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Τρίτη 28 Ιουλίου 2020

Platform switching in two‐implant bar‐retained mandibular overdentures: 1‐year results from a split‐mouth randomized controlled clinical trial.
Abstract Objectives The concept of platform switching is widely applied in current implant dentistry, however, the influence on peri‐implant bone level alterations (ΔIBL), especially in the field of implant overdentures (IODs), remains inconclusive. Therefore, the present study aimed to test the alternative hypothesis that there is an equivalent ΔIBL at platform‐switching and platform‐matching implant abutments in 2‐implant bar‐retained IODs. Materials and Methods Two interforaminal implants...
Clinical Oral Implants Research
Mon Jul 27, 2020 17:56
Remodelling of sinus bone grafts according to the distance from the native bone: a histomorphometric analysis
Abstract Objectives To evaluate graft remodelling according to the distance from the native bone in maxillary sinuses grafted with anorganic bovine bone (ABB). Material and Methods Bilateral sinus grafting was performed in twenty patients with residual bone height <5 mm before implant placement. After 8 months, biopsy samples were harvested, and histomorphometric analysis was performed to examine bone formation according to the distance (in mm) from the native bone (sinus floor). In...
Clinical Oral Implants Research
Mon Jul 27, 2020 17:52
The effect of adjuvant oral irrigation on self‐administered oral care in the management of peri‐implant mucositis. A randomized controlled clinical trial
Abstract Objectives This single blinded randomized clinical trial evaluated the effect of adjuvant oral irrigation in addition to self‐administered oral care on prevalence and severity of peri‐implant mucositis. Material & Methods After randomization, patients suffering from peri‐implant mucositis were assigned to the following: Group 1 (control) received oral hygiene instruction following a standardized protocol, including a sub‐ and supramucosal mechanical debridement. Group 2 and...
Clinical Oral Implants Research
Mon Jul 27, 2020 17:50
Prediction of surface area size in orbital floor and medial orbital wall fractures based on topographical subregions
Publication date: Available online 27 July 2020Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): Carl-Peter Cornelius, Tobias Stiebler, Peter Mayer, Wenko Smolka, Christoph Kunz, Beat Hammer, Claude Jaquiéry C, Carlos Buitrago-Téllez, Christoph Sebastian Leiggener, Marc Christian Metzger, Frank Wilde, Laurent Audigé, Monika Probst, Edward Bradley Strong, Noemi Castelletti, Joachim Prein, Florian Andreas Probst
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Jul 28, 2020 18:41
Do mandibular miniplates increase the risk of complex fracture in facial trauma recurrence? Case series
Publication date: Available online 27 July 2020Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): Nicolas Graillon, Laurent Guyot, Nicolas Sigaux, Aurélien Louvrier, Olivier Trost, Jean-Christophe Lutz, Jean-Marc Foletti
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Jul 28, 2020 18:41

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