Particles, Vol. 2, Pages 447-456: Strange Stars in the Vector Interaction Enhanced Bag ModelParticles, Vol. 2, Pages 447-456: Strange Stars in the Vector Interaction Enhanced Bag Model Particles doi: 10.3390/particles2040027 Authors: Marc Salinas Thomas Klähn Prashanth Jaikumar The vector interaction enhanced Bag model (vBag) for dense quark matter extends the commonly used thermodynamic Bag model (tdBag) by incorporating effects of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (D χ SB) and vector repulsion. Motivated byPathogens
- Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 197: In Vitro Benznidazole and Nifurtimox Susceptibility Profile of Trypanosoma cruzi Strains Belonging to Discrete Typing Units TcI, TcII, and TcVPathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 197: In Vitro Benznidazole and Nifurtimox Susceptibility Profile of Trypanosoma cruzi Strains Belonging to Discrete Typing Units TcI, TcII, and TcV Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040197 Authors: Susana Revollo Bruno Oury Andrea Vela Michel Tibayrenc Denis Sereno We ascertain the in vitro Benznidazole (BZN) and Nifurtimox (NFX) susceptibility pattern of epimastigotes, trypomastigotes, and amastig
- Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 196: Formation and Maintenance of Tissue Resident Memory CD8+ T Cells after Viral InfectionPathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 196: Formation and Maintenance of Tissue Resident Memory CD8+ T Cells after Viral Infection Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040196 Authors: David J. Topham Emma C. Reilly Kris Lambert Emo Mike Sportiello Tissue resident memory (TRM) CD8 T cells comprise a memory population that forms in peripheral, non-lymphoid tissues after an infection that does not recirculate into the bloodstream or other tissue
- Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 195: An Acute Stress Model in New Zealand White Rabbits Exhibits Altered Immune Response to Infection with West Nile VirusPathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 195: An Acute Stress Model in New Zealand White Rabbits Exhibits Altered Immune Response to Infection with West Nile Virus Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040195 Authors: Willy W. Suen Mitchell Imoda Albert W. Thomas Nur N.B.M. Nasir Nawaporn Tearnsing Wenqi Wang Helle Bielefeldt-Ohmann The immune competence of an individual is a major determinant of morbidity in West Nile virus (WNV)-infec
- Pathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 194: Antigenic Site Variation in the Hemagglutinin of Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Viruses between 2009–2017 in UkrainePathogens, Vol. 8, Pages 194: Antigenic Site Variation in the Hemagglutinin of Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Viruses between 2009–2017 in Ukraine Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens8040194 Authors: Oksana Zolotarova Iryna Budzanivska Liudmyla Leibenko Larysa Radchenko Alla Mironenko The hemagglutinin (HA) is a major influenza virus antigen, which, once recognized by antibodies and substitutions in HA genes, helps virus in
- Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 12, Pages 158: Neural Predictors of the Antidepressant Placebo ResponsePharmaceuticals, Vol. 12, Pages 158: Neural Predictors of the Antidepressant Placebo Response Pharmaceuticals doi: 10.3390/ph12040158 Authors: Danielle Rette Erin McDonald Dan V. Iosifescu Katherine A. Collins The antidepressant placebo response remains a barrier to the development of novel therapies for depression, despite decades of efforts to identify and methodologically address its clinical correlates. This manuscript r
- Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 544: Optimization and Prediction of Ibuprofen Release from 3D DLP Printlets Using Artificial Neural NetworksPharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 544: Optimization and Prediction of Ibuprofen Release from 3D DLP Printlets Using Artificial Neural Networks Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11100544 Authors: Madzarevic Medarevic Vulovic Sustersic Djuris Filipovic Ibric The aim of this work was to investigate effects of the formulation factors on tablet printability as well as to optimize and predict extended drug releas
- Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 543: Active Cellular and Subcellular Targeting of Nanoparticles for Drug DeliveryPharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 543: Active Cellular and Subcellular Targeting of Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11100543 Authors: Okhil K. Nag James B. Delehanty Nanoparticle (NP)-mediated drug delivery (NMDD) for active targeting of diseases is a primary goal of nanomedicine. NPs have much to offer in overcoming the limitations of traditional drug delivery approaches, including off-target d
- Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 542: Utilizing a Kidney-Targeting Peptide to Improve Renal Deposition of a Pro-Angiogenic Protein BiopolymerPharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 542: Utilizing a Kidney-Targeting Peptide to Improve Renal Deposition of a Pro-Angiogenic Protein Biopolymer Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11100542 Authors: Fakhri Mahdi Alejandro R. Chade Gene L. Bidwell Elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) are versatile protein biopolymers used in drug delivery due to their modular nature, allowing fusion of therapeutics and targeting agents. We previously d
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 430: Improved Production of Industrially Important Essential Oils Through Elicitation in the Adventitious Roots of Artemisia amygdalinaPlants, Vol. 8, Pages 430: Improved Production of Industrially Important Essential Oils Through Elicitation in the Adventitious Roots of Artemisia amygdalina Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100430 Authors: Faqeer Taj Mubarak Ali Khan Huma Ali Raham Sher Khan The limited production of bioactive essential oils in natural plants does not meet the increasing worldwide market demand. Plant cell culture technology can be used for the h
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 429: Water Regime and Nitrogen Management to Cope with Wheat Yield Variability under the Mediterranean Conditions of Southern PortugalPlants, Vol. 8, Pages 429: Water Regime and Nitrogen Management to Cope with Wheat Yield Variability under the Mediterranean Conditions of Southern Portugal Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100429 Authors: Manuel Patanita Alexandra Tomaz Tiago Ramos Patrícia Oliveira Luís Boteta José Dôres Global climate change accentuates the seasonal and interannual irregularity of temperature and precipitation of the Mediterranean climate
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 428: Exogenous Tebuconazole and Trifloxystrobin Regulates Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism Toward Mitigating Salt-Induced Damages in Cucumber SeedlingPlants, Vol. 8, Pages 428: Exogenous Tebuconazole and Trifloxystrobin Regulates Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism Toward Mitigating Salt-Induced Damages in Cucumber Seedling Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100428 Authors: Sayed Mohammad Mohsin Mirza Hasanuzzaman M. H. M. Borhannuddin Bhuyan Khursheda Parvin Masayuki Fujita The present study investigated the role of tebuconazole (TEB) and trifloxystrobin (TRI) on cucumber plan
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 426: Do No Harm: Efficacy of a Single Herbicide Application to Control an Invasive Shrub While Minimizing Collateral Damage to Native SpeciesPlants, Vol. 8, Pages 426: Do No Harm: Efficacy of a Single Herbicide Application to Control an Invasive Shrub While Minimizing Collateral Damage to Native Species Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100426 Authors: David J. Gibson Lindsay A. Shupert Xian Liu Control of invasive exotic species in restorations without compromising the native plant community is a challenge. Efficacy of exotic species control needs to consider collateral e
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 427: Selenium Application During Radish (Raphanus sativus) Plant Development Alters Glucosinolate Metabolic Gene Expression and Results in the Production of 4-(methylseleno)but-3-enyl glucosinolatePlants, Vol. 8, Pages 427: Selenium Application During Radish (Raphanus sativus) Plant Development Alters Glucosinolate Metabolic Gene Expression and Results in the Production of 4-(methylseleno)but-3-enyl glucosinolate Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100427 Authors: Marian McKenzie Adam Matich Donald Hunter Azadeh Esfandiari Stephen Trolove Ronan Chen Ross Lill Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for human healt
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 425: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-Genotype-By-Sequencing Analyses Reveal the Bean Chemical Profiles and Relatedness of Coffea canephora Genotypes in NigeriaPlants, Vol. 8, Pages 425: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-Genotype-By-Sequencing Analyses Reveal the Bean Chemical Profiles and Relatedness of Coffea canephora Genotypes in Nigeria Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100425 Authors: Chinyere F. Anagbogu Christopher O. Ilori Ranjana Bhattacharjee Olufemi O. Olaniyi Diane M. Beckles The flavor and health benefits of coffee (Coffea spp.) are d
- Plants, Vol. 8, Pages 424: Climatic Niche Shift during Azolla filiculoides Invasion and Its Potential Distribution under Future ScenariosPlants, Vol. 8, Pages 424: Climatic Niche Shift during Azolla filiculoides Invasion and Its Potential Distribution under Future Scenarios Plants doi: 10.3390/plants8100424 Authors: Argantonio Rodríguez-Merino Rocío Fernández-Zamudio Pablo García-Murillo Jesús Muñoz In order to prevent future biological invasions, it is crucial to know non-native species distributions. We evaluated the potential global distribution of Azolla
- Proteomes, Vol. 7, Pages 35: Proteomic Analysis of 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Treated with Insulin and TNF-αProteomes, Vol. 7, Pages 35: Proteomic Analysis of 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Treated with Insulin and TNF-α Proteomes doi: 10.3390/proteomes7040035 Authors: Hayley Chan Ketaki P. Bhide Aditya Vaidyam Victoria Hedrick Tiago Jose Paschoal Sobreira Thomas G. Sors Ryan W. Grant Uma K. Aryal Insulin resistance is an indication of early stage Type 2 diabetes (T2D). Insulin resistant adipose tissues contain higher levels of ins
- Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 586: Can Religiosity Be Explained by ‘Brain Wiring’? An Analysis of US Adults’ OpinionsReligions, Vol. 10, Pages 586: Can Religiosity Be Explained by ‘Brain Wiring’? An Analysis of US Adults’ Opinions Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10100586 Authors: Sharan Kaur Mehta Christopher P. Scheitle Elaine Howard Ecklund Studies examining how religion shapes individuals’ attitudes about science have focused heavily on a narrow range of topics, such as evolution. This study expands this literature by looking at how religi
- Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 585: A Preliminary Controlled Vocabulary for the Description of Hagiographic TextsReligions, Vol. 10, Pages 585: A Preliminary Controlled Vocabulary for the Description of Hagiographic Texts Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10100585 Authors: David M. DiValerio As a genre defined by its content rather than by its form, the extreme diversity of the kinds of texts that can be considered “hagiographic” often proves an impediment to the progress of comparative hagiology. This essay offers some suggestions for the
- Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 583: Constructing the Problem of Religious Freedom: An Analysis of Australian Government Inquiries into Religious FreedomReligions, Vol. 10, Pages 583: Constructing the Problem of Religious Freedom: An Analysis of Australian Government Inquiries into Religious Freedom Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10100583 Authors: Elenie Poulos Australia is the only western democracy without a comprehensive human rights instrument and has only limited protection for religious freedom in its constitution. It was Australia’s growing religious diversity—the resul
- Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 584: A Process Theology of Hope: The Counter Apocalyptic Vision of Catherine KellerReligions, Vol. 10, Pages 584: A Process Theology of Hope: The Counter Apocalyptic Vision of Catherine Keller Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10100584 Authors: Brian Macallan Christianity continues to decline in the traditional west, yet is at the same time experiencing significant growth in the majority world. Research indicates that by 2060 the portion of those who identify as non-religious will decline significantly across the globe. Ch
- Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 105: Three Essays on StoppingRisks, Vol. 7, Pages 105: Three Essays on Stopping Risks doi: 10.3390/risks7040105 Authors: Eberhard Mayerhofer First, we give a closed-form formula for first passage time of a reflected Brownian motion with drift. This corrects a formula by Perry et al. (2004). Second, we show that the maximum before a fixed drawdown is exponentially distributed for any drawdown, if and only if the diffusion characteristic μ / σ 2
- Sci, Vol. 1, Pages 61: On Mautner-Type Probability of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable ExoplanetsSci, Vol. 1, Pages 61: On Mautner-Type Probability of Capture of Intergalactic Meteor Particles by Habitable Exoplanets Sci doi: 10.3390/sci1030061 Authors: Kovacevic Both macro and microprojectiles (e.g., interplanetary, interstellar and even intergalactic material) are seen as important vehicles for the exchange of potential (bio)material within our solar system as well as between stellar systems in our Galaxy. Accordingly, this r
- Sports, Vol. 7, Pages 226: Post-Exercise Recovery Following 30-Day Supplementation of Trans-Resveratrol and Polyphenol-Enriched ExtractsSports, Vol. 7, Pages 226: Post-Exercise Recovery Following 30-Day Supplementation of Trans-Resveratrol and Polyphenol-Enriched Extracts Sports doi: 10.3390/sports7100226 Authors: Edward Jo Rachel Bartosh Alexandra T. Auslander Dean Directo Adam Osmond Michael WH Wong Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 30-day consumption of trans-resveratrol and polyphenol-enriched extracts on indic
- Technologies, Vol. 7, Pages 75: Towards Safer Primers: A ReviewTechnologies, Vol. 7, Pages 75: Towards Safer Primers: A Review Technologies doi: 10.3390/technologies7040075 Authors: Stefan Lundgaard Soon Hock Ng Damien Cahill Johan Dahlberg Dong Ruan Nerida Cole Paul R. Stoddart Saulius Juodkazis Primers are used to reliably initiate a secondary explosive in a wide range of industrial and defence applications. However, established primer technologies pose both direct and ind
- Toxics, Vol. 7, Pages 55: The Source and Pathophysiologic Significance of Excreted CadmiumToxics, Vol. 7, Pages 55: The Source and Pathophysiologic Significance of Excreted Cadmium Toxics doi: 10.3390/toxics7040055 Authors: Soisungwan Satarug David A. Vesey Werawan Ruangyuttikarn Muneko Nishijo Glenda C. Gobe Kenneth R. Phelps In theory, the identification of the source of excreted cadmium (Cd) might elucidate the pathogenesis of Cd-induced chronic kidney disease (CKD). With that possibility in mind, we stu
- Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 608: Plasma Levels of Oxidative Stress Markers, before and after BoNT/A Treatment, in Chronic MigraineToxins, Vol. 11, Pages 608: Plasma Levels of Oxidative Stress Markers, before and after BoNT/A Treatment, in Chronic Migraine Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11100608 Authors: Elisa Dini Sonia Mazzucchi Ciro De Luca Martina Cafalli Lucia Chico Annalisa Lo Gerfo Gabriele Siciliano Ubaldo Bonuccelli Filippo Baldacci Sara Gori The pathophysiological mechanisms of migraine transformation are debated. Modifications of
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- Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 606: The Mode of Action of Bacillus Species against Fusarium graminearum, Tools for Investigation, and Future ProspectsToxins, Vol. 11, Pages 606: The Mode of Action of Bacillus Species against Fusarium graminearum, Tools for Investigation, and Future Prospects Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11100606 Authors: Khayalethu Ntushelo Lesiba Klaas Ledwaba Molemi Evelyn Rauwane Oluwafemi Ayodeji Adebo Patrick Berka Njobeh Fusarium graminearum is a pervasive plant pathogenic fungal species. Biological control agents employ various strategies to weaken
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
- TropicalMed, Vol. 4, Pages 131: Cryptosporidiosis among Hemodialysis Patients in Jordan: First Preliminary Screening SurveillanceTropicalMed, Vol. 4, Pages 131: Cryptosporidiosis among Hemodialysis Patients in Jordan: First Preliminary Screening Surveillance Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed4040131 Authors: AbdelRahman M. Zueter Nawal S. Hijjawi Khaled N. Hamadeneh Maysa M. Al-Sheyab Amal M. Hatamleh Few studies have reported the incidence of cryptosporidiosis among hemodialysis patients worldwide. Currently many mol
- Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 155: Comparisons of Vaccine Hesitancy across Five Low- and Middle-Income CountriesVaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 155: Comparisons of Vaccine Hesitancy across Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines7040155 Authors: Abram L. Wagner Nina B. Masters Gretchen J. Domek Joseph L. Mathew Xiaodong Sun Edwin J. Asturias Jia Ren Zhuoying Huang Ingrid L. Contreras-Roldan Berhanu Gebremeskel Matthew L. Boulton Vaccine hesitancy is a continuum of behaviors ranging from delay i
- Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 154: The Impact of the Antigenic Composition of Chimeric Proteins on Their Immunoprotective Activity against Chronic Toxoplasmosis in MiceVaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 154: The Impact of the Antigenic Composition of Chimeric Proteins on Their Immunoprotective Activity against Chronic Toxoplasmosis in Mice Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines7040154 Authors: Justyna Gatkowska Katarzyna Dzitko Bartłomiej Tomasz Ferra Lucyna Holec-Gąsior Malwina Kawka Bożena Dziadek Toxoplasmosis may pose a serious threat for individuals with weakened or undeveloped immune systems. How
- Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 156: Anti-Leishmanial Vaccines: Assumptions, Approaches, and AnnulmentsVaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 156: Anti-Leishmanial Vaccines: Assumptions, Approaches, and Annulments Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines7040156 Authors: Shubhranshu Zutshi Sunil Kumar Prashant Chauhan Yashwant Bansode Arathi Nair Somenath Roy Arup Sarkar Bhaskar Saha Leishmaniasis is a neglected protozoan parasitic disease that occurs in 88 countries but a vaccine is unavailable. Vaccination with live, killed, attenuated (
Veterinary Sciences
- Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 6, Pages 82: Development and Evaluation of Epitope-Blocking ELISA for Detection of Antibodies against Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia in Goat SeraVeterinary Sciences, Vol. 6, Pages 82: Development and Evaluation of Epitope-Blocking ELISA for Detection of Antibodies against Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia in Goat Sera Veterinary Sciences doi: 10.3390/vetsci6040082 Authors: Baziki Jean de Dieu Bodjo S. Charles Nick Nwankpa Ethel Chitsungo Cisse Rahamatou Moustapha Boukary Naomi Maina Takele A. Tefera Rume Veronica Nwankpa Nduta Mwangi Yao Mathurin Koffi
- Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 6, Pages 81: Genetically Related Mycobacterium bovis Strains Displayed Differential Intracellular Growth in Bovine MacrophagesVeterinary Sciences, Vol. 6, Pages 81: Genetically Related Mycobacterium bovis Strains Displayed Differential Intracellular Growth in Bovine Macrophages Veterinary Sciences doi: 10.3390/vetsci6040081 Authors: Alejandro Benítez-Guzmán Hugo Esquivel-Solís Cecilia Romero-Torres Camila Arriaga-Díaz José A. Gutiérrez-Pabello Molecular typing of bacterial isolates provides a powerful approach for distinguishing Mycobacterium bo
- Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 967: Simian Foamy Viruses in Central and South America: A New World of DiscoveryViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 967: Simian Foamy Viruses in Central and South America: A New World of Discovery Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11100967 Authors: André F. Santos Liliane T. F. Cavalcante Cláudia P. Muniz William M. Switzer Marcelo A. Soares Foamy viruses (FVs) are the only exogenous retrovirus to date known to infect neotropical primates (NPs). In the last decade, an increasing number of strains have been completely or par
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- Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 965: Characterization of Equine Parvovirus in Thoroughbred Breeding Horses from GermanyViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 965: Characterization of Equine Parvovirus in Thoroughbred Breeding Horses from Germany Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11100965 Authors: Meister Tegtmeyer Brüggemann Sieme Feige Todt Stang Cavalleri Steinmann An equine parvovirus-hepatitis (EqPV-H) has been recently identified in association with equine serum hepatitis, also known as Theiler’s disease. The disease was first descri
- Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 963: Equine Rhinitis A Virus Infection in Thoroughbred Racehorses—A Putative Role in Poor Performance?Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 963: Equine Rhinitis A Virus Infection in Thoroughbred Racehorses—A Putative Role in Poor Performance? Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11100963 Authors: Back Weld Walsh Cullinane The aim of this study was to identify respiratory viruses circulating amongst elite racehorses in a training yard by serological testing of serial samples and to determine their impact on health status and ability to race. A six-mo
- Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 964: Novel Antiviral Activities of Obatoclax, Emetine, Niclosamide, Brequinar, and HomoharringtonineViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 964: Novel Antiviral Activities of Obatoclax, Emetine, Niclosamide, Brequinar, and Homoharringtonine Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11100964 Authors: Andersen Krpina Ianevski Shtaida Jo Yang Koit Tenson Hukkanen Anthonsen Bjoras Evander Windisch Zusinaite Kainov Viruses are the major causes of acute and chronic infectious diseases in the world. According to the W
- Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 962: In Vitro and In Vivo Metabolomic Profiling after Infection with Virulent Newcastle Disease VirusViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 962: In Vitro and In Vivo Metabolomic Profiling after Infection with Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11100962 Authors: Panrao Liu Yuncong Yin Yabin Gong Xusheng Qiu Yingjie Sun Lei Tan Cuiping Song Weiwei Liu Ying Liao Chunchun Meng Chan Ding Newcastle disease (ND) is an acute, febrile, highly contagious disease caused by the virulent Newcastle disease virus
- Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 961: Viral Innate Immune Evasion and the Pathogenesis of Emerging RNA Virus InfectionsViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 961: Viral Innate Immune Evasion and the Pathogenesis of Emerging RNA Virus Infections Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11100961 Authors: Tessa Nelemans Marjolein Kikkert Positive-sense single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) viruses comprise many (re-)emerging human pathogens that pose a public health problem. Our innate immune system and, in particular, the interferon response form the important first line of defence against t
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2183: Quantify Piston and Preferential Water Flow in Deep Soil Using Cl− and Soil Water Profiles in Deforested Apple Orchards on the Loess Plateau, ChinaWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2183: Quantify Piston and Preferential Water Flow in Deep Soil Using Cl− and Soil Water Profiles in Deforested Apple Orchards on the Loess Plateau, China Water doi: 10.3390/w11102183 Authors: Zhiqiang Zhang Bingcheng Si Huijie Li Min Li Piston and preferential water flow are viewed as the two dominant water transport mechanisms regulating terrestrial water and solute cycles. However, it is difficult to
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2182: Dewatering Characteristics and Inflow Prediction of Deep Foundation Pits with Partial Penetrating Curtains in Sand and Gravel StrataWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2182: Dewatering Characteristics and Inflow Prediction of Deep Foundation Pits with Partial Penetrating Curtains in Sand and Gravel Strata Water doi: 10.3390/w11102182 Authors: Linghui Liu Mingfeng Lei Chengyong Cao Chenghua Shi The dewatering of deep foundation pits excavated in highly permeable geology usually requires waterproofing technologies to relieve groundwater flow. However, no effective predi
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2181: Development of Nomogram for Debris Flow Forecasting Based on Critical Accumulated Rainfall in South KoreaWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2181: Development of Nomogram for Debris Flow Forecasting Based on Critical Accumulated Rainfall in South Korea Water doi: 10.3390/w11102181 Authors: Nam Lee Kim Climate change causes extreme weather events worldwide such as increasing temperatures and changing rainfall patterns. With South Korea facing growing damage from the increased frequency of localized heavy rains. In particular, its steep slope
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2179: Hypolimnetic Hypoxia Increases the Biomass Variability and Compositional Variability of Crustacean Zooplankton CommunitiesWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2179: Hypolimnetic Hypoxia Increases the Biomass Variability and Compositional Variability of Crustacean Zooplankton Communities Water doi: 10.3390/w11102179 Authors: Jonathan P. Doubek Kylie L. Campbell Mary E. Lofton Ryan P. McClure Cayelan C. Carey In freshwater lakes and reservoirs, climate change and eutrophication are increasing the occurrence of low-dissolved oxygen concentrations (hypoxia), w
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2178: Water Users Associations in Tanzania: Local Governance for Whom?Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2178: Water Users Associations in Tanzania: Local Governance for Whom? Water doi: 10.3390/w11102178 Authors: Nathalie Richards In order to implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) according to good practice, governments and development agencies have promoted the setting-up of Water Users Associations (WUAs) as a broadly applicable model for water management at the local level. WUAs are promoted as
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2180: Critical Factors for the Success of Rural Water Supply Services in BrazilWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2180: Critical Factors for the Success of Rural Water Supply Services in Brazil Water doi: 10.3390/w11102180 Authors: Anna V. M. Machado João A. N. dos Santos Norbertho da S. Quindeler Lucas M. C. Alves The universalization of drinking water in rural communities poses a great challenge to developing countries, where rural areas often receive poor water service coverage and limited attention from authori
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2174: Variations of Drought Tendency, Frequency, and Characteristics and Their Responses to Climate Change under CMIP5 RCP Scenarios in Huai River Basin, ChinaWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2174: Variations of Drought Tendency, Frequency, and Characteristics and Their Responses to Climate Change under CMIP5 RCP Scenarios in Huai River Basin, China Water doi: 10.3390/w11102174 Authors: Jingcai Wang Hui Lin Jinbai Huang Chenjuan Jiang Yangyang Xie Mingyao Zhou Huai River Basin (HRB) is an important food and industrial production area and a frequently drought-affected basin in eastern C
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2176: Freshwater Supply to Metropolitan Shanghai: Issues of Quality from Source to ConsumersWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2176: Freshwater Supply to Metropolitan Shanghai: Issues of Quality from Source to Consumers Water doi: 10.3390/w11102176 Authors: Maotian Li Jing Chen Brian Finlayson Zhongyuan Chen Michael Webber Jon Barnett Mark Wang Shanghai is experiencing drinking water supply problems that are caused by heavy pollution of its raw water supply, deficiencies in its treatment processes, and water quality de
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2175: Sorption Properties of the Bottom Sediment of a Lake Restored by Phosphorus Inactivation Method 15 Years after the Termination of Lake Restoration ProceduresWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2175: Sorption Properties of the Bottom Sediment of a Lake Restored by Phosphorus Inactivation Method 15 Years after the Termination of Lake Restoration Procedures Water doi: 10.3390/w11102175 Authors: Renata Augustyniak Jolanta Grochowska Michał Łopata Katarzyna Parszuto Renata Tandyrak Jacek Tunowski Artificial mixing and phosphorus inactivation methods using aluminum compounds are among the mos
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2177: Using Water Stable Isotopes for Identifying Groundwater Recharge Sources of the Unconfined Alluvial Zagreb Aquifer (Croatia)Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2177: Using Water Stable Isotopes for Identifying Groundwater Recharge Sources of the Unconfined Alluvial Zagreb Aquifer (Croatia) Water doi: 10.3390/w11102177 Authors: Jelena Parlov Zoran Kovač Zoran Nakić Jadranka Barešić The main purpose of this study was to understand the interactions between precipitation, surface water, and groundwater in the Zagreb aquifer system using water stable isotopes. The
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2172: Improved Water Services Cooperation through Clarification of Rules and RolesWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2172: Improved Water Services Cooperation through Clarification of Rules and Roles Water doi: 10.3390/w11102172 Authors: Laura M. Inha Tapio S. Katko Riikka P. Rajala Water services face global challenges, many of which are institutional by nature. While technical solutions may suit several situations, institutional frameworks are likely to vary more. On the basis of constructive research approach and new
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2173: Filtration of Uncharged Solutes: An Assessment of Steric Effect by Transport and Adsorption ModellingWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2173: Filtration of Uncharged Solutes: An Assessment of Steric Effect by Transport and Adsorption Modelling Water doi: 10.3390/w11102173 Authors: Simona M. Miron Patrick Dutournié Arnaud Ponche The major aim of this work was to understand and estimate the evolution of the membrane selectivity of neutral solutes after the filtration of protein or amino acid solutions. Classical methodologies led to the esti
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2171: Application and Evaluation of the China Meteorological Assimilation Driving Datasets for the SWAT Model (CMADS) in Poorly Gauged Regions in Western ChinaWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2171: Application and Evaluation of the China Meteorological Assimilation Driving Datasets for the SWAT Model (CMADS) in Poorly Gauged Regions in Western China Water doi: 10.3390/w11102171 Authors: Xianyong Meng Xuesong Zhang Mingxiang Yang Hao Wang Ji Chen Zhihua Pan Yiping Wu The temporal and spatial differentiation of the underlying surface in East Asia is complex. Due to a lack of meteorolo
- Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2170: An Index of Aquiclude Destabilization for Mining-Induced Roof Water Inrush Forecasting: A Case StudyWater, Vol. 11, Pages 2170: An Index of Aquiclude Destabilization for Mining-Induced Roof Water Inrush Forecasting: A Case Study Water doi: 10.3390/w11102170 Authors: Gangwei Fan Shizhong Zhang Dongsheng Zhang Chengguo Zhang Mingwei Chen Qizhen Li Aquiclude plays a critical role in the occurrence of mining-induced roof water inrush in underground coal mines. This paper proposes an assessment index for the evaluation of
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ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου 2019
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Veterinary Sciences
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
2:19 π.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193
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