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Κυριακή 3 Μαΐου 2020


How Do Tube Diameter and Vocal Tract Configuration Affect Oral Pressure Oscillation Characteristics Caused by Bubbling During Water Resistance Therapy?
The present study aimed at observing the effect of tube diameter and vocal tract configuration on frequency, amplitude, and regularity of Poral oscillation caused by bubbling during water resistance therapy (WRT). A secondary objective was to examine the degree of self-perceived sensation of massage-like effect produced by bubbles during WRT.
Journal of Voice
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
The Effect of Unilateral Hearing Protection on Vocal Intensity With Varying Degrees of Background Noise
The Lombard effect (LE) is a phenomenon in which speakers adjust their vocal production by raising the volume in noisy environments. As a result, the LE can create problems of vocal strain, fatigue and potential injury.
Journal of Voice
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
High Radiofrequency Surgery and Chromoendoscopy: A Novel Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Respiratory Papillomatosis
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis is a highly recurrent and residual disease. The use of indigo-carmine chromoendoscopy increases the early detection of nonvisible disease and reduces the possibility of leaving residual lesions. The best chances of papillomatosis being eradicated depend upon a surgical shallow epitheliolysis approach applied to patients who have never been surgically damaged before. We developed a novel surgical technique based upon the use of a time controlled High Radiofrequency...
Journal of Voice
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Vocal Hygiene in Collegiate Singers—Does Formal Training Relate to Practices?
Background: Vocal hygiene is vitally important for protecting vocal quality and promoting vocal longevity. It includes adequate hydration, avoidance of environmental irritants, and refraining from phonotraumatic behaviors such as screaming, excessive talking, and throat clearing. Formal singing training in addition to enhancing singing techniques, is also assumed to promote good vocal hygiene. Consequently, we investigated whether collegiate singers with formal training are more likely to practice...
Journal of Voice
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Alternative Treatments of Tinnitus
“Because Western medicine has remained largely unsuccessful at treating tinnitus symptoms, many physicians as well as patients have turned to alternative treatment options to decrease patients’ suffering and improve their quality of life. Although research in complementary/integrative medicine continues to be scarce and inconclusive, studies are pointing toward the positive effects of acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary supplements, antioxidants, melatonin, and hypnosis on tinnitus. Although the...
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Cochlear damage is often thought to result in hearing thresholds shift, whether permanent or temporary. The report of tinnitus in the absence of any clear deficit in cochlear function was believed to indicate that hearing loss and tinnitus, while comorbid, could arise independently from each other. In all likelihood, tinnitus that is not of central nervous system origin is associated with hearing loss. As a correlate, although a treatment of most forms of tinnitus will likely emerge in the years...
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Tinnitus is commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears.” Epidemiologic studies highlight challenges associated with clinical determination of tinnitus and ascertainment of its etiology, functional effects, temporal characteristics, psychoacoustic parameters, and risk factors. Because no standards exist for capturing these factors as measures, direct comparison of data between studies is not possible. This report suggests terminology and definitions to promote standardization, with a brief overview...
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Racial disparity of Crouzon syndrome in maxilla and mandible
The racial disparity of facial features in craniosynostosis patients is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to explore the difference in maxillary and mandibular morphology and spatial position in Asian and Caucasian Crouzon syndrome patients. Ninety-one computed tomography scans were included (12 Asian Crouzon syndrome patients, 22 Asian controls; 16 Caucasian Crouzon syndrome patients, 41 Caucasian controls) and measured using Materialise software. The maxillary and mandibular volumes...
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Aesthetic aspects of adjacent maxillary single-crown implants—influence of zirconia and titanium as implant materials
The purpose of this retrospective survey was to assess the esthetic aspects of adjacent zirconia and titanium implants in the anterior maxillary area. A total of 40 patients and 109 adjacent implants (17 patients with 47 titanium implants and 23 patients with 62 zirconia implants) was included. The primary aim of this survey was to assess the papillary fill (Jemt score). Additionally, further esthetic aspects were assessed. Papillae were fully present (Jemt score 3) around 39.1% of adjacent zirconia...
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Thu Apr 30, 2020 03:00
Equal opportunity tissue regeneration
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
An unexpected order
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Interleukin-13 drives metabolic conditioning of muscle to endurance exercise
Repeated bouts of exercise condition muscle mitochondria to meet increased energy demand—an adaptive response associated with improved metabolic fitness. We found that the type 2 cytokine interleukin-13 (IL-13) is induced in exercising muscle, where it orchestrates metabolic reprogramming that preserves glycogen in favor of fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial respiration. Exercise training–mediated mitochondrial biogenesis, running endurance, and beneficial glycemic effects were lost in Il13–/–...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Clocking your work
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Antimicrobial peptides: Application informed by evolution
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are essential components of immune defenses of multicellular organisms and are currently in development as anti-infective drugs. AMPs have been classically assumed to have broad-spectrum activity and simple kinetics, but recent evidence suggests an unexpected degree of specificity and a high capacity for synergies. Deeper evaluation of the molecular evolution and population genetics of AMP genes reveals more evidence for adaptive maintenance of polymorphism in AMP genes...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Ferromagnetic order beyond the superconducting dome in a cuprate superconductor
According to conventional wisdom, the extraordinary properties of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors arise from doping a strongly correlated antiferromagnetic insulator. The highly overdoped cuprates—whose doping lies beyond the dome of superconductivity—are considered to be conventional Fermi liquid metals. We report the emergence of itinerant ferromagnetic order below 4 kelvin for doping beyond the superconducting dome in thin films of electron-doped La2–xCexCuO4 (LCCO). The existence...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
A noncanonical inhibitory circuit dampens behavioral sensitivity to light
Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) drive diverse, light-evoked behaviors that range from conscious visual perception to subconscious, non–image-forming behaviors. It is thought that RGCs primarily drive these functions through the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. We identified a subset of melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive RGCs (ipRGCs) in mice that release the inhibitory neurotransmitter -aminobutyric acid (GABA) at non–image-forming brain targets. GABA release from...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Evidence for an edge supercurrent in the Weyl superconductor MoTe2
Edge supercurrents in superconductors have long been an elusive target. Interest in them has reappeared in the context of topological superconductivity. We report evidence for the existence of a robust edge supercurrent in the Weyl superconductor molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2). In a magnetic field B, fluxoid quantization generates a periodic modulation of the edge condensate observable as a "fast-mode" oscillation of the critical current Ic versus B. The fast-mode frequency is distinct from the conventional...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
The Sun is less active than other solar-like stars
The magnetic activity of the Sun and other stars causes their brightness to vary. We investigated how typical the Sun’s variability is compared with other solar-like stars, i.e., those with near-solar effective temperatures and rotation periods. By combining 4 years of photometric observations from the Kepler space telescope with astrometric data from the Gaia spacecraft, we were able to measure photometric variabilities of 369 solar-like stars. Most of those with well-determined rotation periods...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Water-promoted interfacial pathways in methane oxidation to methanol on a CeO2-Cu2O catalyst
Highly selective oxidation of methane to methanol has long been challenging in catalysis. Here, we reveal key steps for the pro­motion of this reaction by water when tuning the selectivity of a well-defined CeO2/Cu2O/Cu(111) catalyst from carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to methanol under a reaction environment with methane, oxygen, and water. Ambient-pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that water added to methane and oxygen led to surface methoxy groups and accelerated methanol production....
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
A general method to synthesize and sinter bulk ceramics in seconds
Ceramics are an important class of materials with widespread applications because of their high thermal, mechanical, and chemical stability. Computational predictions based on first principles methods can be a valuable tool in accelerating materials discovery to develop improved ceramics. It is essential to experimentally confirm the material properties of such predictions. However, materials screening rates are limited by the long processing times and the poor compositional control from volatile...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Precision measurement of the neutral pion lifetime
The explicit breaking of the axial symmetry by quantum fluctuations gives rise to the so-called axial anomaly. This phenomenon is solely responsible for the decay of the neutral pion 0 into two photons (), leading to its unusually short lifetime. We precisely measured the decay width of the process. The differential cross sections for 0 photoproduction at forward angles were measured on two targets, carbon-12 and silicon-28, yielding , where stat. denotes the statistical uncertainty and syst. the...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Regenerative potential of prostate luminal cells revealed by single-cell analysis
Androgen deprivation is the cornerstone of prostate cancer treatment. It results in involution of the normal gland to ~90% of its original size because of the loss of luminal cells. The prostate regenerates when androgen is restored, a process postulated to involve stem cells. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we identified a rare luminal population in the mouse prostate that expresses stemlike genes (Sca1+ and Psca+) and a large population of differentiated cells (Nkx3.1+, Pbsn+). In organoids and...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Three-dimensional cross-nanowire networks recover full terahertz state
Terahertz radiation encompasses a wide band of the electromagnetic spectrum, spanning from microwaves to infrared light, and is a particularly powerful tool for both fundamental scientific research and applications such as security screening, communications, quality control, and medical imaging. Considerable information can be conveyed by the full polarization state of terahertz light, yet to date, most time-domain terahertz detectors are sensitive to just one polarization component. Here we demonstrate...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Estimation of the prevalence and contagiousness of undocumented novel coronavirus [severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)] infections is critical for understanding the overall prevalence and pandemic potential of this disease. Here, we use observations of reported infection within China, in conjunction with mobility data, a networked dynamic metapopulation model, and Bayesian inference, to infer critical epidemiological characteristics associated with SARS-CoV-2, including the...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Charting the course of the Soai reaction
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
The effect of human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China
The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak expanded rapidly throughout China. Major behavioral, clinical, and state interventions were undertaken to mitigate the epidemic and prevent the persistence of the virus in human populations in China and worldwide. It remains unclear how these unprecedented interventions, including travel restrictions, affected COVID-19 spread in China. We used real-time mobility data from Wuhan and detailed case data including travel history to elucidate the...
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
The tuberculous tickle
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Against pandemic research exceptionalism
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Retinal ganglion cells that release GABA
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Tinctures of time and Schrödinger's virus
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Undetected cases
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
The other public health crisis
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
A pseudo-real combination
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Brazil policy invites marine invasive species
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Small-molecule defense
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Brazil threatens Indigenous lands
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Activity levels of Sun-like stars
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Imagining a post-pandemic world
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38
Drivers of IL-22 secretion
Science: Current Issue
Thu Apr 30, 2020 20:38

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