
Τρίτη 3 Μαρτίου 2020

[ASAP] Oxidative Generation of Boron-Centered Radicals in Carboranes
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00300
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Duality of Reactivity of a Biradicaloid Compound with an <italic toggle="yes">o</italic>-Quinodimethane Scaffold
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c01003
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Cobalt-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of a,ß-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids by Homolytic H<sub>2</sub> Cleavage
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b13876
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Lewis Acidity Scale of Diaryliodonium Ions toward Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Halogen Lewis Bases
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b12998
Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Effect of Pressure Increase on Macromolecules’ Adsorption in Ion Exchange Chromatography
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05729
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Novel Strategy for Validating the Existence and Mechanism of the “Gut–Liver Axis” in Vivo by a Hypoxia-Sensitive NIR Fluorescent Probe
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b04578
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Correction to Accelerating the Throughput of Affinity Mass Spectrometry-Based Ligand Screening toward a G Protein-Coupled Receptor
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00754
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Rapid Monitoring Approach for Microplastics Using Portable Pyrolysis-Mass Spectrometry
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00300
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Multivariate Curve Resolution for 2D Solid-State NMR spectra
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05420
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] DNA Framework-Mediated Electrochemical Biosensing Platform for Amplification-Free MicroRNA Analysis
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05616
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
[ASAP] Analysis of the Stable Isotope Ratios (<sup>18</sup>O/<sup>16</sup>O, <sup>17</sup>O/<sup>16</sup>O, and D/H) in Glacier Water by Laser Spectrometry
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05679
Analytical Chemistry
Tue Mar 03, 2020 07:00
The Evolving Algorithm of Biological Selection in Severe Asthma
Abstract New therapeutic options for severe asthma have recently emerged, mostly in the form of monoclonal antibodies (“biologicals”) targeting relevant inflammatory pathways. Currently available agents target different aspects of ‘Type 2’ immunity and their indications often include overlapping patient groups. We present a round table discussion that took place during the Annual Meeting of the Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG), on the reasoning behind the use of different add‐on medications...
Stability of regulatory T cells in T helper 2‐biased allergic airway diseases
Abstract Regulatory T (Treg) cells potentially suppress the deleterious activities of effector T cells and maintain a state of tolerance against antigens in the airway mucosa. A decrease in the number and function of Treg cells is observed in T helper 2 (Th2)‐biased allergic airway diseases. However, adoptive transfer of naturally occurring Treg (tTreg) cells or peripherally derived Treg (pTreg) cells in asthmatic mouse models did not yield satisfactory results in any previous studies. Here, we...
Allergy as a sentinel measure of planetary health and biodiversity loss
Predictive value of prognostic nutritional index in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma
Abstract Objectives To determine the prognostic significance of preoperative prognostic nutritional index (PNI) in patients with primary oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) after ablative surgery. Materials and Methods A total of 333 patients from two tertiary referral centers were enrolled as training and validation cohorts. The PNI was calculated as 10× serum albumin (g/dL) + 0.005× total lymphocyte number (per mm3) and its optimal cutoff value for patient stratification was identified...
Oral Diseases
In vitro adherence of Candida albicans to zirconia surfaces
Abstract Objectives This study aimed to characterize surface properties such as roughness (Ra) and surface free energy (SFE) of glazed and polished yttria‐stabilized zirconia and to evaluate in vitro adherence of fungus Candida albicans and salivary bacteria, Staphylococcus epidermidis, mixed with C. albicans to these substrata. Additionally, the influence of salivary proteins (albumin, mucin and α– amylase) on yeast adhesion was studied. Material and methods Ra and SFE of glazed...
Oral Diseases
Insufficient sleep, EEG activation, and seizure risk: Re‐evaluating the evidence
Abstract Insufficient sleep has been considered a seizure trigger in people with epilepsy for thousands of years. Here, we reviewed the evidence upon which this axiomatic association might be predicated. After evaluating evidence suggesting insufficient sleep as an EEG activator, we systematically reviewed the literature for longitudinal studies measuring the effect of insufficient sleep on seizure risk. Ultimately, published works designed to prove a causal relationship were of low level of evidence...
Annals of Neurology
Giving radiologists a voice: a review of podcasts in radiology
Abstract Objectives Podcasts are audio recordings distributed via the Internet. We review the availability of podcasts on the topic of radiology. Methods A search for podcasts relating to radiology was performed using search engines and free public websites that either hosted or distributed podcasts. Only English language podcast series...
Assessment of early damage of endometrium after artificial abortion by shear wave elastography
Abstract Objectives This study aimed to investigate the application of shear wave elastography (SWE) in the early damage detection through assessing the endometrial elasticity after artificial abortion. Methods A total of nulliparous women (20–30 years) who received ultrasonography in our hospital were recruited between January 2017 and...
Spectacular rediscovery of the original prints of radiographs Roentgen sent to Lorentz in 1896
Abstract Background Ninety years after the Dutch theoretical physicist H.A. Lorentz died, detailed investigation of his scientific heritage yielded the set of nine original prints of radiographs that W.C. Roentgen made during his experiments and had sent him, among half a dozen other scientists, on January 1st, 1896. Main text Through...
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Implementation of the Clinically Oriented Reasoning Evaluation: Impact on the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR) exam
Abstract The aim of the study is to perform an analysis of the results that have been compiled in the nine years that the examination has existed.
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Characteristics of fecal metabolic profiles in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with predominant diarrhea investigated using 1H‐NMR coupled with multivariate statistical analysis
Fecal metabolic profiling of patients with IBS‐D was clearly differentiated from that of healthy controls administered laxatives or not. Five disease‐relevant potential biomarkers (cadaverine, putrescine, threonine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine) were found in patients with IBS‐D, excluding the effects of fast colon transit. It provides fundamental information for developing novel therapies for IBS‐D. Abstract Background Gut microbiota are known to be closely related to irritable bowel syndrome...
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
The cyclic motor patterns in the human colon
High‐resolution colonic manometry allows detailed assessment of human colon motor function and dysfunction. Here, a cyclic motor pattern at ~12 cycles/min follows a high‐amplitude propagating pressure wave at 160 mm Hg. It may restore the absorption and mixing condition after a mass movement of content. Abstract Background High‐resolution colonic manometry gives an unprecedented window into motor patterns of the human colon. Our objective was to characterize motor activities throughout the entire...
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
Eine hartnäckige Form der chronischen Otitis media
Laryngo-Rhino-OtolDOI: 10.1055/a-1089-8088© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New YorkArticle in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text
Tue Mar 03, 2020 01:00
Clear Evidence of Safety and Efficacy Is Needed for Stromal Vascular Fraction Products: Commentary on “Arguments for a Different Regulatory Categorization and Framework for Stromal Vascular Fraction”
Stem Cells and Development, Volume 29, Issue 5, Page 263-265, March 1, 2020.
Stem Cells and Development
Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:00
Validation of a web‐based version of the Craniofacial Pain and Disability Inventory
Abstract Objective To translate and cross‐cultural adapt the Craniofacial Pain and Disability Inventory (CF‐PDI) into Chinese and, to evaluate measurement properties of the web‐based version of the CF‐PDI. Methods The Chinese version (CF‐PDI/C) was first produced according the guidelines. Then, the web‐based version of CF‐PDI/C (eCF‐PDI/C) was developed by our team and a third‐party survey provider. The eCF‐PDI/C was distributed to patients with painful TMD with or without headache...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Plant and Bacterial Metaxin-like Proteins: Novel Proteins Related to Vertebrate Metaxins Involved in Uptake of Nascent Proteins into Mitochondria [NEW RESULTS]
The metaxins were originally identified as vertebrate proteins of the outer mitochondrial membrane involved in protein import into mitochondria. Metaxin proteins have also been found in diverse invertebrate phyla. The present study is concerned with examining whether metaxin-like proteins occur in plants and bacteria. Metaxin-like proteins were revealed by their homology with human metaxins and the possession of characteristic GST_Metaxin protein domains. The results demonstrate that metaxin-like...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
The recombinational landscape in Daphnia pulex [NEW RESULTS]
Through the analysis of linkage disequilibrium from genome-wide sequencing data for multiple individuals from eight populations, the general features of the recombinational landscape are revealed in the microcrustacean Daphnia pulex. The data suggest an exceptionally uniform pattern of recombination across the genome, while also confirming general patterns that are inconsistent with existing population-genetic models for the relationship between linkage disequilibrium and physical distances between...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Heme A-containing oxidases evolved in the ancestors of iron oxidizing bacteria [NEW RESULTS]
The origin of oxygen respiration in bacteria has long intrigued biochemists, microbiologists and evolutionary biologists. The earliest enzymes that consume oxygen to extract energy did not evolve in the same lineages of photosynthetic bacteria that released oxygen on primordial earth, leading to the great oxygenation event (GOE). A widespread type of such enzymes is proton pumping cytochrome c oxidase (COX) that contains heme A, a unique prosthetic group for these oxidases. Here we show that the...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Animal personality adds complexity to the processes of adaptive divergence and speciation. [NEW RESULTS]
Divergent selection is a powerful driver of speciation and has been widely studied in relation to the physical characters of organisms. Because evolution of behavioural traits may contribute to evolutionary processes, we explored how consistent variation in behaviours may affect the process of adaptive divergence and speciation. We studied whether two sympatric morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) have recently evolved genetically-based differences in personality that conform to their respective...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Ontogenetic and static allometry of hind femur length in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) with implications for evo-devo of morphological scaling [NEW RESULTS]
The evolution of morphological allometry or scaling is a long-standing enigma in biology. Three types of allometric relationships have been defined: static, ontogenetic and evolutionary allometry. However, the theory of the interrelationship between these three types of allometry have not been tested in Orthopterans and to a lesser extent in hemimetabolous insects. Here, the ontogenetic allometry of hind femur length in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus was observed to be slightly positive as compared...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
A unifying approach to gene drive [NEW RESULTS]
Synthetic gene drive technologies aim to spread transgenic constructs into wild populations even when they impose organismal fitness disadvantages. The properties of gene drive constructs are diverse and depend on their molecular construction, and differential selection pressure they impose in the varied ecological situations they encounter. The extraordinary diversity of conceivable drive mechanisms and the range of selective parameters they may encounter makes it very difficult to convey their...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Treating symptomatic infections and the co-evolution of virulence and drug resistance [NEW RESULTS]
Antimicrobial therapeutic treatments are by definition applied after the onset of symptoms, which tend to correlate with infection severity. I use mathematical epidemiology models to explore how this link affects the coevolutionary dynamics between the virulence of an infection, measured via host mortality rate, and its susceptibility to chemotherapy. I show that unless resistance pre-exists in the population, drug resistant infections are initially more virulent than drug sensitive ones. As the...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Host "cleansing zone" at secondary contact: a new pattern in host-parasite population genetics [NEW RESULTS]
We introduce a new pattern of population genetic structure in a host-parasite system that can arise after secondary contact (SC) of previously isolated populations. Due to different generation time and therefore different tempo of molecular evolution the host and parasite populations reach different degrees of genetic differentiation during their separation (e.g. in refugia). Consequently, during the SC the host populations are able to re-establish a single panmictic population across the whole recolonized...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Light environment drives evolution of color vision genes in butterflies and moths [NEW RESULTS]
Opsins are the primary light-sensing molecules in animals. Opsins have peak sensitivities to specific wavelengths which allows for color discrimination. The opsin protein family has undergone duplications and losses, dynamically expanding and contracting the number of opsins, throughout invertebrate evolution, but it is unclear what drives this diversity. Light availability, however, appears to play a significant role. Dim environments are associated with low opsin diversity in deep-sea fishes and...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Effect of cognitive behavioural therapy on sleep and opioid medication use in adults with fibromyalgia and insomnia
Abstract Sleep and opioid medications used to treat insomnia and chronic pain are associated with adverse side effects (falls and cognitive disturbance). Although behavioural treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT‐I) and pain (CBT‐P) improve sleep and clinical pain, their effects on sleep and opioid medication use are unclear. In this secondary analysis of published trial data, we investigated whether CBT‐I and CBT‐P reduced reliance on sleep/opioid medication in patients...
Journal of Sleep Research
Perfect combination of the expanded flap and 3D printing technology in reconstructing a child’s craniofacial region
The reconstruction of large head and face missing structures in the craniofacial region in children is very challenging for plastic surgeons. Expanded local and expanded axial-pattern flaps are widely used for...
Head & Face Medicine
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Intentional poisoning with peanut as a cause of recurrent anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a serious potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Most episodes of anaphylaxis are triggered through an immunologic mechanism involving immunoglobulin E (IgE) which leads to mast cell and basophil activation and the subsequent release of inflammatory mediators1. Anaphylaxis typically involves the cutaneous, respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems, target organs all heavily populated with mast cells2. Death due to anaphylaxis usually occurs as a result of respiratory...
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00
Simultaneous maxillomandibular distraction in unilateral mandibular hypoplasia
In craniomaxillofacial surgery we often deal with hypoplastic mandibles and mandibular asymmetries, the correction of which is critical to obtaining acceptable aesthetic results. In all of them we find common skeletal problems once growth has finished, such as an inclined occlusal plane and facial asymmetry with a stable dental occlusion. Simultaneous maxillomandibular distraction, which involves a Le Fort I osteotomy and a mandibular osteotomy with intermaxillary fixation during the period of active...
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Mar 03, 2020 02:00

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