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Δευτέρα 15 Ιουνίου 2020

Clinician’s Guide to Misophonia
This course will identify common complaints and characteristics associated with a diagnosis of misophonia, as well as determine appropriate assessment measures to guide referrals, resources, and recommendations. An overview of how clinicians can differentiate misophonia from alternative sound intolerance conditions and psychoacoustic disorders to improve patient care and overall quality of life.
Mon Jun 15, 2020 07:00
Technical Protocol for Presenting Maxillofacial Prosthetics Concepts to Dental Students using Interactive 3D Virtual Models Within a Portable Document Format
Abstract An appropriate presentation of maxillofacial defects and their prosthetic rehabilitation concepts using traditional two‐dimensional educational materials is challenging for dental students and prosthodontics residents. This technique article introduces a simple approach to visualize and communicate three‐dimensional (3D) virtual models embedded into a portable document format (PDF) file for presenting maxillofacial prosthetics concepts and enhancing students’ spatial ability when learning...
Journal of Prosthodontics
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:51
Fluorescence for Biological Logic Gates
Abstract Biological logic gates are smart probes able to respond to biological conditions in behaviors similar to computer logic gates, and they pose a promising challenge for modern medicine. Researchers are creating many kinds of smart nanostructures that can respond to various biological parameters such as pH, ion presence, and enzyme activity. Each of these conditions alone might be interesting in a biological sense, but their interactions are what define specific disease conditions. Researchers...
Journal of Biophotonics
Sun Jun 14, 2020 20:21
Cooperativity of Catechols and Amines in High Performance Dry/Wet Adhesives
The outstanding adhesive performance of mussel byssal threads has been a beacon of inspiration for materials scientists over the past few decades. Historically, presence of a significant amount of the unique catecholic amino acid dihydroxyphenylalanine (Dopa) has been considered to play a key role in strong dry and wet adhesive properties of the byssal interfacial proteins. In recent years, molecular and microscopic level studies using short peptides or small molecule analogs have investigated the...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:45
The Stabilization Effect of CO2 Chemistries in Li‐O2/CO2 Batteries
The lithium (Li)‐air battery possesses ultrahigh theoretical specific energy, however, even in pure oxygen (O 2 ), the vulnerability of conventional organic electrolytes and carbon cathodes towards reaction intermediates, especially O 2 ‐ , and corrosive oxidation and crack/pulverization of Li metal anode lead to poor cycling stability of the Li‐air battery. Even worse, the water and/or CO 2 in air are reported to bring more serious parasitic reactions and security issues. Therefore, most...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sun Jun 14, 2020 21:26
N‐Annulated Perylene Bisimides to Bias the Differentiation of Metastable Supramolecular Assemblies into J‐ and H‐Aggregates
We report the unique self‐assembling features of  N ‐annulated perylene bisimides (PBIs)  1  and  2 . The stability of the aggregates of diester  1 , in which no H‐bonding interactions are operative, corroborates the significance of long‐range van‐der‐Waals and dipole‐dipole electrostatic interactions in the construction of stable supramolecular assemblies. The incorporation of amide functional groups to the  N ‐annulated PBI in  2  results in a stimulating pathway differentiation to...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sun Jun 14, 2020 21:25
Rational Design of the Metal‐Free KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) Family Member C(NH2)3SO3F with Superior Ultraviolet Optical Nonlinearity
The first fluorosulfonic ultraviolet (UV) nonlinear optical (NLO) material, C(NH 2 ) 3 SO 3 F, is rationally designed by taking the KBe 2 BO 3 F 2 (KBBF) as the parent compound. C(NH 2 ) 3 SO 3 F features the similar topological layer with KBBF by replacing (BO 3 ) 3‐ with C(NH 2 ) 3 + triangles and the substitution of BeO 3 F with SO 3 F ‐ tetrahedral. Therefore, C(NH 2 ) 3 SO 3 F is a metal‐free UV NLO crystal. Benefiting from the coplanar configuration of...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sun Jun 14, 2020 17:53
Dual Role of Silver Moieties Coupled with Ordered Mesoporous Cobalt Oxide towards Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Herein, we show that performance of mesostructured cobalt oxide electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) can be significantly enhanced with coupling of silver species. Various analysis techniques including pair distribution function and Rietveld, X‐ray absorption spectroscopy at synchrotron as well as advanced electron microscopy revealed that silver exists as metallic Ag particles and well‐dispersed Ag2O nanoclusters within mesostructure. The benefits of this synergy are twofold for OER:...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sun Jun 14, 2020 16:56
Chemical proteomic profiling of protein 4'‐phosphopantetheinylation in mammalian cells
Protein 4 ' ‐ phosphopantetheinylation is an essential post‐translational modification (PTM) in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. So far, only five protein substrates of this specific PTM have been discovered in mammalian cells. These proteins are known to perform important functions including fatty acid biosynthesis and folate metabolism, as well as β ‐alanine activation. In order to explore existing and new substrates of 4 ' ‐ phosphopantetheinylation in mammalian proteomes, we designed and synthesized...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sun Jun 14, 2020 16:56
TEAD‐YAP interaction inhibitors and MDM2 binders from DNA‐encoded indole‐focused Ugi‐peptidomimetics
DNA‐encoded combinatorial synthesis provides efficient and dense coverage of chemical space around privileged molecular structures. The indole side chain of tryptophan plays a prominent role in key, or “hot spot” regions of protein‐protein interactions. A DNA‐encoded combinatorial peptoid library was designed based on the Ugi four‐component reaction employing tryptophan‐mimetic indole side chains to probe target protein surface. Several peptoids were synthesized on a chemically stable hexathymidine...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sun Jun 14, 2020 16:55
Photoactivated Polymersome Nanomotors: Traversing Biological Barriers
Synthetic nanomotors are appealing delivery vehicles for the dynamic transport of functional cargo. Although there are literature examples of such systems, their effective translation toward biological applications is limited due to the use of non‐degradable components. Furthermore, the limitation of size has been an impediment to application due to the importance of achieving nanoscale (ca. 100 nm) dimensions, as opposed to microscale examples that are far more prevalent in the literature. Here,...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sat Jun 13, 2020 22:00
The influence of sleep on language production modalities in preschool children with Down syndrome
Abstract Evidence suggests that sleep may relate to oral language production in children with Down syndrome. However, these children are capable of using complex referential gestures as a compensation strategy for problems with oral production, and those with a greater productive oral vocabulary have less gestural vocabulary. The goal of this study was to explore whether sleep quality relates to oral and gestural production modalities in children with Down syndrome. We evaluated 36 preschool children...
Journal of Sleep Research
Sun Jun 14, 2020 20:15
Associations between multiple occupational exposures and sleep problems: Results from the national French Working Conditions survey
Abstract Studies evaluating the effects of multiple occupational exposures on sleep are very rare. We assessed the associations between a wide range of occupational exposures and sleep problems and investigated the cumulative effects of these exposures on this outcome. We used data from the French 2016 Working Conditions survey conducted on a nationally representative sample of workers, including 20,430 employees aged 15–65 yr (8,579 men, 11,851 women). Sleep problems were defined by either sleep...
Journal of Sleep Research
Sun Jun 14, 2020 15:29
Utilizing auxology to understand ontogeny of extinct hominins: A case study on Homo naledi
Abstract The methods used to study human growth and development (auxology) have not previously been applied within the setting of hominin maturation (ontogeny). Ontogeny is defined here as the pattern of biological change into an adult form, both at the individual and species level. The hominin fossil record has a lack of recovered immature materials, due to such factors as taphonomic processes that destroy pre‐adults; the fragility of immature compared to adult bone; and the lower mortality rates...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Sun Jun 14, 2020 20:21
Increased risk of mental health problems after cancer during adolescence: a register based cohort study
Abstract In this nationwide, register‐based study, we estimated the risk of mental health problems in 2,822 individuals diagnosed with cancer in adolescence (13‐19 years). Mental health problems were assessed by psychiatric diagnoses and/or prescribed psychotropic drugs. Cox proportional hazards models estimated hazard ratio (HR) for a psychiatric diagnosis and prescription of psychotropic drug compared to a matched comparison group (n=28,220). Estimates were adjusted for calendar period and parent...
International Journal of Cancer
Sun Jun 14, 2020 18:52
Cost of decentralized CAR T cell production in an academic non‐profit setting
Abstract Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cell therapy is a promising immunotherapy with high acquisition costs, and it has raised concerns about affordability and sustainability in many countries. Furthermore, the current centralized production paradigm for the T cells is less than satisfactory. Therefore, several countries are exploring alternative T cell production modes. Our study is based on the T cell production experience in a non‐profit setting in Germany. We first identified the work steps...
International Journal of Cancer
Sun Jun 14, 2020 18:51
Clinical features and prognostic factors for extracranial oligometastatic breast cancer in China
Abstract Evidence of an oligometastatic state in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is relatively limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical features and prognostic factors for extracranial oligometastatic breast cancer and to identify the best treatment approaches in this select population. Fifty postoperative inpatients diagnosed with extracranial oligometastatic breast cancer at the National Cancer Center in China between 2009 and 2014 were consecutively enrolled. Oligometastatic...
International Journal of Cancer
Sun Jun 14, 2020 18:50
Childhood cancer incidence among specific Asian and Pacific Islander populations in the U.S.
Abstract Despite the vast genetic and environmental diversity in Asia, individuals of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) descent are often combined into a single group for epidemiologic analyses within the United States. We used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Detailed Asian/Pacific Islander Database to calculate incidence rates for discrete groups among children aged 0‐19 years. Due to sample size constraints we pooled incidence among regional groups based on countries of origin:...
International Journal of Cancer
Sun Jun 14, 2020 18:49
Phenotyping peach‐allergic patients sensitised to LTP and analysing severity biomarkers
Abstract Background Patients with peach allergy due to nsLTP sensitisation constitute a heterogeneous group in terms of sensitisation profile and severity. This could be due to the presence of additional allergies to pollens. The aim of this study was to analyse the clinical characteristics, sensitisation profile, and severity of reactions in peach‐allergic patients sensitised to nsLTP from two Mediterranean areas with different pollen exposure. Methods Patients with diagnosis of LTP allergy...
Sun Jun 14, 2020 22:48
Lysophosphatidylserine induces eosinophil extracellular trap formation and degranulation: Implications in severe asthma
Abstract Background Recent evidence demonstrates that activated eosinophils undergo a distinct form of lytic cell death, accompanied by formation of DNA‐based eosinophil extracellular trap (EET) and degranulation, enhancing inflammatory immune responses in asthmatic airways. We previously showed that human blood eosinophils undergo degranulation in response to lysophosphatidylserine (LysoPS), an inflammatory lipid mediator, and strongly express P2Y10, a LysoPS receptor. Methods We evaluated...
Sun Jun 14, 2020 13:45
Inhibition of mite‐induced dermatitis, pruritus, and nerve sprouting in mice by the endothelin receptor antagonist bosentan
Abstract Background Endothelin‐1 (EDN1) can evoke histamine‐independent pruritus in mammals and is upregulated in the lesional epidermis of atopic dermatitis (AD). EDN1 increases the production of interleukin 25 (IL‐25) from keratinocytes to accelerate T helper type 2 immune deviation. Plasma EDN1 levels are positively correlated with the clinical severity and itch intensity of AD. Therefore, we hypothesized that the inhibition of EDN1 might be useful for treating atopic inflammation and itch...
Sun Jun 14, 2020 13:44
Serum Cytokine Concentrations and Asthma Persistence to Middle‐Age
Abstract Cytokines play a key role as mediators in the immuno‐pathogenesis of asthma.1 Age at asthma onset and the presence of T‐helper 2 mediated eosinophilic airway inflammation have been identified as two important and distinct factors for defining asthma phenotypes,2 but little is known about longitudinal associations between systemic cytokine concentrations and asthma. In a previous investigation of serum cytokine concentrations among 44‐year‐old adults and asthma phenotypes, we found early‐onset...
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:59
A compendium answering 150 questions on COVID‐19 and SARS‐CoV‐2
Abstract In December 2019, China reported the first cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19). This disease, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome‐related coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), has developed into a pandemic. To date it has resulted in ~6.5 million confirmed cases and caused almost 400,000 related deaths worldwide. Unequivocally, the COVID‐19 pandemic is the gravest health and socio‐economic crisis of our time. In this context, numerous questions have emerged in demand of basic...
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:05
FBXO22, an epigenetic multiplayer coordinating senescence, hormone signaling and metastasis
Abstract Ubiquitin‐dependent protein degradation has been implicated in the control of various cellular processes such as cell cycle control, transcriptional regulation, DNA damage repair, and apoptosis, many of which are involved in the initiation, progression, metastasis and drug resistance of cancers. E3 ubiquitin ligases are known to be the second most prevalent cancer‐related functional gene family next to protein kinases. Of these, FBXO22, an F‐box receptor subunit of SCF E3 ligase, has recently...
Cancer Science
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:42
CENP‐50 is required for papilloma development in the two‐stage skin carcinogenesis model
Abstract CENP‐50/U is a component of the CENP‐O complex (CENP‐O/P/Q/R/U) and localizes to the centromere throughout the cell cycle. Aberrant expression of CENP‐50/U has been reported in many types of cancers. However, as Cenp‐50/U ‐deficient mice die during early embryogenesis, its functions remain poorly understood in vivo . To investigate the role of Cenp‐50/U in skin carcinogenesis, we generated Cenp‐50/U conditional knockout (K14CreER‐Cenp‐50/U fl/fl) mice and subjected them to the 7,12‐dimethylbenz(a)anthracene...
Cancer Science
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:34
5‐FU resistance mechanisms in colorectal cancer: from classical pathways to promising processes
Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a public health problem. It is the third most common cancer in the world, with nearly 1.8 million new cases diagnosed in 2018. The only curative treatment is surgery, especially for early tumor stages. When there is locoregional or distant invasion, chemotherapy can be introduced, in particular 5 Fluorouracil (5‐FU). However, the disease can become tolerant to these pharmaceutical treatments: resistance emerged, leading to early tumor recurrence. Different mechanisms...
Cancer Science
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:32
Cancer‐associated adipocytes promote pancreatic cancer progression through SAA1 expression
Abstract Although pancreatic cancer often invades into peripancreatic adipose tissue, little is known about the cancer‐adipocyte interaction. We first investigated the ability of adipocytes to de‐differentiate to cancer‐associated adipocytes (CAAs) by co‐culturing with pancreatic cancer cells. We then examined the effects of CAA‐conditioned media (CAA‐CM) on the malignant characteristics of cancer cells, the mechanism underlying those effects, and their clinical relevance in pancreatic cancer....
Cancer Science
Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:28
Case Rep Oncol 2020;13:674
Case Reports in Oncology
Mon Jun 15, 2020 08:24
Iron Overload in a Patient with Non-Transfusion-Dependent Hemoglobin H Disease and Borderline Serum Ferritin: Can We Rely on Serum Ferritin for Monitoring in This Group of Patients?
Secondary iron overload is a common complication in the context of hematological diseases, as iron accumulates due to different mechanisms including chronic transfusion, increased gastrointestinal absorption, chronic hemolysis and underlying genetic defects leading to an increase in gastrointestinal absorption of iron. Since the body does not have a mechanism to excrete excess iron, it gets deposited in the heart, endocrine organs, and the liver with the latest being affected less commonly than in...
Case Reports in Oncology
Mon Jun 15, 2020 08:24
Ramadan Fasting in a Patient with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Receiving Nilotinib as Upfront
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative neoplasm classically described as triphasic disease: chronic, accelerated, and blast crisis. There are many unmet needs and unanswered questions about CML. Intermittent fasting in patients with CML on tyrosine kinase inhibitors is among these unmet needs. Here we report the effect of intermittent fasting on response to nilotinib as upfront in a 49-year-old female Muslim who fasted during Ramadan and took her medication once instead of twice daily...
Case Reports in Oncology
Mon Jun 15, 2020 08:23
Fatal Cholestatic Liver Injury during Treatment with PD1 Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor for Malignant Melanoma: A Case Report
The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has dramatically improved the chance of surviving malignant melanomas; however, the effect comes at the cost of toxicities that are difficult to predict. Immune-mediated hepatitis is the most common form of liver toxicity, but fatal outcome is uncommon. We report the case of a 70-year-old female with metastatic malignant melanoma who developed severe liver toxicity characterized by bile duct injury and cholestasis. The condition progressed despite potent immunosuppressive...
Case Reports in Oncology
Mon Jun 15, 2020 08:16
Low-Dose Eltrombopag in a Patient with Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Post Sleeve Gastrectomy
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a disease in which the immune system attacks platelets and causes decrease in its number exposing the patient to risk of bleeding. It is diagnosed by exclusion. Eltrombopag is a thrombopoietin receptor agonist which is used as second-line treatment for patients with ITP. The usual starting dose is 25 mg daily and maintenance dose is 75 mg daily. Little is known about the dose of eltrombopag in patients with sleeve gastrectomy since reduction in the amount...
Case Reports in Oncology
Mon Jun 15, 2020 08:15
Post-Traumatic Meningitis Is a Diagnostic Challenging Time: A Systematic Review Focusing on Clinical and Pathological Features.
Related ArticlesPost-Traumatic Meningitis Is a Diagnostic Challenging Time: A Systematic Review Focusing on Clinical and Pathological Features. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 10;21(11): Authors: La Russa R, Maiese A, Di Fazio N, Morano A, Di Bonaventura C, De Matteis A, Fazio V, Frati P, Fineschi V Abstract Post-traumatic meningitis is a dreadful condition that presents additional challenges, in terms of both diagnosis and management, when compared with community-acquired...
CSF Otorrhea and Rhinorrhea
Mon Jun 15, 2020 08:54

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