanaAbstract
This paper explores the ways in which mental health workers think through the ethics of working with traditional and faith healers in Ghana. Despite reforms along the lines advocated by global mental health, including rights-based legislation and the expansion of community-based mental health care, such healers remain popular resources for treatment and mechanical restraint and other forms of coercion commonplace. As recommended in global mental health policy, mental health workers are urged to form collaborations with healers to prevent human rights abuses and promote psychiatric alternatives for treatment. However, precisely how such collaborations might be established is seldom described. This paper draws on ethnographic research to investigate how mental health workers approach working with healers and the moral imagination which informs their relationship. Through an analysis of trainee mental health workers’ encounters with a Prophet and his patients, the paper reveals how mental health workers attempt to negotiate the tensions between their professional duty of care, their Christian faith, and the authority of healers. I argue that, rather than enforcing legal prohibitions, mental health workers seek to avoid confrontation and manouver within existing hierarchies, thereby preserving sentiments of obligation and reciprocity within a shared moral landscape and established forms of sociality.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Τρίτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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