
Δευτέρα 2 Μαρτίου 2020

A study into the best sites to biopsy for a diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris or mucous membrane pemphigoid
Summary Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) are rare and potentially serious conditions that cause painful blisters or erosions to develop in the mouth, nose, throat, oesophagus, genitalia and skin. One of the main complications unique to MMP is that it may scar affected sites, particularly the eyes. Both diseases generally occur in older adults. To confirm the diagnosis of PV and MMP, a biopsy has traditionally been taken from near the affected area (perilesional). Where...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
A review of cutaneous mosaicism
Summary Cutaneous mosaicism is a term used for a group of disorders in which a person has two or more genetically different populations of cells existing side by side within the skin. It is an area of dermatology in which there has been an explosion of knowledge within the current decade. This has led to fundamental changes in the understanding of the conditions in this field, and to an ongoing shift in the approach to treating mosaic skin disorders. In this expert review, as part of the European...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Using smartphone and deep learning technology to help diagnose skin cancer
Summary Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer with a rapidly rising incidence. The diagnosis of BCC requires careful inspection of microscopic skin images, which is labour‐intensive due to the large number of images to be analyzed. Computer‐aided diagnosis of diseases has been developed to help the analysis of microscopic images in pathology (which is the study and diagnosis of disease by examining tissue that has been removed.) In particular, deep learning approaches, which...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
A study of quality of life in people with mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome
Summary Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the commonest type of skin lymphoma and is part of a group of conditions known as cutaneous T‐cell lymphomas (CTCL). MF can appear as flat/raised, smooth/scaly red lesions known as patches and plaques, making it difficult to tell apart from eczema or psoriasis. Raised “lumps” called tumours can appear and the disease can become more serious. Sézary syndrome (SS) is a leukaemic form of CTCL and has an extensive red, itchy rash over most of the body, the presence...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
A study of obesity, BMI, smoking and alcohol as risk factors for psoriatic arthritis
Summary Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) is a progressive and often destructive joint disease affecting approximately 20% of people with psoriasis. PsA causes pain, swelling and joint stiffness and is accompanied by chronic skin disease and can lead to an impaired quality of life. It is helpful to understand the risk factors for developing PsA. The aim of this U.K. study was to examine the associations between obesity, changes in Body Mass Index (BMI), alcohol consumption, smoking status and the development...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
New guidelines for the diagnosis of epidermolysis bullosa
Summary Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of rare inherited disorders in which the skin is more fragile than usual, and outside forces like minor injury or rubbing cause blisters or ulcers that may be slow to heal and often leave scars. EB comprises four main types, with more than 30 subtypes. The diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations, meaning how it looks, mode of inheritance, level of skin splitting and the genetic defect. A group of experts from countries all over the world developed...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
样肉芽肿和 Sézary 综合征患者生活质量研究
Summary 蕈样肉芽肿 (MF) 是最常见的皮肤淋巴瘤类型,属于皮肤 T 细胞淋巴瘤 (CTCL) 一类疾病。MF 可表现为扁平/凸起、光滑/鳞状红色病变,称为斑片和斑块,因此难以与湿疹或银屑病相鉴别。可能会出现被称为肿瘤的凸起“肿块”,并且疾病可能变得更加严重。 Sézary 综合征 (SS) 是 CTCL 的一种白血病形式,在全身大多数部位出现广泛的红色瘙痒性皮疹,血液中存在癌细胞,淋巴结肿大。 因为瘙痒和疼痛等症状、因外观缺陷继发的自尊心受挫,MF/SS 可降低患者的生活质量 (QoL),并可损害人际关系。在本文中,我们使用称为 Skindex‐29 的一项大型国际研究 PROCLIPI 调查了 MF/SS 患者的 QoL,该问卷请患者对可能影响其生活享受的皮肤相关问题发表评论。 我们发现 MF/SS 中生活质量较差的很多重要决定因素包括:女性、诊断为 SS 的患者和更广泛的疾病患者。与 QoL 下降更多相关的疾病特征包括脱发(掉头发)和融合性红斑(红斑和斑块融合形成更大的受累皮肤区域)。综合所有这些因素,我们发现女性患者、脱发和融合性红斑是最重要的。 考虑到女性...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 银屑病性关节炎 (PsA) 是一种进行性且通常具有破坏性的关节疾病,影响约 20% 的银屑病患者。PsA 引起疼痛、肿胀和关节僵硬,并伴有慢性皮肤病,并可能导致生活质量下降。 了解发生 PsA 的风险因素有所帮助。这项英国研究的目的是研究银屑病患者中肥胖、体重指数 (BMI) 变化、饮酒、吸烟状态和 PsA 的发生之间的关联。从匿名医疗记录中收集数据并进行分析。 作者发现,发生 PsA 的风险增加与 BMI 升高、中度饮酒和曾经戒烟状态有关。此外,与 10 年期间 BMI 保持不变相比,在 10 年期间减少 BMI 与发生 PsA 的风险降低相关。 综上所述,虽然还需要更多的研究来调查有意的体重减轻对发生 PsA 风险的影响,但在肥胖的银屑病患者中,体重减轻可能具有预防他们过度 PsA 风险的潜在作用,同时提供额外的健康益处,包括降低心血管和死亡风险。 本摘要涉及研究: 银屑病患者中可改变风险因素和银屑病关节炎的发生
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 大疱性表皮松解症 (EB) 是一类罕见的遗传性疾病,其皮肤比平常更脆弱,外界力量(如轻伤或擦伤)会导致水泡或溃疡,愈合可能缓慢,并经常留下疤痕。EB 包含四种主要类型,包括 30 多种亚型。诊断基于临床表现,即其外观、遗传方式、皮肤分裂程度和遗传缺陷。 来自世界各国的一组专家代表慈善机构 DEBRA International 制定了这些指南,以提供有关 EB 的实验室诊断的信息。 在公共数据库中查找出版物(即已在期刊上发表的有关 EB 的科学研究)。对六十四篇论文进行了评估,并对其质量进行了评价。 基于此,作者提出以下建议:如果怀疑患有 EB,在知情同意后,始终需要进行实验室诊断。如果可获得且可负担得起,则应进行基因 (DNA) 检测和皮肤样本分析(通过称为免疫荧光的过程),以进行全面诊断。但是,这并不总是可能的。确定优先级可以缩短诊断时间并节省资源,但需要专业知识。例如,在新生儿中,分析皮肤样本应该是诊断第一步,因为它可以在几天内得出结果。同时,应始终进行基因检测。如果 EB 类型可以在临床上被识别或者是轻度疾病,则建议使用称为下一代测序的方法进行基因检测,因为预期无法通过皮肤分析获得有价值的信息。如果在一个受影响的人中发现了遗传缺陷,父母和其他家庭成员都可以接受检查以进行确认和遗传咨询。如果未检测到遗传缺陷,则必须运用研究方法或重新考虑诊断。...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 局部硬皮病(也称为硬斑病)是一种罕见病,影响约 3/100,000 的人。它通常会引起皮肤和皮下组织改变,有时甚至深至肌肉或骨骼。来自美国的作者希望开展一项调查,让儿童和青少年告诉研究人员和医生局部硬皮病如何影响他们的日常生活。 作者首先确定了局部硬皮病影响儿童和青少年的多种重要方式。然后,他们提出了有关这些问题的调查问题。接下来,作者让患有局部硬皮病的儿童和青少年填写了调查表,以查看他们是否可以阅读和理解问题和说明。作者还询问儿童,调查中是否缺少任何问题。 作者发现,总体而言,这项调查效果良好。8‐18 岁的儿童和青少年可以阅读问题并理解调查。儿童和青少年还建议在调查中添加三个问题,以使调查更加完整。 调查的最终版本包括以下问题:儿童的皮肤感觉(例如,是否感到疼痛或发痒),日常活动的局限性,他们对身体的感觉如何,与朋友和陌生人的关系以及药物让他们有何感觉。这项名为“局部硬皮病生活质量量表”的调查是第一项此类调查。医生和研究人员可以使用它来更好地了解局部硬皮病的儿童和青少年的生活。 本摘要涉及研究: 新型儿童局部硬皮病患者报告结局:内容有效性的定性评估...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
一项在银屑病患者中开展的 tildrakizumab 药物研究
Summary 银屑病是一种常见的皮肤病,可导致皮肤发红和鳞斑。全世界约 2% 的人患有银屑病。该研究的作者希望了解 tildrakizumab 药物治疗银屑病的效果以及长期使用可能产生的副作用。 为此,他们综合了来自两项临床试验(reSURFACE 1 和 reSURFACE 2)的信息。作者使用银屑病面积与严重性指数 (PASI) 的评分方法,检查三年期间银屑病症状的改善。这种方法可以分级患者银屑病的严重程度,有助于测量任何改善。 在临床试验中,成功的测量标准是达到“PASI 75”或“PASI 90”的患者比例,指从治疗开始将 PASI 评分降低 75% 或 90%。此外,通过达到低的 PASI 评分(例如 PASI 评分小于 3 分或小于 1 分)也可以说明对治疗的良好反应。 作者发现,在第一年中有很高比例的患者获得了 PASI 改善,继续使用 100 或 200 mg tildrakizumab 可很好地维持 PASI 改善,三年后分别有 80% 和 60% 的患者达到了 PASI 75 和 PASI 90。 观察 PASI 评分,三年后分别有 70% 和 50%...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 鱼鳞病是一种皮肤非常厚且呈鳞片状的疾病。它通常是由遗传错误(突变)引起的。当健康携带者的父母都将突变基因传给孩子时,就会发生“常染色体隐性”鱼鳞病,因此孩子继承了双倍突变量,无法生成正常皮肤。 科学家已经发现了 13 种引起鱼鳞病的基因突变。这项研究着眼于突变类型(基因型)是否可告诉我们有关鱼鳞病类型(表型)的任何信息。 医生检查了从 13 家英国医院招募的 146 例鱼鳞病患者,平均年龄 17 岁,来自 124 个家庭。他们从血液或唾液中提取 DNA。 他们发现 83% 的患者存在突变;其他 17% 的患者可能有目前技术无法检测到的突变或不同基因的突变。10 个不同的鱼鳞病基因存在突变,大多数存在于 TGM1 基因。 在某些程度上,不同基因型对应不同表型。TGM1 鱼鳞病通常有较大的棕色鳞屑,而 ALOX12B 突变导致细白色鳞屑。ABCA12 突变会导致更重度的鱼鳞病,包括非常严重的丑角型,伴有手指变形;相比之下,轻度鱼鳞病患者通常具有 TGM1 或 ALOX12B 突变。 携带 ALOX12B 突变的婴儿中几乎有一半的婴儿的耳朵顶部折叠。一些 TGM1...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
A new survey to measure how localized scleroderma affects children and adolescents
Summary Localized scleroderma, also called morphoea, is a rare condition affecting about three in 100,000 people. It typically causes changes to the skin and underlying tissue, sometimes as deep as the muscle or bone. The authors, from the U.S.A., wanted to develop a survey that would let children and adolescents tell researchers and doctors about how localized scleroderma affects their daily life. The authors first identified a number of important ways localized scleroderma can affect children...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
A study of the drug tildrakizumab in psoriasis patients
Summary Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes red and scaly patches of skin. About 2% of people worldwide suffer from psoriasis. The authors of this study wanted to see how well the drug tildrakizumab treats psoriasis and the side effects it may have with long‐term use. In order to do so, they combined information from two clinical trials called reSURFACE 1 and reSURFACE 2. The authors examined the improvement of psoriasis symptoms using a scoring method named PASI (Psoriasis Area...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
A study of gene mutations and how they relate to the different types of ichthyosis
Summary Ichthyosis is a disorder in which the skin is very thick and scaly. It is usually caused by a genetic mistake (mutation). “Autosomal recessive” ichthyosis occurs when parents who are healthy carriers both pass on a mutant gene to their child, so the child inherits a double dose of the mutation and cannot make normal skin. Scientists have already discovered mutations in 13 genes that cause ichthyosis. This study looks at whether the type of mutation (genotype) tells us anything about the...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
制定有关 EB 患者足部症状最佳治疗方法的新指南
Summary 大疱性表皮松解症 (EB) 是一种复杂的罕见疾病,累及皮肤和身体的许多部位。先天 EB 患者皮肤非常脆弱,被称为“蝴蝶宝贝”,他们的皮肤与蝴蝶的蝶翼一样脆弱。 据估计,英国有超过 5,000 例 EB 患者,全球超过 500,000 例。在国际 DEBRA 开始制定临床实践指南 (CPG) 计划之前,很少有临床护理指导。目前没有关于 EB 患者足部护理的指南,且只有少数已发表的研究,因此治疗决策主要基于个人观点和经验。 该小组由代表澳大利亚、英国和美国的临床专家和 EB 患者组成,旨在描述各个年龄段 EB 患者的足部问题,并总结当前的证据和治疗。作者进行了关注 EB 患者足科(足部)护理的逻辑文献综述。 作者发现,该领域的证据有限,但足科医生目前正在实施的几种干预(治疗)均显示出积极的结果。该研究使该小组就如何治疗 EB 患者的足和趾甲疾病提出了建议。此外,作者得出结论,需要进一步研究。 本摘要涉及研究: 大疱性表皮松解症的足部护理: 循证指南
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
酶 C1r 和 C1s 可能显示一种皮肤癌(角质形成细胞源性皮肤鳞状细胞癌)的进展
Summary 皮肤癌的发病率在全世界范围内正在增加。表皮是皮肤的表层,主要细胞类型是角质形成细胞。角质形成细胞源性皮肤鳞状细胞癌 (cSCC) 是最常见的转移性(意味着它可以扩散)皮肤癌,其占皮肤癌相关死亡的 20%。cSCC 的主要风险因素包括长期暴露于太阳紫外线辐射。 cSCC 的进展如下所示:它以称为光化性角化病 (AK) 的癌前形式(尚未癌变)开始,然后变成局限性 cSCC,然后是原位 cSCC (cSCCIS),最终成为浸润性和转移性 cSCC。 这项来自芬兰的研究旨在寻找能够预测 cSCC 进展和侵袭性的生物标志物(体内的化学物质,作为疾病的体征)。 作者发现,与正常表皮角质形成细胞和正常皮肤相比,cSCC 细胞和肿瘤中称为 C1r 和 C1s(在我们的免疫系统中起作用)的酶的 mRNA(信使分子)水平显著升高。 在浸润性 cSCC 和侵袭型 cSCC(隐性营养不良性大疱性表皮松解相关 cSCC)中检测到了肿瘤细胞中 C1r 和 C1s 的丰富表达,而 cSCCIS、光化性角化病和正常皮肤组织样本中的 C1r 和 C1 表达较低。 通过敲除(减少)C1r 和...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
罕见疾病先天性厚甲症 (PC) 研究
Summary 根据国际先天性厚甲症 (PC) 研究登记处,PC 是一种罕见的皮肤病,影响全世界约 900 人。PC 是由称为角蛋白中间丝基因(角蛋白 6A、角蛋白 6B、角蛋白 6C、角蛋白 16 和角蛋白 17)的基因亚群中的遗传突变(异常)引起的,这些突变通常存在于毛囊等皮肤结构、甲床和汗腺。 PC 有很多症状,但最常见和最具破坏性的症状是掌跖角化病 (PPK),在手掌和/或足底形成疼痛、厚的胼胝样溃疡。 PC 或 PC 相关 PPK 无法治愈或无有效治疗。这种情况的原因很复杂,但其中包括该疾病是显性遗传的,胼胝难以渗透,基础病变(受累皮肤斑块)的分子学复杂且不断演变。 这篇文章由美国密歇根大学的研究人员撰写,旨在综述目前关于 PC 相关 PPK 病理生理学(指体内过程和改变)的知识,并提出开发潜在有效疗法的新策略。 PPK 进展至少有 3 个阶段。这些阶段中的每一个都具有可以靶向的不同分子特征。作者提出了针对 PPK 进展各个阶段的方法,以开发出一种有效的 PC 相关 PPK 的治疗方法。通过不断的努力可获得对该疾病的更多了解。 本摘要涉及研究: 先天性厚甲症相关掌跖角化病的病理生理学:...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 先天性厚甲症 (PC) 是一种罕见的遗传性皮肤病,据估计,全世界范围内有 5,000 到 10,000 人患有此病。 PC 可引起重度疼痛,特别是影响承重部位,伴随足部皮肤增厚(角化病)。虽然有治疗 PC 各种症状的选择,但大多数在改善角化病和疼痛方面并不特别有效。 在过去十年中,在三份报告中记录了将肉毒杆菌毒素 (Btx) 注射剂成功用于治疗 PC 患者的角化病。注射技术、Btx 剂量和麻醉方法在不同报告和患者之间有所不同。 近年来,位于以色列的作者采用同样的方法,完善注射技术和麻醉程序,调整 Btx 剂量以改善治疗。 本研究的目的是描述作者为期 4 年的经验,在此期间,他们按照设计方案对 5 例 PC 患者进行 30 次 Btx 注射。研究结论是,根据优化方案采用 Btx 治疗 PC 相关角化病可使患者生活质量出现重大变化。 最佳改善评分与患者早晨足部烧灼感和长距离行走能力 (> 500 m) 有关。如果 Btx 注射间隔少于 100 天,则评分明显更好。 本摘要涉及研究: 肉毒杆菌毒素注射剂治疗先天性厚甲症相关角化病的治疗方案
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 寻常天疱疮 (PV) 和黏膜类天疱疮 (MMP) 是罕见且可能严重的疾病,可导致口腔、鼻、咽喉、食管、生殖器和皮肤出现疼痛性水疱或糜烂。MMP 独特的主要并发症之一是可能使受累部位留下疤痕,尤其是眼睛。这两种疾病通常发生在老年人中。 为确认 PV 和 MMP 的诊断,通常在受累部位附近(病灶周围)进行活检。如果仅累及黏膜表面,口腔是最易触及的部位,但是这可能很困难,因为口腔黏膜脆弱。 该研究的目的是比较看起来正常健康的脸颊内部黏膜组织(颊黏膜)活检与病灶周围活检的结果。英国的作者分析了 251 例 MMP 和 77 例 PV 患者的活检位置和结果。 他们已经证明,正常颊黏膜组织活检与病灶周围活检在诊断口腔 PV 方面一样好。对于累及多个口腔表面的 MMP 患者,在诊断方面,正常颊黏膜活检几乎与病灶周围取样一样。对于仅累及牙龈的 MMP 患者,牙龈的病灶活检或正常颊黏膜活检并不能总是可靠地确认诊断。重要的是,对于这群患者,作者表明,从颊黏膜和牙龈黏膜之间连接处进行的活检在所有病例中均呈阳性结果。 从正常颊黏膜组织进行穿刺活检是一种诊断所有口腔 PV 患者和所有...
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Effects of 5-HT 2C , 5-HT 1A receptor challenges and modafinil on the initiation and persistence of gambling behaviours
Abstract Rationale Problematic patterns of gambling are characterised by loss of control and persistent gambling often to recover losses. However, little is known about the mechanisms that mediate initial choices to begin gambling and then continue to gamble in the face of losing outcomes. Objectives These experiments first assessed gambling and loss-chasing...
Latest Results for Psychopharmacology
Mon Mar 02, 2020 02:00
Acute effects of oxytocin in music performance anxiety: a crossover, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Abstract Rationale Individuals with music performance anxiety (MPA) present physical, behavioral, and cognitive manifestations of anxiety, in addition to information processing deficits, especially in facial emotion recognition (FER). Objectives To assess the effects of a single dose of intranasal oxytocin (24 IU) on FER in a sample of musicians with high...
Latest Results for Psychopharmacology
Mon Mar 02, 2020 02:00
Summary 皮肤镶嵌是一组疾病的术语,患者皮肤内并行存在两个或多个基因不同的细胞群。这属于皮肤病学领域,在最近十年期间,这一领域的知识激增。这使得对该领域疾病的理解发生了根本性变化,治疗镶嵌性皮肤病的方法也不断发生变化。 在这项专业综述中,作为欧洲参考网络项目 (ERN‐Skin) 的一部分,我们制定了目前所认识的镶嵌的一般原则,总结了已知的皮肤镶嵌异常(包括体征和症状以及遗传信息),并且我们回顾了最新的治疗试验。我们还提出一般方法指南,用于被认为有镶嵌的患者。 本摘要涉及研究: 皮肤镶嵌异常: 来自罕见皮肤病欧洲参考网络的综述和指南
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Summary 基底细胞癌 (BCC) 是最常见的皮肤癌,发病率迅速上升。BCC 的诊断需要仔细检查皮肤的显微镜下图像,由于需要分析的图像很多,因此是一项劳动密集型的工作。 已开发出计算机辅助性疾病诊断方法,以帮助分析病理学中的显微镜下图像(即通过检查已切除的组织来研究和诊断疾病)。尤其是深度学习方法(即机器“学习”执行任务的一种方法)能够识别和捕获图像中的模式,并且在病理学图像相关任务上表现出显著改善的性能。 在这项来自中国的研究中,作者旨在开发基于智能手机捕获的显微镜目镜图像 (MOI) 而非全切片图像 (WSI) 的 BCC 自动识别的深度学习框架。使用智能手机摄像机从显微镜目镜拍摄 MOI。共收集了 8046 个 MOI 和 128 个 WSI,用于构建模型。 开发了两种识别 BCC 的深度学习框架,具有高灵敏度和特异度(指准确度)。与接受 WSI 培训的模型相比,通过智能手机识别 BCC 可被视为未来的临床选择。 本摘要涉及研究: 通过深度神经网络识别智能手机捕获的数字组织病理学图像上的基底细胞癌
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
News and Notices
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Editor's Choice: rare skin diseases themed issue
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Pachyonychia congenita, a paradigm for rare skin disorders
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
The need for strategies to address obesity and psoriatic arthritis prevention in psoriasis
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Issue Information
British Journal of Dermatology
Sat Feb 29, 2020 13:16
Measurement properties of the PROMIS Itch Questionnaire – itch severity assessments in adults with atopic dermatitis
Abstract Background Little is known about the validity of numeric and verbal rating scales (NRS and VRS) for itch and itch frequency for assessing itch severity in AD. We evaluated the Patient‐Reported Outcomes Information System (PROMIS®) Itch Questionnaire (PIQ) – itch severity assessment, including multiple NRS, VRS and frequency of itch assessments, in adults with AD and compared their performance. Methods Self‐administered questionnaires and skin‐examination were performed in 410 AD...
British Journal of Dermatology
Fri Feb 28, 2020 14:04
What are the barriers to physical activity in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis?
Abstract Background Psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Despite recommendation that exercise is important for cardiorespiratory fitness, patients with psoriasis avoid participation in physical activities for reasons which are, as yet, unclear. Objectives This study investigated the relationship between psoriasis‐specific experiences and self‐reported patterns of exercise, hypothesising that individuals with psoriasis are less likely to engage...
British Journal of Dermatology
Fri Feb 28, 2020 14:04
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Restoration
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a promising treatment for hair restoration in patients with androgenic alopecia. Created from a platelet concentrate from an autologous blood draw, PRP is a safe therapeutic option for patients with hair loss. It is used alone or in conjunction with topical and oral therapies. Most studies of hair restoration with PRP report positive outcomes. Further research to optimize PRP preparation/administration procedures and identify patient populations that benefit most from...
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America in Press
Mon Mar 02, 2020 02:00
Hairline-Lowering Surgery
As an alternative to hair transplantation for lowering the overly high hairline, hairline-lowering/forehead-reduction surgery has several advantages, including unsurpassed density and immediate results. Appropriate candidates for this surgery must have a stable frontal hairline (thus excluding most men) and a fairly to very mobile scalp that will permit sufficient advancement to warrant this more “invasive” approach. The main objective of this surgery is the lowering of the hairline. The authors’...
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America in Press
Mon Mar 02, 2020 02:00
Are neurotransmitter tests accurate? I'm thinking of buying this to see if there's something chemically wrong with my brain. It's the only one of it's kind that I can find. The only two negative reviews are from people who didn't actually buy the product it seems like.
submitted by /u/NowVSFutureBalance [link] [comments]
The endowment effect -- the overvaluing of things that are personal to us -- is linked to NFL teams overutilizing suboptimal players due, in large part, to their performance in the NFL's version of the SAT (the NFL combine) and their subsequent inflated draft position.
submitted by /u/okayyesno [link] [comments]
Therapists Aren't Ready to Help People Who Want to Take Psychedelics
submitted by /u/czwegner [link] [comments]
What if AI could track your mood and cheer you up when you feel down?
submitted by /u/biohack21 [link] [comments]
Mon Mar 02, 2020 22:05
Coronavirus: Countering Your Fears
submitted by /u/busofbuses [link] [comments]
Mon Mar 02, 2020 20:43
Decolonizing mental health: The importance of an oppression-focused mental health system
submitted by /u/msstree [link] [comments]
Mon Mar 02, 2020 20:33

1 σχόλιο:

  1. I'm 55-year-old from Paris, I was diagnosed with second-stage liver cancer following a scheduled examination to monitor liver cirrhosis. I had lost a lot of weight. A CT scan revealed three tumors; one in the center of my liver in damaged tissue and two in healthy portions of my liver. No chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment was prescribed due to my age, the number of liver tumors. One month following my diagnosis I began taking 12 (350 point) Salvestrol supplements per day, commensurate with my body weight. This comprised six Salvestrol Shield (350 point) capsules and six Salvestrol Gold (350 point) capsules, spread through the day by taking two of each capsule after each main meal. This level of Salvestrol supplementation (4,000 points per day) was maintained for four months. In addition, I began a program of breathing exercises, chi exercises, meditation, stretching and stress avoidance. Due to the variety of conditions that I suffered from, I received ongoing medical examinations. Eleven months after commencing Salvestrol supplementation But all invalid so I keep searching for a herbal cure online that how I came across a testimony appreciating Dr Itua on how he cured her HIV/Herpes, I contacted him through email he listed above, Dr Itua sent me his herbal medicine for cancer to drink for two weeks to cure I paid him for the delivering then I received my herbal medicine and drank it for two weeks and I was cured until now I'm all clear of cancer, I will advise you to contact Dr Itua Herbal Center On WhatsApps Number...+2348149277967. If you are suffering from Diseases listed below,



    Herpes Virus

    Bladder cancer

    Brain cancer

    Colon-Rectal Cancer

    Breast Cancer

    Prostate Cancer

    Esophageal cancer

    Gallbladder cancer

    Gestational trophoblastic disease

    Head and neck cancer

    Hodgkin lymphoma
    Intestinal cancer

    Kidney cancer


    Liver cancer

    Lung cancer



    Multiple myeloma

    Neuroendocrine tumors

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

    Oral cancer

    Ovarian cancer

    Sinus cancer

    Skin cancer

    Soft tissue sarcoma

    Spinal cancer

    Stomach cancer

    Testicular cancer

    Throat cancer

    Thyroid Cancer

    Uterine cancer

    Vaginal cancer

    Vulvar cancer


    Chronic Illness





Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
