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Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020

A complex network of QTL for thousand-kernel weight in the rye genome
Abstract Here, QTL mapping for thousand-kernel weight carried out within a 541 × Ot1-3 population of recombinant inbred lines using high-density DArT-based map and three methods (single-marker analysis with F parametric test, marker analysis with the Kruskal–Wallis K* nonparametric test, and the recently developed analysis named genes interaction assorting by divergent selection with χ2 test) revealed 28 QTL distributed over all seven rye chromosomes. The first two methods showed...
Latest Results for Journal of Applied Genetics
Discrete roles of RNA helicases in human male germline and spermatogenesis
Abstract RNA helicases are known from their ability to bind and unwind double-stranded RNA initiating RNA processing events. These evolutionary conserved RNA binding proteins are broadly expressed in a variety of tissues; however, we can distinguish those, which represent tissue-specific expression pattern and play unique roles in certain cell lineages. For instance, some RNA helicases mediate transcriptomic changes triggering cell differentiation which results in specification...
Latest Results for Journal of Applied Genetics
Chromosome instabilities in resynthesized Brassica napus revealed by FISH
Abstract Brassica napus is an allopolyploid plant, derived from spontaneous hybridization between Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea. Intensive breeding has led to a significant reduction in genetic and phenotypic diversity within this species. Newly resynthesized hybrids from progenitor species may restore some diversity in B. napus, but they often are chromosomally and phenotypically unstable. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we tested chromosome constitutions in a...
Latest Results for Journal of Applied Genetics
Schwannoma of the Greater Superficial Petrosal Nerve: An Unusual Site for a Common Tumor.
Related ArticlesSchwannoma of the Greater Superficial Petrosal Nerve: An Unusual Site for a Common Tumor. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2020 May 03;: Authors: Uppar AM, Rao S, Prasad C, Arimappamagan A, Santosh V Abstract Greater superficial petrosal nerve (GSPN) schwannoma is a rare clinical entity. It forms a small subset of the larger group of facial nerve schwannomas. A thorough literature search yielded only 27 such cases reported to date...
pubmed: clinical neuropathol...
Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Neural Progenitor Cells--a Preclinical Evaluation for Stroke Treatment in Mice.
Related ArticlesExtracellular Vesicles Derived from Neural Progenitor Cells--a Preclinical Evaluation for Stroke Treatment in Mice. Transl Stroke Res. 2020 May 02;: Authors: Zheng X, Zhang L, Kuang Y, Venkataramani V, Jin F, Hein K, Zafeiriou MP, Lenz C, Moebius W, Kilic E, Hermann DM, Weber MS, Urlaub H, Zimmermann WH, Bähr M, Doeppner TR Abstract Stem cells such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) enhance neurological recovery in preclinical stroke models...
pubmed: clinical neuropathol...
Detection of Myocardial Tissue Alterations in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using Texture Analysis of T2-Weighted Short Inversion Time Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of texture analysis of T2-weighted short inversion time inversion recovery (T2-STIR) for detecting myocardial tissue alterations in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Methods Twenty patients with HCM and 11 controls were examined. Texture analysis was performed for the hypertrophied regions with and without and abnormal hyperintensity (AHI) and for the interventricular septum of the controls on T2-STIR. T2 mapping was performed...
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography - Published Ahead-of-Print
Diagnostic Value of Quantitative Gray-Scale Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography for Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions
Objective The aim of the study was to quantitatively analyze the enhancement of breast lesions by contrast-enhanced spectral mammography to improve the differential diagnosis ability of contrast-enhanced spectral mammography. Methods A total of 283 patients with breast lesions admitted from August 2017 to May 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. Quantitative analysis of all enhancing lesions was performed to measure the gray values of the lesion region of interest (ROI), the area close...
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography - Published Ahead-of-Print
The Value of Ultrasonography in Assessing Fetal Lung Maturity
Objective To establish the normal parameters of fetal lung development at different gestational ages and to study their correlation with gestational age, thereby providing clinicians with a noninvasive method for assessing fetal lung maturity. Methods Two hundred eight cases with pregnancy of 22 to 39 weeks plus 6 days were divided into 18 groups according to gestational age. Ultrasound Doppler was used to measure the relevant parameters of fetal pulmonary development, including right...
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography - Published Ahead-of-Print
Diffusion-Tensor Imaging of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma: Correlation With Histopathologic Findings
The authors investigated the usefulness of diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI) for evaluating tumor invasion depth, histologic grade, and lymph node metastasis in patients with cervical carcinoma (CC). Fifteen consecutive patients with histologically confirmed CC underwent 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging and DTI. The CCs were clearly depicted as hypointense areas on all DTI maps. Fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, and axial diffusivity showed significantly inverse correlations with CC histologic...
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography - Published Ahead-of-Print
Preresection Radiologic Assessment and Imaging Features of 156 Pathologically Proven Adrenal Adenomas
Purpose The aims of the study were to assess the typical and atypical radiologic features of pathologically proven adrenal adenomas and to determine the relationship between the radiologic and histopathologic classification. Methods We retrospectively studied 156 pathologically proven adrenal adenomas in 154 patients from our institutional databases who have computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations before intervention. We determined the histopathologic...
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography - Published Ahead-of-Print
Diagnostic Performance of the Support Vector Machine Model for Breast Cancer on Ring-Shaped Dedicated Breast PET Images
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic ability of support vector machine (SVM) for early breast cancer (BC) using dedicated breast positron emission tomography (dbPET). Methods We evaluated 116 abnormal fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptakes less than 2 cm on dbPET images in 105 women. Fluorodeoxyglucose uptake patterns and quantitative PET parameters were compared between BC and noncancer groups. Diagnostic accuracy of the SVM model including quantitative parameters...
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography - Published Ahead-of-Print
Hematogenous Donor Cell Routing Pathway After Transamniotic Stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Primed to Naive-Like Conversion of the Common Marmoset Embryonic Stem Cells
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Effect of the Soluble Factors Released by Dental Apical Papilla-Derived Stem Cells on the Osteo/Odontogenic, Angiogenic, and Neurogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Cells
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
LY6D as a Chemoresistance Marker Gene and Therapeutic Target for Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Intravenous Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Administration in Models of Moderate and Severe Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stem Cells and Development, Volume 29, Issue 9, Page 586-598, May 1, 2020.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
A Protocol for the Isolation, Culture, and Cryopreservation of Umbilical Cord-Derived Canine Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: Role of Cell Attachment in Long-Term Maintenance
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Modulate BV2 Microglial M1/M2 Polarization by Producing Glial Cell-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
TRAF3, a Target of MicroRNA-363-3p, Suppresses Senescence and Regulates the Balance Between Osteoblastic and Adipocytic Differentiation of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Stem Cell–Based Therapy for Coronavirus Disease 2019
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Harnessing Autophagic Network Is Essential for Trophoblast Stem Cell Differentiation
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Pikachurin Is Partially Involved in the Synaptic Connection Between Donor and Host Cells in Late-Stage rd1 Mice Following Conspecific Photoreceptor Transplantation
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response and Its Roles in Stem Cells
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Comparison of Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation Potential of Rat Mandibular and Femoral Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro
Stem Cells and Development, Ahead of Print.
Stem Cells and Development - Table of Contents
Case 14-2020: A 37-Year-Old Man with Joint Pain and Eye Redness
Presentation of Case. Dr. John H. Stone: A 37-year-old man was evaluated in the rheumatology clinic of this hospital for joint pain and rash. The patient had been well until 2 years before this evaluation, when intermittent arthralgias developed in the joints of the hands. Four months before…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Clinical Cases
Case 13-2020: A 29-Year-Old Man with High Blood Pressure, Renal Insufficiency, and Hematuria
Presentation of Case. Dr. Sahir Kalim: A 29-year-old white man was evaluated at the nephrology clinic of this hospital because of hypertension, renal insufficiency, and hematuria. Eight months before the current evaluation, at a physical examination performed for employment, the patient was told he…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Clinical Cases
Case 12-2020: A 24-Year-Old Man with Fever, Cough, and Dyspnea
Presentation of Case. Dr. Xavier Guell (Medicine): A 24-year-old man was transferred to this hospital because of fever, fatigue, cough, and dyspnea. The patient had been well until 5 days before this presentation, when fatigue, malaise, fever, chills, and cough that was productive of terra…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Clinical Cases
Case 11-2020: A 37-Year-Old Man with Facial Droop, Dysarthria, and Kidney Failure
Presentation of Case. Dr. Sarimer Sanchez (Medicine): A 37-year-old man was admitted to this hospital because of a facial droop, dysarthria, and kidney failure. The patient had been well until 1 week before admission, when weakness of the right arm and hand developed, along with difficulty with…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Clinical Cases
Long-term overall- and progression-free survival after pentostatin, cyclophosphamide and rituximab therapy for indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Related ArticlesLong-term overall- and progression-free survival after pentostatin, cyclophosphamide and rituximab therapy for indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):670-678 Authors: Khashab T, Hagemeister F, Romaguera JE, Fanale MA, Pro B, McLaughlin P, Rodriguez MA, Neelapu SS, Fayad L, Younes A, Feng L, Vega F, Kwak LW, Samaniego F Abstract In a prospective phase II trial, pentostatin combined with cyclophosphamide and rituximab...
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Expression of GNAZ, encoding the Gαz protein, predicts survival in mantle cell lymphoma.
Related ArticlesExpression of GNAZ, encoding the Gαz protein, predicts survival in mantle cell lymphoma. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):708-712 Authors: Mundt F, Merrien M, Nygren L, Sutton LA, Christensson B, Wahlin BE, Rosenquist R, Sander B, Wasik AM Abstract Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), a malignancy of B-lymphocytes, has a poor prognosis. It is thus necessary to improve the understanding of the pathobiology of MCL and identify factors contributing...
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Efficacy of venetoclax monotherapy in patients with relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in the post-BCR inhibitor setting: a UK wide analysis.
Related ArticlesEfficacy of venetoclax monotherapy in patients with relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in the post-BCR inhibitor setting: a UK wide analysis. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):656-669 Authors: Eyre TA, Kirkwood AA, Gohill S, Follows G, Walewska R, Walter H, Cross M, Forconi F, Shah N, Chasty R, Hart A, Broom A, Marr H, Patten PEM, Dann A, Arumainathan A, Munir T, Shankara P, Bloor A, Johnston R, Orchard K, Schuh AH, Fox CP, the UK CLL Forum Abstract...
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
The management of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma: a British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper.
Related ArticlesThe management of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma: a British Society for Haematology Good Practice Paper. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(3):402-409 Authors: Cwynarski K, Marzolini MAV, Barrington SF, Follows G, Illidge T, Stern S, Davies A, British Society for Haematology Guidelines PMID: 30609016 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
[Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia].
Related Articles[Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia]. Ther Umsch. 2019;76(9):516-522 Authors: Schwarb H, Heim D Abstract Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Abstract. CLL is an indolent B-cell lymphoma characterized by a leukemic course. It is clinically and biologically very heterogeneous. The disease is preceded by a condition called monoclonal B lymphocytosis (MBL). The treatment of CLL has changed dramatically in recent years. Chemoimmunotherapy is being replaced...
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Dose-limiting stomatitis associated with ibrutinib therapy: a case series.
Related ArticlesDose-limiting stomatitis associated with ibrutinib therapy: a case series. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):784-788 Authors: Vigarios E, Beylot-Barry M, Jegou MH, Oberic L, Ysebaert L, Sibaud V PMID: 30408164 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Cell-of-origin in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: findings from the UK's population-based Haematological Malignancy Research Network.
Related ArticlesCell-of-origin in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: findings from the UK's population-based Haematological Malignancy Research Network. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):781-784 Authors: Painter D, Barrans S, Lacy S, Smith A, Crouch S, Westhead D, Sha C, Patmore R, Tooze R, Burton C, Roman E PMID: 30408148 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
A retrospective multicentre study of COCKLE, an oral chemotherapy regimen, as palliative treatment for high grade lymphoma.
Related ArticlesA retrospective multicentre study of COCKLE, an oral chemotherapy regimen, as palliative treatment for high grade lymphoma. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):803-806 Authors: Maybury B, Kimpton G, Otton S PMID: 30407622 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Genetic analysis of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma occurring in cases with antecedent Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia reveals different patterns of clonal evolution.
Related ArticlesGenetic analysis of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma occurring in cases with antecedent Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia reveals different patterns of clonal evolution. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):767-770 Authors: Talaulikar D, Biscoe A, Lim JH, Gibson J, Arthur C, Mackinlay N, Saxena K, Cheng YY, Chen VM PMID: 30338525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Serological normalisation as a surrogate marker for minimal residual disease negativity in multiple myeloma.
Related ArticlesSerological normalisation as a surrogate marker for minimal residual disease negativity in multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol. 2019 05;185(4):775-778 Authors: Campbell L, Panitsas F, Basu S, Anyanwu F, Lee S, Ferry B, Ramasamy K PMID: 30338523 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...
Differential expression of CD73, CD86 and CD304 in normal vs. leukemic B-cell precursors and their utility as stable minimal residual disease markers in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Related ArticlesDifferential expression of CD73, CD86 and CD304 in normal vs. leukemic B-cell precursors and their utility as stable minimal residual disease markers in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Immunol Methods. 2019 12;475:112429 Authors: Sędek Ł, Theunissen P, Sobral da Costa E, van der Sluijs-Gelling A, Mejstrikova E, Gaipa G, Sonsala A, Twardoch M, Oliveira E, Novakova M, Buracchi C, van Dongen JJM, Orfao A, van der Velden VHJ, Szczepański...
pubmed: b cell lymphoprolife...

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