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Κυριακή 23 Αυγούστου 2020


Congenital Spinal Cysts: An Update and Review of the Literature.
Congenital Spinal Cysts: An Update and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: McNutt SE, Mrowczynski OD, Lane J, Jafrani R, Rohatgi P, Specht C, Tubbs RS, Zacharia TT, Rizk EB Abstract Congenital spinal cysts are rare and encompass a wide variety of pathologies including arachnoid, enterogenous, teratomatous, neurenteric, foregut, bronchogenic, epithelia, ependymal, dermoid, and epidermoid cysts. Here, we elucidate...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Modified Posterior Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy for the treatment of degenerative cervical spondylotic myelopathy caused by vertebral posterior osteophytosis:a case report.
Modified Posterior Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy for the treatment of degenerative cervical spondylotic myelopathy caused by vertebral posterior osteophytosis:a case report. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Huang Z, Tong Y, Fan Z, Zhao C, Gong P Abstract BACKGROUND: The clinical application of posterior percutaneous endoscopic cervical discectomy (PPECD) achieved stable curative effects and satisfactory results in patients...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Glioblastoma Multiforme: A rare case of Spinal drop metastasis.
Glioblastoma Multiforme: A rare case of Spinal drop metastasis. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Sibanda Z, Farahani N, Ogbonnaya E, Albanese E Abstract BACKGROUND: The occurrence of spinal drop metastasis in patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is rare. In previous reports, this diagnosis occurred following surgical resection of GBM, which was believed to increase the likelihood of tumour seeding. However, diagnosis...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Posterior spinal fusion for severe spinal deformities in musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Detailed observation of a novel Case and review of two reported cases.
Posterior spinal fusion for severe spinal deformities in musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Detailed observation of a novel Case and review of two reported cases. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Uehara M, Oba H, Hatakenaka T, Ikegami S, Kuraishi S, Takizawa T, Munakata R, Mimura T, Yamaguchi T, Kosho T, Takahashi J Abstract BACKGROUND: Musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome caused by pathogenic variants in CHST14 (mcEDS-CHST14)...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
The Effects of Lockdown During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Neuro-Trauma Related Hospital Admissions.
The Effects of Lockdown During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Neuro-Trauma Related Hospital Admissions. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Figueroa JM, Boddu J, Kader M, Berry K, Kumar V, Ayala V, Vanni S, Jagid J Abstract Background The response to the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic culminated in mandatory isolation throughout the world, with nation-wide confinement orders issued to decrease viral spread. These drastic measures were successful...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
The Evolution of Transforaminal Endoscopic Spine Surgery.
The Evolution of Transforaminal Endoscopic Spine Surgery. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Khandge AV, Sharma SB, Kim JS Abstract Transforaminal Endoscopic Spine Surgery (T-ESS) has become a well-accepted technique. The first attempts at percutaneous discectomy by Kambin and Hijikata opened a new chapter of ESS. By the last quarter of the twentieth century, spine surgeons began to adopt this novel technique. Many researchers helped advance...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Clinico-radiologic outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with complex high risk multiple arteriovenous malformations.
Clinico-radiologic outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with complex high risk multiple arteriovenous malformations. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Ogino A, Tonetti D, Flickinger JC, Lunsford LD, Kano H Abstract OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to define the outcome and risks of patients with multiple arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) treated by stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). METHODS: We retrospectively...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Infantile and non-infantile desmoplastic astrocytoma and ganglioglioma: only different age of onset?
Infantile and non-infantile desmoplastic astrocytoma and ganglioglioma: only different age of onset? World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Li Z, Yu Y, Lu Z, Gong J Abstract Object The purpose of this study is to investigate clinical, pathological, and prognostic discrepancies between infantile and non-infantile desmoplastic astrocytoma / ganglioglioma patients. METHODS: From January 2012 to Dec 2019, we retrospectively reviewed patients...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
The comparison of Ramipril and Bevacizumab to mitigate radiation induced brain necrosis: An Experimental Study.
The comparison of Ramipril and Bevacizumab to mitigate radiation induced brain necrosis: An Experimental Study. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Erpolat ÖP, Demircan V, Sarıbaş GS, Kuzucu P, Şentürk E, Elmas Ç, Börcek A, Kurt G PMID: 32822951 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Pneumomyelia secondary to interlaminar cervical epidural injection causing acute cord injury with transient quadriparesis.
Pneumomyelia secondary to interlaminar cervical epidural injection causing acute cord injury with transient quadriparesis. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Nowicki KW, Gale JR, Agarwal V, Monaco EA Abstract INTRODUCTION: Cervical radiculopathy and cervicalgia are commonly managed with spinal epidural steroid injections in the outpatient setting. Although cervical epidural injections are routinely performed, there is potential for significant...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Demographics and Outcomes of Interhospital Neurosurgical Transfer Patients Undergoing Spine Surgery.
Demographics and Outcomes of Interhospital Neurosurgical Transfer Patients Undergoing Spine Surgery. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Azizkhanian I, Rothbaum M, Alcantara R, Ballinger Z, Cho E, Dore S, Gatzofilas S, Hossain RH, Honig J, Matluck N, Ogulnick J, Smith H, Tung B, Miller I, Schmidt MH, Cole CD, Bowers CA PMID: 32822949 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Safety and outcome of decompressive hemicraniectomy after recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke: A systematic review.
Safety and outcome of decompressive hemicraniectomy after recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke: A systematic review. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Pedro KM, Roberto KT, Chua AE Abstract BACKGROUND Decompressive hemicraniectomy (DH) is widely recommended as a surgical treatment for intractable increased intracranial pressure following malignant cerebral infarction. A significant number...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:25
Erratum to 'Aberrant Abducent Nerve during Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia' [World Neurosurgery 138 (2020), 454-456].
Erratum to 'Aberrant Abducent Nerve during Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia' [World Neurosurgery 138 (2020), 454-456]. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 11;: Authors: Borg A, Zrinzo L PMID: 32819879 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Fri Aug 21, 2020 23:41
Finding Our Voice: U.S. Neurosurgeons in Administration and Advocacy.
Finding Our Voice: U.S. Neurosurgeons in Administration and Advocacy. World Neurosurg. 2020 Jul 16;143:70-72 Authors: DiGiorgio AM, Nathan JK, Menger RP PMID: 32818919 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Fri Aug 21, 2020 23:41
Evaluating the safety and efficacy of various endovascular approaches for the treatment of infectious intracranial aneurysms: A systematic review.
Evaluating the safety and efficacy of various endovascular approaches for the treatment of infectious intracranial aneurysms: A systematic review. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 17;: Authors: Desai B, Soldozy S, Desai H, Kumar J, Shah S, Raper DM, Park MS Abstract OBJECTIVE: A review of endovascular cerebral mycotic aneurysm treatment with Onyx liquid embolic, N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBCA), or coil embolization has not been reported. The authors...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Fri Aug 21, 2020 23:41
Late intramedullary spinal metastases from esthesioneuroblastoma: case report and prognostic implications.
Late intramedullary spinal metastases from esthesioneuroblastoma: case report and prognostic implications. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 17;: Authors: Laura MOSCHETTONI, Francesca RUGGIERO, Filippo Maria FAVA, Adolfo DELUNA, Pierpaolo LUNARDI Abstract INTRODUCTION: Esthesioneuroblastoma (ENB) is an uncommon neuroectodermal tumor that originates from the olfactory mucosa and often recurs locally. Distant metastases of ENB have been described, but...
pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...
Fri Aug 21, 2020 23:41
An Increase of Excitatory-to-Inhibitory Synaptic Balance in the Contralateral Cortico-Striatal Pathway Underlies Improved Stroke Recovery in BDNF Val66Met SNP Mice.
Related Articles An Increase of Excitatory-to-Inhibitory Synaptic Balance in the Contralateral Cortico-Striatal Pathway Underlies Improved Stroke Recovery in BDNF Val66Met SNP Mice. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2019 12;33(12):989-1002 Authors: Qin L, Actor-Engel HS, Woo MS, Shakil F, Chen YW, Cho S, Aoki C Abstract Despite negative association in cognition and memory, mice harboring Val66Met BDNF SNP (BDNFM/M) exhibit enhanced motor recovery...
pubmed: basal ganglia stroke...
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:45
Related Articles LESSONS LEARNED FROM UNDERSTANDING CHEMOTHERAPY RESISTANCE IN EPITHELIAL TUBO-OVARIAN CARCINOMA FROM BRCA1 AND BRCA2 MUTATION CARRIERS. Semin Cancer Biol. 2020 Aug 19;: Authors: Le Page C, Amuzu S, Rahimi K, Gotlieb W, Ragoussis J, Tonin PN Abstract BRCA1 and BRCA2 are multi-functional proteins and key factors for maintaining genomic stability through their roles in DNA double strand break repair by homologous recombination,...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 15:12
A newly isolated strain of Halomonas sp. (HA1) exerts anticancer potential via induction of apoptosis and G2/M arrest in hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell line.
Related Articles A newly isolated strain of Halomonas sp. (HA1) exerts anticancer potential via induction of apoptosis and G2/M arrest in hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cell line. Sci Rep. 2020 Aug 21;10(1):14076 Authors: El-Garawani IM, El-Sabbagh SM, Abbas NH, Ahmed HS, Eissa OA, Abo-Atya DM, Khalifa SAM, El-Seedi HR Abstract Marine bacterial strains are of great interest for their ability to produce secondary metabolites with anticancer...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
Dual roles of PDE9a in meiotic maturation of zebrafish oocytes.
Related Articles Dual roles of PDE9a in meiotic maturation of zebrafish oocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Li J, Bai L, Liu Z, Wang W Abstract The essential role of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) signaling in regulating the oocyte meiotic cell cycle has been established. However, control of the level of cGMP in ovarian follicles is unclear. The cGMP-hydrolyzing phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are important in regulating...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
Expression of long non-coding RNA SFTA1P and its function in non-small cell lung cancer.
Related Articles Expression of long non-coding RNA SFTA1P and its function in non-small cell lung cancer. Pathol Res Pract. 2020 Sep;216(9):153049 Authors: Du D, Shen X, Zhang Y, Yin L, Pu Y, Liang G Abstract Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a major type of lung cancer with high morbidity and mortality. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been reported to be important in development and progression of NSCLC. However, the role of lncRNA...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
Functional Study of Haemophilus ducreyi Cytolethal Distending Toxin Subunit B.
Related Articles Functional Study of Haemophilus ducreyi Cytolethal Distending Toxin Subunit B. Toxins (Basel). 2020 Aug 19;12(9): Authors: Pons BJ, Loiseau N, Hashim S, Tadrist S, Mirey G, Vignard J Abstract The Cytolethal Distending Toxin (CDT) is produced by many Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria responsible for major foodborne diseases worldwide. CDT induces DNA damage and cell cycle arrest in host-cells, eventually leading to senescence...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
Cytotoxic and Anti-Plasmodial Activities of Stephania dielsiana Y.C. Wu Extracts and the Isolated Compounds.
Related Articles Cytotoxic and Anti-Plasmodial Activities of Stephania dielsiana Y.C. Wu Extracts and the Isolated Compounds. Molecules. 2020 Aug 18;25(16): Authors: Knockleby J, Pradines B, Gendrot M, Mosnier J, Nguyen TT, Trinh TT, Lee H, Le PM Abstract Natural products remain a viable source of novel therapeutics, and as detection and extraction techniques improve, we can identify more molecules from a broader set of plant tissues. The...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
Anthocyanin-Enriched Riceberry Rice Extract Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes by Downregulating Adipogenic Transcription Factors and Their Targeting Genes.
Related Articles Anthocyanin-Enriched Riceberry Rice Extract Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes by Downregulating Adipogenic Transcription Factors and Their Targeting Genes. Nutrients. 2020 Aug 17;12(8): Authors: Kongthitilerd P, Suantawee T, Cheng H, Thilavech T, Marnpae M, Adisakwattana S Abstract Riceberry rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a new pigmented variety of rice from Thailand. Despite its high anthocyanin...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
YB-1 Knockdown Inhibits the Proliferation of Mesothelioma Cells through Multiple Mechanisms.
Related Articles YB-1 Knockdown Inhibits the Proliferation of Mesothelioma Cells through Multiple Mechanisms. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Aug 14;12(8): Authors: Johnson TG, Schelch K, Lai K, Marzec KA, Kennerson M, Grusch M, Reid G, Burgess A Abstract Y-box binding protein-1 (YB-1) is a multifunctional oncoprotein that has been shown to regulate proliferation, invasion and metastasis in a variety of cancer types. We previously demonstrated that...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sun Aug 23, 2020 13:11
Natural alkaloid tryptanthrin exhibits novel anticryptococcal activity.
Natural alkaloid tryptanthrin exhibits novel anticryptococcal activity. Med Mycol. 2020 Aug 21;: Authors: Lin CJ, Chang YL, Yang YL, Chen YL Abstract Cryptococcal meningitis is a prevalent invasive fungal infection that causes around 180 000 deaths annually. Currently, treatment for cryptococcal meningitis is limited and new therapeutic options are needed. Historically, medicinal plants are used to treat infectious and inflammatory skin...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
miR-5193, regulated by FUT1, suppresses proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer cells by targeting TRIM11.
miR-5193, regulated by FUT1, suppresses proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer cells by targeting TRIM11. Pathol Res Pract. 2020 Aug 01;216(11):153148 Authors: Song Z, Guo Q, Wang H, Gao L, Wang S, Liu D, Liu J, Qi Y, Lin B Abstract Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy worldwide. A better understanding of the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer may help to improve the overall survival. Our previous studies have...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
Design and synthesis of novel Flavone-based histone deacetylase inhibitors antagonizing activation of STAT3 in breast cancer.
Design and synthesis of novel Flavone-based histone deacetylase inhibitors antagonizing activation of STAT3 in breast cancer. Eur J Med Chem. 2020 Aug 01;206:112677 Authors: Wei M, Xie M, Zhang Z, Wei Y, Zhang J, Pan H, Li B, Wang J, Song Y, Chong C, Zhao R, Wang J, Yu L, Yang G, Yang C Abstract Histone deacetylases (HDACs) inhibitors have demonstrated a great clinical achievement in hematological malignancies. However, the efficacy of...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
Enhancement of glioblastoma multiforme therapy through a novel Quercetin-Losartan hybrid.
Enhancement of glioblastoma multiforme therapy through a novel Quercetin-Losartan hybrid. Free Radic Biol Med. 2020 Aug 18;: Authors: Tsiailanis AD, Renziehausen A, Kiriakidi S, Vrettos EI, Markopoulos GS, Sayyad N, Hirmiz B, Aguilar MI, Del Borgo MP, Kolettas E, Widdop RE, Mavromoustakos T, Crook T, Syed N, Tzakos AG Abstract Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary malignant brain tumor. Maximal surgical...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
Cellular Senescence in Arterial Diseases.
Related Articles Cellular Senescence in Arterial Diseases. J Lipid Atheroscler. 2020 Jan;9(1):79-91 Authors: Shimizu I, Minamino T Abstract Cell-proliferation potency is limited, as cells cannot proceed through the cell cycle continually. Instead, they eventually show an irreversible arrest of proliferation, commonly referred to as cellular senescence. Following the initial discovery of this phenomenon by Hayflick et al., studies have indicated...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
miR-502-5p affects gastric cancer progression by targeting PD-L1.
Related Articles miR-502-5p affects gastric cancer progression by targeting PD-L1. Cancer Cell Int. 2020;20:395 Authors: You W, Liu X, Yu Y, Chen C, Xiong Y, Liu Y, Sun Y, Tan C, Zhang H, Wang Y, Li R Abstract Background: Studies have shown that miR-502-5p functions as a tumor suppressor and is associated with tumor growth and metastasis. This study intends to uncover the potential mechanism of miR-502-5p functioning as a tumor suppressor...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
Quantifying CDK inhibitor selectivity in live cells.
Related Articles Quantifying CDK inhibitor selectivity in live cells. Nat Commun. 2020 06 02;11(1):2743 Authors: Wells CI, Vasta JD, Corona CR, Wilkinson J, Zimprich CA, Ingold MR, Pickett JE, Drewry DH, Pugh KM, Schwinn MK, Hwang BB, Zegzouti H, Huber KVM, Cong M, Meisenheimer PL, Willson TM, Robers MB Abstract Concerted multidisciplinary efforts have led to the development of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase inhibitors (CDKi's) as small molecule...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
DHX33 Recruits Gadd45a To Cause DNA Demethylation and Regulates a Subset of Gene Transcription.
Related Articles DHX33 Recruits Gadd45a To Cause DNA Demethylation and Regulates a Subset of Gene Transcription. Mol Cell Biol. 2020 06 15;40(13): Authors: Feng W, Chen S, Wang J, Wang X, Chen H, Ning W, Zhang Y Abstract RNA helicase DHX33 was found to regulate the transcription of multiple genes involved in cancer development. But the underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear. Here, we found DHX33 associated extensively with gene promoters...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Sat Aug 22, 2020 13:59
Microarray analysis of gene expression differences in microglia after exposure to graphene quantum dots.
Microarray analysis of gene expression differences in microglia after exposure to graphene quantum dots. Sci Total Environ. 2020 Aug 08;749:141385 Authors: Liang X, Wu T, Tang M Abstract Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have been broadly applied in biomedicine in recent years. So far, researches have reported that GQDs might contribute to the injury of the central nervous system (CNS), yet the latent toxicological mechanism is not clear. This...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Fri Aug 21, 2020 21:51
p53 activation during ribosome biogenesis regulates normal erythroid differentiation.
Related Articles p53 activation during ribosome biogenesis regulates normal erythroid differentiation. Blood. 2020 Aug 20;: Authors: Le Goff S, Boussaid I, Floquet C, Raimbault A, Hatin I, Andrieu-Soler C, Salma M, Leduc M, Gautier EF, Guyot B, d'Allard D, Montel-Lehry N, Ducamp S, Houvert A, Guillonneau F, Giraudier S, Cramer-Borde E, Morle F, Diaz JJ, Hermine O, Taylor N, Kinet S, Verdier F, Padua RA, Narla M, Gleizes PE, Soler E, Mayeux P, Fontenay M ...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Fri Aug 21, 2020 21:51
A specialized population of Periostin-expressing cardiac fibroblasts contributes to postnatal cardiomyocyte maturation and innervation.
Related Articles A specialized population of Periostin-expressing cardiac fibroblasts contributes to postnatal cardiomyocyte maturation and innervation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Aug 17;: Authors: Hortells L, Valiente-Alandi I, Thomas ZM, Agnew EJ, Schnell DJ, York AJ, Vagnozzi RJ, Meyer EC, Molkentin JD, Yutzey KE Abstract During the postnatal period in mammals, the cardiac muscle transitions from hyperplasic to hypertrophic growth,...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Fri Aug 21, 2020 21:51
A division of labor between YAP and TAZ in non-small cell lung cancer.
Related Articles A division of labor between YAP and TAZ in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Res. 2020 Aug 14;: Authors: Shaked MS, Dassa B, Sinha S, Di Agostino S, Azuri I, Mukherjee S, Aylon Y, Blandino G, Ruppin E, Oren M Abstract Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. The paralogous transcriptional cofactors Yes-associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ, also...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Fri Aug 21, 2020 21:51
Berberine, a natural alkaloid sensitizes human hepatocarcinoma to ionizing radiation by blocking autophagy and cell cycle arrest resulting in senescence.
Related Articles Berberine, a natural alkaloid sensitizes human hepatocarcinoma to ionizing radiation by blocking autophagy and cell cycle arrest resulting in senescence. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2020 Aug 20;: Authors: Ramesh G, Das S, Bola Sadashiva SR Abstract OBJECTIVE: To study the radiosensitizing potential of Berberine and the underlying mechanism in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells. METHODS: HepG2 cells were challenged with...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Fri Aug 21, 2020 21:51
Increased ABCC2 expression predicts cisplatin resistance in non-small cell lung cancer.
Related Articles Increased ABCC2 expression predicts cisplatin resistance in non-small cell lung cancer. Cell Biochem Funct. 2020 Aug 20;: Authors: Chen Y, Zhou H, Yang S, Su D Abstract Long-term use of platinum-based drugs can cause non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to develop extremely strong drug resistance. Increasing the drug dosage does not have better treatment effects and could lead to serious complications. High levels of drug...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Fri Aug 21, 2020 21:51

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