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Τρίτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2019


Dexmedetomidine Sedation and Airway Collapsibility,
At comparable levels of light to moderate sedation, dexmedetomidine and propofol exhibit similar degrees of pharyngeal collapsibility and reductions in ventilatory drive. The findings suggest that sedation with dexmedetomidine does not offer inherent protection against upper airway obstruction or ventilatory depression.


Interaction of Remifentanil and Dexmedetomidine
This three-phase crossover trial to study the pharmacodynamic interaction between remifentanil and dexmedetomidine in 30 age- and sex-stratified healthy volunteers found that, despite falling asleep, most subjects remained arousable by calling their name, shaking the subject while shouting their name, or a trapezius squeeze, even after reaching supraclinical concentrations. Adding remifentanil to dexmedetomidine sedation did not affect the likelihood of response to graded stimuli. Dexmedetomidine potency increased with increasing age. 

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