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Τετάρτη 17 Ιουνίου 2020

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):744-749.
[Viral Hepatitis]
[Article in Japanese]
Hajime Takikawa 1
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PMID: 32408311
HBV and HCV infection proceeds to chronic infection, and anti-cancer chemotherapy is contraindicated in patients with decompasated liver cirrhosis caused by both viruses. Reactivation of HBV refers to an increase in the HBV load caused by chemotherapy in a patient with HBV infection. Reactivation of HBV is classified into 2 categories: reactivation in a carrier and reactivation in a patient with resolved HBV infection. Because hepatitis caused by HBV reactivation is more likely to become severe and makes the treatment of original diseases difficult, it is most important to prevent the onset of hepatitis. The basic strategy for prevention and treatment of HBV reactivation associated with powerful chemotherapy regimens should follow the guidelines for the management of hepatitis B virus infection by the Japan Society of Hepatology. Risk of HBV reactivation is determined by HBV infection status and the degree of immunosuppression. HBV infection status is classified into chronic active hepatitis, inactive carrier, and resolved infection. This corresponds, in descending order, to the risk of reactivation. Patients undergoing chemotherapy should be screened for HBV infection. HBsAg levels should be measured in all patients prior to commencement of treatment. In HBsAg-positive patients, HBeAg, anti-HBe antibody, and HBV DNA levels should also be measured. In HBsAg-negative patients, anti-HBc antibody and anti-HBs antibody should be measured. The next step for patients with resolved HBV infection is measurement of HBV DNA levels. In patients with resolved HBV infection whose HBV DNA level is 20 IU/mL or higher, as in inactive carriers, prophylactic therapy should be commenced before chemotherapy. In patients with resolved HBV infection whose HBV DNA level is less than 20 IU/mL, periodic monitoring of HBV DNA should be performed during and after chemotherapy. Preemptive therapy should be started immediately if the HBV DNA level ex- ceeds 20 IU/mL.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):811-813.
[Delivery of a Healthy Newborn by the Partner of a Patient With CML Undergoing Treatment With Nilotinib]
[Article in Japanese]
Yasuo Aota 1, Shohei Udagawa, Tadahiro Honda, Yuko Okuda, Akihiko Gotoh
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PMID: 32408325
A man in his 40s was diagnosed with CML. He and his partner expressed their desire to have a child. We recommended planning the pregnancy after the achievement of major molecular response and completion of TKI therapy because we could not promise complete safety of the fetus, However, he and his partner insisted on starting the TKI therapy immediately and planned the pregnancy during the therapy. The patient was started on nilotinib 600mg/body. CCyR, MMR, and CMR were achieved in 3, 8, and 12 months, respectively. The patient's partner got pregnant when he had been on TKI therapy for 15 months, and she gave birth to a healthy boy. Since many patients with CMLcan live for a long time after receiving TKI therapy, the quality of life of these patients is more important. Even if the percentage of patients with CML who are under 50 years of age is approximately 30%, the safety information of TKI with respect to pregnancy is unsatisfactory. Doctors struggle to address the problems of the patient's wish of childbearing, priority of TKI therapy, and fetal risks of the treatment. Although only a few cases of pregnancy and delivery of the partners of male patients with CML treated with TKI have been reported, all cases showed healthy childbirth and normal child growth. Our experience also showed that the partner of a male patient with CML treated with TKI became pregnant and delivered a healthy baby.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):885-890.
[Article in Japanese]
Taro Yamanaka 1, Keita Tatsushima, Chihiro Kondoh, Kohji Takemura, Jun Masuda, Yukinori Ozaki, Yuko Tanabe, Yuji Miura, Toshimi Takano
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PMID: 32541161
In recent years, the role ofimmune checkpoint inhibitors(ICIs)has become crucial in cancer therapy. However, ICIs are known to trigger a wide variety of autoimmune side effects, termed immune-related adverse events(irAEs), which can influence multiple organs. Hypophysitis induced by ICIs, which is defined as the inflammation of the pituitary gland and is the cause ofhypopituitarism, is one ofthe important toxicities, because it can be life-threatening event when it is not diagnosed or managed properly. Therefore, ICIs-induced hypophysitis should be recognized as one ofthe oncologic emergencies. Symptoms, laboratory data, hormone level measurement, and pituitary magnetic resonance imaging are necessary for diagnosis. It should be taken into consideration that types of agents in ICIs have an effect on patterns of symptoms, onset timing, and hormone deficiencies. Replacement of appropriate hormones according to severity is fundamental strategy. Patient education especially about sick day rules is vital, because adrenal insufficiency secondary to adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency usually remains permanently. There is no established predictive biomarker for irAEs yet. Thus, for an early awareness of the symptoms ofirAEs and a proper management in clinical practice, interprofessional collaboration among oncologists, endocrinologists, nurses, pharmacists, and other health care workers must be essential.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):870-874.
[Superior Vena Cava Syndrome]
[Article in Japanese]
Chiaki Kondo 1, Gyo Asai
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PMID: 32541158
Superior vena cava(SVC)syndrome is a syndrome caused by impaired venous return due to stenosis of the SVC. Most of such cases are due to tumors(non-small cell lungcancer, small cell lungcancer, malignant lymphoma, etc), and the most common cause of SVC syndrome is lungcancer. Symptoms of SVC syndrome are caused by external compression of the SVC, direct invasion, internal thrombus or embolization. Increased venous pressure results in objective findings including edema of the face and neck, edema of the upper limbs, superficial precordial vein distension due to collateral circulation, and hoarseness and subjective symptoms includingcoug h, dyspnea, syncope, headache, and dizziness. SVC syndrome impair the patient's quality of life(QOL). Although there are cases of spontaneous remission, SVC syndrome is recognized as one of the oncologic emergencies because brain and laryngeal edema can be fatal and urgent care should be provided. Therapeutic modalities include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, stent placement and surgery. Treatment should be determined comprehensively based on the severity, histological type, standard therapy for the histological type and its sensitivity. It is necessary to make a definitive histopathological diagnosis as soon as possible and to cooperate with other departments to promptly select the most appropriate treatment.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):789-796.
Efficacy of VRD(Bortezomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone) Consolidation Therapy and Maintenance Therapy With Immunomodulatory Drugs(Thalidomide or Lenalidomide) After Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in the Era of Bortezomib-Containing Induction Therapy-A Single Institution Experience
Akira Tanimura 1, Risen Hirai, Miki Nakamura, Masataka Takeshita, Tomiteru Togano, Rieko Sekine, Shotaro Hagiwara, Akiyoshi Miwa
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PMID: 32408321
Autologous stem cell transplantation(ASCT)for newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma(NDMM)has underwent recent improvements in combination with novel agents-containing induction and post-ASCT therapy. Since the approval of bortezomib for NDMM in Japan, we conducted the following regimen(BD arm)in transplant-eligible patients with NDMM: BD (bortezomib and dexamethasone)induction, ASCT, VRD consolidation, and maintenance therapy with immunomodulatory drugs(IMIDs). The efficacy and safety of the BD arm were compared to those of patients treated with vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone(VAD)induction followed by ASCT(VAD arm)retrospectively. Thirty-three patients were treated with the BD arm, and 92 patients with the VAD arm. Thirty-one patients in the BD arm proceeded to ASCT. Thereafter, 23 and 17 patients received VRD consolidation and IMIDs maintenance therapy, respectively. The rates of complete response/Bvery good partial response after ASCT, consolidation, and maintenance therapy were 43%/61%, 76%/90% and 87%/93%, respectively. The response rates after ASCT did not differ between BD and VAD arms. The median PFS was 46.2 months(BD arm)and 30.6 months(VAD arm)(HR 0.48[0.27-0.85], p=0.0106). The median OS was not-reached(BD arm)and 90.6 months(VAD arm)(HR 0.21[0.05-0.87], p=0.0172). VRD consolidation and IMIDs maintenance therapies improved disease status after ASCT and prolonged PFS and OS.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):875-880.
[Malignant Spinal Cord Compression]
[Article in Japanese]
Yosuke Aoyama 1, Chihiro Kondoh, Masato Anno, Toshiaki Takahashi, Koichiro Yoshino, Rika Kizawa, Yukinori Ozaki, Yuko Tanabe, Yuji Miura, Toshimi Takano
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PMID: 32541159
Malignant spinal cord compression(MSCC)is defined as a compression of the spinal cord or cauda equina with neuropathy caused by tumor spreading to the vertebral body. The common symptoms of MSCC are back pain, neck pain, muscle weakness, sensory reduction, bladder and rectal disturbance. The risk of MSCC is relatively high in patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. MSCC is one of the oncologic emergencies that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to preserve and improve neurological function. Evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)and computed tomography( CT)are useful for the diagnosis. The prognosis of these patients is often poor at the time of diagnosis of MSCC, thus it is important for deciding the treatment strategy to consider the prognosis and background of the patient in addition to the objective findings including the degree of MSCC and spinal instability. Treatment options consist of medical, surgical, and radiation therapy. We need a multidisciplinary approach because the pathology of MSCC involves multiple departments, such as medical oncology, orthopedics, and radiology. Supportive care including rehabilitation and preventing skeletal related events are also important. The cancer board, in which each physician and multidisciplinary health care professionals regularly have a discussion and review the cases, is required.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):758-761.
[Fungal Infections]
[Article in Japanese]
Hanako Kurai 1
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PMID: 32408314
In cancer patients, fungal diseases are rare but remains an important complication. Chemotherapy or surgery procedures are often delayed or postponed in patients with fungal disease which might lead to impaired overall survival. Candida, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus and Pneumocystis jirovecii have accounted for most of yeast and mold infections reported in cancer patients. We have to know each risk factor and clinical picture. Early diagnosis strategies improve cancer outcomes. Recently immune checkpoint inhibitors(ICIs)-anti-PD-1(nivolumab, pembrolizumab), anti-PD-L1(atezolizumab, avelumab), anti- CTLA-4(ipilimumab)-have improved outcomes for several malignancies. Use of these drugs is associated with immunerelated adverse effects, requirement for immunosuppressive therapy. Prolonged immunosuppressive therapies may increase fungal diseases.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):947-953.
[Web Questionnaire Survey on Appetite Loss and Weight Loss Associated With Cancer Cachexia Japanese Evidence for Patients Of Cancer Cachexia(J-EPOCC)-The Problem Awareness of Appetite Loss and Weight Loss]
[Article in Japanese]
Takahiro Morimoto 1, Koji Machii, Hiroki Matsumoto, Shinji Takai
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PMID: 32541173
Appetite loss and weight loss associated with cancer have negative effects on the quality of life and OS of cancer patients. We conducted a web questionnaire survey for healthcare professionals(doctors and medical staff), patients and families to clarify the problem awareness for appetite loss and weight loss associated with cancer. As a result, it turned out that families were more concerned about patients' appetite loss and weight loss, and nearly half of patients haven't consulted their symptoms to healthcare professionals, and it meant that patients missed the opportunity to receive medical intervention due to no consultation. While healthcare professionals have a strong desire to provide dedicated treatment for appetite loss and weight loss in cancer patients, the proportion of patients and families who replied their symptom had improved with the intervention was low. In the near future, it will be necessary to enlighten the importance of symptom management to patients and families and pay attention to their symptom change for healthcare professionals.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):750-753.
[Lung Cancer and Respiratory Infections]
[Article in Japanese]
Yoshihiro Honda 1
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PMID: 32408312
The frequency of respiratory infections as an infection in cancer patients is high. Several factors increase the risk of respiratory infections in cancer patients. These include airway obstruction, disruption of mucosal surfaces and treatment-related factors, such as radiation and chemotherapy. It has also been reported that the frequency and mortality of drug-induced lung injury associated with antineoplastic drugs are high in Japan. In the diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced lung disease, it is important to distinguish pneumonia as an infectious disorder. Immune checkpoint inhibitors(ICIs)have been widely introduced to treat several types of malignancies. It is currently believed that ICIs do not increase the risk of infections. However, immune-related adverse events(irAEs)induced by ICIs may necessitate the administration of immunosuppressive agents, which could cause opportunistic infections. Furthermore, several reports describe reactivation tuberculosis without irAEs or immunosuppressants. Further studies are needed to prevent the development of tuberculosis in patients receiving ICIs.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):783-788.
[Evaluation of the Benefits of Administering Hand Therapy to Patients With Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy]
[Article in Japanese]
Akiko Sasaki 1, Akiko Ikeda, Yuko Tsunoda, Terumasa Sawada, Junji Tsurutani, Tokito Tatsuo, Yuji Kiuchi, Seigo Nakamura
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PMID: 32408320
Taxanes, which are used to treat breast cancer, damage the microtubules of normal nerve cells, causing numbness of the fingers related to chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy(CIPN); therefore, effective methods for reducing numbness are needed. In 2017, it was reported that physical stimuli related to massage improved finger blood flow volumes, contributing to the regeneration of damaged nerves. We developed a method of hand therapy for breast cancer patients complaining of numbness related to anticancer drug administration, and examined its effects on numbness. Hand therapy was performed by a single therapist who received lectures at the Sophia Phytotherapy College, which is accredited by the Japan Handcare Association. The fingertips to wrist, ankle, metacarpal bones, palm, and elbow were massaged using the bilateral arms/fingers for 15minutes. We investigated the influences of daily living status(Support Team Assessment Sched- ule-Japan: STAS-J), age, body mass index(BMI), severity/site of numbness, type of numbness, type of drug, duration of breast cancer, duration of numbness, and presence or absence of lymph node dissection, and evaluated the severity of numbness using a 10-cm Visual Analog Scale(VAS). The study included 51 breast cancer patients complaining of numbness of the fingers, with a mean age of 59 years. In patients with relatively mild numbness(STAS-J 1), the VAS scores before and after hand therapy were 4.7±1.8 and 1.9±1.3, respectively, showing a marked decrease. In STAS-J 2 patients, the values were 4.9 ±1.4 and 2.1±1.3, respectively, also showing a marked decrease. Thus, this hand therapy reduced numbness in mild- and moderate-status patients. Statistical comparisons were performed between the STAS-J 1/2(mild/moderate numbness)and STAS-J 3/4(severe numbness)groups. Although the severity of numbness was not correlated with age, BMI, type of drug, lymph node dissection, or duration of breast cancer, the proportion of patients with a B1-year history of numbness was significantly larger in the STAS-J 1/2 group. The most frequent site of numbness was from the proximal interphalangeal joints to the fingertips. Concerning the severity of numbness, many patients complained of severe numbness, as represented by that after sitting straight. These results suggest that this hand therapy is effective for reducing numbness in patients receiving taxanes and complaining of mild to moderate numbness.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):739-743.
[Work Style Reform From Oncology Field]
[Article in Japanese]
Hideko Yamauchi 1
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PMID: 32408310
The doctor's work style reform was enacted in April 2024, and it will enter oncology field without waiting. Oncology clinics already have the 3 powers to realize work style reforms.(1)Efficiency of tasks and task shifting/task sharing that can be advanced only because of the field where team medical care has been performed.(2)Patient understanding and good public skills how to apply medical care that can be obtained only because of the field where emphasis has been placed on collaboration with patients.(3)Improve practice efficiency by introducing ICT that can be realized only in the field where it is easy to introduce ICT, and introduce AI to medical care. I hope that we can make utilize maximally these 3 strengths and promote work style reform from oncology field.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):843-846.
[A Case of Rectal Cancer With Virchow Lymph Node Metastasis in Which Complete Response Was Achieved With Chemoradiation Therapy]
[Article in Japanese]
Yusuke Sakimura 1, Daisuke Yamamoto, Hiroshi Saito, Akihiro Nishimura, Hiroaki Sugita, Kengo Hayashi, Yoji Nishida, Toshikatsu Tsuji, Hirotaka Kitamura, Shinichi Kadoya, Yoko Taima, Hiroyuki Bandou
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PMID: 32408333
A 43-year-old man underwent a low anterior resection of the rectum due to upper rectal cancer. The pathological Stage was Ⅳ with para-aortic lymph node metastasis. Postoperative chemotherapy with CapeOX was initiated, but para-aortic lymph node metastasis was discovered 4months after the surgery. Chemoradiation therapy with Cape and Bev, and 70 Gy/28 Fr led to the disappearance of the metastasized lesions. At 13months after the surgery, FDG accumulation was observed in the Virchow's lymph node, and chemotherapy with IRIS and Bev was initially administered. Subsequently, chemoradiation therapy with S-1 and Bev, and 66 Gy/33Fr was administered, followed by chemotherapy with S-1 and Bev, S-1. These therapies led to complete response(CR). However, 35 months after the surgery, the Virchow's lymph node had enlarged again, and chemoradiation therapy with S-1 and 60 Gy/30Fr was administered. Although no FDG accumulation was detected in the lymph node at 40 months after the surgery, metastasis was found in the mediastinal lymph nodes. Panitumumab therapy achieved CR, and no metastasis had been identified at 60 months after the final therapy. Chemoradiation therapy is a treatment option to improve the prognosis of patients with metastasis only in the Virchow's lymph node.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):801-806.
[Assessment of Chemotherapy-Induced Adverse Events Using a Sharing System of Patient-Reported Information via a Touch Panel]
[Article in Japanese]
Kana Nakauchi 1, Shizuka Ido, Satomi Sumikawa, Hitoshi Kawazoe, Shinji Hasebe, Hiroaki Asai, Kazuto Takeuchi, Mayumi Matsuo, Yoshihiro Yakushijin
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PMID: 32408323
Screening for total pain and sharing of patient information including adverse events for patients receiving chemotherapy by medical staff is needed in clinical practice. We introduced a sharing system for patient-oriented outcome sheets via a touch panel at an outpatient chemotherapy clinic. This study aimed to assess whether the system contributes to the improved management of treatment-related adverse events. We retrospectively analyzed data from a total of 215 patients at Ehime University Hospital using their electronic medical records from April to August 2015. Forty of these patients had received interventions relating to treatment-related adverse events. The proportion of a total number of interventions before and after the sharing system was 42/282(14.9%)and 45/215(20.9%), respectively. The proportion of a total number of interventions at the first course of outpatient chemotherapy also increased from 9/40(22.5%)to 14/40(35%)compared with before the sharing system. The purpose of interventions were for insomnia, anorexia, and cancer-related pain, etc., listed in order of degree of frequency. These results suggest that a sharing system of patient-reported interview sheets contributes to tracking treatment -related adverse events and aids in ensuring interventions can be efficiently performed by multidisciplinary team members.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):754-757.
[Current Topics of Cancer and HIV]
[Article in Japanese]
Masaru Tanaka 1, Atsushi Ajisawa
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PMID: 32408313
Antiretroviral therapy(ART)has been associated with reduced AIDS- and non-AIDS-related morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV/AIDS(PLWH). Nevertheless, the incidence of many comorbid conditions remains higher in PLWH than in the general population, including AIDS-defining malignancies(ADM)as well as several non-AIDS-defining malignancies (NADM). It's important to prevent ADM/NADM, like periodic health checkup for early diagnosis, to quit smoking, and cooperation with cancer and HIV specialists.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):933-939.
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase Ⅱ Study on the Efficacy and Safety of Vitamin K1 Ointment for Cetuximab or Panitumumab-Induced Acneiform Eruptions-VIKTORIA Study
Hironobu Hashimoto 1, Satoru Iwasa, Takako Yanai-Takahashi, Yoshitaka Honma, Ken Kato, Tetsuya Hamaguchi, Yasuhide Yamada, Yasuhiro Shimada, Naoya Yamazaki, Yasuhisa Kato
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PMID: 32541171
Purpose: Skin toxicities associated with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)antibodies, have a profound effect on the continuation of treatment. We assessed the efficacy and safety of vitamin K1(VK1)ointment for acneiform eruptions induced by anti-EGFR antibody treatment.

Methods: The VK1 ointment was applied to one-half of an affected area and placebo ointment was applied to the other half twice a day for 8 weeks, with photography and clinical evaluation being performed every 2 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change of the VK1/placebo ratio for the number of acneiform eruptions counted by an independent dermatologist between the onset and end of the treatment period.

Results: A total of 30 patients were enrolled. The mean VK1/placebo ratio for the number of acneiform eruptions between the onset and end of the treatment period was -0.158±0.680 and 0.146±0.575, respectively, which was not statistically significant(p=0.069). The mean number of acneiform eruptions at each treatment period at the VK1 and placebo application sites was gradually decreased according to the treatment period.

Conclusion: VK1 ointment was not effective against acneiform eruptions induced by treatment with cetuximab or panitumumab. Reassessment of the VK1 concentration in the ointment and the endpoint of skin lesions is required before designing further studies.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):797-800.
[Analysis of Symptoms Relieved in Addition to Pain After Administration of Oxycodone or Morphine to Patients With Advanced Cancer Living at Home]
[Article in Japanese]
Kunihiko Watanabe 1
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PMID: 32408322
Cancer pain was observed in 131 of 160 patients with advanced cancer living at home. Oxycodone or morphine was administered to patients suffering from cancer pain or fentanyl transdermal patch was switched to morphine. Subsequently, 70 patients were found to have alleviation of symptoms such as nausea/vomiting, dyspnea, abdominal fullness, general fatigue, cough, and urinary urgency in addition to pain. Pain was defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage by the International Association for the Study of Pain. This definition of pain is cited in a lot of books. However, the author was unable to intervene with detailed reports of unpleasant sensations associated with tissue damage. Therefore, here the author reports about an unpleasant sensation caused by tissue damage of cancer that was alleviated by oxycodone or morphine.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):839-842.
[Appendiceal Goblet Cell Carcinoid Successfully Treated With Bevacizumab Plus mFOLFOX6 Regimen-A Case Report]
[Article in Japanese]
Ayako Ueno 1, Mitsuru Yokota, Kazuhiro Terada, Kazuki Hashida, Yoshio Nagahisa, Kazushige Yamaguchi, Michio Okabe, Kazuyuki Kawamoto
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PMID: 32408332
A 67-year-old man presented with abdominal distention and vomiting.Computed tomography revealed bowel obstruction due to a cecal tumor.We performed laparoscopic ileocecal resection after decompression with an ileus tube. Intraoperative findings included multiple disseminated nodules on the mesenterium surrounding the cecal tumor.The histopathologic diagnosis was poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, which consisted of glandular proliferation of atypical epithelial cells and dispersed infiltration of goblet cells. Immunohistochemistry showed positively stained neuroendocrine markers, such as CD56, chromogranin, and synaptophysin.The patient was diagnosed with goblet cell carcinoid of the appendix and treated with combination chemotherapy of bevacizumab, fluorouracil, folinic acid, and oxaliplatin.He remained free from progression for over 1 and half years with this treatment.Subsequent chemotherapy was ineffective, and he passed away.There is no established chemotherapy regimen for goblet cell carcinoid, which has the aspects of both adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine tumors.However, the present case suggested the efficacy of the mFOLFOX6 regimen in combination with bevacizumab for appendiceal goblet cell carcinoid.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):823-825.
[Hepatic Portal Vein Gas During Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancer-A Report of Four Cases]
[Article in Japanese]
Ayana Goto 1, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Tomonari Suetsugu, Masahiro Fukada, Takeharu Imai, Toshiyuki Tanahashi, Nobuhisa Matsuhashi, Takao Takahashi, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Kazuhiro Yoshida
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PMID: 32408328
Case 1, a man in his 70s, was admitted because of a bleeding gastric ulcer during DCF therapy for esophageal cancer(EC). Three days after endoscopic hemostasis, abdominal pain and vomiting occurred.CT revealed hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG).No intestinal necrosis was observed on contrast-enhanced CT.Therefore, we selected a conservative treatment and found improvement.Case 2, a man in his 70s, developed frequent diarrhea during DCF therapy for EC.Case 3, a man in his 80s, developed hematochezie during DCF therapy for EC.Both cases 2 and 3 were diagnosed as HPVG using abdominal ultrasonography.The symptoms were mild, so we selected a conservative treatment and found improvement.Case 4, a man in his 60s, noticed sudden severe abdominal pain during DGS therapy for EC.Plain CT detected HPVG and gas in the small intestinal wall.We suspected intestinal necrosis due to HPVG with peritoneal irritation and performed emergency small intestine resection.We encountered 4 patients who developed HPVG during chemotherapy.The presence of HPVG is a poor prognostic sign, suggestive of intestinal necrosis, but some patients show improvement with conservative treatments.We also discuss previous reviews and reports.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):941-946.
PER1 rs3027188 Polymorphism and Its Association With the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in the Japanese Population
Holipah; Takuji Hinoura, Yoshiki Kuroda
PMID: 32541172
Colorectal cancer(CRC)accounted for the largest number of new cases of cancer in 2018. CRC is caused by a multifactorial disease process including disruption of the circadian rhythm. Period 1(PER1),as one of the circadian genes,has a role in the cell cycle as well as influence on the cancer process. In this research,we investigate the association of PER1(rs3027188) polymorphism and susceptibility to CRC in conjunction with gender and smoking status. This research was a case-control study in the Japanese population which included 121 CRC patients and 197 noncancerous clinical controls. Genomic deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)was extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes. The analysis to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms( SNPs)in PER1(rs3027188)used polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP). Overall,there was no significant association between PER1(rs3027188)and CRC. When stratified by gender and smoking status,the results indicated that,compared with the C/C genotype,the G/G genotype among females was significantly less common in the cancer cases than in the controls(adjusted ORs: 0.19[95%CI: 0.04-0.95]). A significant association was found between the G allele of PER1(rs3027188)and reduced risk of CRC in females,while smoking had no association with PER1(rs3027188)in CRC.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):997-999.
[A Case of Interstitial Pneumonitis Induced by Palbociclib]
[Article in Japanese]
Fuminori Okura 1, Yuri Sato, Erika Murakami, Haruka Komatsu, Yasuhiko Yamamura, Yuji Ito
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PMID: 32541183
An 89-year-old woman with recurrent hormone receptor-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer was treated with fulvestrant-palbociclib combination therapy. However, 3 months after therapy initiation, she presented to our emergency room with dyspnea and fever and was admitted to our hospital because of respiratory failure. After radiological and microbiological evaluation, she was diagnosed with palbociclib-related pneumonitis. Accordingly, corticosteroids were administered, and the patient exhibited initial clinical and radiological improvement. However, pneumonitis recurred following corticosteroid tapering; her condition did not improve with high-dose intravenous corticosteroid administration, leading to death. Palbociclib- related pneumonitis is rare, but clinicians need to pay attention to this potentially lethal adverse event.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):923-926.
[Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as a Prognostic Indicator in Patients Treated With Nivolumab for Gastric Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Kohei Fujita 1, Nobuhiro Haruki, Hiroki Kurehara, Nobuo Ochi, Yushi Yamakawa, Shinnosuke Harata, Chisa Tsumoto, Takuma Tsuji, Tsuyoshi Ito, Ayaka Izumi, Rena Usui, Noriyuki Shinoda
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PMID: 32541169
Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors(nivolumab)have been recommended as third-line chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer(AGC)according to the Guidelines of Gastric Cancer(5th edition). Therefore, they have been used in daily clinical practice. On the other hand, the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio(NLR)has been reported to be associated with the prognosis of cancer patients.

Methods: Twenty patients treated with nivolumab for AGC between January 2018 and November 2019 were retrospectively examined.

Results: Median age of the 20 patients(18 males, 2 females)was 70 years(55- 84 years). Nivolumab was administered as second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-line therapy in 1, 11, 7, and 1 case, respectively. The best tumor response evaluation was observed in PR 1, SD 7 and PD 10 cases. Median overall survival(OS)was 10 months, and median progression-free survival(PFS)was 3 months. No serious adverse events occurred. Compared to the NLR>2.0 group, OS significantly prolonged(2.2 months vs 21.9 months)and PFS tended to prolong(1.4 months vs 6.2 months)in the NLR≤2.0 group.

Conclusion: NLR may be an effective prognostic factor in patients with AGC receiving nivolumab treatment.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):861-869.
[A New Era of Colorectal Cancer Treatment Being Led by a Precise Analysis of Somatic Mutational Profiles Including RAS, BRAF Mutation and Microsatellite Instability Status]
[Article in Japanese]
Takeshi Nagasaka 1
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PMID: 32541157
In Japan, clinically, a decade has passed since KRAS exon 2 hotspot mutations could be measured as a companion diagnostic agent of an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody to treat unresectable advanced colorectal cancer. Till now, not only KRAS exon 2, but also KRAS exon 3, 4 and NRAS exon 2-4 mutation, and BRAF mutation(V600E)are approved as insurance as a companion diagnostics tool. In addition to those somatic mutations observed in Ras-Raf signal cascade, the measurement of microsatellite instability status is also approved as a companion diagnostic to anti-programmed death-1 receptor antibodies. Since these somatic mutational profiles in colorectal cancer cells are measured to determine the propriety of administration of a particular medicine, the results must be appropriately reflected in therapy for each patient. In this review, I will summarize the feature of clinical characteristics belonging to each somatic mutational profile commonly observed in colorectal cancer, and discuss howsuch somatic mutational profiles including RAS, BRAF mutation, and microsatellite instability status bring us to a newera of colorectal cancer.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):831-834.
[Complete Response of Liver Metastases From a HER2-Positive Gastric Cancer Treated With Combined S-1/Trastuzumab Chemotherapy]
[Article in Japanese]
Sonoko Oae 1, Shoji Shimada, Yojiro Takano, Junichi Seki, Kenta Nakahara, Chiyo Maeda, Yusuke Takehara, Yuta Enami, Naruhiko Sawada, Fumio Ishida, Shinei Kudo
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PMID: 32408330
A 74-year-old man with upper abdominal pain and anorexia was referred to our hospital in December 2013. Based on computed tomography(CT)and gastroendoscopy findings, the patient was diagnosed as having advanced gastric cancer with multiple liver metastases(S3, S5, and S6 lesions). Because of high pyloric stenosis, distal gastrectomy Roux-en-Y reconstruction was performed in mid-December 2013. Histopathological findings of the patient were L, Ant-Gre, 35×60 mm, type 2, pT4a(SE), tub2>tub1, int, INF b, ly2, v1(VB), pPM0(95mm), pDM0(15mm), pN0(0/2), HER2(IHC 3+). Postop- eratively, the patient received combined S-1/trastuzumab chemotherapy toward the end of January 2014. The clinical response was PR after 2 courses and clinical CR(cCR)after 4 courses. Because hand-foot syndrome caused by S-1 was prolonged, the dosage was completed in 11 courses. He remains alive 4.5 years after surgery without recurrence. Although ToGA examination showed that trastuzumab was effective for HER 2-positive unresectable gastric cancer, few reported cases showed progression to cCR after the treatment followed by a regimen of trastuzumab without CDDP, and they had good prognosis. Furthermore, in this case, the liver metastases showed complete response without CDDP. Thus, trastuzumab might be a chemotherapy option for patients who have difficulty using platinum analogs, including the elderly patients.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):778-782.
[Ⅳ.B-Cell Maturation Antigen(BCMA)-Targeting Therapy in Multiple Myeloma]
[Article in Japanese]
Dai Maruyama 1
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PMID: 32408319
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):827-830.
[Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization With HepaSphereTM for Gastric Cancer With Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastases Causing Esophageal Compression and Dysphagia-A Case Report]
[Article in Japanese]
Norifumi Kennoki 1, Shota Ueda, Hiroshi Toei, Keishi Fujiwara, Tatsuya Nakamura, Atsushi Hori, Shinichi Hori
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PMID: 32408329
A 50s man was diagnosed with esophagogastric junction cancer. Simultaneously, PET-CT demonstrated mediastinal lymph node metastases. Two months later, 4 courses of systemic chemotherapy(SOX)were provided as preoperative therapy. However, the outcome was PD; therefore, radical gastrectomy could not be performed. Two more months later, esophageal dysphagia developed. Mediastinal lymph nodes that compressed the esophagus and the primary lesion of the cardia were considered to be the causes of dysphagia, and transcatheter arterial chemoembolization targeting those 2 lesions was performed. Cisplatin 20 mg, docetaxel 20 mg, and 5-FU 250mg were the drugs administered. These drugs were injected from the right bronchial artery, left gastric artery, and left phrenic artery, followed by mild embolization with HepaSphereTM. The mediastinal lymph nodes shrunk significantly, and dysphagia improved with 2 sessions. The primary lesion was found to have reduced in size with 6 sessions. Currently, no regrowth of the mediastinal lymph nodes has been observed 16 months(9 sessions) after the first session, and control of the primary lesion has been obtained.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):967-971.
[Three Cases of Small-Cell Lung Cancer With Anti-Hu Antibody-Positive Paraneoplastic Neurological Syndrome]
[Article in Japanese]
Joji Horio 1, Tatsu Matsuzaki, Eri Iwami, Takeshi Terashima
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PMID: 32541176
This case series discusses 3 male patients in their 60s who presented with a chief complaint of sensory disorder in the upper or lower limbs. The patients were diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer(SCLC)with anti-Hu antibody-positive paraneoplastic neurological syndrome(PNS). Chest radiography at the initial visit revealed abnormalities in only one of the 3 cases. To confirm the diagnosis, a bronchoscopy was performed. However, the diagnosis could be confirmed in only 1 patient. In the other 2 patients, a diagnosis could not be made due to the small size of the primary lung tumor. The diagnosis was confirmed in the other 2 cases using endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration at another hospital. Chemoradiotherapy led to tumor reduction in 2 patients. However, in all patients, the neurological symptoms could not be resolved with steroids, immunoglobulin, or anti-tumor treatment. For neurological disorders due to possible PNS, the anti-Hu antibody test, chest computed tomography, and ultrasonic bronchoscopy should be performed to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of SCLC.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):835-837.
[A Case of Gastric Schwannoma Diagnosed Preoperatively]
[Article in Japanese]
Hideo Mitsui 1, Tomoyuki Yoshida, Eri Yoshimoto, Doichiro Iizuka, Takashi Yoshida, Nobuo Kanazawa, Kojiro Kuroiwa
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PMID: 32408331
The patient was a 52-year-old woman, who was found to have an abnormality in the upper gastrointestinal(UGI)tract, via a contrast-imaging study; she had no symptoms.Computed tomography(CT)revealed a tumor, measuring approximately 100mm in diameter, in the antrum of the stomach.The tumor was diagnosed as gastric schwannoma using endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration(EUS-FNA).Preoperative CT revealed multiple lymph adenopathies around the antrum, which led to the suspicion of lymph node metastasis. The patient underwent a laparoscopic partial gastrectomy after the confirmation of the absence of lymph node metastasis by intraoperative rapid diagnosis.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):955-962.
[Nanoliposomal Irinotecan in Combination With Fluorouracil and Folinic Acid, As a New Option for Second-Line Treatment in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Makoto Ueno 1
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PMID: 32541174
Pancreatic cancer is ranked 4th in Japan in terms of number of deaths so far in 2019, surpassing liver cancer. Unlike other types of cancer, the number of patients in Japan is epidemiologically showing an upward trend, and 70% of cases are unresectable at diagnosis. Therefore, development of chemotherapy that improves the prognosis and maintains and improves the quality of life of the patient is a critical issue. Against this backdrop, the efficacy of nanoliposomal irinotecan(nal-IRI)in combination with fluorouracil and folinic acid(FF)for progressive metastatic pancreatic cancer after previous gemcitabine therapy was confirmed in Europe in 2015 ahead of Japan. In NAPOLI-1, an overseas phase Ⅲ study of this therapy, a significant improvement in overallsurvivalwas shown as compared with patients who received FF alone(median: 6.1 months for nal-IRI plus FF vs 4.2 months for FF alone, p=0.012). Therefore, this study yielded important evidence for second-line treatment of pancreatic cancer around the world. In Japan, a phase Ⅱ study was conducted to confirm the efficacy and safety of this therapy, which found a significant prolongation of progression-free survival(as assessed by the investigator)with this therapy as compared with FF alone(median: 2.7 months for nal-IRI plus FF vs 1.5 months for FF alone, p=0.039). In the latest version of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pancreatic Cancer published in Japan in July 2019, nal-IRI plus FF therapy was included in a statement as a treatment option after a gemcitabine-based regimen. This paper provides an overview of development of this new nal-IRI plus FF therapy and relevant information. Drug therapies for pancreatic cancer currently being developed in Japan, as well as the position of this therapy in pancreatic cancer therapy in Japan and what the expectations are in the clinical setting, are also discussed.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):769-771.
[Ⅱ.Strategy of Treatment for Untreated Transplant-Ineligible Multiple Myeloma]
[Article in Japanese]
Yasuhito Terui 1
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PMID: 32408317
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):772-777.
[Ⅲ.Therapeutic Strategy for Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma-The Logic and Practice]
[Article in Japanese]
Junya Kuroda 1, Yuji Shimura
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PMID: 32408318
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):927-931.
[Analgesic Effects of Mirogabalin for Cancer Pain]
[Article in Japanese]
Kyoko Nakanishi 1, Chie Ota, Kinomi Yomiya
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PMID: 32541170
Mirogabalin is a novel drug for alleviating peripheral neuropathic pain, available since April 2019 in Japan. Since cancer pain was not included as an outcome in clinical trials for product approval, there have been no reports on its effectiveness or safety for treating cancer pain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of mirogabalin for patients with cancer pain. During the 5 months from April to August 2019, our palliative care team prescribed mirogabalin to 34 patients who had not achieved effective analgesia even after opioid titration. Effectiveness was defined as(1)reduction in persistent pain of 50% or more on the numeric rating scale(NRS); or(2)reduction in the frequency of rescue medicine of 50% or more for breakthrough pain. Based on this definition, the rate of effectiveness of mirogabalin was 88.2%. Two patients experienced mild side effects in the central nervous system. However, these effects did not result in discontinuation of the medication. The results of the study showed that mirogabalin can be used effectively and safely for cancer pain relief.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):989-992.
[A Case of Severe Aortic Thrombosis During the First Chemotherapy Regimen of CapeOX Plus Bevacizumab for Metastatic Colon Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Shotaro Korehisa 1, Akira Kabashima, Sho Nambara, Kiminori Watanabe, Kenji Umeda, Hidenori Koso, Kouichiro Tahara, Yusuke Nakamura, Hideaki Anai
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PMID: 32541181
A 61-year-old man underwent CapeOX plus bevacizumab chemotherapyafter right hemicolectomyfor metastatic ascending colon cancer. On the 7th dayafter the first administration, he had sudden abdominal pain and nausea. Contrast-enhanced computed tomographyrevealed aortic thrombosis and a superior mesenteric artery(SMA)embolism that was considered to be associated with bevacizumab. Bevacizumab was discontinued and anticoagulation therapyusing heparin and urokinase was performed. Brain infarction of the left middle cerebral arteryoccurred on the 15th dayafter the first administration and thrombectomywas performed. Anticoagulation therapyusing heparin, bayaspirin, and edoxaban tosilate hydrate was performed. The aortic thrombosis and SMA embolism resolved with treatment, but the patient died following an increase in peritoneal dissemination. It should be noted that unexpectedlysevere aortic thrombosis occurred during the first administration of CapeOX plus bevacizumab for metastatic colon cancer.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):764-768.
[Ⅰ.Current Treatment Strategies for Transplant-Eligible Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma]
[Article in Japanese]
Nobuhiro Tsukada 1
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PMID: 32408316
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):819-821.
[A Case of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer in an Elderly Patient With Low PD-L1 Expression Effectively Treated With Nab-Paclitaxel(Nab-PTX)plus Carboplatin (CBDCA)plus Pembrolizumab for a Recurrence After Operation]
[Article in Japanese]
Koji Sakaguchi 1, Makoto Kosaka, Yoshitaka Yamazaki
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PMID: 32408327
An 81-year-old man was admitted to our medical center for dyspnea. He underwent right upper lobectomy due to squamous cell lung cancer 5 years ago. Chest computed tomography(CT)revealed stenosis ofthe right main bronchus, and pathological diagnosis ofthe lesion was squamous cell carcinoma and PD-L1 expression was low(tumor proportion score [TPS]: 1%). Because his performance status(PS)was 1, he underwent 4 courses ofnab -paclitaxel(nab-PTX)plus carboplatin( CBDCA)plus pembrolizumab chemotherapy and pembrolizumab maintenance chemotherapy. The stenosis ofthe right main bronchus was clear after chemotherapy, and his dyspnea was improved. Chemotherapy using nab-PTX plus CBDCA plus pembrolizumab may become one of the therapeutic choices for the recurrence after operation of an elderly person with squamous cell lung carcinoma and low PD-L1 expression.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):762-763.
[Hematologic Malignancies/Pediatric Malignancies Update on Novel Treatment Strategies in Multiple Myeloma]
[Article in Japanese]
Shingo Yano 1
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PMID: 32408315
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):815-818.
[Case of Recurrent Breast Cancer With BRCA2 Mutation Successfully Treated With Olaparib Therapy]
[Article in Japanese]
Hisami Yoneda 1, Yoshiko Shimizu, Ryo Masuda
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PMID: 32408326
A 70-year-old woman was diagnosed with cT2N2M0 left triple negative breast cancer. She received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Around 30 months after the surgery, she developed carcinomatous pericardial tamponade, carcinomatous pleurisy, and metastatic thyroid cancer due to the breast cancer. Around the same time, a BRCA2 mutation was confirmed. Thus, olaparib therapy was started. Around 45 days after the start of olaparib administration, the therapeutic effect was cPR. The treatment remains effective even after approximately 1 year.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):1001-1003.
[Curd Formation Resulting From a Reaction Between Cranberry Juice and Enteral Formula]
[Article in Japanese]
Ken Goda 1, Tsuneaki Kenzaka, Shuji Endo, Hozuka Akita
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PMID: 32541184
White solids were observed in the esophagus of a patient with multiple system atrophy. The patient was receiving enteral nutrition with a polymeric formula and cranberry juice via nasogastric feeding. To test the assumption that the precipitates were formed from a reaction between the juice and the formula, a verification experiment was conducted usingformulae of differinging redients, pH and protein content. The results indicated that a precipitate was formed when formulae with lower pH values and higher protein content were used. Mixing a pH neutral enteral formula with cranberry juice, vinegar or their 2- fold diluted solutions may result in the formation of precipitates in the stomach and esophagus.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):851-853.
[A Case of Aortitis Caused by a Granulocyte-Colony-Stimulating Factor During Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Kento Miyazaki 1, Tatsuyuki Takadate, Fuyuhiko Motoi, Takashi Kamei, Takeshi Naitoh, Michiaki Unno
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PMID: 32408335
Background: Pegfilgrastim, a long-acting granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF), has been used as prophylaxis for severe hematotoxicity induced by chemotherapy. We report a case of aortitis induced by pegfilgrastim administration during modified FOLFIRINOX(mFOLFIRINOX)chemotherapy for metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Case report: A 65-year-old woman underwent a distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic tail cancer. Liver metastases appeared 2 years after the surgery. mFOLFIRINOX chemotherapy was started with prophylactic administration of pegfilgrastim. Eight days after the first administration and 6 days after administration of the 8th course, the patient developed a fever. The blood test results indicated severe inflammation. Computed tomography revealed a thickened aorta indicating aortitis. The symptoms rapidly improved with antibiotic therapy. We diagnosed aortitis induced by pegfilgrastim administration.

Conclusion: Aortitis should be considered when a patient has unidentified inflammatory findings after receiving pegfilgrastim.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):905-907.
[Ⅲ. Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment]
[Article in Japanese]
Asao Ogawa 1
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PMID: 32541165
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):899-904.
[Ⅱ. Radiation-Induced Neurocognitive Impairment-Pathophysiology and Countermeasures]
[Article in Japanese]
Ryutaro Nomura 1
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PMID: 32541164
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):977-980.
[Conversion Therapy for HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer With Intrathoracic Lymph Node Metastasis]
[Article in Japanese]
Hiroko Kono 1, Hiroyuki Maeda, Shoko Yao, Mizuho Takahashi, Shigehiro Yokoi, Takanori Goi, Yoshiaki Imamura
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PMID: 32541178
A 42-year-old woman consulted our hospital with chief complaints of a right breast mass and pain. Based on needle biopsy of the breast tumor, the pathological diagnosis was invasive ductal carcinoma(scirrhous type), which tested positive for estrogen, progesterone, and HER2 receptor. PET-CT(FDG)showed intrathoracic lymph node metastasis. After several tests, she received a diagnosis of cT2N1M1(LYM), Stage Ⅳ breast cancer. She received pertuzumab, trastuzumab, and docetaxel treatments. After chemotherapy, the intrathoracic lymph node and breast tumors were not observed. She underwent mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection. The pathological diagnosis showed a complete response after surgery. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful; she had received radiotherapy and anti-HER2 therapy. Twenty-three months after the surgery, no recurrence was observed. Herein, we report successful treatment of Stage Ⅳ breast cancer with conversion therapy.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):881-884.
[Cardiac Tamponade as Cardio-Oncologic Emergency Disease]
[Article in Japanese]
Toshio Suzuki 1, Kazuko Tajiri, Ikuo Sekine
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PMID: 32541160
The causes of cardiac tamponade include neoplastic pericarditis as well as radiation-induced, drug-induced, purulent and iatrogenic pericarditis. Since we can get access to the advanced cancer therapy these days, some of the cardiac tamponade patients can survive longer if we can manage their pericardial effusion well. Here, we will summarize the clinical evidence in cardiac tamponade in patients with malignant tumor, and will discuss about its presentation, diagnosis and management.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):807-810.
[Logical Explanation of Medical Condition for Patients With Terminal Cancer at Home-Retrospective Analysis of 145 Cases]
[Article in Japanese]
Kunihiko Watanabe 1
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PMID: 32408324
Frequently, patients with advanced cancer are suffered by various symptoms at the end of life. Furthermore, sometime experience unexpected loss of consciousness(LOC)and/or respiratory arrest. I examined carefully following neck stiffness, LOC, masked face, urinary retention, tonic and/or clonic convulsions, apnea, dysphagia, head rotation, neurogenic pain, hyperthermia, mydriasis 145 patients with advanced cancer. By assuming meningeal carcinomatosis, multifocal neurological findings are logically expected. As a result, before the LOC or respiratory arrest, I was able to logically explain to almost all families of patients, who with suspected neurological signs, expected multifocal neurological signs including LOC or respiratory arrest.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):985-988.
[A Case of Remnant Gastric Cancer Occurring 12 Years After Surgery That Was Successfully Treated With Radiation Therapy]
[Article in Japanese]
Hiroyuki Kodama 1, Toshifumi Yamaguchi, Masahiro Miyamoto, Tetsuji Terazawa, Takayuki Kii, Masahiro Goto, Kotaro Honda, Yoshiro Imai, Ryo Tanaka, Sang-Woong Lee, Taijyu Shimbo, Kazuhide Higuchi
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PMID: 32541180
A 59-year-old woman had a history of distal gastrectomy and D2 dissection in May 200X for advanced gastric cancer(GC) in the antrum area. The pathological stage was poorly differentiated, T2(SS), N2, H0, P0, CY0, M0, pStage ⅢA. After administration of S-1 for 1 year as adjuvant chemotherapy, the patient underwent surveillance with no recurrence. However, remnant GC was diagnosed in April 200X+12. Considering that there was no indication for curative resection due to severe invasion of the proper hepatic artery, gastrojejunostomy was performed for the anastomotic stenosis. Although the patient was administered 3 courses of S-1 plus oxaliplatin therapy as first-line treatment, partial response was not achieved. Therefore, chemoradiotherapy(CRT)with capecitabine was administered for local tumor control. Complete response was achieved, and the patient underwent surveillance with no recurrence 16 months after the recurrence. There were no serious acute adverse events(AEs)during CRT and late AEs after CRT. The patient was successfully treated with CRT for locally advanced remnant GC. Although there is no standard treatment for locally advanced remnant GC, this case showed the effectiveness of CRT.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):981-983.
[A Thoracic Aortic Dissection Case During Treatment With Ramucirumab Plus Nab-Paclitaxel]
[Article in Japanese]
Haruka Nikai 1, Yuji Akiyama, Ryosuke Fujisawa, Fumitaka Endo, Shigeaki Baba, Keisuke Koeda, Akira Sasaki
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PMID: 32541179
Ramucirumab(RAM)plus nab-paclitaxel(nab-PTX)therapy is a regimen that is recommended for the second round of chemotherapy in recurrent, progressive gastric cancer. We report the first case of a thoracic aortic dissection developed during RAM plus nab-PTX therapy. A 59-year-old male who had undergone a proximal gastrectomy for esophagogastric junction cancer had a recurrence of cancer 6 years later(metastasis to the para-aortic lymph node and left adrenal gland, local recurrence, and multiple bone metastases). He was treated with RAM plus nab-PTX therapy for second-line chemotherapy. On day 9 of the third cycle, he experienced sudden, severe neck pain and visited the outpatient emergency department. Computed tomography detected a Stanford type-A thoracic aortic dissection. However, the patient suffered from a myocardial infarction before the operation, and died. This is the first report of an aortic dissection associated with RAM. Clinicians must be aware of this complication.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):973-976.
[A Case of Synchronous Bilateral Male Breast Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Mika Kanayama 1, Katsuhiko Nakatsukasa, Mie Onishi, Ayana Yoshioka, Yoshimi Ouchi, Koichi Sakaguchi, Eiichi Konishi, Tetsuya Taguchi
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PMID: 32541177
A 71-year-old man with right and left mammary tumor came to our hospital. Using needle biopsy, we diagnosed both tumors as ER-positive, PgR-positive, and HER2(1+)invasive ductalcarcinoma. We performed radicalmastectomy and axillary dissection. After surgery, the patient received postoperative chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy. The incidence of male breast cancer has been reported to be<1% of all breast cancer cases; only a few cases of simultaneous bilateral male breast cancer has been reported. Here, we report a rare case of synchronous bilateral male breast cancer.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 May;47(5):847-850.
[A Case of 11-Year Patient Survival After the Resection of a Metastatic Pancreatic Tumor of Sigmoid Colon Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Yutaka Yagi 1, Takashi Kobayashi, Takaoki Watanabe, Kana Tanaka, Hideki Hashidate
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PMID: 32408334
A 44-year-old woman underwent a sigmoidectomy for sigmoid colon cancer in March 2002. At 5 years after the primary surgery, she underwent 2 hepatectomies, 2 anastomotic resections, 1 lung resection, and 1 radiofrequency ablation. Computed tomography revealed a mass in the pancreatic tail in January 2008. We performed distal pancreatectomy. The specimen showed metastases ofthe sigmoid colon cancer. Computed tomography revealed metastases to the left iliac lymph node in September 2010. She underwent chemotherapy with IRIS for the lymph node metastases. After 16 chemotherapy sessions, the lymph node metastases disappeared. The patient is alive 11 years after the pancreatectomy. Resectable pancreatic metastasis from colorectal cancer is rare. Multimodal treatment that includes radical surgery may achieve long-term survival in some cases.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):993-995.
[Three Cases of Augmented Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy After Changing From mFOLFOX6 to FOLFIRI Therapy in Patients With Colorectal Cancer]
[Article in Japanese]
Keiji Mashimo 1, Daichiro Fujiwara, Tadafumi Hoshida, Naomi Morimoto, Akihiro Noda, Tomoya Takeda, Masanobu Tsubaki, Shozo Nishida, Katsuhiko Sakaguchi
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PMID: 32541182
We had cases in which peripheral neuropathy was augmented after changing from mFOLFOX6, a chemotherapy for colorectal cancer, to FOLFIRI and comparatively examined disease status and trends. There were no shared points with respect to patient characteristics, timing of peripheral neuropathy augmentation, drug dosage, etc. It appeared that the change in chemotherapy itself had an effect on neuropathic symptoms. Regarding the change in chemotherapy, the therapeutic agent was switched from oxaliplatin to irinotecan; the cause was unknown, but some effects of these two drugs were suggested. Future investigation, including the examination of genetic mutations, is necessary.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):963-965.
[Autoimmune Hepatitis in Small Cell Lung Cancer-A Case Report]
[Article in Japanese]
Nobuyuki Kondo 1, Shota Kitagawa, Mio Yamamoto, Ryo Yamamoto, Takemoto Abe, Haruna Watabe, Yuta Watanabe, Takasato Fujiwara, Shinichiro Tominaga, Ichiro Natsume, Hiroyuki Sakashita, Shinsuke Aida
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PMID: 32541175
A 64-year-old female presented to our hospital with a chronic cough. She was diagnosed with cStage ⅢA small cell lung cancer(cT2aN2M0, limited disease). On admission for chemoradiation therapy, laboratory data incidentally revealed liver dysfunction. Further examination resulted in the patient being diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. Oral prednisolone therapy was started, and after the improvement of liver function tests, consecutive chemoradiation therapy with cisplatin and etoposide was administered. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with autoimmune hepatitis and small cell lung cancer. Autoimmune hepatitis might arise as a paraneoplastic syndrome.

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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):913-916.
[Ⅴ. Rehabilitation for Cognitive Dysfunction in Brain Tumor Patients]
[Article in Japanese]
Wataru Nagazumi 1
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PMID: 32541167
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):908-912.
[Ⅳ. Neurocognitive Outcomes and Psychosocial Attainment in Pediatrics Brain Tumor Survivors]
[Article in Japanese]
Eitaro Ishisaka 1
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PMID: 32541166
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):891-892.
[Central Nervous System Tumor Cognitive Dysfunction in Brain Tumor and Cancer Patients]
[Article in Japanese]
Fumio Yamaguchi 1
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PMID: 32541162
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):893-898.
[Ⅰ. Consideration of Cognitive Functions in the Surgical Treatment for Brain Tumors]
[Article in Japanese]
Masashi Kinoshita 1, Mitsutoshi Nakada
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PMID: 32541163
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Gan To Kagaku Ryoho
. 2020 Jun;47(6):917-922.
[Incidence of Proteinuria Among Japanese Colorectal Cancer Patients After Receiving Ramucirumab-Cohort Study Using Claim Database]
[Article in Japanese]
Tomoko Kobayashi 1, Yoshinori Tanizawa, Soshi Nagaoka, Yucherng Chen, Natsuko Kitagawa, Manabu Muto, Yongzhe Piao
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PMID: 32541168
We evaluated the incidence of proteinuria after receiving ramucirumab for the patients with advanced colorectal cancer using claim database. Among 1,706 evaluable patients, incidence proportion of proteinuria was 21.8% and incidence rate (/100 person-years)was 75.3. In patients with history of proteinuria or previous bevacizumab use, incidence rate was high and many patients tend to occur proteinuria in the early stage after initiating ramucirumab prescription. Appropriate management by periodical monitoring from the early stage after initiating ramucirumab prescription is important.

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Einseitige Erkrankungen der Kieferhöhle
Zusammenfassung Einseitige Erkrankungen der Kieferhöhle zählen zu den häufigsten rhinologischen Diagnosen. Die Vielfalt dieser Erkrankungen kann eine potenzielle Herausforderung für den behandelnden Arzt werden. Das Spektrum der Diagnosen erstreckt sich von harmlosen Kieferhöhlenzysten, die selten eine Therapie benötigen, bis zu hoch aggressiven Malignomen. Von großer Bedeutung sind die Diagnose und Therapie des invertierten Papilloms. Das Besondere dieses benignen Tumors sind...
Wed Jun 17, 2020 03:00
Erratum zu: Die Verständlichkeitskurve für den Freiburger Einsilbertest im Störschall mit einem Signal-Rausch-Abstand (SNR) von 5 dB
Die Autoren weisen darauf hin, dass im o. g. Beitrag bei der Autorin B. Wollenberg eine falsche Affiliation genannt wurde. Korrekt ist wie oben genannt: Prof. Dr. med. B. Wollenberg Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals‑, Nasen- und Ohren Heilkunde, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München,
Wed Jun 17, 2020 03:00
Non-contrast MR Lymphography of lipedema of the lower extremities
Publication date: Available online 17 June 2020Source: Magnetic Resonance ImagingAuthor(s): Michaela Cellina, Daniele Gibelli, Massimo Soresina, Andrea Menozzi, Carlo Martinenghi, Marta Panzeri, Giancarlo Oliva
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:50
A Novel Node-Level Structure Embedding and Alignment Representation of Structural Networks for Brain Disease Analysis
Publication date: Available online 17 June 2020Source: Medical Image AnalysisAuthor(s): Jiashuang Huang, Mingliang Wang, Xijia Xu, Biao Jie, Daoqiang Zhang
Medical Image Analysis
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:45
Publication date: July 2020Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 48, Issue 7Author(s):
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:41
Editorial Board
Publication date: July 2020Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 48, Issue 7Author(s):
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:41
EACMFS Prizes & Awards
Publication date: July 2020Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 48, Issue 7Author(s):
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:41
The effect of arthroscopic disc repositioning on facial growth in juvenile patients with unilateral anterior disc displacement
Publication date: Available online 17 June 2020Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): Zhiyang Liu, Qianyang Xie, Chi Yang, Minjie Chen, Guo Bai, Ahmed Abdelrehem
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:41
Current knowledge of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in articular cartilage.
Related ArticlesCurrent knowledge of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in articular cartilage. Histol Histopathol. 2020 Jun 16;:18233 Authors: Lauretta G, Ravalli S, Szychlinska MA, Castorina A, Maugeri G, D'Amico AG, D'Agata V, Musumeci G Abstract Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is an evolutionally well conserved neuropeptide, mainly expressed by neuronal and peripheral cells. It proves to be an interesting...
Histology and histopathology.Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia (Spain) Sociedad Española de Histología e Ingeniería Tisular,http://www.hh.um.es/index.html
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:17
Automated gait event detection for a variety of locomotion tasks using a novel gyroscope-based algorithm
Publication date: Available online 16 June 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Cagla Fadillioglu, Bernd J. Stetter, Steffen Ringhof, Frieder C. Krafft, Stefan Sell, Thorsten Stein
Gait & Posture
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:05
Gluteus medius and minimus activity during stepping tasks: comparisons between people with hip osteoarthritis and matched control participants
Publication date: Available online 16 June 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Anita Zacharias, Tania Pizzari, Adam I Semciw, Daniel J English, Theo Kapakoulakis, Rodney A Green
Gait & Posture
Wed Jun 17, 2020 20:05
Effectiveness and Safety of Reirradiation With Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer After a First Course of Thoracic Radiation: A Meta-analysis
Objective: The effectiveness and safety of reirradiation with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (re-SABR) in patients with recurrence after a previous course of radiation are limited to small series. We carried out a meta-analysis to summarize existing data and identify trends in overall survival (OS), local control (LC), and toxicity after re-SABR in patients with recurrence of lung cancer. Materials and Methods: Eligible studies were identified on Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Library,...
American Journal of Clinical Oncology - Published Ahead-of-Print
Tue Jun 16, 2020 03:00
A comparison of two personalization and adaptive cognitive rehabilitation approaches: a randomized controlled trial with chronic stroke patients
Paper-and-pencil tasks are still widely used for cognitive rehabilitation despite the proliferation of new computer-based methods, like VR-based simulations of ADL’s. Studies have established construct validit...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation - Latest Articles
Tue Jun 16, 2020 03:00
Intermittent but not continuous access to cocaine produces individual variability in addiction susceptibility in rats
Abstract Drug addiction is a chronic disease defined by a complex set of characteristics, including loss of control over drug intake and persistent drug craving, which primarily affects a small percentage of people who try drugs. Although many models have been developed to study individual aspects of drug use, there is great translational value in having an animal model that encompasses multiple aspects of the human disease, including the variation in severity observed in humans....
Latest Results for Psychopharmacology
Wed Jun 17, 2020 03:00
Oleoyl alanine (HU595): a stable monomethylated oleoyl glycine interferes with acute naloxone precipitated morphine withdrawal in male rats
Abstract Rationale Oleoyl glycine, a little studied fatty acid amide similar in structure to anandamide, interferes with nicotine addiction in mice and acute naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal (MWD) in rats. Because endogenous oleoyl glycine is subject to rapid enzymatic deactivation, we evaluated the potential of more stable analogs to interfere with opiate withdrawal. ...
Latest Results for Psychopharmacology
Tue Jun 16, 2020 03:00

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