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Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020


The chimeric antigen receptor-intensive care unit (CAR-ICU) initiative: Surveying intensive care unit practices in the management of CAR T-cell associated toxicities.
Related ArticlesThe chimeric antigen receptor-intensive care unit (CAR-ICU) initiative: Surveying intensive care unit practices in the management of CAR T-cell associated toxicities. J Crit Care. 2020 Apr 15;58:58-64 Authors: Gutierrez C, Brown ART, Herr MM, Kadri SS, Hill B, Rajendram P, Duggal A, Turtle CJ, Patel K, Lin Y, May HP, Gallo de Moraes A, Maus MV, Frigault MJ, Brudno JN, Athale J, Shah NN, Kochenderfer JN, Dharshan A, Beitinjaneh A, Arias AS, McEvoy C, Mead...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep problems and medical isolation during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.
Related ArticlesSleep problems and medical isolation during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Sleep Med. 2020 Apr 21;70:112-115 Authors: Xue Z, Lin L, Zhang S, Gong J, Liu J, Lu J PMID: 32361216 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
Delirium and sleep disturbances in COVID-19: a possible role for melatonin in hospitalized patients?
Related ArticlesDelirium and sleep disturbances in COVID-19: a possible role for melatonin in hospitalized patients? Sleep Med. 2020 Apr 17;70:111 Authors: Zambrelli E, Canevini M, Gambini O, D'Agostino A PMID: 32361215 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
Sleep habits of children diagnosed with attention/ deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and effects of treatment on sleep related parameters.
Related ArticlesSleep habits of children diagnosed with attention/ deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and effects of treatment on sleep related parameters. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020 Apr 09;52:102045 Authors: Yektaş Ç, Tufan AE, Sarıgedik E Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the baseline sleep habits of children with ADHD and the effects of treatment with methylphenidate (MPH) and atomoxetine (ATX) on sleep parameters. Treatment naive children with clinically...
pubmed: sleep
More than a quarter century of the most prescribed sleeping pill: Systematic review of zolpidem use by older adults.
Related ArticlesMore than a quarter century of the most prescribed sleeping pill: Systematic review of zolpidem use by older adults. Exp Gerontol. 2020 Apr 30;:110962 Authors: Machado FV, Louzada LL, Cross NE, Camargos EF, Dang-Vu TT, Nóbrega OT Abstract Zolpidem is widely used to treat insomnia of older adults despite that few randomized controlled studies were conducted in this group. We systematically reviewed the relevant literature on efficacy/effectiveness...
pubmed: sleep
Na+/K+-ATPase and lipid peroxidation in forebrain cortex and hippocampus of sleep-deprived rats treated with therapeutic lithium concentration for different periods of time.
Related ArticlesNa+/K+-ATPase and lipid peroxidation in forebrain cortex and hippocampus of sleep-deprived rats treated with therapeutic lithium concentration for different periods of time. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Apr 29;:109953 Authors: Vosahlikova M, Roubalova L, Cechova K, Kaufman J, Musil S, Miksik I, Alda M, Svoboda P Abstract Lithium (Li) is a typical mood stabilizer and the first choice for treatment of bipolar disorder...
pubmed: sleep
Holistic Dermatology: An Evidence-Based Review of Modifiable Lifestyle Factors Associations with Dermatologic Disorders.
Related ArticlesHolistic Dermatology: An Evidence-Based Review of Modifiable Lifestyle Factors Associations with Dermatologic Disorders. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Hu S, Anand P, Laughter M, Maymone MBC, Dellavalle RP Abstract BACKGROUND: Holistic dermatology focuses on treating the human body as a whole and implementing life-style changes to enhance the treatment and prognosis of skin disease. Understanding the interplay between modifiable...
pubmed: sleep
Modafinil reduces choice impulsivity while increasing motor activity in preadolescent rats treated prenatally with alcohol.
Related ArticlesModafinil reduces choice impulsivity while increasing motor activity in preadolescent rats treated prenatally with alcohol. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2020 Apr 30;:172936 Authors: Heyer-Osorno R, Juárez J Abstract Rats exposed prenatally to alcohol show a reduction in the spontaneous activity of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA), as well as greater impulsive behavior and motor activity, behavioral alterations that...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep disturbances and inflammatory gene expression among pregnant women: Differential responses by race.
Related ArticlesSleep disturbances and inflammatory gene expression among pregnant women: Differential responses by race. Brain Behav Immun. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Carroll JE, Rentscher KE, Cole SW, Luo JJ, Ramilo O, Webber S, Lamkin DM, Christian LM Abstract Excessive inflammation in pregnancy predicts adverse birth outcomes, including shortened gestational length and lower birthweight, with African American women at greater risk. As substantial racial...
pubmed: sleep
The curious case of COVID-19 in children.
Related ArticlesThe curious case of COVID-19 in children. J Pediatr. 2020 Apr 29;: Authors: Gupta S, Malhotra N, Gupta N, Agrawal S, Ish P PMID: 32360416 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
Association of Systemic Hypertension with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Population-Based Case-control Study.
Related ArticlesAssociation of Systemic Hypertension with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Population-Based Case-control Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Kuang TM, Xirasagar S, Kao YW, Shia BC, Lin HC Abstract PURPOSE: To examine the association between systemic hypertension (HTN) and primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) using Taiwan's nationwide health insurance claims data. DESIGN: A case-control study METHODS: Data for this case-control...
pubmed: sleep
Feasibility but unclear benefit of minimising endotracheal cuff underinflation using an elastomeric device.
Related ArticlesFeasibility but unclear benefit of minimising endotracheal cuff underinflation using an elastomeric device. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Marjanovic N, Laupland KB, Mimoz O PMID: 32360281 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
Development and validation of a prediction model for incident hand osteoarthritis in the hunt study.
Related ArticlesDevelopment and validation of a prediction model for incident hand osteoarthritis in the hunt study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Johnsen MB, Magnusson K, Børte S, Gabrielsen ME, Winsvold BS, Skogholt AH, Thomas L, Storheim K, Hveem K, Zwart JA Abstract OBJECTIVE: To develop and externally validate prediction models for incident hand osteoarthritis (OA) in a large population-based cohort of middle aged and older men...
pubmed: sleep
Compliance with the 24-Hour movement guidelines for the early years: Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations with executive function and psychosocial health in preschool children.
Related ArticlesCompliance with the 24-Hour movement guidelines for the early years: Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations with executive function and psychosocial health in preschool children. J Sci Med Sport. 2020 Feb 20;: Authors: McNeill J, Howard SJ, Vella SA, Cliff DP Abstract OBJECTIVE: To examine whether meeting the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines was associated with cognitive and psychosocial health in preschoolers. DESIGN:...
pubmed: sleep
Exercise and Fitness in the age of social distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Related ArticlesExercise and Fitness in the age of social distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Nyenhuis SM, Greiwe J, Zeiger JS, Nanda A, Cooke A PMID: 32360185 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
NADPH oxidases: Pathophysiology and therapeutic potential in age-associated pulmonary fibrosis.
Related ArticlesNADPH oxidases: Pathophysiology and therapeutic potential in age-associated pulmonary fibrosis. Redox Biol. 2020 Apr 17;:101541 Authors: Kato K, Hecker L Abstract Oxidative stress has been associated with a number of human fibrotic diseases, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Although oxidative stress is associated with both fibrosis and aging, the precise cellular sources(s) of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contribute...
pubmed: sleep
Association between work productivity and sleep health: A cross-sectional study in Japan.
Related ArticlesAssociation between work productivity and sleep health: A cross-sectional study in Japan. Sleep Health. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Ishibashi Y, Shimura A Abstract OBJECTIVES: To examine the impact of sleep health on work in Japan and to investigate the relationship between presenteeism and sleep health. DESIGN: Cross sectional analysis of a questionnaire survey. SETTING: Seventeen offices in Tokyo, Japan. PARTICIPANTS:...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep patterns and insomnia among internationally adopted adolescents.
Related ArticlesSleep patterns and insomnia among internationally adopted adolescents. Sleep Health. 2020 Apr 29;: Authors: Askeland KG, Sivertsen B, Hysing M Abstract OBJECTIVE: Sleep is essential for adolescent development. We aimed to investigate sleep patterns and insomnia among internationally adopted adolescents compared with their nonadopted peers. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Data stem from the population-based youth@hordaland-survey,...
pubmed: sleep
Which sleep hygiene factors are important? comprehensive assessment of lifestyle habits and job environment on sleep among office workers.
Related ArticlesWhich sleep hygiene factors are important? comprehensive assessment of lifestyle habits and job environment on sleep among office workers. Sleep Health. 2020 Apr 28;: Authors: Shimura A, Sugiura K, Inoue M, Misaki S, Tanimoto Y, Oshima A, Tanaka T, Yokoi K, Inoue T Abstract BACKGROUND: Although several lifestyle habits are associated with sleep, it is unclear which factors are important. Among office workers, the effect of job environment...
pubmed: sleep
Incidence, prevalence and consequences of illness in academy rugby league players.
Related ArticlesIncidence, prevalence and consequences of illness in academy rugby league players. J Sci Med Sport. 2020 Apr 18;: Authors: Chesson L, Deighton K, Whitehead S, Ramírez-López C, Jones B Abstract OBJECTIVES: To assess the incidence, prevalence and consequences of illness in one professional academy rugby league club during an in-season period. DESIGN: Observational prospective cohort study. METHOD: Seventeen male rugby...
pubmed: sleep
Dietary total antioxidant capacity and its association with sleep, stress, anxiety, and depression score: A cross-sectional study among diabetic women.
Related ArticlesDietary total antioxidant capacity and its association with sleep, stress, anxiety, and depression score: A cross-sectional study among diabetic women. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2020 Jun;37:187-194 Authors: Daneshzad E, Keshavarz SA, Qorbani M, Larijani B, Azadbakht L Abstract BACKGROUND: Diabetes as a common chronic disease leads to several serious disabilities and complications. Patients with type 2 diabetes are involved with psychological and...
pubmed: sleep
Effect of the frequency spectrum of road traffic noise on sleep: A polysomnographic study.
Related ArticlesEffect of the frequency spectrum of road traffic noise on sleep: A polysomnographic study. J Acoust Soc Am. 2020 Apr;147(4):2139 Authors: Myllyntausta S, Virkkala J, Salo P, Varjo J, Rekola L, Hongisto V Abstract Spectrum of sound affects noise annoyance. Spectral differences of road traffic noise (RTN) transmitted indoors are usual because of spectrally different sound insulation of facades. The purpose was to compare the effect of RTN...
pubmed: sleep
Relationship between problematic Internet use and age at initial weekly Internet use
Related ArticlesRelationship between problematic Internet use and age at initial weekly Internet use J Behav Addict. 2020 04 01;9(1):129-139 Authors: Nakayama H, Ueno F, Mihara S, Kitayuguchi T, Higuchi S Abstract Background and Aims: An important proportion of infants and adolescents in Japan are using Internet-equipped devices, including smartphones, tablets, and game consoles. However, the relationship between the risk of IA and the age at initial...
pubmed: sleep
Clinical trials and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Related ArticlesClinical trials and the COVID-19 pandemic. Hell J Nucl Med. 2020 Jan-Apr;23(1):4-5 Authors: Retsas S Abstract "...but why think? Why not try the experiment?..." John Hunter (1728-1793), in a letter to Edward Jenner. August 2nd, 1775. When Galen of Pergamum (2nd c. A.D.), physician, philosopher and experimentalist, sought to ascertain the therapeutic properties of Theriac, an antidote of repute against poisons, he resorted to an experiment....
pubmed: antiquity
Ancient Egyptians saw the sky as crumbling iron tub filled with water
A fresh look at the world’s oldest religious texts suggests ancient Egyptians saw the sky as a water-filled iron container from which chunks fell to Earth as meteorites
New Scientist - The Human Brain
Integrating in vitro data and physiologically based kinetic modeling-facilitated reverse dosimetry to predict human cardiotoxicity of methadone
Abstract Development of novel testing strategies to detect adverse human health effects is of interest to replace in vivo-based drug and chemical safety testing. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether physiologically based kinetic (PBK) modeling-facilitated conversion of in vitro toxicity data is an adequate approach to predict in vivo cardiotoxicity in humans. To enable evaluation of predictions made, methadone was selected as the model compound, being a compound...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
Osteoarthritis: Current Molecular Biomarkers and the Way Forward
Abstract The ultimate hope of researchers and patients is a pathway to development of treatments for osteoarthritis to modify the disease process in addition to the symptoms. However, development of disease modifying drugs requires objective endpoints such as measures of joint structure, joint tissue homeostasis and/or joint survival–measures such as provided by imaging biomarkers, molecular biomarkers and joint replacement frequency, respectively. Although biomarkers supporting...
Latest Results for Calcified Tissue International
Natural history of naevi: a two‐wave study
Abstract Background Naevi number change with age.Thus, a better understanding of naevus biology will shed more light on the genetic and environmental factors for melanoma development. Methods The study is a prospective two‐wave study based on adult twins from the TwinsUK registry(n=414) who underwent a total body naevus counts with an interval of at least 15 years. A negative binomial hierarchical model with two levels, the subject and the twin pair, was used to estimate expected...
British Journal of Dermatology
An exploratory, open‐label, investigator‐initiated study of interleukin‐17A (IL‐17A) blockade in patients with moderate to severe papulopustular rosacea
Abstract Currently, few systemic medications are effective for rosacea.1 Recent research has shown elevation of interleukin (IL)‐17A in rosacea.2,3 To assess if the IL‐17A inhibitor,4, 5 secukinumab, could improve moderate to severe papulopustular rosacea (PPR), an exploratory, open‐label, single‐arm investigator initiated clinical trial in adults with moderate to severe PPR was performed after Stanford Human Subjects Panel approval.
British Journal of Dermatology
Clinician perception of long‐term survival at the point of critical care discharge: a prospective cohort study
Summary Critical care survivors suffer persistent morbidity and increased risk of mortality as compared with the general population. Nevertheless, there are no standardised tools to identify at‐risk patients. Our aim was to establish whether the Sabadell score, a simple tool applied by the treating clinician upon critical care discharge, was independently associated with 5‐year mortality through a prospective observational cohort study of adults admitted to a general critical care unit. The Sabadell...
The maturational process of the auditory system in the first year of life characterized by brainstem ...
The study of brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) allows obtaining the electrophysiological activity generated in the cochlear nerve to the ...
Ειδοποίηση Google - Peripheral auditory system
Recent advancements in chemical, environmental, and energy engineering acronym: RACEEE 2019
Latest Results
The association between dioxins and steroid hormones in general adult males: a cross-sectional study in an e-waste region of China
Abstract As observed among residents in electronic waste (e-waste) recycling areas, dioxins can disrupt the homeostasis of endocrine hormones and the balance of thyroid hormones. Few studies, however, have examined whether e-waste recycling activities influence steroid hormone equilibrium in the general adult male population. This study evaluated the association between steroid hormones and the physical burdens of dioxins in the general adult male population residing in an e-waste...
Latest Results
Ezafe, PP and the nature of nominalization
Abstract In the paper we argue that the English VP/NP structures in (i) a-d have exact counterparts in the i(ranian)Persian PP/NP structures in (ii) a-d, where P1-P3 are three different classes of iPersian Ps and where -EZ is the so-called “Ezafe” morpheme. (i. a) John [VP destroy the evidence] “Pure VP”; (i. b) John -’s [NP destroying the evidence] Nominalized VP; (i. c) John -’s [NP destroying of the evidence] Nominalized V; (i. d) John -’s [NP destruction of the evidence] Deverbal...
Latest Results for Natural Language
Patient and clinician experience of a serious illness conversation guide in oncology: A descriptive analysis
This descriptive analysis reports the patient and clinician experience of a structured conversation about patients' values, goals, prognosis, and care preferences in the outpatient setting in oncology. Conversations using the Serious Illness Conversation Guide were feasible, acceptable, and were associated with positive experiences for both patients with advanced cancer and oncology clinicians in ways that align with national recommendations for serious illness communication. Abstract Background/objective...
Cancer Medicine
Helicobacter pylori‐related risk predictors of gastric cancer: The latest models, challenges, and future prospects
The association of H. pylori genotypes with the GC risk has been largely influenced by geographic and/or ethnic origin worldwide. In this regard, new models have been recently proposed to predict the risk of GC, which comprise: (a) phylogeographic origin of H. pylori strains and (b) disrupted co‐evolution between H. pylori and its human host. These models and earlier ones based on putative virulence factors of the bacterium may not fully justify differences in the incidence of GC, reflecting that...
Cancer Medicine
Abdollahi, Rouhollah
Cerebral Cortex - current issue
CCR8 blockade primes anti-tumor immunity through intratumoral regulatory T cells destabilization in muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Abstract Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a major role in the development of an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Systemic Treg depletion is not favored because of the critical role of Tregs in maintaining immune homeostasis and preventing the autoimmunity. Recently, CCR8 has been identified as an important chemokine receptor expressed on intratumoral Tregs and is known to be critical for CCR8+Treg-mediated immunosuppression. However, the inherent molecular mechanisms and...
Latest Results for Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
Antibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 229: Omics for Bioprospecting and Drug Discovery from Bacteria and Microalgae
Antibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 229: Omics for Bioprospecting and Drug Discovery from Bacteria and Microalgae Antibiotics doi: 10.3390/antibiotics9050229 Authors: Reuben Maghembe Donath Damian Abdalah Makaranga Stephen Samwel Nyandoro Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye Souvik Kusari Rajni Hatti-Kaul “Omics” represent a combinatorial approach to high-throughput analysis of biological entities for various purposes. It broadly encompasses genomics,...

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