
Κυριακή 29 Μαρτίου 2020

Association of Race and Ethnicity With Late-Life Depression Severity, Symptom Burden, and Care.
Related ArticlesAssociation of Race and Ethnicity With Late-Life Depression Severity, Symptom Burden, and Care. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Mar 02;3(3):e201606 Authors: Vyas CM, Donneyong M, Mischoulon D, Chang G, Gibson H, Cook NR, Manson JE, Reynolds CF, Okereke OI Abstract Importance: Knowledge gaps persist regarding racial and ethnic variation in late-life depression, including differences in specific depressive symptoms and disparities in care. ...
pubmed: sleep
JPOS/JASCC clinical guidelines for delirium in adult cancer patients: a summary of recommendation statements.
Related ArticlesJPOS/JASCC clinical guidelines for delirium in adult cancer patients: a summary of recommendation statements. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Mar 26;: Authors: Matsuda Y, Tanimukai H, Inoue S, Inada S, Sugano K, Hasuo H, Yoshimura M, Wada S, Dotani C, Adachi H, Okamoto Y, Takeuchi M, Fujisawa D, Kako J, Sasaki C, Kishi Y, Akizuki N, Inagaki M, Uchitomi Y, Matsushima E, Okuyama T Abstract BACKGROUND: The Japanese Psycho-Oncology Society and Japanese...
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Sleep-Wake Behaviors Exhibited by Shift Workers in Normal Operations and Predicted by a Biomathematical Model of Fatigue.
Related ArticlesSleep-Wake Behaviors Exhibited by Shift Workers in Normal Operations and Predicted by a Biomathematical Model of Fatigue. Sleep. 2020 Mar 26;: Authors: Riedy SM, Roach GD, Dawson D Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: To compare rail workers' actual sleep-wake behaviors in normal operations to those predicted by a biomathematical model of fatigue (BMMF). To determine whether there are group-level residual sources of error in sleep predictions that...
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Detecting Sleep Using Heart Rate and Motion Data from Multisensor Consumer-Grade Wearables, Relative to Wrist Actigraphy and Polysomnography.
Related ArticlesDetecting Sleep Using Heart Rate and Motion Data from Multisensor Consumer-Grade Wearables, Relative to Wrist Actigraphy and Polysomnography. Sleep. 2020 Mar 26;: Authors: Roberts DM, Schade MM, Mathew GM, Gartenberg D, Buxton OM Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: Multisensor wearable consumer devices allowing collection of multiple data sources, such as heart rate and motion, for the evaluation of sleep in the home environment, are increasingly...
pubmed: sleep
"Risk-free rest and sleep:" Jornal do Médico (Portugal) and the thalidomide disaster, 1960-1962.
Related Articles"Risk-free rest and sleep:" Jornal do Médico (Portugal) and the thalidomide disaster, 1960-1962. Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos. 2020 Jan-Mar;27(1):15-32 Authors: Leandro JA Abstract This article analyzes the way the Porto-based journal Jornal do Médico reported on the thalidomide disaster. The pages of the publication are researched from the beginning of 1960 to the end of 1962 with the aim of identifying and discussing two interconnected...
pubmed: sleep
[Factors associated with sleep disorders in university students].
Related Articles[Factors associated with sleep disorders in university students]. Cad Saude Publica. 2020;36(3):e00074919 Authors: Carone CMM, Silva BDPD, Rodrigues LT, Tavares PS, Carpena MX, Santos IS Abstract The objective was to investigate sleep disorders and associated sociodemographic and behavioral factors. A census of university students was carried out. Questions extracted from the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire investigated: insufficient...
pubmed: sleep
Creating cartoons to represent habitual leg movements.
Related ArticlesCreating cartoons to represent habitual leg movements. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2020 Mar 16;: Authors: Carlos K, Camargo EP, Moinho MMD, Souza AMP, Kuroiwa MH, Prado GFD Abstract BACKGROUND: Many people have a habit of moving their legs and believe that this behavior is due to the restless legs syndrome (RLS), a highly prevalent neurological condition that greatly impairs the quality of life of affected individuals. This behavioral pattern,...
pubmed: sleep
Restless legs syndrome following the use of ziprasidone: a case report.
Related ArticlesRestless legs syndrome following the use of ziprasidone: a case report. Gen Psychiatr. 2020;33(2):e100112 Authors: Zhu C, Bi R, Hu Y, Zhou H, Zhu D, Isaacson B, Li Q, Lin Y Abstract Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common sleep-related movement disorder characterised by an uncomfortable urge to move the legs that occurs during periods of inactivity. Although there have been many case reports on antipsychotic-induced RLS, ziprasidone...
pubmed: sleep
Telemonitor care helps CPAP compliance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a systemic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Related ArticlesTelemonitor care helps CPAP compliance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a systemic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2020;11:2040622320901625 Authors: Chen C, Wang J, Pang L, Wang Y, Ma G, Liao W Abstract Background: This was a meta-analysis of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) compliance. We compared telemonitor (TM) care with usual care and supervised PAP titration (SPT)...
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Enabling and encouraging sleep deprivation among medical students.
Related ArticlesEnabling and encouraging sleep deprivation among medical students. Can Med Educ J. 2020 Mar;11(1):e1-e4 Authors: Marcel FD PMID: 32215138 [PubMed]
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Efficacy of Low-Dose Aripiprazole for Treatment of Psychotic Symptoms in a Patient with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.
Related ArticlesEfficacy of Low-Dose Aripiprazole for Treatment of Psychotic Symptoms in a Patient with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. Psychopharmacol Bull. 2020 Mar 12;50(1):35-39 Authors: Kontoangelos K, Lazaratou E, Economou M, Yiannopoulou KG, Papageorgiou CC Abstract Objectives: The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is one of the most prevalent genetic disorders and children suffering from this syndrome have been found to have a substantially greater risk for...
pubmed: sleep
Associations between symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing and maternal sleep patterns with late stillbirth: Findings from an individual participant data meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesAssociations between symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing and maternal sleep patterns with late stillbirth: Findings from an individual participant data meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2020;15(3):e0230861 Authors: Cronin RS, Wilson J, Gordon A, Li M, Culling VM, Raynes-Greenow CH, Heazell AEP, Stacey T, Askie LM, Mitchell EA, Thompson JMD, McCowan LME, O'Brien LM Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) affects...
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Early Treatment with Temporary Spinal Cord Stimulation Effectively Prevents Development of Postherpetic Neuralgia.
Related ArticlesEarly Treatment with Temporary Spinal Cord Stimulation Effectively Prevents Development of Postherpetic Neuralgia. Pain Physician. 2020 Mar;23(2):E219-E230 Authors: Huang J, Yang S, Yang J, Sun W, Jiang C, Zhou J, Li D, Xiong D, Bates D, Xiao L Abstract BACKGROUND: Some 7.7% of the Chinese population suffer from herpes zoster each year, with 29.8% proceeding on to develop postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). This amounts to over 32 million people...
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Local field potential power spectra and locomotor activity following treatment with pseudoephedrine in mice.
Related ArticlesLocal field potential power spectra and locomotor activity following treatment with pseudoephedrine in mice. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2020;80(1):19-31 Authors: Sa-Ih N, Reakkamnuan C, Samerphob N, Cheaha D, Niyomdecha S, Kumarnsit E Abstract The efficacy of pseudoephedrine (PSE) as a nasal decongestant has been well‑demonstrated; however, PSE is strictly prescribed as a control substance due to its controversial psychostimulant effects....
pubmed: sleep
From thoughtless awareness to effortful cognition: alpha - theta cross-frequency dynamics in experienced meditators during meditation, rest and arithmetic.
Related ArticlesFrom thoughtless awareness to effortful cognition: alpha - theta cross-frequency dynamics in experienced meditators during meditation, rest and arithmetic. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 25;10(1):5419 Authors: Rodriguez-Larios J, Faber P, Achermann P, Tei S, Alaerts K Abstract Neural activity is known to oscillate within discrete frequency bands and the synchronization between these rhythms is hypothesized to underlie information integration in the...
pubmed: sleep
Subgrouping Poor Sleep Quality in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Latent Class Analysis - The Yilan Study, Taiwan.
Related ArticlesSubgrouping Poor Sleep Quality in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Latent Class Analysis - The Yilan Study, Taiwan. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 25;10(1):5432 Authors: Chen HC, Hsu NW, Chou P Abstract The manifestation of older adults with poor sleep quality is heterogeneous. Using data-driven classifying methods, the study aims to subgroup community-dwelling older adults with poor sleep quality. Adults aged 65 and older participated in the...
pubmed: sleep
A Novel WAC Loss of Function Mutation in an Individual Presenting with Encephalopathy Related to Status Epilepticus during Sleep (ESES).
Related ArticlesA Novel WAC Loss of Function Mutation in an Individual Presenting with Encephalopathy Related to Status Epilepticus during Sleep (ESES). Genes (Basel). 2020 Mar 24;11(3): Authors: Leonardi E, Bellini M, Aspromonte MC, Polli R, Mercante A, Ciaccio C, Granocchio E, Bettella E, Donati I, Cainelli E, Boni S, Sartori S, Pantaleoni C, Boniver C, Murgia A Abstract WAC (WW Domain Containing Adaptor With Coiled-Coil) mutations have been reported...
pubmed: sleep
Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children: Handling the Unknown with Precision.
Related ArticlesTreatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children: Handling the Unknown with Precision. J Clin Med. 2020 Mar 24;9(3): Authors: Gozal D, Tan HL, Kheirandish-Gozal L Abstract Treatment approaches to pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have remarkably evolved over the last two decades. From an a priori assumption that surgical removal of enlarged upper airway lymphadenoid tissues (T&A) was curative in the vast majority of patients...
pubmed: sleep
Subjective and objective hypersomnia highly prevalent in adults with epilepsy.
Related ArticlesSubjective and objective hypersomnia highly prevalent in adults with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Mar 23;106:107023 Authors: Grigg-Damberger M, Andrews N, Wang L, Bena J, Foldvary-Schaefer N Abstract INTRODUCTION: Sleepiness is among the most common complaints of people with epilepsy, but objective documentation is lacking. We systematically investigated subjective and objective sleepiness in an observational cross-sectional cohort...
pubmed: sleep
Emotional eating and obesity in adults: the role of depression, sleep and genes.
Related ArticlesEmotional eating and obesity in adults: the role of depression, sleep and genes. Proc Nutr Soc. 2020 Mar 26;:1-7 Authors: Konttinen H Abstract Stress and other negative emotions, such as depression and anxiety, can lead to both decreased and increased food intake. The term 'emotional eating' has been widely used to refer to the latter response: a tendency to eat in response to negative emotions with the chosen foods being primarily energy-dense...
pubmed: sleep
The Biological and Motivational Effects of Aerobic Exercise with Virtual Reality.
Related ArticlesThe Biological and Motivational Effects of Aerobic Exercise with Virtual Reality. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2020 Mar 26;:1-6 Authors: Ulas K, Semin I Abstract Purpose: There is no significant evidence of both biological and motivational effects between virtual reality exercises to traditional/conventional exercise. The aim of this study is to assess the biological and motivational effects of aerobic exercises with virtual reality and traditional...
pubmed: sleep
Early Hours in the Development of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema- Time Course and Mechanisms.
Related ArticlesEarly Hours in the Development of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema- Time Course and Mechanisms. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2020 Mar 26;: Authors: Swenson E Abstract Clinically evident high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is one of severe cyanosis, dyspnea and edema. This usually occurs within 1-2 days of ascent often with additional stresses of exercise and sleep-related hypoventilation. The earliest events in HAPE occur rapidly and progress...
pubmed: sleep
Impact of the Hybrid Closed-Loop System on Sleep and Quality of Life in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes and their Parents.
Related ArticlesImpact of the Hybrid Closed-Loop System on Sleep and Quality of Life in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes and their Parents. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2020 Mar 26;: Authors: Cobry E, Hamburger E, Jaser S Abstract BACKGROUND: Insufficient sleep is common in youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and parents, likely secondary to diabetes-related disturbances, including fear of hypoglycemia, nocturnal glucose monitoring, hypoglycemia, and device alarms....
pubmed: sleep
MicroRNA-126-3p Inhibits Angiogenic Function of Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cell via LAT1 (L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1)-Mediated mTOR (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin) Signaling.
Related ArticlesMicroRNA-126-3p Inhibits Angiogenic Function of Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cell via LAT1 (L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1)-Mediated mTOR (Mammalian Target of Rapamycin) Signaling. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2020 Mar 26;:ATVBAHA119313800 Authors: Cao D, Mikosz AM, Ringsby AJ, Anderson KC, Beatman EL, Koike K, Petrache I Abstract OBJECTIVE: MicroRNA-126-3p (miR-126) is required for angiogenesis during development or the repair...
pubmed: sleep
"Temporal associations between sleep quality and paranoia across the paranoia continuum: An experience sampling study": Correction to Kasanova et al. (2020).
Related Articles"Temporal associations between sleep quality and paranoia across the paranoia continuum: An experience sampling study": Correction to Kasanova et al. (2020). J Abnorm Psychol. 2020 Apr;129(3):255 Authors: Abstract Reports an error in "Temporal associations between sleep quality and paranoia across the paranoia continuum: An experience sampling study" by Zuzana Kasanova, Michal Hajdúk, Viviane Thewissen and Inez Myin-Germeys (Journal of...
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Successful Intrathecal Rituximab Administration in Refractory Nonteratoma Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis: A Case Report.
Related ArticlesSuccessful Intrathecal Rituximab Administration in Refractory Nonteratoma Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis: A Case Report. J Neurosci Nurs. 2019 Aug;51(4):194-197 Authors: Casares M, Skinner HJ, Gireesh ED, Wombles C, Schweitzer J, Gwyn PG, Newton HB, Makar SM, Lee K, Westerveld M Abstract N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) antibody encephalitis is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by the presence of anti-NMDA...
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Cardiogenic pulmonary edema: mechanisms and treatment - an intensivist's view.
Related ArticlesCardiogenic pulmonary edema: mechanisms and treatment - an intensivist's view. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2019 08;25(4):371-378 Authors: Ingbar DH Abstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review summarizes current understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, its causes and treatment. RECENT FINDINGS: The pathobiology and classification of pulmonary edema is more complex than the hydrostatic vs. permeability dichotomy...
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Alveolar Macrophage ABCG1 Deficiency Promotes Pulmonary Granulomatous Inflammation.
Related ArticlesAlveolar Macrophage ABCG1 Deficiency Promotes Pulmonary Granulomatous Inflammation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2019 09;61(3):332-340 Authors: McPeek M, Malur A, Tokarz DA, Lertpiriyapong K, Gowdy KM, Murray G, Wingard CJ, Fessler MB, Barna BP, Thomassen MJ Abstract Pulmonary granuloma formation is a complex and poorly understood response to inhaled pathogens and particulate matter. To explore the mechanisms of pulmonary granuloma formation...
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Electroacupuncture for tapering off long-term benzodiazepine use: A randomized controlled trial.
Related ArticlesElectroacupuncture for tapering off long-term benzodiazepine use: A randomized controlled trial. J Psychiatr Res. 2019 02;109:59-67 Authors: Yeung WF, Chung KF, Zhang ZJ, Zhang SP, Chan WC, Ng RM, Chan CL, Ho LM, Yu BY, Chau JC, Lau NC, Lao LX Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of using electroacupuncture as an adjunct treatment in enhancing the benzodiazepine cessation rate in long-term benzodiazepine users. METHODS:...
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Risk Factors and Mechanisms of Postoperative Delirium After Intracranial Neurosurgical Procedures
Related ArticlesRisk Factors and Mechanisms of Postoperative Delirium After Intracranial Neurosurgical Procedures Asian J Anesthesiol. 2020 Mar 24;2020(2020):1-9 Authors: Viderman D, Brotfain E, Bilotta F, Zhumadilov A Abstract Postoperative delirium (POD) is a condition characterized by cerebral dysfunction or failure and associated with high morbidity and mortality, prolonged intensive care unit and hospital stay, increased costs and long-term disability....
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Use of night-time positioning equipment in care home residents with postural asymmetry: a pilot study.
Related ArticlesUse of night-time positioning equipment in care home residents with postural asymmetry: a pilot study. Nurs Older People. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Stephens M, Bartley C Abstract BACKGROUND: Twenty four-hour postural care that includes the use of night-time positioning equipment (NTPE) is being increasingly recommended. However, because most of the published studies focus on children, there is a lack of evidence on the use of NTPE in adults....
pubmed: sleep
Sleep Disorders In Myotonic Dystrophies.
Related ArticlesSleep Disorders In Myotonic Dystrophies. Muscle Nerve. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Subramony SH, Wymer JP, Pinto BS, Wang ET Abstract Myotonic dystrophies (DM), the most common muscular dystrophies, are known to have significant sleep disturbances. We have analyzed the literature on sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in DM over the past 30 years. In this review we provide a brief overview of sleep, sleep disorders and methods of...
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Effectiveness of Early Rehabilitation Combined With Virtual Reality Training on Muscle Strength, Mood State, and Functional Status in Patients With Acute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Related ArticlesEffectiveness of Early Rehabilitation Combined With Virtual Reality Training on Muscle Strength, Mood State, and Functional Status in Patients With Acute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Lin RC, Chiang SL, Heitkemper MM, Weng SM, Lin CF, Yang FC, Lin CH Abstract BACKGROUND: Early rehabilitation has been shown to enhance functional outcomes. Whether the addition of virtual reality...
pubmed: sleep
Interleukin 6 as a marker of depression in women with sleep apnea.
Related ArticlesInterleukin 6 as a marker of depression in women with sleep apnea. J Sleep Res. 2020 Mar 25;:e13035 Authors: Campos-Rodriguez F, Cordero-Guevara J, Asensio-Cruz MI, Sanchez-Armengol A, Sanchez-Lopez V, Arellano-Orden E, Gozal D, Martinez-Garcia MA Abstract Depression is common in women with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but objective markers of depression have not yet been explored in such patients. We hypothesized that inflammation...
pubmed: sleep
Clinical side effects of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.
Related ArticlesClinical side effects of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Respirology. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Ghadiri M, Grunstein RR Abstract CPAP is considered the gold standard treatment in OSA and is highly efficacious in controlling OSA symptoms. However, treatment effectiveness is limited because of many factors including low adherence due to side effects. This review highlights the range of side effects...
pubmed: sleep
Is physical and psychological work stress associated with fatigue in Danish ferry ship employees?
Related ArticlesIs physical and psychological work stress associated with fatigue in Danish ferry ship employees? Int Marit Health. 2020;71(1):46-55 Authors: Dohrmann SB, Herttua K, Leppin A Abstract BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a recognised risk factor for safety in seafaring. While always dangerous, fatigue in ferry shipping is especially hazardous as it may jeopardise passengers' safety. To counteract fatigue, knowledge on its determinants is important....
pubmed: sleep
Does ischemia-modified albumin level predict severity of obstructive sleep apnea?
Related ArticlesDoes ischemia-modified albumin level predict severity of obstructive sleep apnea? Sleep Breath. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Düger M, Seyhan EC, Günlüoğlu MZ, Bolatkale M, Özgül MA, Turan D, Uğur E, Ülfer G Abstract OBJECTIVE AND AIM: Ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) is a newly recognized marker of chronic inflammation used to evaluate oxidative stress status in patients with various diseases. We explored the possible relationship between IMA...
pubmed: sleep
The TANDEM investigation: efficacy and tolerability of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel in (LCIG) advanced Parkinson's disease patients.
Related ArticlesThe TANDEM investigation: efficacy and tolerability of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel in (LCIG) advanced Parkinson's disease patients. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Antonini A, Abbruzzese G, Berardelli A, Modugno N, Stroppa I, Tamma F, Sensi M, Mancini F, Cossu G, Stefani A, Tambasco N, Tessitore A, Fabbrini G, Pontieri FE, Solla P, Bentivoglio AR, Comi C, Minafra B, Riboldazzi G, Melchionda D, Martino T, Lopiano L Abstract...
pubmed: sleep
Area Under the Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve (AEX): Assessing Bronchodilator Responsiveness.
Related ArticlesArea Under the Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve (AEX): Assessing Bronchodilator Responsiveness. Lung. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Ioachimescu OC, Stoller JK Abstract BACKGROUND: Area under expiratory flow-volume curve (AEX) is a useful spirometric tool in stratifying respiratory impairment. The AEX approximations based on isovolumic flows can be used with reasonable accuracy when AEX is unavailable. We assessed here pre- to post-bronchodilator...
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