
Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020

[A comparative study of the P300 wave and evoked theta-rhythm in schizophrenia and personality disorders].
[A comparative study of the P300 wave and evoked theta-rhythm in schizophrenia and personality disorders]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):41-47 Authors: Bochkarev VK, Solnceva SV, Kirenskaya AV, Tkachenko AA Abstract OBJECTIVE: Amplitude and latency of evoked potential P300 are considered as major correlates of cognitive functions. At the same time the changes in the theta-band event-related oscillations that appears at the same time...
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
[Neurophysiological characteristics of juvenile schizophrenia patients examined at the very remote follow up stage].
[Neurophysiological characteristics of juvenile schizophrenia patients examined at the very remote follow up stage]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):34-40 Authors: Lebedeva IS, Golubev SA, Klochkova IV, Kaleda VG Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine neurophysiological characteristics of patients with long-term follow up (>20 years) and to find correlations between neurophysiological parameters and clinical features of schizophrenia....
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
[Treatment of contusion of moderate severity in children in outpatient clinics].
[Treatment of contusion of moderate severity in children in outpatient clinics]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):29-33 Authors: Skripnik OY, Sumenko VV, Trusova OY, Danilova EI, Evstifeeva GY, Chelpachenko OE Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of cortexin in treatment of traumatic brain injuries with contusion of moderate severity in children in an outpatient clinics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-four patients,...
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
[Remissions and relapses in epilepsy].
[Remissions and relapses in epilepsy]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):23-28 Authors: Kotov AS Abstract OBJECTIVE: To study a cohort of adult patients with various forms of epilepsy to determine various clinical patterns of remission with subsequent relapse of seizures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 1384 patients. Two hundred and forty-nine patients with one or more remissions in the history resulted in relapse....
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
[A prognostic model of cognitive impairment in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus].
[A prognostic model of cognitive impairment in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):19-22 Authors: Samoilova IG, Rotkank MA, Kudlay DA, Zhukova NG, Matveeva MV, Tolmachev IV Abstract OBJECTIVE: To develop a model for the prognosis of cognitive impairment in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus based on data from proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with...
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
[Clinical and psychological features of people with internet dependence: experience of a pilot study].
[Clinical and psychological features of people with internet dependence: experience of a pilot study]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):13-18 Authors: Egorov AY, Grechanyy SV, Chuprova NA, Soldatkin VA, Yakovlev AN, Ilyuk RD, Nikolishin AE, Ponizovskiy PA, Vantey VB, Gromyko DI, Dolgikh NV, Erofeyeva NA, Pozdnyak VV, Il'ichev AB, Khutoryanskaya JV, Egorov AA, Magomedova EA, Nechayeva AI, Pashkevich NV, Semenova JV, Sidorov AA, Khanykov VV, Kibitov AA,...
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
[The early diagnosis of congenital neuroinfections during ophthalmologic examination in children of the first months of life].
[The early diagnosis of congenital neuroinfections during ophthalmologic examination in children of the first months of life]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2020;120(3):7-12 Authors: Astasheva IB, Guseva MR, Kan IG, Ezhova NY, Kuznetsova YD, Tumasyan EA Abstract OBJECTIVE: To characterize the possibilities of early diagnosis of congenital neuroinfections during an ophthalmological examination in children in the first months of life. ...
pubmed: "zh nevrol psikhiatr...
Case 14-2020: A 37-Year-Old Man with Joint Pain and Eye Redness
Presentation of Case. Dr. John H. Stone: A 37-year-old man was evaluated in the rheumatology clinic of this hospital for joint pain and rash. The patient had been well until 2 years before this evaluation, when intermittent arthralgias developed in the joints of the hands. Four months before…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Allergy\Immunology
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Patient with Covid-19
To rapidly communicate information on the global clinical effort against Covid-19, the Journal has initiated a series of case reports that offer important teaching points or novel findings. The case reports should be viewed as observations rather than as recommendations for evaluation or treatment.…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Allergy\Immunology
Covid-19 in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases — Case Series from New York
To the Editor: Data on Covid-19 in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory disease who have received anticytokine biologics, other immunomodulatory therapies, or both on a long-term basis are scarce. Trials to assess the efficacy of antirheumatic therapies such as hydroxychloroquine and…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Allergy\Immunology
Balancing the Effect of Leukotrienes in Asthma
Inflammation and its timely resolution represent a vital physiologic response to infection, injury, and "sterile provocation" by endogenous stimuli. There is a growing appreciation that the initiation, progression, and resolution of inflammation and the return of tissue to its original state are…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Allergy\Immunology
FF-medic repurposes infant mask to help COVID-19 patients breathe
A Texas fire department is trialing the new method of giving oxygen through a patient's nose
Airway Management RSS Feed
Article Bites: PARTing the confusion on airway selection in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Examining the airway management studies findings on 72-hour survival, ROSC, survival to discharge and favorable neurologic status at discharge
Airway Management RSS Feed
Mass. ambulance service receives free plexiglass aerosol boxes
The boxes are designed to go over a patient's head during airway management procedures and trap aerosol contaminants
Airway Management RSS Feed
Quick Take: UWashEMS enters COVID-19 ‘second phase’
University of Washington EM physicians update on COVID-19 atypical presentation, airway management and N95 cleaning
Airway Management RSS Feed
Quick Take: Capnography in EMS: Tube verification is only the beginning
Robert Murray Jr, NRP, MS, shares the components of a waveform and common capnography pitfalls
Airway Management RSS Feed
American Paramedic Association recommends emergency amendment to scope of practice
A paper published in the Journal of Rural Health calls for changes to paramedic scopes of practice for airway and ventilator management in response to COVID-19
Airway Management RSS Feed
A novel green approach for fabricating visible, light sensitive nano-broccoli-like antimony trisulfide by marine Sb(v)-reducing bacteria: Revealing potential self-purification in coastal zones.
Related ArticlesA novel green approach for fabricating visible, light sensitive nano-broccoli-like antimony trisulfide by marine Sb(v)-reducing bacteria: Revealing potential self-purification in coastal zones. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109514 Authors: Zhang H, Xie J, Sun Y, Zheng A, Hu X Abstract Antimony trisulfide (Sb2S3) is industrially important for processes ranging from a semiconductor dopant through batteries to a flame retardant. Approaches...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Engineered Bacillus subtilis harbouring gene of d-tagatose 3-epimerase for the bioconversion of d-fructose into d-psicose through fermentation.
Related ArticlesEngineered Bacillus subtilis harbouring gene of d-tagatose 3-epimerase for the bioconversion of d-fructose into d-psicose through fermentation. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109531 Authors: Zhang J, Xu C, Chen X, Ruan X, Zhang Y, Xu H, Guo Y, Xu J, Lv P, Wang Z Abstract d-Psicose, as important rare sugar and epimer of d-fructose on the C-3 position, displays unique health benefits and physiological functions in various fields....
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Engineering of L-glutamate oxidase as the whole-cell biocatalyst for the improvement of α-ketoglutarate production.
Related ArticlesEngineering of L-glutamate oxidase as the whole-cell biocatalyst for the improvement of α-ketoglutarate production. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109530 Authors: Zhang X, Xu N, Li J, Ma Z, Wei L, Liu Q, Liu J Abstract L-glutamate oxidase (LGOX) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of l-glutamate to α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) with the formation of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Consequently, identifying a novel LGOX with high enzymatic...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Preference for particular lanthanide species and thermal stability of XoxFs in Methylorubrum extorquens strain AM1.
Related ArticlesPreference for particular lanthanide species and thermal stability of XoxFs in Methylorubrum extorquens strain AM1. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109518 Authors: Wang L, Hibino A, Suganuma S, Ebihara A, Iwamoto S, Mitsui R, Tani A, Shimada M, Hayakawa T, Nakagawa T Abstract XoxF-type methanol dehydrogenase was recently found to be lanthanide-dependent, while its counterpart MxaF is Ca2+-dependent. The lanthanide (Ln) series consists...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Phenotypic characterization and comparative genome analysis of two strains of thermophilic, anaerobic, cellulolytic-xylanolytic bacterium Herbivorax saccincola.
Related ArticlesPhenotypic characterization and comparative genome analysis of two strains of thermophilic, anaerobic, cellulolytic-xylanolytic bacterium Herbivorax saccincola. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109517 Authors: Aikawa S, Thianheng P, Baramee S, Ungkulpasvich U, Tachaapaikoon C, Waeonukul R, Pason P, Ratanakhanokchai K, Kosugi A Abstract The genome sequences of thermophilic, anaerobic, and cellulolytic-xylanolytic bacterium Herbivorax...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Direct and selective enzymatic synthesis of trehalose unsaturated fatty acid diesters and evaluation of foaming and emulsifying properties.
Related ArticlesDirect and selective enzymatic synthesis of trehalose unsaturated fatty acid diesters and evaluation of foaming and emulsifying properties. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109516 Authors: Ji S, Jia C, Cao D, Li S, Zhang X Abstract Trehalose diesters are Gemini-type surfactants that might have better surface activity than conventional surfactants. A one-step method for the preparation of trehalose unsaturated fatty acid diesters has...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
l-amino acid ligase: A promising alternative for the biosynthesis of l-dipeptides.
Related Articlesl-amino acid ligase: A promising alternative for the biosynthesis of l-dipeptides. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109537 Authors: Wang T, Zhang YF, Ning LX, Wang YF, Liu XH, Li R, Chen XE Abstract Given their special action mechanisms and structural simplicity, L-amino acid ligases (Lals) are considered to be desirable tools for the catalytic biosynthesis of dipeptides. Ywf E (BacD) was the first Lal identified and was shown to...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
High level and enantioselective production of L-phenylglycine from racemic mandelic acid by engineered Escherichia coli using response surface methodology.
Related ArticlesHigh level and enantioselective production of L-phenylglycine from racemic mandelic acid by engineered Escherichia coli using response surface methodology. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109513 Authors: Tang CD, Shi HL, Jia YY, Li X, Wang LF, Xu JH, Yao LG, Kan YC Abstract L-Phenylglycine (L-PHG) is a member of unnatural amino acids, and becoming more and more important as intermediate for pharmaceuticals, food additives and agrochemicals....
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Enzymatic epoxidation of cyclohexene by peroxidase immobilization on a textile and an adapted reactor design.
Related ArticlesEnzymatic epoxidation of cyclohexene by peroxidase immobilization on a textile and an adapted reactor design. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109512 Authors: Wunschik DS, Ingenbosch KN, Süss P, Liebelt U, Quint S, Dyllick-Brenzinger M, Zuhse R, Menyes U, Hoffmann-Jacobsen K, Opwis K, Gutmann JS Abstract A textile-based reaction system for new peroxidase reactions in non-native media was implemented. The epoxidation of cyclohexene...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Saturation mutagenesis to improve the degradation of azo dyes by versatile peroxidase and application in form of VP-coated yeast cell walls.
Related ArticlesSaturation mutagenesis to improve the degradation of azo dyes by versatile peroxidase and application in form of VP-coated yeast cell walls. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109509 Authors: Ilić Đurđić K, Ostafe R, Đurđević Đelmaš A, Popović N, Schillberg S, Fischer R, Prodanović R Abstract Azo dyes are toxic and carcinogenic synthetic pigments that accumulate as pollutants in aquatic bodies near textile factories. The pigments are...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
CRISPR/Cas9 facilitates rapid generation of constitutive forms of transcription factors in Aspergillus niger through specific on-site genomic mutations resulting in increased saccharification of plant biomass.
Related ArticlesCRISPR/Cas9 facilitates rapid generation of constitutive forms of transcription factors in Aspergillus niger through specific on-site genomic mutations resulting in increased saccharification of plant biomass. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109508 Authors: Kun RS, Meng J, Salazar-Cerezo S, Mäkelä MR, de Vries RP, Garrigues S Abstract The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been successfully applied for gene editing in filamentous fungi. Previous...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Taguchi design-assisted immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase onto a ternary alginate/nanocellulose/montmorillonite composite: Physicochemical characterization, thermal stability and reusability studies.
Related ArticlesTaguchi design-assisted immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase onto a ternary alginate/nanocellulose/montmorillonite composite: Physicochemical characterization, thermal stability and reusability studies. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109506 Authors: Mohd Hussin FNN, Attan N, Wahab RA Abstract Biomass from oil palm frond leaves (OPFL) is an excellent reservoir of lignocellulosic material which full potential remains untapped....
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Functional expression of recombinant hybrid enzymes composed of bacterial and insect's chitinase domains in E. coli.
Related ArticlesFunctional expression of recombinant hybrid enzymes composed of bacterial and insect's chitinase domains in E. coli. Enzyme Microb Technol. 2020 May;136:109492 Authors: Paek A, Kim MJ, Park HY, Yoo JG, Jeong SE Abstract To elucidate the functional alteration of the recombinant hybrid chitinases composed of bacterial and insect's domains, we cloned the constitutional domains from chitinase-encoding cDNAs of a bacterial species, Bacillus...
pubmed: "enzyme microb techn...
Psoriatic arthritis impact of disease questionnaire: validity, reliability and its clinical potential
Abstract The psoriatic arthritis impact of disease (PSAID) questionnaire has been developed to measure disease impact on patients with psoriatic arthritis. It was aimed to evaluate its validity and reliability in association with sociodemographic and clinical factors and compare it with disease activity and patient-reported outcome measures in a Turkish psoriatic arthritis population. A prospective observational study was conducted to validate the Turkish version of the PSAID....
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Does DNMT3B gene contribute the shared susceptibility to knee osteoarthritis and hip osteoarthritis?
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Capturing the enthesitis related arthritis contemporary profile of Caucasian patients in the era of biologics
Abstract To describe the profile of Enthesitis Related Arthritis’ (ERA) patients, in the era of biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs). This retrospective cohort study included patients with ERA monitored on a 3-month schedule for at least 1 year. Their metric assessment included the disease status and damage by applying the contemporary tools clinical-Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (c-JADAS), Juvenile Spondyloarthritis Disease Activity Index (JSpADA), clinical remission (CR) on/off...
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Fibromyalgia interferes with disease activity and biological therapy response in inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Abstract Fibromyalgia is one of the numerous comorbidities that may accompany inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Concomitant fibromyalgia in inflammatory rheumatic conditions can interfere with symptomatology, disease activity and overall management plan. The aim of the present narrative review article was to discuss the current evidence on (i) the prevalence/frequency of comorbid fibromyalgia in inflammatory rheumatic conditions, (ii) the role of fibromyalgia on disease activity,...
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Hand ultrasound patterns in rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis: the role of ultrasound in the differential diagnosis
Abstract Many rheumatic diseases may present with an inflammatory joint syndrome, affecting the small joints of the hands, of which rheumatoid (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) being one of the most common. The aim of this systematic review was to focus on the literature evidence regarding the added value of ultrasound (US) of the hand in the differential diagnosis between RA and PsA. Pubmed and Scopus were searched to identify original manuscripts, published in the last 20 years...
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
A retrospective study on the risk of tuberculosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is an important preventable infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To determine the risk of TB in patients with RA by comparing with those with non-specific back pain (NSBP), and to identify the risk factors in the RA group. Medical data were retrieved from a centralized electronic database. A total of 1099 patients with RA and 2489 patients with NSBP were identified. Clinical data, comorbidities, and use of individual disease-modifying...
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Probiotics as a prophylaxis to prevent oral candidiasis in patients with Sjogren's syndrome: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized trial
Abstract Patients with Sjögren's syndrome are at a higher risk to develop oral candidiasis than the general population. As antifungals have many side-effects, new approaches are needed to address this problem. This randomized controlled study aimed to evaluate the short-term efficacy of probiotics in the reduction of oral candidal growth in patients with SS. Thirty-two Sjogren’s syndrome patients were randomly allocated in two groups receiving either Probiotics or placebo capsules...
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Correction to: Assessment of cervical spine involvement in rheumatoid arthritis patients in the era of biologics: a real-life, cross-sectional MRI study
In the original article, the first author’s given name and family name were interchanged as provided by the authors in the original manuscript.
Latest Results for Rheumatology International
Rheumatology in Malaysia
Abstract Malaysia is a developing country in the South-East Asian region with a significant burden of disability from musculoskeletal disease. Rheumatology in Malaysia is a relatively young speciality. Currently, there is approximately 1 rheumatologist per 390,000 population, mostly concentrated in the urban areas. This article aims to give a brief overview of the research in rheumatology, the healthcare system, and rheumatology training and education in Malaysia. From 1950 until...
Latest Results for Rheumatology International

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