Pediatric Radiology
- Modification of chest radiography exposure parameters using a neonatal chest phantomAbstract Background The acquisition of chest radiographs in neonates is of critical importance in diagnostics because of the risk of respiratory distress syndrome and pneumothorax in preterm infants. Objective To achieve a dose reduction while preserving a diagnostic image quality for chest radiographs of
- Periodontitis and vascular inflammatory biomarkers: an experimental in vivo study in ratsAbstract The objective of this preclinical in vivo study was to determine changes in vascular inflammatory biomarkers in systemic circulation after injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) in rats. Experimental periodontitis was induced by injections of Pg-LPS. Gingival soft and hard tissues changes were analysed by means of magnetic resonance imaging and micro computed tomography. Serum levels o
- Maxillary sinus size and posterior tooth inclination in Japanese orthodontic patients with agenesis of maxillary second premolarsAbstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the expansion of the maxillary sinus and the inclinations of posterior teeth in orthodontic patients with maxillary second premolar agenesis. A total of 30 subjects with one or two congenitally missing maxillary second premolars and retained maxillary deciduous second molars (a agenesis group) were selected and divided into a unilateral agenesis group (20 subjects with one m
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
- Polygenic adaptation after a sudden change in environment [NEW RESULTS]Polygenic adaptation in response to selection on quantitative traits is thought to be ubiquitous in humans and other species, yet this mode of adaptation remains poorly understood. We investigate the dynamics of this process, assuming that a sudden change in environment shifts the optimal value of a highly polygenic quantitative trait. We find that when the shift is not too large relative to the genetic variance in the trait and this variance ari
- Hunting strategies and the lateral line of Astyanax mexicanus larva [NEW RESULTS]The lateral line is the primary modality fish use to create a hydrodynamic image of their environment. These images contribute to a variety of behaviors, from rheotaxis to escape responses. Here we discern the contributions of visual and lateral line modalities in hunting behavior of larvae that have developed under different photic conditions. In particular, cave animals have a hypertrophied sense of mechanosensation, and we studied the common a
- Geographic variation in hemocyte diversity and phagocytic propensity shows a diffuse genomic signature in the green veined white butterfly [NEW RESULTS]Insects rely on their innate immune system to successfully mediate complex interactions with their internal microbiota, as well as the microbes present in the environment. Given the variation in microbes across habitats, the challenges to respond to them is likely to result in local adaptation in the immune system. Here we focus upon phagocytosis, a mechanism by which pathogens and foreign particles are engulfed in order to be contained, killed a
- "Abnormal vertebral patterns in genetically heterogeneous deceased fetuses and neonates: evidence of selection against variations" [CONFIRMATORY RESULTS]ObjectiveTo assess the vertebral pattern in a cohort of deceased fetuses and neonates, and to study the possible impact of DNA Copy Number Variations (CNVs) in coding regions and/or disturbing enhancers on the development of the vertebral pattern. MethodRadiographs of 445 fetuses and infants, deceased between 2009 and 2015, were assessed. Terminations of pregnancies, stillbirths and neonatal deaths were included. Patients were excluded if the
- Model-based assessments of differential introgression and linked natural selection during divergence and speciation [NEW RESULTS]Demographic changes such as fluctuating population size and differential introgression can mask the effects of natural selection, and affect rates of genome evolution, local adaptation, reproductive isolation, and eventual speciation. Besides identifying differentially introgressing genes (and genomic regions) that are "labeled" to be retroactively causal to adaptive evolution and speciation, there is significant impetus to understand, and perhap
- Bacterial flagellar motor PL-ring disassembly Sub-complexes are widespread and ancient [NEW RESULTS]The bacterial flagellar motor is an amazing nanomachine. Understanding how such complex structures arose is crucial to our understanding of cellular evolution. We and others recently reported that in several Gammaproteobacterial species, a relic sub-complex comprising the decorated P- and L-rings persists in the outer membrane after flagellum disassembly. Imaging nine additional species with cryo-electron tomography, here we show that this sub-co
PeerJ Computer Science
- Effects of trapping effort and trap placement on estimating abundance of Humboldt’s flying squirrelsLive trapping is a common tool used to assess demography of small mammals. However, live-trapping is often expensive and stressful to captured individuals. Thus, assessing the relative tradeoffs among study goals, project expenses, and animal well-being is necessary. Here, we evaluated how apparent bias and precision of estimates for apparent annual survival, abundance, capture probability, and recapture probability of Humboldt’s flying squirrels
- An application of PCR-RFLP species identification assay for environmental DNA detectionRecent advancement of environmental DNA (eDNA) methods for surveying species in aquatic ecosystems has been used for various organisms and contributed to monitoring and conservation of species and environments. Amphibians are one of the promising taxa which could be monitored efficiently by applying quantitative PCR (qPCR) or next generation sequencing to eDNA. However, the cost of eDNA detection using these approaches can be quite high and requi
- Structural, functional and molecular dynamics analysis of cathepsin B gene SNPs associated with tropical calcific pancreatitis, a rare disease of tropicsTropical Calcific Pancreatitis (TCP) is a neglected juvenile form of chronic non-alcoholic pancreatitis. Cathepsin B (CTSB), a lysosomal protease involved in the cellular degradation process, has recently been studied as a potential candidate gene in the pathogenesis of TCP. According to the Cathepsin B hypothesis, mutated CTSB can lead to premature intracellular activation of trypsinogen, a key regulatory mechanism in pancreatitis. So far, CTSB
- Establishment of an in vitro model of cultured viable human, porcine and canine skin and comparison of different media supplementsTransdermal drug delivery provides several advantages over conventional drug administration, such as the avoidance of first-pass metabolism and better patient compliance. In vitro research can abbreviate and facilitate the pharmaceutical development considerably compared to in vivo research as drug screening and clinical studies can be reduced. These advantages led to the development of corresponding skin models. Viable skin models are more use
Head and Neck
- Early mortality after diagnosis of cancer of the head and neck - A population-based nationwide study.Related ArticlesEarly mortality after diagnosis of cancer of the head and neck - A population-based nationwide study. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0223154 Authors: Talani C, Mäkitie A, Beran M, Holmberg E, Laurell G, Farnebo L Abstract BACKGROUND: Cancers of the head and neck have a high mortality rate, and roughly 10% of the patients die within six months of diagnosis. To our knowledge little has been wri
- Associations between FDG-PET and Ki 67-index in head and neck cancer: A meta-analysis.Related ArticlesAssociations between FDG-PET and Ki 67-index in head and neck cancer: A meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Oct;98(40):e17472 Authors: Meyer HJ, Gundermann P, Surov A Abstract BACKGROUND: FDG-PET might be able to reflect histopathology features of tumors. Ki 67 in head and neck carcinomas (HNSCC). The present study sought to elucidate the association between Ki 67 index and SUVm
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Otology & Neurotology Published Ahead-of-Print
- Musical Ear Syndrome and Cochlear Explantation: Case Report and Proposal for a Theoretical FrameworkObjective: To report an unusual case of musical ear syndrome, and to present a theoretical framework for this condition, merging information from the presented case and from former case reports. Patient: A 67-year-old semi-professional musician, who underwent bilateral cochlear implantation and experienced musical ear syndrome, i.e., hearing music, where none was present. Interventions: Cochlear implantation with a bilateral cochlear
Head and Neck
- Head and Neck Cancer Detection in Digitized Whole-Slide Histology Using Convolutional Neural Networks.Related ArticlesHead and Neck Cancer Detection in Digitized Whole-Slide Histology Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Sci Rep. 2019 Oct 01;9(1):14043 Authors: Halicek M, Shahedi M, Little JV, Chen AY, Myers LL, Sumer BD, Fei B Abstract Primary management for head and neck cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), involves surgical resection with negative cancer margins. Pathologists guide su
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BMC Research Notes
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ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Παρασκευή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2019
Pediatric Radiology
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
PeerJ Computer Science
Head and Neck
Otology & Neurotology Published Ahead-of-Print
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BMC Research Notes
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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