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Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020


Post-treatment 18F-FDG PET/CT for predicting survival and recurrence in patients with advanced-stage head and neck cancer undergoing curative surgery.
Related ArticlesPost-treatment 18F-FDG PET/CT for predicting survival and recurrence in patients with advanced-stage head and neck cancer undergoing curative surgery. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 30;107:104750 Authors: Jung AR, Roh JL, Kim JS, Choi SH, Nam SY, Kim SY Abstract OBJECTIVES: Pre- and post-treatment 18F-FDG PET/CT may have a prognostic role in human cancers. 18F-FDG PET/CT after primary surgery for head and neck cancer might also predict survival....
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Three-dimensional modeling of the scapular tip for anterolateral and lateral mandibular defects.
Related ArticlesThree-dimensional modeling of the scapular tip for anterolateral and lateral mandibular defects. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 30;107:104718 Authors: Marchiano E, Stevens JR, Liao E, Rosko AJ, Powell AR, Chinn SB, Stucken CL, Spector ME Abstract OBJECTIVE: Three-dimensional (3D) computational modeling represents an invaluable surgical tool for complex reconstructive cases. There exists limited data on 3D imaging to evaluate the use of the scapular...
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Individualized cumulative cisplatin dose for locoregionally-advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients receiving induction chemotherapy and concurrent chemoradiotherapy.
Related ArticlesIndividualized cumulative cisplatin dose for locoregionally-advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients receiving induction chemotherapy and concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 30;107:104675 Authors: Wen DW, Li ZX, Chen FP, Lin L, Peng BY, Kou J, Zheng WH, Yang XL, Xu SS, Sun Y, Zhou GQ Abstract OBJECTIVES: To screen subgroup potentially benefiting from cumulative cisplatin dose (CCD) ≥ 200 mg/m2 during concurrent chemoradiotherapy...
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
CORONA-steps for tracheotomy in COVID-19 patients: A staff-safe method for airway management.
Related ArticlesCORONA-steps for tracheotomy in COVID-19 patients: A staff-safe method for airway management. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 17;:104728 Authors: Ferreli F, Gaino F, Cecconi M, Costantini E, Spriano G, Mercante G PMID: 32360317 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Reply to 'CORONA-steps for tracheotomy in COVID-19 patients: A staff-safe method for airway management' by Ferreli F. et al.
Related ArticlesReply to 'CORONA-steps for tracheotomy in COVID-19 patients: A staff-safe method for airway management' by Ferreli F. et al. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 27;:104743 Authors: Pichi B, Mazzola F, Bonsembiante A, Petruzzi G, Zocchi J, Moretto S, De Virgilio A, Pellini R PMID: 32360316 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
COVID alias challenge to onco-rehabilitation and to viable indications and decisions: Cues from an Italian COVID+ oral cancer patient.
Related ArticlesCOVID alias challenge to onco-rehabilitation and to viable indications and decisions: Cues from an Italian COVID+ oral cancer patient. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 24;:104745 Authors: Pietrobon G, Tagliabue M, Chu F, De Berardinis R, Ansarin M PMID: 32360315 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]
Contributing factors for delayed postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks and suggested treatment algorithm.
Related ArticlesContributing factors for delayed postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks and suggested treatment algorithm. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020 May 03;: Authors: London NR, Mohyeldin A, Montaser AS, Tanjararak K, Prevedello DM, Otto BA, Carrau RL Abstract BACKGROUND: Delayed postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks are uncommon and largely unstudied complications. In this study we aim to identify their etiology and understand the...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Advances in cancer imaging require renewed radiotherapy dose and target volume concepts.
Related ArticlesAdvances in cancer imaging require renewed radiotherapy dose and target volume concepts. Radiother Oncol. 2020 Apr 23;148:140-142 Authors: Kaanders JHAM, van den Bosch S, Dijkema T, Al-Mamgani A, Raaijmakers CPJ, Vogel WV Abstract Advances in diagnostic imaging create opportunities for improved therapeutic targeting of cancer but conceptual thinking about radiotherapy target volume definition and dose-prescription is not keeping up....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Prospective longitudinal patient-reported outcomes of swallowing following intensity modulated proton therapy for oropharyngeal cancer.
Related ArticlesProspective longitudinal patient-reported outcomes of swallowing following intensity modulated proton therapy for oropharyngeal cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2020 Apr 21;148:133-139 Authors: Grant SR, Hutcheson KA, Ye R, Garden AS, Morrison WH, Rosenthal DI, Brandon Gunn G, Fuller CD, Phan J, Reddy JP, Moreno AC, Lewin JS, Sturgis EM, Ferrarotto R, Frank SJ Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: With an enlarging population of long-term oropharyngeal...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Should hearing targeted screening for congenital cytomegalovirus infection Be implemented?
Related ArticlesShould hearing targeted screening for congenital cytomegalovirus infection Be implemented? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 23;134:110055 Authors: Haller T, Shoup A, Park AH Abstract Since 2013, after Utah became the first state to implement hearing targeted early CMV screening, a national debate has been percolating about whether this approach should be introduced nationally. Currently Utah, Iowa, Connecticut, and New York...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Sleep endoscopy findings in children in supine versus left lateral position.
Related ArticlesSleep endoscopy findings in children in supine versus left lateral position. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 21;134:110056 Authors: Carr M, Phillips D Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe how drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) findings in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) change with lateral positioning. METHODS: Children undergoing DISE for OSA in 2018-19 at a tertiary care children's hospital were positioned...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Atypical lymphoid hyperplasia in a patient undergoing tonsillectomy for severe obstructive sleep apnea.
Related ArticlesAtypical lymphoid hyperplasia in a patient undergoing tonsillectomy for severe obstructive sleep apnea. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 24;134:110066 Authors: Kinealy BP, Harding BC, Vazmitsel MA, Laziuk K, Gov-Ari E Abstract Tonsillectomy is a common procedure in the pediatric population, with subsequent microscopic examination of the specimen for cancer and other rare diagnoses occurring routinely. A 17 year-old female...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Enlarged vestibular aqueduct: Intraoperative electrocochleography findings during cochlear implantation.
Related ArticlesEnlarged vestibular aqueduct: Intraoperative electrocochleography findings during cochlear implantation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 24;134:110065 Authors: Riggs WJ, Hiss MM, Varadarajan VV, Mattingly JK, Adunka OF Abstract Enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) is the most frequent inner ear abnormality found on computed tomography in children with sensorineural hearing loss. The effects EVA abnormalities have on electrocochleography...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Acquisition limitations of bone conduction hearing devices in children with unilateral microtia and atresia.
Related ArticlesAcquisition limitations of bone conduction hearing devices in children with unilateral microtia and atresia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 06;134:110040 Authors: Alexander NL, Silva RC, Barton G, Liu YC Abstract OBJECTIVE: To characterize the use of bone conduction hearing devices (BCHD) for hearing management in children with unilateral congenital aural atresia (CAA) at a tertiary pediatric center's microtia clinic while...
AA pubmed: head and neck
AKT inhibition as a strategy for targeting hypoxic HPV-positive HNSCC.
Related ArticlesAKT inhibition as a strategy for targeting hypoxic HPV-positive HNSCC. Radiother Oncol. 2020 Apr 30;: Authors: Göttgens EL, Bussink J, Ansems M, Hammond EM, Span PN Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Hypoxia negatively affects treatment outcome in both Human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive and -negative head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Despite HPV-positive patients having a relatively good prognosis, hypoxic HPV-positive...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Responsiveness and Convergent Validity of a New Patient Reported outcome measure for Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS-PRO).
Related ArticlesResponsiveness and Convergent Validity of a New Patient Reported outcome measure for Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS-PRO). J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr 30;: Authors: Ghadersohi S, Price CPE, Beaumont JL, Kern RC, Conley DB, Welch KC, Calice AM, Stanton E, VanderMeeden MK, Jensen SE, Peters AT, Grammer LC, Stevens WW, Schleimer RP, Tan BK Abstract BACKGROUND: The CRS-PRO is a new patient reported outcome measure (PROM) for chronic...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Single-center prospective trial investigating the feasibility of serial FDG-PET guided adaptive radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.
Related ArticlesSingle-center prospective trial investigating the feasibility of serial FDG-PET guided adaptive radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020 Apr 30;: Authors: Gouw ZAR, Fontaine, Vogel WV, van de Kamer JB, Sonke JJ, Al-Mamgani A Abstract INTRODUCTION: We investigated in a single-center prospective trial (NCT03376386) the use of serial FDG-PET/CT's to determine the boost dose and to guide boost segmentation...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Treatment response monitoring in patients with advanced malignancies using cell-free SHOX2 and SEPT9 DNA methylation in blood: An observational prospective study.
Related ArticlesTreatment response monitoring in patients with advanced malignancies using cell-free SHOX2 and SEPT9 DNA methylation in blood: An observational prospective study. J Mol Diagn. 2020 Apr 30;: Authors: de Vos L, Jung M, Koerber RM, Bawden EG, Holderried TAW, Dietrich J, Bootz F, Brossart P, Kristiansen G, Dietrich D Abstract Patients with incurable cancer usually receive palliative treatment with significant toxicity and limited efficacy....
AA pubmed: head and neck
ACR Appropriateness Criteria Facilitate Judicious Use of CT Angiography for Stroke Workup in the Emergency Department.
Related ArticlesACR Appropriateness Criteria Facilitate Judicious Use of CT Angiography for Stroke Workup in the Emergency Department. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Hartman J, Goiney C, Carlson B, Moran S, Hippe DS, Zecevic M, Mossa-Basha M Abstract PURPOSE: CT angiography (CTA) of the head and neck plays a key role in the evaluation of patients with stroke in the emergency department, particularly to evaluate for large-vessel occlusion...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Non-Exudative Perifoveal Vascular Anomalous Complex: the sub-clinical stage of Perifoveal Exudative Vascular Anomalous Complex?
Related ArticlesNon-Exudative Perifoveal Vascular Anomalous Complex: the sub-clinical stage of Perifoveal Exudative Vascular Anomalous Complex? Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Sacconi R, Borrelli E, Sadda S, Corradetti G, Freund KB, Yannuzzi LA, Souied E, Capuano V, Sarraf D, Querques L, Bandello F, Querques G Abstract PURPOSE: To describe pre-exudative stage of exudative Perifoveal Vascular Anomalous Complex (ePVAC) referred to as non-exudative...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Are Oral Pain and Otalgia Predictive of Perineural Invasion in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Tongue?
Related ArticlesAre Oral Pain and Otalgia Predictive of Perineural Invasion in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Tongue? J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Apr 06;: Authors: Hechler B, Carlson ER, Heidel RE, Fahmy MD, McCoy JM Abstract PURPOSE: Tongue cancer is often associated with pain and perineural invasion. The purpose of the present study was to determine the association between tongue pain and otalgia and the microscopic identification of perineural...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Oral squamous cell carcinoma: epidemiological study and risk factor assessment based on a 39-year series.
Related ArticlesOral squamous cell carcinoma: epidemiological study and risk factor assessment based on a 39-year series. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Apr 29;: Authors: Capote-Moreno A, Brabyn P, Muñoz-Guerra MF, Sastre-Pérez J, Escorial-Hernandez V, Rodríguez-Campo FJ, García T, Naval-Gías L Abstract Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) remains a challenge for head and neck surgeons, with low 5-year survival rates despite improvements in diagnostic...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Attendance at a one-off screening clinic for head and neck cancer during Cancer Awareness Week.
Related ArticlesAttendance at a one-off screening clinic for head and neck cancer during Cancer Awareness Week. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Apr 29;: Authors: Cairns J, Spellman J, Kanatas A PMID: 32359953 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
AA pubmed: head and neck
Brief guideline for the prevention of COVID-19 infection in head and neck and otolaryngology surgeons.
Related ArticlesBrief guideline for the prevention of COVID-19 infection in head and neck and otolaryngology surgeons. Am J Otolaryngol. 2020 Apr 10;:102484 Authors: Boccalatte LA, Larrañaga JJ, Perez Raffo GM, Teijido CA, García Fornari G, Staneloni MI, Figari MF Abstract IMPORTANCE: Anatomically, viral density is greater in the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx. It is to be expected that instrumentation in or through those areas will entail a higher...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Masseteric-zygomatic nerve transfer for the management of eye closure-smile excursion synkinesis.
Related ArticlesMasseteric-zygomatic nerve transfer for the management of eye closure-smile excursion synkinesis. Am J Otolaryngol. 2020 Apr 04;:102479 Authors: Gray ML, Hu S, Gorbea E, Mashkevich G Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to illustrate the efficacy of masseteric-to-zygomatic nerve transfer to address eye closure-smile excursion synkinesis after facial nerve paralysis. BACKGROUND: Synkinesis after facial nerve paralysis...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Pathological evaluation of radiotherapy and concomitant intraarterial cisplatin for maxillary sinus cancer.
Related ArticlesPathological evaluation of radiotherapy and concomitant intraarterial cisplatin for maxillary sinus cancer. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Makino T, Tachibana T, Kariya S, Matsui Y, Matsuzaki H, Fujimoto S, Orita Y, Katsui K, Hiraki T, Sato Y, Kanazawa S, Nishizaki K Abstract OBJECTIVE: Since 2010, we have mainly performed surgical treatment following radiotherapy and concomitant intraarterial cisplatin (RADPLAT) for locally...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Mapping the frequency of malnutrition in patients with head and neck cancer using the GLIM Criteria for the Diagnosis of Malnutrition.
Related ArticlesMapping the frequency of malnutrition in patients with head and neck cancer using the GLIM Criteria for the Diagnosis of Malnutrition. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2020 Jun;37:100-106 Authors: Einarsson S, Laurell G, Tiblom Ehrsson Y Abstract BACKGROUND & AIMS: Patients with head and neck cancer are defined as high-risk patients for malnutrition, but the inconsistent practice of diagnosing malnutrition is a barrier in comparing studies and...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Do carbon nanoparticles really improve thyroid cancer surgery? A retrospective analysis of real-world data.
Related ArticlesDo carbon nanoparticles really improve thyroid cancer surgery? A retrospective analysis of real-world data. World J Surg Oncol. 2020 May 02;18(1):84 Authors: Liu J, Xu C, Wang R, Han P, Zhao Q, Li H, Bai Y, Liu L, Zhang S, Yao X Abstract BACKGROUND: Parathyroid protection and central neck dissection (CND) are basic points of thyroid cancer surgery and draw persistent concern. We aimed to evaluate the value of carbon nanoparticles...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Talker variability in word recognition under cochlear implant simulation: Does talker gender matter?
Related ArticlesTalker variability in word recognition under cochlear implant simulation: Does talker gender matter? J Acoust Soc Am. 2020 Apr;147(4):EL370 Authors: Tamati TN, Sijp L, Başkent D Abstract Normal-hearing listeners are less accurate and slower to recognize words with trial-to-trial talker changes compared to a repeating talker. Cochlear implant (CI) users demonstrate poor discrimination of same-gender talkers and, to a lesser extent,...
AA pubmed: head and neck
health technology; +130 new citations
130 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: health technology These pubmed results were generated on 2020/05/04PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
pubmed: health technology
Predicting prolonged length of stay after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma.
Related ArticlesPredicting prolonged length of stay after endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020 May 03;: Authors: Vimawala S, Chitguppi C, Reilly E, Fastenberg JH, Garzon-Muvdi T, Farrell C, Rabinowitz MR, Rosen MR, Evans J, Nyquist GG Abstract BACKGROUND: Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETS) for the resection of pituitary adenoma has become more common throughout the past decade. Although most patients...
pubmed: sleep
Genome-wide DNA methylation patterns associated with sleep and mental health in children: a population-based study.
Related ArticlesGenome-wide DNA methylation patterns associated with sleep and mental health in children: a population-based study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2020 May 03;: Authors: Koopman-Verhoeff ME, Mulder RH, Saletin JM, Reiss I, van der Horst GTJ, Felix JF, Carskadon MA, Tiemeier H, Cecil CAM Abstract BACKGROUND: DNA methylation (DNAm) has been implicated in the biology of sleep. Yet, how DNAm patterns across the genome relate to different sleep...
pubmed: sleep
The role of ferroptosis in chronic intermittent hypoxia-induced liver injury in rats.
Related ArticlesThe role of ferroptosis in chronic intermittent hypoxia-induced liver injury in rats. Sleep Breath. 2020 May 03;: Authors: Chen LD, Wu RH, Huang YZ, Chen MX, Zeng AM, Zhuo GF, Xu FS, Liao R, Lin QC Abstract PURPOSE: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been related to an increased risk of liver injury. Ferroptosis is a form of programmed cell death implicated in multiple physiological and pathological processes. This study aimed to explore...
pubmed: sleep
Reductive stress impairs myogenic differentiation.
Related ArticlesReductive stress impairs myogenic differentiation. Redox Biol. 2020 Mar 04;34:101492 Authors: Rajasekaran NS, Shelar SB, Jones DP, Hoidal JR Abstract Myo-satellite cells regenerate and differentiate into skeletal muscle (SM) after acute or chronic injury. Changes in the redox milieu towards the oxidative arm at the wound site are known to compromise SM regeneration. Recently, we reported that abrogation of Nrf2/antioxidant signaling promotes...
pubmed: sleep
Chinese mental health burden during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Related ArticlesChinese mental health burden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020 Apr 14;51:102052 Authors: Huang Y, Zhao N Abstract We aimed to assess the Chinese mental health burden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected from 7,236 participants assessed with anxiety disorders, depressive symptoms, and poor sleep . The overall prevalence of anxiety disorders, depressive symptoms, sleep quality were 35.1%, 20.1%, 18.2%, respectively....
pubmed: sleep

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