
Κυριακή 29 Μαρτίου 2020

Double free flaps in oral cavity and oropharynx reconstruction: Systematic review, indications and limits.
Related ArticlesDouble free flaps in oral cavity and oropharynx reconstruction: Systematic review, indications and limits. Oral Oncol. 2020 Mar 24;104:104637 Authors: Mannelli G, Gazzini L, Comini LV, Parrinello G, Nocini R, Marchioni D, Molteni G Abstract The simultaneous use of two different free flaps, harvested from distinct donor sites, has demonstrated a reasonable degree of safety and success rates in head and neck composite defects reconstruction....
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
New therapeutic opportunities for COVID-19 patients with Tocilizumab: Possible correlation of interleukin-6 receptor inhibitors with osteonecrosis of the jaws.
Related ArticlesNew therapeutic opportunities for COVID-19 patients with Tocilizumab: Possible correlation of interleukin-6 receptor inhibitors with osteonecrosis of the jaws. Oral Oncol. 2020 Mar 21;:104659 Authors: Bennardo F, Buffone C, Giudice A PMID: 32209313 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Quality over Quantity: A Qualitative, Targeted Bottom-up Proteomics Approach to Genotyping Apolipoprotein L1
Publication date: Available online 28 March 2020Source: Clinical BiochemistryAuthor(s): Meghan Norris Bradley, Christopher M. Shufor, Patricia L. Holland, Michael Levandoski, Russell P. Grant
ScienceDirect Publication: Clinical Biochemistry
Reducing the probability of falsely elevated HbA1c results in diabetic patients by applying automated and educative HbA1c re-testing intervals
Publication date: Available online 27 March 2020Source: Clinical BiochemistryAuthor(s): Cornelia Mrazek, Lars Stechemesser, Elisabeth Haschke-Becher, Bertram Hölzl, Bernhard Paulweber, Martin H. Keppel, Ana-Maria Simundic, Hannes Oberkofler, Thomas K. Felder, Janne Cadamuro
ScienceDirect Publication: Clinical Biochemistry
PKMYT1 is associated with prostate cancer malignancy and may serve as a therapeutic target
Publication date: Available online 29 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Jianan Wang, Lin Wang, Saipeng Chen, Huahong Peng, Longfei Xiao, E. Du, Yan Liu, Dong Lin, Yuzhuo Wang, Yong Xu, Kuo Yang
Identification of Functional Mutations at FOXP3 Binding Site within <em>BIC</em> Gene that Alter the Expression of miR-155 in Pigs
Publication date: Available online 28 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Daoyuan Wang, Wei Zhang, Jingying Guo, Yalan Wu, Xinyun Li, Shuhong Zhao, Mengjin Zhu
The frequency of PTEN germline mutations in Chinese breast cancer patients: the PTEN gene may not be closely associated with breast cancer in the Chinese population
Publication date: Available online 28 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Yu Wu, Dabing Huang, Huanhuan Zhang, Xiaoling Weng, Honglian Wang, Qinghua Zhou, Ying Wu, Yi Shen, Baining Sun, Zhen Hu
SIRT3 increases cisplatin sensitivity of small-cell lung cancer through apoptosis
Publication date: Available online 27 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Rui Guo, Yang Li, Yanan Xue, Yingying Chen, Jiuling Li, Xinyue Deng, Jing Su, Yanan Liu, Liankun Sun
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of rhizomes, stems, and leaves of <em>Polygonatum odoratum</em> (Mill.) Druce reveals candidate genes associated with polysaccharide synthesis
Publication date: Available online 26 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Shengxiang Zhang, Yuanyuan Shi, Luqi Huang, Chenkai Wang, Derui Zhao, Kelong Ma, Jiawen Wu, Daiyin Peng
miR-430a regulates the development of left-right asymmetry by targeting <em>sqt</em> in the teleost
Publication date: Available online 26 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Fan Yang, Jie Qi
Transplant Chimerism in Porcine Structural Vascularized Bone Allotransplants
Publication date: Available online 26 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Rudolph H. Houben, Ross A. Aleff, Patricia F. Friedrich, Alexander Y. Shin, Eric D. Wieben, Andre J. van. Wijnen, Allen T. Bishop
Everyday tasks impair spatiotemporal variables of gait in older adults with Parkinson's disease.
Related ArticlesEveryday tasks impair spatiotemporal variables of gait in older adults with Parkinson's disease. Hum Mov Sci. 2020 Apr;70:102591 Authors: Yamada PA, Amaral-Felipe KM, Spinoso DH, Abreu DCC, Stroppa-Marques AEZ, Faganello-Navega FR Abstract INTRODUCTION: Although it is known that individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) have difficulties performing dual-task activities, most of the studies have verified the effect of dual tasks on gait...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Kinematic gait parameters for older adults with Parkinson's disease during street crossing simulation.
Related ArticlesKinematic gait parameters for older adults with Parkinson's disease during street crossing simulation. Hum Mov Sci. 2020 Apr;70:102599 Authors: Amaral-Felipe KMD, Yamada PA, Abreu DCC, Freire Júnior RC, Stroppa-Marques AEZ, Faganello-Navega FR Abstract Safe street crossing is important for older adults' social inclusion. We assessed gait kinematic adaptation under different simulated street crossing conditions in older adults with Parkinson's...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Patients' priorities in a reminiscence and legacy intervention in palliative care.
Related ArticlesPatients' priorities in a reminiscence and legacy intervention in palliative care. Palliat Care Soc Pract. 2019;13:2632352419892629 Authors: Hesse M, Forstmeier S, Ates G, Radbruch L Abstract Background: Reminiscence is used in a range of different interventions in palliative care, for example, Dignity Therapy or Life Review. However, literature has focused mainly on the methodology, and little has been published on patients' priorities...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Blood tests to diagnose schizophrenia: self-imposed limits in psychiatry.
Related ArticlesBlood tests to diagnose schizophrenia: self-imposed limits in psychiatry. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 23;: Authors: Korth C, Fangerau H Abstract The naturalisation of mental disorders-ie, their translation into measurable and preferably molecular variables-has not progressed despite breath-taking discoveries in the neurosciences. We ask whether self-inflicted limits exist among psychiatrists that would prevent them from supporting an...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Palliative Care: Too Good to Be True?
Related ArticlesPalliative Care: Too Good to Be True? Rambam Maimonides Med J. 2020 Mar 22;:1-12 Authors: Senderovich H, McFadyen K Abstract INTRODUCTION: Many patients and their families are hesitant to consult a palliative care (PC) team. In 2014, approximately 6,000,000 people in the United States could benefit from PC, and this number is expected to increase over the next 25 years. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this review is to shed light...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Ethical Training Can Turn an "Ought" to a "Can".
Related ArticlesEthical Training Can Turn an "Ought" to a "Can". Am J Bioeth. 2020 05;20(4):73-75 Authors: Bedzow I, Wynia M PMID: 32208089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Making Ethics Happen: Addressing Injustice in Health Inequalities.
Related ArticlesMaking Ethics Happen: Addressing Injustice in Health Inequalities. Am J Bioeth. 2020 05;20(4):100-101 Authors: Nobis N, Sodeke S PMID: 32208085 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Using Implementation Science to Enact Specific Ethical Norms: The Case of Code Status Policy.
Related ArticlesUsing Implementation Science to Enact Specific Ethical Norms: The Case of Code Status Policy. Am J Bioeth. 2020 05;20(4):6-7 Authors: Shearer E, Magnus D PMID: 32208071 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of massage chair therapy versus basic physiotherapy in lower back pain patients: A randomized controlled trial.
Related ArticlesClinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of massage chair therapy versus basic physiotherapy in lower back pain patients: A randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Mar;99(12):e19514 Authors: Kim SK, Min A, Jeon C, Kim T, Cho S, Lee SC, Lee CK Abstract INTRODUCTION: Low back pain is a chronic recurrent symptom, which can lower the patient's quality of life. With technological development of automated home massage systems,...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Treatment of herpes labialis by photodynamic therapy: Study protocol clinical trial (SPIRIT compliant).
Related ArticlesTreatment of herpes labialis by photodynamic therapy: Study protocol clinical trial (SPIRIT compliant). Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Mar;99(12):e19500 Authors: La Selva A, Negreiros RM, Bezerra DT, Rosa EP, Pavesi VCS, Navarro RS, Bello-Silva MS, Ramalho KM, Aranha ACC, Braz-Silva PH, Fernandes KPS, Bussadori SK, Horliana ACRT Abstract BACKGROUND: Lesions of herpes labialis are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 and cause pain and...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Time-effective analgesic effect of acupressure ankle strip pressing wrist and ankle acupuncture point on primary dysmenorrhea: Study protocol clinical trial (SPIRIT compliant).
Related ArticlesTime-effective analgesic effect of acupressure ankle strip pressing wrist and ankle acupuncture point on primary dysmenorrhea: Study protocol clinical trial (SPIRIT compliant). Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Mar;99(12):e19496 Authors: Zhai SJ, Ruan Y, Liu Y, Lin Z, Xia C, Fang FF, Zhou QH Abstract BACKGROUND: Dysmenorrhea seriously affects the ability of women to perform normal social activities and decreases their quality of life. Primary...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Adherence is associated with a favorable outcome after lung transplantation.
Related ArticlesAdherence is associated with a favorable outcome after lung transplantation. PLoS One. 2019;14(12):e0226167 Authors: Bertram A, Fuge J, Suhling H, Tudorache I, Haverich A, Welte T, Gottlieb J Abstract Non-adherence to therapy is associated with impaired outcome in solid organ allograft recipients. Outcome data are limited after lung transplantation. In a single-center cohort study, adherence was assessed in 427 patients undergoing lung...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Perioperative Complications Associated with Severity of Anemia in Geriatric Patients Undergoing Spinal Procedures.
Related ArticlesPerioperative Complications Associated with Severity of Anemia in Geriatric Patients Undergoing Spinal Procedures. World Neurosurg. 2020 Mar;135:e307-e320 Authors: Almeida ND, Lee R, Bestourous D, Klein AL, Parekh NR, Sack K, Sherman JH Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate preoperative baseline anemia, stratified by severity as a function of hematocrit level, as a risk factor for perioperative complications in geriatric patients undergoing...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Insights into survivorship care for cancer patients.
Related ArticlesInsights into survivorship care for cancer patients. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol. 2019 Oct;17(10):541-543 Authors: Baker KS PMID: 31730578 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Health-related quality of life of children and their parents 6 months after children's critical illness.
Related ArticlesHealth-related quality of life of children and their parents 6 months after children's critical illness. Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):179-189 Authors: Hordijk J, Verbruggen S, Vanhorebeek I, Van den Berghe G, Utens E, Joosten K, Dulfer K Abstract PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of children and their parents, 6 months after the child's admission to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)....
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
A Virtual Resiliency Intervention Promoting Resiliency for Parents of Children with Learning and Attentional Disabilities: A Randomized Pilot Trial.
Related ArticlesA Virtual Resiliency Intervention Promoting Resiliency for Parents of Children with Learning and Attentional Disabilities: A Randomized Pilot Trial. Matern Child Health J. 2020 Jan;24(1):39-53 Authors: Park ER, Perez GK, Millstein RA, Luberto CM, Traeger L, Proszynski J, Chad-Friedman E, Kuhlthau KA Abstract OBJECTIVES: One in five children have a learning and attentional disability (LAD). Parents of children with LAD are vulnerable...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Teaching medicine through film: Wiseman's medical trilogy revisited.
Related ArticlesTeaching medicine through film: Wiseman's medical trilogy revisited. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Oct 22;19(1):387 Authors: Wijdicks EFM Abstract BACKGROUND: Between the late 1960s and early 1980s, Frederick Wiseman filmed hundreds of hours in an emergency department, intensive care unit and asylum. These films recorded events as they happened without rehearsal and narration. MAIN BODY: Cinema and Medicine meet each other in feature...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Does Deprescribing Improve Quality of Life? A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Related ArticlesDoes Deprescribing Improve Quality of Life? A Systematic Review of the Literature. Drugs Aging. 2019 12;36(12):1097-1110 Authors: Pruskowski JA, Springer S, Thorpe CT, Klein-Fedyshin M, Handler SM Abstract BACKGROUND: Deprescribing has been shown to reduce potentially inappropriate or unnecessary medications; however, whether these benefits translate into improved quality of life (QOL) is uncertain. OBJECTIVE: The objective...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Psychometric validation of PROMIS® Anxiety and Depression Item Banks for the Brazilian population.
Related ArticlesPsychometric validation of PROMIS® Anxiety and Depression Item Banks for the Brazilian population. Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):201-211 Authors: de Castro NFC, de Melo Costa Pinto R, da Silva Mendonça TM, da Silva CHM Abstract PURPOSE: Scientific evidence indicates that depression and anxiety symptoms may be understood as risk factors associated with the incidence and progression of chronic diseases. Considering the lack of mental health...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
A validation study of the ICECAP-O in informal carers of people with dementia from eight European Countries.
Related ArticlesA validation study of the ICECAP-O in informal carers of people with dementia from eight European Countries. Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):237-251 Authors: Perry-Duxbury M, van Exel J, Brouwer W, Sköldunger A, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Irving K, Meyer G, Selbæk G, Woods B, Zanetti O, Verhey F, Wimo A, Handels RLH, Actifcare Consortium Abstract PURPOSE: The pressure on healthcare budgets remains high, partially due to the ageing population....
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
A comparison of computer adaptive tests (CATs) and short forms in terms of accuracy and number of items administrated using PROMIS profile.
Related ArticlesA comparison of computer adaptive tests (CATs) and short forms in terms of accuracy and number of items administrated using PROMIS profile. Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):213-221 Authors: Segawa E, Schalet B, Cella D Abstract PURPOSE: In the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS), seven domains (Physical Function, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance, Social Function, and Pain Interference) are packaged...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Financial Incentives May Influence Health Behaviors, But Do We End Up With Less Than We Paid For? A Self-determination Theory Perspective.
Related ArticlesFinancial Incentives May Influence Health Behaviors, But Do We End Up With Less Than We Paid For? A Self-determination Theory Perspective. Ann Behav Med. 2019 10 07;53(11):939-941 Authors: Moller AC, Ntoumanis N, Williams GC PMID: 31589301 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Examining the impacts of 12 weeks of low to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on depression status in patients with systolic congestive heart failure - A randomized controlled study.
Related ArticlesExamining the impacts of 12 weeks of low to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on depression status in patients with systolic congestive heart failure - A randomized controlled study. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2019;74:e1017 Authors: Abdelbasset WK, Alqahtani BA, Elshehawy AA, Tantawy SA, Elnegamy TE, Kamel DM Abstract OBJECTIVES: Psychiatric depression disorder is common in patients with systolic congestive heart failure (HF), and both...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Suitable Use of Injectable Agents to Overcome Hypoglycemia Risk, Barriers, and Clinical Inertia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Related ArticlesSuitable Use of Injectable Agents to Overcome Hypoglycemia Risk, Barriers, and Clinical Inertia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Drugs Aging. 2019 12;36(12):1083-1096 Authors: Valencia WM, Florez HJ, Palacio AM Abstract The management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in older adults requires a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the disease (medical) and the functional, psychological/cognitive,...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The impacts of peer education based on adolescent health education on the quality of life in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial.
Related ArticlesThe impacts of peer education based on adolescent health education on the quality of life in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial. Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):153-161 Authors: Diao H, Pu Y, Yang L, Li T, Jin F, Wang H Abstract PURPOSE: During adolescence, adolescents are more susceptible to internalizing and externalizing problems influencing quality of life (QoL). The purpose of the study is to verify the effectiveness of a...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Experiences of quality of life the first year after stroke in Denmark and Norway. A qualitative analysis.
Related ArticlesExperiences of quality of life the first year after stroke in Denmark and Norway. A qualitative analysis. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 2019 Dec;14(1):1659540 Authors: Pedersen SG, Anke A, Aadal L, Pallesen H, Moe S, Arntzen C Abstract Purpose: This study aims to explore quality of life (QOL) during the first year of recovery after stroke in North Norway and Central Denmark. Method: Individual in-depth interviews with 11 stroke...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Mapping EQ-5D-3L from the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS).
Related ArticlesMapping EQ-5D-3L from the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):265-274 Authors: Kiadaliri A, Alava MH, Roos EM, Englund M Abstract PURPOSE: To develop a mapping model to estimate EQ-5D-3L from the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). METHODS: The responses to EQ-5D-3L and KOOS questionnaires (n = 40,459 observations) were obtained from the Swedish National anterior...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The longitudinal relationships between pain severity and disability versus health-related quality of life and costs among chronic low back pain patients.
Related ArticlesThe longitudinal relationships between pain severity and disability versus health-related quality of life and costs among chronic low back pain patients. Qual Life Res. 2020 Jan;29(1):275-287 Authors: Mutubuki EN, Beljon Y, Maas ET, Huygen FJPM, Ostelo RWJG, van Tulder MW, van Dongen JM Abstract PURPOSE: Previous studies found higher levels of pain severity and disability to be associated with higher costs and lower health-related quality...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...

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