Decline in interest of medical graduates to do postgraduation in anatomy and how do we resolve it? Vishram Singh Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):97-98 |
The toxicological and histopathological effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Cyperus rotundus rhizomes in ehrlich ascites carcinoma induced in Swiss albino mice Hema Nidugala, Ramakrishna Avadhani, Ashwini Prabhu, B Ravishankar Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):99-104 Introduction: Cyperus rotundus, commonly known as mustha, is a perennial weed and possesses the ability to adopt to various soil types, temperatures, and moisture levels. It has several pharmacological and medicinal applications such as astringent, diuretic, antispasmodic, carminative, vermifuge, and antimicrobial properties. This study was designed to assess the toxicological and histopathological effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of C. rotundus rhizomes in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC)-induced Swiss albino mice. Material and Methods: Toxicity evaluation was carried out according to the OECD guidelines and histopathological assessment of the liver and kidney tissues was made using hematoxylin and eosin staining. Results: Results indicated that both ethanolic and aqueous extracts did not induce any toxicity up to 2000 mg/kg body weight doses. Examination of ascitic fluid revealed that ethanol extract at 250 mg/kg dosage induced degenerative changes, whereas aqueous extract at both dosage levels showed mild signs of apoptosis. Gross pathology of the liver and kidney indicated that the extracts did not alter the normal cytoarchitecture of these tissues. Discussion and Conclusion: Findings from this study interpret that C. rotundus rhizome extracts can be used as a complementary therapeutic in the EAC. |
Anomalous origin of the obturator artery in a Goan population: A study linked with hernia reduction surgery Medora Celine D'Souza Dias, Rajesh T Patil Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):105-109 Introduction: The “corona mortis” or “crown of death” occurs when an accessory obturator artery (OA) is also present, having rich anastomosis with the normal OA around the obturator canal. The OA can take origin from various arteries such as the common iliac, anterior or posterior divisions of the internal iliac, inferior epigastric, superior or inferior gluteal, internal pudendal, or even external iliac arteries. Accessory OA has an incidence of 30%–40% in earlier studies.To find out the incidence, location, and dimensions of aberrant, retropubic, anastomosing vessels and the corona mortis that connects the external iliac and obturator vessels and to determine their interference with various surgical approaches. Material and Methods: Twenty-five cadaveric pelvises were dissected in the pelvic and retropubic inguinal regions. The origin and course of the OA and the presence of venous plexuses were recorded. We studied the frequencies of occurrence of abnormal obturator vessels and also their variant patterns of origin from and drainage into the iliac vessels. Student's t-test was the statistical analysis used. Results: We found a higher incidence, i.e., 44% of internal iliac artery branching pattern as Group Ia. Vasa corona mortis was seen in two pelvises showing an arterial connection around the superior pubic ramus, whereas venous corona mortis was seen in twenty pelvises and five hemipelvises showing an aberrant OA. Discussion and Conclusions: Cadaveric dissections have shown a vascular connection between the obturator, external iliac, and inferior epigastric vessels, and these variations are important specially when doing pelvic and groin surgeries. |
Typical thoracic vertebrae morphometry: A cadaveric study in Nigeria OA Egwu, GN Okechukwu, GC Uzomba, SO Eze, UK Ezemagu Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):110-118 Introduction: Spine morphometry is of global interest because of its great importance in prosthetics, orthopedics, and biomechanics. The present study was carried out to provide a comprehensive morphometric data of typical thoracic vertebrae in Nigeria. Material and Methods: A total of 208 typical thoracic vertebrae which consist of 26 set of macerated adult male vertebrae, were studied by direct measurements of the vertebral body, vertebral foramen, pedicle, lamina, spinous and transverse processes, and superior and inferior articular processes. Digital Vernier Caliper was used to measure internal and external distances. Data collected were statistically analyzed and mean values were presented in a mean ± standard deviation. Results: Anterior vertebral body height (VBH) gradually increased to a maximum value at T9 (18.83 ± 1.54 mm) and minimum at T2 (16.93 ± 1.57 mm). Mean value of posterior VBH was minimum at T2 (17.59 ± 1.43 mm) and maximum at T9 (20.46 ± 3.08 mm). Width of spinous process tip had relatively stable values from T2 to T9 with the maximum at T2 (5.05 ± 1.36 mm). Lamina thickness mean values were relatively stable from T2 to T9 with a maximum value at T9 level (7.30 ± 1.24 mm) and the minimum at T2 (6.60 ± 1.16 mm). Discussion and Conclusion: Superior and inferior articular surfaces and Laminae were reported for the first time which contributes to the novelty of this study. These findings will serve as a guidepost in the understanding and design of well-fitted materials for the typical thoracic vertebrae, which will enhance preclinical and clinical evaluation of vertebral implants, prosthetics, and management of spine pathology. |
Gestational diabetes alters the expression of genes involved in Sertoli cells maturation in testis tissue from adult rat offspring Zahra Nazari, Soraya Ghafari, Mohammad Jafar Golalipour Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):119-122 Introduction: Previous Studies indicate that both type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus have adverse effects on the male reproductive system. Furthermore, it has recently shown that induced gestational diabetes significantly reduces the Sertoli cells number in the rat offspring. This study was done to evaluate the effect of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on the expression of genes involved in Sertoli cell proliferation and maturation in the adult rat offspring. Material and Methods: To test this hypothesis, 12 Wistar rat dams were randomly allocated to control and diabetic groups. The diabetic group received 40 mg/kg/body weight of streptozotocin on day 0 of gestation. After delivery, six offspring of each group at the age of 12 weeks scarified and testis tissue harvested. After RNA extraction, the expression of p27kip1, A-kinase anchoring protein 9, CX43, and aromatase genes in both groups was evaluated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Our data showed that the expression of all examined genes which are important in Sertoli cells maturity and function were lower in GDM offspring. p27kip1 and aromatase were significantly downregulated in GDM offspring by 57% and 41%, respectively (P * 0.05*). Discussion and Conclusion: In summary, we provide evidence that GDM may adverse effects on the male reproductive system in the offspring by alterations in the expression of genes responsible for Sertoli cell proliferation and differentiation. |
Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae in patients with low back pain: Radiological classification and morphometric analysis Priyanka Daniel, Jerry Joseph Joel, Parminder Kaur Rana Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):123-128 Introduction: Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (LSTV) are a congenital variation found in patients incidentally. The aim of this study was to find the prevalence of LSTV and to study its morphometric parameters radiologically in comparison with patients with no LSTV, in low back pain patients in Punjabi population. Material and Methods: The anteroposterior (AP) and lateral lumbosacral spinal radiographs of 100 patients with low back pain were studied. LSTV were identified and classified based on the Castellvi classification. The width of the transverse processes, superior and inferior vertebral end plate, mid-AP diameter and height of the L5 vertebra, and L5–S1 disc height were measured. All parameters were statistically analyzed and compared between normal and LSTV patients. Results: LSTV were found in 22% of low back pain patients, all comprising sacralization of L5, most common Castellvi type being IIA (31.9%). There were a statistically significant increase in the width of transverse processes of L5 vertebrae on both the right and left sides (P < 0.001 each) and a significant increase in height of L5 body (P = 0.03), with a decrease in L5–S1 disc height (P = 0.05) in low back pain patients with LSTV in comparison with patients without LSTV. Discussion and Conclusions: LSTV is a common congenital anatomical variation found in patients with low back pain. An increased height of L5 vertebra with a decreased L5–S1 disc height is found to be related to LSTV and can be useful for radiologically suspecting LSTV in patients with low back pain. |
Perspective of the 1st year undergraduate medical students in learning anatomy Rohini Punja, Suhani Sumalatha, Mamatha Hosapatna Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):129-132 Introduction: Anatomy, one of the basic sciences' subject of the 1st year medical education curriculum, is recognized as an essential foundation for clinical sciences. However, there is a continuing debate on the best method of learning anatomy. In this study, we infer the perception of the 1st year medical students on the best method of learning anatomy. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted on 246 1st year undergraduate medical students, of the academic year 2015–2016. An online platform – Survey Monkey – was utilized to conduct the survey where multiple-answer multiple-choice questions were sent to the students, and the results were tabulated on a graph. Results: The optimal way of learning anatomy according to 80% of students was through small-group teaching in comparison to didactic lectures according to 12%. Integrated teaching introduced as talks by physicians (31%) and problem-based learning (28%) was not well appreciated. However, they felt an exposure to the clinical side where small groups are taken to the hospital to demonstrate relevant case/procedure/examination would have a more significant impact (78%). There was a favorable opinion (74%) on the formation of an Anatomy mentor cell where the students who had performed poorly during the first sessional test were under the guidance of anatomy staff, and regular assignments were given. Discussion and Conclusion: Anatomy exposes the student to an ocean of knowledge; it also inculcates a particular attitude and communication toward another human being. The students' perspective in learning Anatomy plays a crucial role in the changing times and demand reforms which would best aid the student-centric learning. |
Is the trend of brachycephalization more advanced in females than males: An observational study on medical students in a rural medical college of Himachal Pradesh, North West Of India Vandana Sharma, Suman Yadav, Vishal Kalia, Daisy Dwivedi, Girish Kumar, Priyanka Dhiman Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):133-137 Introduction: The cephalic index (CI) was defined by Swidesh Professor of Anatomy Anders Retzius as a percentage of width to length in the skull. Head dimension changes follow a pattern in different populations. CI is used to determine the racial variation and sexual difference among the individual whose identity is unknown and to investigate the craniofacial deformities and brain development. Material and Methods: Himachali MBBS students of Dr. RPGMC, Tanda who satisfy the inclusion criteria were approached for consent to participate in the study. Detailed history, including birth history (including the place of birth), socio-economic history, and history of migration, was taken, and anthropometric examination was done by the investigator, as per the standard protocol. Results: We studied 77 medical students at Dr. RPGMC, Kangra at Tanda Himachal Pradesh, of which 40 (51.94%) were males and 37 (48.05%) were females. The mean age of all the students was 19.05 years. The mean head circumference of all the students was 54.31 ± 1.8 cm and minimum of 49.0 cm and maximum of 58.2 cm. Mean CI of the group was 77.85 ± 4.43. Male group had the mean CI of 76.96 ± 4.00. Female group had mean CI of 78.83±4.7 Most 18 (45%) of the male students had mesocephalic head shape and in female groups, 15 (40.5%) also had mesocephalic head shape. Discussion and Conclusion: From this study, we conclude that the dominant head shape is mesocephalic in both male and female, but the tendency of brachycephalization is more advanced in the female adult population of Himachal Pradesh. |
Body mass index in adult jaunsari tribe population of Dehradun district of Uttarakhand Kumar Satish Ravi, Mukesh Singla, Mohd Salahuddin Ansari Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):138-142 Introduction: Obesity is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. It is one of the defining components of cardiometabolic syndrome. Several indices are there for measurement of obesity, but body mass index (BMI) is relatively better than others and can be measured by the individual himself/herself. There is lack of such study for Jaunsari tribe population of Dehradun district of Uttarakhand. These values can also be used as standard for future reference for Jaunsari population. The study was planned to study parameters related to BMI in adult Jaunsari tribe of district Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The objectives of the study were: (1) to study BMI and the parameters related to it in adult male and female population of Jaunsari tribe of Dehradun district in Uttarakhand, (2) to analyze the sex differences in these parameters, and (3) to analyze statistical significance of the difference. Material and Methods: The study was carried on 100 adult males and 100 adult females of >18 years of age, belonging to Jaunsari tribe, after due approval from the institutional ethical committee and informed consent. The methodology adopted for the anthropometric measurements was of Singh and Bhasin (1968), and concerned measurements were done. Results: The mean weight, height, and BMI are found to be 50.90 ± 9.92 kg and 59.81 ± 10.74 kg, 152.43 ± 5.63 cm and 165.39 ± 7.23 cm, and 21.90 ± 4.05 and 21.85 ± 3.65 in female and male Jaunsari population, respectively, with statistically significant variation in both weight and height across gender with little or no variation in BMI. Standing height of majority of females falls under class short (54%) or very short (39%), whereas 32% of males are tall, 21% are lower medium, and 22% are short. This means that BMI falls into the category of “normal weight". Discussion and Conclusion: Hence, it is concluded that the mean BMI is 21.90 ± 4.05 kg and 21.85 ± 3.65 kg in female and male Jaunsari population, respectively, which falls into the category of “normal weight.” This may be attributed to their traditional lifestyle and typical geographical location. This can be used as standard for future reference for Jaunsari population. |
Effects of stress-induced depression and antidepressant drugs on CA3 region of hippocampus in adult albino rats Nazim Nasir, Atiq ul Hassan, Izhar Husain Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019 68(2):143-146 Introduction: Hippocampus is the most extensively studied part of the brain in recent years. The connections of the hippocampus are extensive and very complicated, covering lots of functions in the body. The aim of the study is to find out the effect of stress-induced depression in the CA3 region of the hippocampus and also to see the effect of antidepressants for the reversal of changes in the similar area. Material and Methods: The study conducted on adult albino rats weighing 200–250 g. The study involved 50 albino rats and divided into five groups. The first group was control of ten rats and received water and food ad libitum, and the second group was experimental having two subtypes E1 and E2 receiving 4 weeks and 7 weeks immobilization with ten rats each, respectively. The third is treatment group which has two subtypes T1 and T2 for 4- and 7-week treatment by fluoxetine drug (1 mg/kg body weight orally) with ten rats each, respectively. The animals sacrificed after the experiment, perfused with 10% formaldehyde, brains dissected, and tissue blocks processed for paraffin embedding. Observations were made on 5-μ thick H and E-stained sections. Estimation of neuronal density of CA3 regions performed using Motic Images Plus 2.0 software (Hong Kong China). Results: Neuronal density was markedly reduced (98.7 ± 6.1 cells/cubic mm) in acute depression and 66.3 ± 4.8 cells/cubic mm in chronic depression group, respectively, as compared to control (124.5 ± 7.2 cells/cubic mm). The density improved after giving drug treatment. Neuronal density was 111.2 ± 9.6 cells/cubic mm and 92.3 ± 5.5 cells/cubic mm in 4- and 7-weeks treatment, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: These results suggested that neurodegenerative effects of depression on the hippocampus, which is reversed by giving antidepressant drug. |
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
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