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Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020

Association of HPV35 with cervical carcinogenesis among women of African ancestry: evidence of viral‐host interaction with implications for disease intervention
Abstract HPV35 has been found in only ~2% of invasive cervical cancers (ICC) worldwide but up to 10% in Sub‐Saharan Africa, warranting further investigation and consideration of impact on preventive strategies. We studied HPV35 and race/ethnicity, in relation to the known steps in cervical carcinogenesis, using multiple large epidemiologic studies in the U.S. and internationally. Combining five U.S. studies, we measured HPV35 positivity and, in Northern California, observed HPV35 type‐specific...
International Journal of Cancer
Genetic polymorphisms in the cag pathogenicity island of Helicobacter pylori and risk of stomach cancer and high‐grade premalignant gastric lesions
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infects the stomach of about half of the human population and is strongly associated with risk of gastric cancer and its pre‐malignant precursors. The cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI) is a region of the Hp genome encoding for key molecular machinery involved in the infection process. Following a sequencing study, we selected 50 genetic polymorphisms located in seven cagPAI genes and tested their associations with risk of advanced gastric pre‐malignant lesions and of gastric...
International Journal of Cancer
Cumulative risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia for women with normal cytology but positive for human papillomavirus: systematic review and meta‐analysis
Abstract Most women positive for human papillomavirus (HPV) are cytology normal. The optimal screen‐management of these women is unclear given their risk of developing precancer. We performed a systematic review and meta‐analysis of progression rates to precancer and cancer for HPV‐positive, cytology normal women. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Scopus for prospective studies measuring the cumulative incidence of precancer and cervical cancer in HPV‐positive, cytology/histology normal women. Record...
International Journal of Cancer
Thyroid isthmus agenesis and its clinical significance in a large-scale multidetector CT-based study
Publication date: Available online 4 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Seung Kwan Kim, Hyung Suk Seo, Young Hen Lee, Gil Soo Son, Sang-il Suh
Clinical Imaging
Ectopic pregnancies in caesarean section scars: 5 years experience
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): H.S. Darwish, Y.H. Habash, M.Y. Habash
Clinical Imaging
Co-presentation of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM) and multifocal benign metastasizing leiomyoma (BML) of lungs: Diagnostic dilemma and successful endovascular treatment
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Jared Edwards, Frederick S. Keller, Mark S. Chesnutt, Stephanie Coates, Younes Jahangiri
Clinical Imaging
Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB): CT and MRI appearance with radiology-pathology correlation
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Anum Aslam, Ashish P. Wasnik, Jiaqi Shi, Vaibhav Sahai, Mishal Mendiratta-Lala
Clinical Imaging
“The unusual suspects”—Mammographic, sonographic, and histopathologic appearance of atypical breast masses
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Muhammad Naeem, Maria Zulfiqar, David H. Ballard, Laura Billadello, Guihua Cao, Andrea Winter, Mary Lowdermilk
Clinical Imaging
Internal thoracic lymphadenopathy and pulmonary tuberculosis
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Adam Bernheim, Russell R. Kempker, Alfonso C. Hernandez-Romieu, Marcos C. Schechter, Brent P. Little
Clinical Imaging
CT-guided biopsy of pulmonary nodules ≤10 mm: Diagnostic yield based on nodules' lobar and segmental distribution
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Lillian Dominguez-Konicki, Adib R. Karam, Michael S. Furman, David J. Grand
Clinical Imaging
Evaluation of lymphocytic thyroiditis in children with quantitative gray-scale ultrasound echo intensity using a PACS-based tool
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Iclal Erdem Toslak, Aneliya Stoyanova Maleeva, Brendan Martin, Davide Bova, Ayşe Irem Kılıç, Guliz Barkan, Jennifer E. Lim-Dunham
Clinical Imaging
Comentario a «Sialolitectomía transoral combinada con sialoendoscopia versus submaxilectomía abierta para el manejo de litiasis hiliares de la glándula submaxilar»
Publication date: Available online 4 May 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringológica EspañolaAuthor(s): Francisco Javier García Callejo, Ramón Balaguer García, Jose Ramon Alba Garcia, Miguel Juantegui Azpilicueta
Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española
Mucoactive agent use in adult UK Critical Care Units: a survey of health care professionals’ perception, pharmacists’ description of practice, and point prevalence of mucoactive use in invasively mechanically ventilated patients
Background Mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory failure is one of the most common indications for admission to intensive care units (ICUs). Airway mucus clearance is impaired in these patients medication, impaired mucociliary motility, increased mucus production etc. and mucoactive agents have the potential to improve outcomes. However, studies to date have provided inconclusive results. Despite this uncertainty, mucoactives are used in adult ICUs, although the extent of...
PeerJ Computer Science
The impact of sleep loss on sustained and transient attention: an EEG study
Sleep is one of our most important physiological functions that maintains physical and mental health. Two studies examined whether discrete areas of attention are equally affected by sleep loss. This was achieved using a repeated-measures within-subjects design, with two contrasting conditions: normal sleep and partial sleep restriction of 5-h. Study 1 compared performance on a sustained attention task (Psychomotor Vigilance task; PVT) with performance on a transient attention task (Attentional Blink;...
PeerJ Computer Science
Origin identification of migratory pests (European Starling) using geochemical fingerprinting
The European Starling (Sturnidae: Sturnus vulgaris L.) is an invasive bird in North America where it is an agricultural pest. In British Columbia (Canada), the starling population increases in orchards and vineyards in autumn, where they consume and damage ripening fruits. Starlings also cause damage in dairy farms and feedlots by consuming and contaminating food and spreading diseases. Damage can be partly mitigated by the use of scare devices, which can disperse flocks until they become habituated....
PeerJ Computer Science
Cryptic diversity among Yazoo Darters (Percidae: Etheostoma raneyi) in disjunct watersheds of northern Mississippi
The Yazoo Darter, Etheostoma raneyi (Percidae), is an imperiled freshwater fish species endemic to tributaries of the Yocona and Little Tallahatchie rivers of the upper Yazoo River basin, in northern Mississippi, USA. The two populations are allopatric, isolated by unsuitable lowland habitat between the two river drainages. Relevant literature suggests that populations in the Yocona River represent an undescribed species, but a lack of data prevents a thorough evaluation of possible diversity throughout...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fauna associated with shallow-water methane seeps in the Laptev Sea
Background Methane seeps support unique benthic ecosystems in the deep sea existing due to chemosynthetic organic matter. In contrast, in shallow waters there is little or no effect of methane seeps on macrofauna. In the present study we focused on the recently described methane discharge area at the northern Laptev Sea shelf. The aim of this work was to describe the shallow-water methane seep macrofauna and to understand whether there are differences in macrobenthic community structure...
PeerJ Computer Science
Public priorities on locally-driven sea level rise planning on the East Coast of the United States
Sea level rise poses a substantial concern to communities worldwide. Increased inundation, storm surge, saltwater intrusion, and other impacts create challenges which will require considerable planning to address. Recognizing the broad and differing scope of sea level rise issues and the variability of policy options to address them, local planning frameworks are necessary in addition to tools and resources available from state and federal governments. To help assess priorities and preferences on...
PeerJ Computer Science
Intra-lake response of Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) to gold mining-derived arsenic contamination in northern Canada: Implications for environmental monitoring
Arcellinida (testate lobose amoebae) were examined from 40 near-surface sediment samples (top 0.5 cm) from two lakes impacted by arsenic (As) contamination associated with legacy gold mining in subarctic Canada. The objectives of the study are two folds: quantify the response of Arcellinida to intra-lake variability of As and other physicochemical controls, and evaluate whether the impact of As contamination derived from two former gold mines, Giant Mine (1938–2004) and Tundra Mine (1964–1968 and...
PeerJ Computer Science
Transcriptional profiling to identify the key genes and pathways of pterygium
Purpose Pterygium results from a variety of biological pathways that are involved in the formation of ocular surface diseases. However, the exact pathogenesis of pterygium is still unclear. Our study focused on gene expression profiles to better understand the potential mechanisms of pterygium. Methods RNA sequencing experiments were performed on clinical pterygium tissues and normal conjunctival tissues. To identify...
PeerJ Computer Science
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria stimulate wheat rhizosphere and endosphere biological nitrogen fixation by improving phosphorus content
Phosphate (P) availability often limits biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by diazotrophic bacteria. In soil, only 0.1% of the total P is available for plant uptake. P solubilizing bacteria can convert insoluble P to plant-available soluble P (ionic P and low molecular-weight organic P). However, limited information is available about the effects of synergistic application of diazotrophic bacteria and P solubilizing bacteria on the nitrogenase activity of rhizosphere and nifH expression of endosphere....
PeerJ Computer Science
Antifungal activity of 8-methoxynaphthalen-1-ol isolated from the endophytic fungus Diatrype palmicola MFLUCC 17-0313 against the plant pathogenic fungus Athelia rolfsii on tomatoes
Thirty-four endophytic fungal isolates were obtained from the leaves of the medicinal plant Polyscias fruticosa, and their antagonistic activities against the growth of the common tomatoes plant pathogenic fungus Athelia rolfsii were initially screened using a dual culture assay. The endophytic fungus MFLUCC 17-0313, which was later molecularly identified as Diatrype palmicola, displayed the highest inhibition percentage (49.98%) in comparison to the others. This fungus was then chosen for further...
PeerJ Computer Science
On the importance of spatial scales on beta diversity of coral assemblages: a study from Venezuelan coral reefs
Estimating variability across spatial scales has been a major issue in ecology because the description of patterns in space is extremely valuable to propose specific hypotheses to unveil key processes behind these patterns. This paper aims to estimate the variability of the coral assemblage structure at different spatial scales in order to determine which scales explain the largest variability on β-diversity. For this, a fully-nested design including a series of hierarchical-random factors encompassing...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fast sequence-based microsatellite genotyping development workflow
Application of high-throughput sequencing technologies to microsatellite genotyping (SSRseq) has been shown to remove many of the limitations of electrophoresis-based methods and to refine inference of population genetic diversity and structure. We present here a streamlined SSRseq development workflow that includes microsatellite development, multiplexed marker amplification and sequencing, and automated bioinformatics data analysis. We illustrate its application to five groups of species across...
PeerJ Computer Science
Multimode ultrasonic technique is recommended for the differential diagnosis of thyroid cancer
Background B-mode ultrasound is one of the most commonly used imaging techniques for evaluating thyroid nodules due to its noninvasive property and excellent performance in terms of discriminating between benign and malignant nodules. However, the accuracy of differential diagnosis strongly depends on the experience of ultrasonographers. In addition to B-mode ultrasound, the elastic mode and contrast-enhanced mode have shown complimentary value in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules. The combination...
PeerJ Computer Science
Association between dietary mineral nutrient intake, body mass index, and waist circumference in U.S. adults using quantile regression analysis NHANES 2007–2014
Objective Mineral nutrients play an important role in maintaining material and energy metabolism. Reports on mineral nutrient intakes and body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) are rare in the United States. This study examined the relationship between BMI, WC and dietary mineral intakes. Method We used the data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007–2014. Nutrient intakes were adjusted for energy according to the residual adjustment method. We used the...
PeerJ Computer Science
Correction to: Local extirpation is pervasive among historical populations of Galápagos endemic tomatoes
The affiliation of the second author was incorrectly published in the original article.
Latest Results for Evolutionary Ecology
The interplay between cancer associated fibroblasts and immune cells in the context of radiation therapy
Abstract Fibroblasts are a key component of the tumor microenvironment (TME) that can serve as a scaffold for tumor cell migration and augment the tumor's ability to withstand harsh conditions. When activated by external or endogenous stimuli, normal fibroblasts become cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs), a heterogeneous group of stromal cells in the tumor that are phenotypically and epigenetically different from normal fibroblasts. Dynamic crosstalk between cancer cells, immune cells, and CAFs...
Molecular Carcinogenesis
Evaluation of the supinator muscle and deep branch of the radial nerve: impact on nerve compression
Abstract Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the superficial head of supinator muscle (SM) and deep branch of the radial nerve (DBRN) course in SM to see whether the texture characteristics of the superficial head of SM might have a potential compressive effect on the nerve. Materials and methods Elbow and proximal forearm region of 20...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Intermittent tACS during a visual task impacts neural oscillations and LZW complexity
Abstract Little is known about how transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) interacts with brain activity. Here, we investigate the effects of tACS using an intermittent tACS-EEG protocol and use, in addition to classical metrics, Lempel–Ziv–Welch complexity (LZW) to characterize the interactions between task, endogenous and exogenous oscillations. In a cross-over study, EEG was recorded from thirty participants engaged in a change-of-speed detection task while receiving...
Experimental Brain Research
Disagreement between guidelines regarding the third step of asthma drug therapy for school-age children
Publication date: Available online 4 May 2020Source: Allergologia et ImmunopathologiaAuthor(s): S. Miceli Sopo, G. Bersani, E. Del Vescovo, M. Gelsomino
Allergologia et Immunopathologia
Exposure to total 36‐hr sleep deprivation reduces physiological and psychological thermal strain to whole‐body uncompensable passive heat stress in young adult men
Abstract Total sleep deprivation (TSD) is associated with endothelial dysfunction and a consequent decrease in vascular reactivity and increase in peripheral vascular resistance. These effectors compromise the body's ability to thermoregulate in hot and cold stress conditions. We investigated heat‐unacclimated young adult men (26 ± 2 years) to determine whether 36 hr of TSD compared to an 8 or 4‐hr sleep condition, would suppress the responses of the autonomic system (body rectal temperature [T...
Journal of Sleep Research
Should we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19? Cytokine and anti-cytokine interventions
Publication date: Available online 4 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Yvan Jamilloux, Thomas Henry, Alexandre Belot, Sébastien Viel, Maxime Fauter, Thomas El Jammal, Thierry Walzer, Bruno François, Pascal Sève
Autoimmunity Reviews
Transcriptional landscape of SARS-CoV-2 infection dismantles pathogenic pathways activated by the virus, proposes unique sex-specific differences and predicts tailored therapeutic strategies
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Paolo Fagone, Rosella Ciurleo, Salvo Danilo Lombardo, Carmelo Iacobello, Concetta Ilenia Palermo, Yehuda Shoenfeld, Klaus Bendtzen, Placido Bramanti, Ferdinando Nicoletti
Autoimmunity Reviews
Cytokine storm syndrome in severe COVID-19
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Piero Ruscitti, Onorina Berardicurti, Annamaria Iagnocco, Roberto Giacomelli
Autoimmunity Reviews
Fatal COVID-19 infections: Is NK cell dysfunction a link with autoimmune HLH?
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Mohammed S. Osman, Charmaine van Eeden, Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert
Autoimmunity Reviews
Interleukin-17A (IL-17A), a key molecule of innate and adaptive immunity, and its potential involvement in COVID-19-related thrombotic and vascular mechanisms
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Federica Raucci, Adel Abo Mansour, Gian Marco Casillo, Anella Saviano, Francesco Caso, Raffaele Scarpa, Nicola Mascolo, Asif Jilani Iqbal, Francesco Maione
Autoimmunity Reviews
Immunomodulatory therapy for the management of severe COVID-19. Beyond the anti-viral therapy: A comprehensive review
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Jaume Alijotas-Reig, Enrique Esteve-Valverde, Cristina Belizna, Albert Selva-O'Callaghan, Josep Pardos-Gea, Angela Quintana, Arsene Mekinian, Ariadna Anunciacion-Lunell, Francesc Miró-Mur
Autoimmunity Reviews
Tocilizumab for the treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia with hyperinflammatory syndrome and acute respiratory failure: A single center study of 100 patients in Brescia, Italy
Publication date: Available online 3 May 2020Source: Autoimmunity ReviewsAuthor(s): Paola Toniati, Simone Piva, Marco Cattalini, Emirena Garrafa, Francesca Regola, Francesco Castelli, Franco Franceschini, Emanuele Focà, Laura Andreoli, Nicola Latronico, Brescia International Research and Training HUB (BIRTH)
Autoimmunity Reviews

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