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Πέμπτη 5 Μαρτίου 2020

Treatment of Highly Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis
The vision of the End TB strategy of the World Health Organization (WHO) is of a world free of tuberculosis by the year 2035. However, extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis (i.e. tuberculosis with resistance to isoniazid, rifampin, any fluoroquinolone, and at least one injectable drug…
The New England Journal of Medicine Search Results in Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 02:00
MRI-Targeted, Systematic, and Combined Biopsy for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
The aggressiveness of prostate cancers ranges from indolent to highly lethal. Low-grade prostate cancer (i.e. grade group 1) has been shown in large trials to be associated with a very low risk of cancer-specific death. In contrast, cancers of grade groups 3 through 5 have significantly higher…
The New England Journal of Medicine Search Results in Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 02:00
A systematic analysis of natural α -glucosidase inhibitors from flavonoids of Radix scutellariae using ultrafiltration UPLC-TripleTOF-MS/MS and network pharmacology
Abstract Background Flavonoids from plant medicines are supposed to be viable alternatives for the treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D) as less toxicity and side effects. Radix scutellariae (RS) is a widely used traditional medicine in Asia. It has shown great potential in the research of T2D. However, the pharmacological actions remain obscured due to the complex chemical nature of plant medicines. ...
Latest Results for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Silibinin prevents depression-like behaviors in a single prolonged stress rat model: the possible role of serotonin
Abstract Background Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme mood disorder that occurs after experiencing extreme stress, and patients with this disorder are known to accompany with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and memory impairments. Silibinin (SIL) is a natural polyphenolic flavonoid and is the main active ingredient of silymarin, which is primarily extracted from the milk thistle. Although some studies have assessed...
Latest Results for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Cranberry extract initiates intrinsic apoptosis in HL-60 cells by increasing BAD activity through inhibition of AKT phosphorylation
Abstract Background Cranberry has been studied as a potential anticancer agent as it is capable of inducing apoptosis within cancer cells. The aim of this study was to better define the mechanism by which cranberry triggers apoptosis in HL-60 cells. Methods The study was carried on cranberry extracts (CB). Anti-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2)...
Latest Results for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
In vitro anti-HIV activity of some Indian medicinal plant extracts
Abstract Background Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) persists to be a significant public health issue worldwide. The current strategy for the treatment of HIV infection, Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), has reduced deaths from AIDS related disease, but it can be an expensive regime for the underdeveloped and developing countries where the supply of drugs is scarce and often not well tolerated, especially in persons...
Latest Results for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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Psychology Today
Repair characteristics and time-dependent effects in response to heavy-ion beam irradiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae : a comparison with X-ray irradiation
Abstract Heavy-ion beam (HIB) irradiation has been widely used in microbial mutation breeding. However, a global cellular response to such radiation remains mostly uncharacterised. In this study, we used transcriptomics to analyse the damage repair response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae following a semi-lethal HIB irradiation (80 Gy), which induced a significant number of DNA double-strand breaks. Our analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from 50 to 150 min post-irradiation...
Latest Results for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Wood-water relationships and their role for wood susceptibility to fungal decay
Abstract Wood in service is sequestering carbon, but it is principally prone to deterioration where different fungi metabolize wood, and carbon dioxide is released back to the atmosphere. A key prerequisite for fungal degradation of wood is the presence of moisture. Conversely, keeping wood dry is the most effective way to protect wood from wood degradation and for long-term binding of carbon. Wood is porous and hygroscopic; it can take up water in liquid...
Latest Results for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
A bioengineered arginine-depleting enzyme as a long-lasting therapeutic agent against cancer
Abstract l-Arginine (L-Arg) depletion has attracted great attention in cancer therapy. Although two types of arginine-depleting enzymes, arginine deiminase (ADI) and human arginase I, are undergoing clinical trials, random site of PEGylation, low efficacy of heavy metal as co-factor, and immunogenicity limit the performance of these drugs and cause difficulty in a homogeneous production. Here we screened ten catalytic metal ions and have successfully produced...
Latest Results for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
An unusual metal-bound 4-fluorothreonine transaldolase from Streptomyces sp. MA37 catalyses promiscuous transaldol reactions
Abstract β-Hydroxy-α-amino acids (βH-AAs) are key components of many bioactive molecules as well as exist as specialised metabolites. Among these βH-AAs, 4-fluorothreonine (4-FT) is the only naturally occurring fluorinated AA discovered thus far. Here we report overexpression and biochemical characterisation of 4-fluorothreonine transaldolase from Streptomyces sp. MA37 (FTaseMA), a homologue of FTase previously identified in the biosynthesis of 4-FT in S. cattleya. FTaseMA displays...
Latest Results for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Increasing health service access by expanding disease coverage and adding patient navigation: challenges for patient satisfaction
Abstract Background Cancer control programs have added patient navigation to improve effectiveness in underserved populations, but research has yielded mixed results about their impact on patient satisfaction. This study focuses on three related research questions in a U.S. state cancer screening program before and after a redesign that added patient navigators and services for chronic illness: Did patient diversity increase;...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Prevalence, characteristics, and costs of diagnosed homocystinuria, elevated homocysteine, and phenylketonuria in the United States: a retrospective claims-based comparison
Abstract Background Classical homocystinuria (HCU), an inborn error of homocysteine metabolism, has previously been estimated to affect approximately 1 in 100,000–200,000 people in the United States (US). HCU is poorly detected by newborn screening, resulting in underestimates of its prevalence. This study compared characteristics, healthcare use and costs, and projected prevalence between patients with diagnosed HCU, elevated...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Development of the Inner City attitudinal assessment tool (ICAAT) for learners across Health care professions
Abstract Background Many health professions learners report feeling uncomfortable and underprepared for professional interactions with inner city populations. These learners may hold preconceptions which affect therapeutic relationships and provision of care. Few tools exist to measure learner attitudes towards these populations. This article describes the development and validity evidence behind a new tool measuring health professions...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Policy levers and priority-setting in universal health coverage: a qualitative analysis of healthcare financing agenda setting in Kenya
Abstract Background Competing priorities in health systems necessitate difficult choices on which health actions and investments to fund: decisions that are complex, value-based, and highly political. In light of the centrality of universal health coverage (UHC) in driving current health policy, we sought to examine the value interests that influence agenda setting in the country’s...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Testing patient-informed approaches for visually depicting the hemoglobin A1c value to patients with poorly controlled diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial
Abstract Background Patients’ understanding of the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) has been linked to better diabetes care outcomes (glycemic control, self-care). This is concerning given low documented rates of HbA1c understanding. In this non-blinded, randomized trial, we compared two formats for communicating the HbA1c, selected based on input from people with diabetes, to standard presentation to assess their impact on participants’...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Complexity of nursing care at 24 h from admission predicts in-hospital mortality in medical units: a cohort study
Abstract Background The Informative System of Nursing Performance was developed to measure complexity of nursing care based on the actual interventions performed by nurses at the point of care. The association of this score with in-hospital mortality was not investigated before. Having this information is relevant to define evidence-based criteria that hospital administrators can use to allocate nursing workforce according to...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Understanding how Eastern European migrants use and experience UK health services: a systematic scoping review
Abstract Background The UK has experienced significant immigration from Eastern Europe following European Union (EU) expansion in 2004, which raises the importance of equity and equality for the recent immigrants. Previous research on ethnic health inequalities focused on established minority ethnic groups, whereas Eastern European migrants are a growing, but relatively under-researched group. We aimed to conduct a systematic...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
The relationship of nursing practice laws to suicide and homicide rates: a longitudinal analysis of US states from 2012 to 2016
Abstract Background Nursing resources can have a protective effect on patient outcomes, but nurses and nursing scope of practice have not been studied in relation to injury outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine whether scope of practice and ease of practice laws for nurse practitioners and registered nurses are associated with suicide and homicide rates in the United States. ...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Healthcare utilization after a first hospitalization for COPD: a new approach of State Sequence Analysis based on the '6W' multidimensional model of care trajectories
Abstract Background Published methods to describe and visualize Care Trajectories (CTs) as patterns of healthcare use are very sparse, often incomplete, and not intuitive for non-experts. Our objectives are to propose a typology of CTs one year after a first hospitalization for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and describe CT types and compare patients’ characteristics for each CT type. ...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
A clinical decision support system improves antibiotic therapy for upper urinary tract infection in a randomized single-blinded study
Abstract Background Due to increasing bacterial resistance rates choosing a correct empiric antibiotic therapy is getting more and more complex. Often medical doctors use information tools to make the right treatment choice. Methods One hundred sixty six participants (77 medical doctors and 89 medical students) were asked to provide a...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Assessing health system challenges and opportunities for better noncommunicable disease outcomes: the case of Mauritius
Abstract Background The objectives of the study reported in this paper were: (a) to score the coverage of core NCD population-based interventions and individual services in Mauritius; (b) to analyse and score the presence of 15 common health system challenges that impede delivery of core NCD interventions and services in Mauritius; and (c) to provide policy recommendations for Mauritius to address health system barriers to delivery...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Efficiency of health resource utilisation in primary-level maternal and child health hospitals in Shanxi Province, China: a bootstrapping data envelopment analysis and truncated regression approach
Abstract Background District- and county-level maternal and child health hospitals (MCHHs) are positioned to provide primary maternal and child healthcare in rural and urban areas of China. Their efficiencies and productivity largely affect the equity and accessibility of maternal and child health care. This study aimed to assess the efficiency of district- and county-level MCHHs in China and identify their associated factors....
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Results-based financing as a strategic purchasing intervention: some progress but much further to go in Zimbabwe?
Abstract Background Results-Based Financing (RBF) has proliferated in the health sectors of low and middle income countries, especially those which are fragile or conflict-affected, and has been presented by some as a way of reforming and strengthening strategic purchasing. However, few if any studies have empirically and systematically examined how RBF impacts on health care purchasing. This article examines this question in...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Collaboration with community connectors to improve primary care access for hardly reached people: a case comparison of rural Ireland and Australia
Abstract Background This study presents a way for health services to improve service access for hardly reached people through an exploration of how staff can find and collaborate with citizens (referred to as connectors) who span socio-cultural boundaries in their community. The study explored the local socio-cultural contexts of connectors’ boundary spanning activities and if they are health related; boundary spanning occurring...
Latest Results for BMC Health Services Research
Book Nook: General and Specific Mental Abilities - McFarland (Ed)-
Book link Book DescriptionThe history of testing mental abilities has seen the dominance of two contrasting approaches, psychometrics and neuropsychology. These two traditions have different theories and methodologies, but overlap considerably in the tests they use. Historically, psychometrics has emphasized the primacy of a general factor, while neuropsychology has emphasized specific abilities that are dissociable. This issue about the nature of human mental abilities is important for many practical...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Blogs
Protecting Those You Serve, Co-Workers, and Yourself From COVID-19
ASHA is sharing information and resources about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to help you protect yourself, staff, clients/patients/students, and other individuals involved in your audiology or speech-language pathology practice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide regular updates as the situation unfolds. ASHA suggests you routinely check with these agencies for up-to-date guidance on prevention and treatment. Also, be sure...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Blogs
Thu Mar 05, 2020 18:00

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