
Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020


Use of narrowband imaging for the diagnosis and screening of laryngeal cancer: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Abstract We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of narrowband imaging (NBI) in terms of detecting laryngeal cancer compared to that of white light endoscopy (WLE). Two reviewers individually searched the six databases for studies published between the first record date and December 31, 2019. We recorded the numbers of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives. Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies ver. 2 software was used to assess the studies. The extent...
Head & Neck
The association between obesity indices and obstructive sleep apnea is modified by age in a sex-specific manner
Abstract Background The beneficial effects of weight reduction on obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are highly variable. Whether or not the variability is associated with the effects of age and sex remains unclear. This study examined this issue with large cross-sectional data. Method Anthropometric measurements, polysomnographic variables, biochemical indicators,...
Latest Results for Sleep and Breathing
Fatal anaphylaxis in Italy: Analysis of cause‐of‐death national data, 2004‐2016
Abstract Background Epidemiological data on fatal anaphylaxis are underestimated worldwide. Few Italian data do exist. The aims of the study are to determine the anaphylaxis mortality rate in Italy and its associations with demographic characteristics (gender, age, and geographical distribution), and to investigate which are the most common triggers of fatal anaphylaxis. Material and methods This is a descriptive study analyzing data reported to the National Register of Causes...
A potent enzybiotic against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Abstract Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most dreadful infectious agents, responsible for high mortality and morbidity in both humans and animals. The increased prevalence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Staphylococcus aureus strains has limited the number of available treatment options, which calls for the development of alternative and effective modalities against MDR S. aureus. Endolysins are bacteriophage-derived antibacterials, which attack essential conserved elements of...
Latest Results for Virus Genes
Smell and taste symptom‐based predictive model for COVID‐19 diagnosis
Background The presentation of COVID‐19 overlaps with common influenza symptoms. There is limited data on whether a specific symptom or collection of symptoms may be useful to predict test positivity. Methods An anonymous electronic survey was publicized through social media to query participants with COVID‐19 testing. Respondents were questioned regarding 10 presenting symptoms, demographic information, comorbidities and COVID‐19 test results. Stepwise logistic regression was used to...
Allergy & Rhinology
Use of high‐fidelity 3D‐printed models for training novice residents in basic nasal endoscopic skills
Abstract Background: The use of three‐dimensional (3D) printed models is promising in nasal endoscopic technique training. Here, we aimed to develop postsurgical simulants for use in conjunction with 3D‐printed nasal models and to assess their usefulness in helping residents transfer basic endoscopic skills acquired during simulation training to clinical situations. Methods: The secretion simulant was prepared via a cross‐linked reaction between sodium alginate and acrylamide, whereas the packing...
Allergy & Rhinology
Poor academic performance in offspring of survivors with childhood or adolescent central nervous system tumour in Sweden
Abstract The number of children who were born after their parents were diagnosed with central nervous system (CNS) tumour is increasing, but it is still largely unknown regarding the academic performance of these children. We aimed to investigate whether children of survivors with childhood or adolescent CNS tumour were associated with poor academic performance. Children of survivors of CNS tumour were identified by combining the nationwide Swedish Cancer Register and the Multi‐Generation Register,...
Int J Cancer
Association of HPV35 with cervical carcinogenesis among women of African ancestry: evidence of viral‐host interaction with implications for disease intervention
Abstract HPV35 has been found in only ~2% of invasive cervical cancers (ICC) worldwide but up to 10% in Sub‐Saharan Africa, warranting further investigation and consideration of impact on preventive strategies. We studied HPV35 and race/ethnicity, in relation to the known steps in cervical carcinogenesis, using multiple large epidemiologic studies in the U.S. and internationally. Combining five U.S. studies, we measured HPV35 positivity and, in Northern California, observed HPV35 type‐specific...
Int J Cancer
Genetic polymorphisms in the cag pathogenicity island of Helicobacter pylori and risk of stomach cancer and high‐grade premalignant gastric lesions
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infects the stomach of about half of the human population and is strongly associated with risk of gastric cancer and its pre‐malignant precursors. The cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI) is a region of the Hp genome encoding for key molecular machinery involved in the infection process. Following a sequencing study, we selected 50 genetic polymorphisms located in seven cagPAI genes and tested their associations with risk of advanced gastric pre‐malignant lesions and of gastric...
Int J Cancer
Cumulative risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia for women with normal cytology but positive for human papillomavirus: systematic review and meta‐analysis
Abstract Most women positive for human papillomavirus (HPV) are cytology normal. The optimal screen‐management of these women is unclear given their risk of developing precancer. We performed a systematic review and meta‐analysis of progression rates to precancer and cancer for HPV‐positive, cytology normal women. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Scopus for prospective studies measuring the cumulative incidence of precancer and cervical cancer in HPV‐positive, cytology/histology normal women. Record...
Int J Cancer
Acquired agminated melanocytic nevus in the acral area is a potential mimicker of acral lentiginous melanoma: A three‐case series report and published work review
Abstract Agminated nevus refers to a clustered group of melanocytic nevi confined to a localized area of the body. It rarely involves acral skin, but recognition of acquired agminated nevus (AAN) in the acral area is clinically important because it may mimic acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM). However, acral AAN has only been described in a few case reports and its clinical characteristics remain unclear. We report three additional cases of acral AAN to further analyze the differential points between...
The Journal of Dermatology
Generalized pustular psoriasis in pregnancy, successfully treated with certolizumab pegol
The Journal of Dermatology
Issue Information
The Journal of Dermatology
Issue Information
The Journal of Dermatology
Vaccination against the Epstein–Barr virus
Abstract Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) was the first human tumor virus being discovered and remains to date the only human pathogen that can transform cells in vitro. 55 years of EBV research have now brought us to the brink of an EBV vaccine. For this purpose, recombinant viral vectors and their heterologous prime-boost vaccinations, EBV-derived virus-like particles and viral envelope glycoprotein formulations are explored and are discussed in this review. Even so, cell-mediated immune...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Dissecting the initiation of female meiosis in the mouse at single-cell resolution
Abstract Meiosis is one of the most finely orchestrated events during gametogenesis with distinct developmental patterns in males and females. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in this process remain not well known. Here, we report detailed transcriptome analyses of cell populations present in the mouse female gonadal ridges (E11.5) and the embryonic ovaries from E12.5 to E14.5 using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA seq). These periods correspond with the initiation and...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Comentario a «Sialolitectomía transoral combinada con sialoendoscopia versus submaxilectomía abierta para el manejo de litiasis hiliares de la glándula submaxilar»
Publication date: Available online 4 May 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringológica EspañolaAuthor(s): Francisco Javier García Callejo, Ramón Balaguer García, Jose Ramon Alba Garcia, Miguel Juantegui Azpilicueta
ScienceDirect Publication Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española
Recent increase in non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection in patients with connective tissue diseases in Japan
Publication date: Available online 4 May 2020Source: Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyAuthor(s): Takatoshi Kitazawa, Yusuke Yoshino, Kurumi Asako, Hirotoshi Kikuchi, Hajime Kono, Yasuo Ota
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
Characterization and Complete Genome Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophage vB_PaeP_LP14 Belonging to Genus Litunavirus
Abstract A lytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage vB_PaeP_LP14 belonging to the family Podoviridae was isolated from infected mink. The microbiological characterization revealed that LP14 was stable at 40 to 50 °C and stable over a broad range of pH (5 to 12). The latent period was 5 min, and the burst size was 785 pfu/infected cell. The whole-genome sequencing showed that LP14 was a dsDNA virus and has a genome of 73,080 bp. The genome contained 93 predicted open reading frames...
Latest Results
Laboratory Evaluation of Beauveria bassiana ARP14 Against Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Abstract Entomopathogenic fungi often have wide host range and can be important biological control agents against the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a significant pest of stone and pome fruits. The virulence of six entomopathogenic fungi, including three strains of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) (ARP14, GHA, A) and one strain each of Metarhizium robertsii Bischoff, Rehner, & Humber (Hypocreales:...
Latest Results
Sulphur doped carbon dots enhance photodynamic therapy via PI3K/Akt signalling pathway
Abstract Objectives Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising approach for cancer treatment, and the underlying signalling pathway changes has been carried out for studying the PDT mechanisms, but is majorly limited to organic photosensitizers (PSs). For the emerging nano‐PSs typically possessing higher 1O2 quantum yield, few mechanistic studies were carried out, which limited their further applications in clinical therapeutics. PI3K/Akt signalling pathway, a most frequently activated signalling...
Cell Proliferation
The overexpression of long intergenic ncRNA00162 induced by RelA/p65 promotes growth of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Abstract Objectives Recent observations have emphasized the role of long non‐coding RNA (lncRNA) in cancer progression; however, a genetic profile of lncRNAs in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains an ongoing study. Materials and Methods In this research, RNA sequencing showed that LINC00162 is dramatically increased in patient‐derived tumour cell lines (PATC) compared with the human pancreatic nestin‐positive epithelial (HPNE) cells. Results These data were...
Cell Proliferation
Validating the clinical use of Breathe Well, a novel breathe monitoring device
Abstract Respiratory motion management has become increasingly important in the accurate delivery of radiotherapy. Recently, a novel device, Breathe Well, has been developed, which provides motion management by tracking the movement of external surrogates. This paper has comprehensively assessed the measurement accuracy of Breathe Well in various clinical conditions. The results suggest that the Breathe Well device has good reproducibility, although it demonstrates larger measurement...
Latest Results for Australasian Physical
Exposure to total 36‐hr sleep deprivation reduces physiological and psychological thermal strain to whole‐body uncompensable passive heat stress in young adult men
Abstract Total sleep deprivation (TSD) is associated with endothelial dysfunction and a consequent decrease in vascular reactivity and increase in peripheral vascular resistance. These effectors compromise the body's ability to thermoregulate in hot and cold stress conditions. We investigated heat‐unacclimated young adult men (26 ± 2 years) to determine whether 36 hr of TSD compared to an 8 or 4‐hr sleep condition, would suppress the responses of the autonomic system (body rectal temperature [T...
Journal of Sleep Research
A sette anni, piccolo malato di cancro guarisce dal coronavirus: un corteo di macchine per festeggiare il rientro a casa
A soli sette anni il piccolo Gavin Brennan ha sconfitto il coronavirus e la polmonite. Una volta tornato a casa a Dedham (Massachusetts) dall’ospedale di Boston dopo aver completato l’ultimo ciclo di chemioterapia, Gavin è stato...
Edge effects in 3D dosimetry: characterisation and correction of the non-uniform dose response of PRESAGE ®
Previous work has shown that PRESAGE ® can be used successfully to perform 3D dosimetric measurements of complex radiotherapy treatments. However, measurements near the sample edges are known to be difficult to achieve. This is an issue when the doses at air-material interfaces are of interest, for example when investigating the electron return effect (ERE) present in treatments delivered by magnetic resonance (MR)-linac systems. To study this effect, a set of 3.5 cm-diameter cylindrical...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
A new treatment planning approach accounting for prompt gamma range verification and interfractional anatomical changes
Prompt gamma (PG) imaging is widely investigated for spot-by-spot in vivo range verification for proton therapy. Previous studies pointed out that the accuracy of prompt gamma imaging is affected by the statistics (number of protons delivered per pencil beam) of the proton beams and the conformity between prompt gamma and dose distribution (PG-dose correlation). Recently a novel approach to re-optimize conventional treatment plans by boosting a few pencil beams with good PG-dose...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Tracking tumor radiotherapy response in vivo with Cherenkov-excited luminescence ink imaging
This study demonstrates remote imaging for in vivo detection of radiation-induced tumor microstructural changes by tracking the diffusive spread of injected intratumor UV excited tattoo ink using Cherenkov-excited luminescence imaging (CELI). Micro-liter quantities of luminescent tattoo ink with UV absorption and visible emission were injected at a depth of 2 mm into mouse tumors prior to receiving a high dose treatment of radiation. X-rays from a clinical linear accelerator were used to...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
A theoretical cell-killing model to evaluate oxygen enhancement ratios at DNA damage and cell survival endpoints in radiation therapy
Radio-resistance induced under low oxygen pressure plays an important role in malignant progression in fractionated radiotherapy. For the general approach to predict cell killing under hypoxia, cell-killing models (e.g. the Linear-Quadratic model) have to be fitted to in vitro experimental survival data for both normoxia and hypoxia to obtain the oxygen enhancement ratio (OER). In such a case, model parameters for every oxygen condition needs to be considered by model-fitting approaches....
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Towards measuring the effect of flow in blood T 1 assessed in a flow phantom and in vivo
Measurement of the blood T 1 time using conventional myocardial T 1 mapping methods has gained clinical significance in the context of extracellular volume (ECV) mapping and synthetic hematocrit (Hct). However, its accuracy is potentially compromised by in-flow of non-inverted/non-saturated spins and in-flow of spins which are not partially saturated from previous imaging pulses. Bloch simulations were used to analyze various flow effects separately. T 1 measurements of gadolinium...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Comparison of CBCT based synthetic CT methods suitable for proton dose calculations in adaptive proton therapy
In-room imaging is a prerequisite for adaptive proton therapy. The use of onboard cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging, which is routinely acquired for patient position verification, can enable daily dose reconstructions and plan adaptation decisions. Image quality deficiencies though, hamper dose calculation accuracy and make corrections of CBCTs a necessity. This study compared three methods to correct CBCTs and create synthetic CTs that are suitable for proton dose calculations....
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Publiziertes Konzept von M. Siessegger zur standardisierten Fotodokumentation ästhetischer Behandlungen (2012) fand keine Erwähnung
Latest Results for Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie
Erwiderung zum Leserbrief zum Beitrag „Fotodokumentation ästhetischer Behandlungen“
Latest Results for Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1154: Decreased Activity of Circulating Butyrylcholinesterase in Blood Is an Independent Prognostic Marker in Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1154: Decreased Activity of Circulating Butyrylcholinesterase in Blood Is an Independent Prognostic Marker in Pancreatic Cancer Patients Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12051154 Authors: Eva Valentina Klocker Dominik Andreas Barth Jakob Michael Riedl Felix Prinz Joanna Szkandera Konstantin Schlick Peter Kornprat Karoline Lackner Jörg Lindenmann Herbert Stöger Michael Stotz Armin Gerger Martin Pichler Introduction:...
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1153: Metabolism and Immune Modulation in Patients with Solid Tumors: Systematic Review of Preclinical and Clinical Evidence
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1153: Metabolism and Immune Modulation in Patients with Solid Tumors: Systematic Review of Preclinical and Clinical Evidence Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12051153 Authors: Aurora Mirabile Licia Rivoltini Elena Daveri Claudio Vernieri Roberto Mele Luca Porcu Chiara Lazzari Alessandra Bulotta Maria Grazia Viganò Stefano Cascinu Vanesa Gregorc Several immunotherapy agents are the standard of care of many solid malignancies....
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1152: Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1152: Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12051152 Authors: Collins Pollack Brain tumors constitute the largest source of oncologic mortality in children and low-grade gliomas are among most common pediatric central nervous system tumors. Pediatric low-grade gliomas differ from their counterparts in the adult population in their histopathology, genetics, and standard of care. Over the past decade, an increasingly detailed understanding...
Long-term follow-up of a prospective phase 2 clinical trial of extended treatment with rituximab in patients with B cell post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease and validation in real world patients
Abstract The purpose of this report is to provide long-term follow-up of 38 patients diagnosed of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) included in a phase 2 clinical trial of first line therapy with rituximab and to evaluate the same therapy in a real world cohort of 21 consecutive patients treated once the trial was closed. Eligible patients were ≥ 18 years of age with a biopsy-proven CD20 positive B cell PTLD and treatment naive except for reduction of immunosuppression....
Latest Results
Acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenic purpura possibly induced by anti-PD-1 antibody
Latest Results
Outcomes related to intravenous fluid administration in sickle cell patients during vaso-occlusive crisis
Abstract While fluid replacement therapy is a primary treatment modality used in vaso-occlusive crises for sickle cell disease, data is limited on its safety, efficacy, and variability. We performed a retrospective analysis on 157 unique patient encounters from 49 sickle cell patients hospitalized with a vaso-occlusive episode at our institution from 2013 to 2017. The median length of hospital stay was 4 days (IQR 2–7). The mean total amount of intravenous fluid administered during...
Latest Results

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