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Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου 2019

Building a Diverse and Inclusive Archaeology
Most of us who discovered our passion for archaeology as children were white and middle-class. When my mother was a child, my grandmother worried that no one would never marry her because she had too many opinions. My mother decided she didn’t need a husband anyway, and that she would someday adopt a daughter and name her Laura, after the similarly-opinionated heroine of her favorite books: the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Decades later, my father had no say about my name. I was...
Changes in masticatory laterality three months after treatment with unilateral implant‐supported fixed partial prosthesis
Abstract Objective This study assessed changes in masticatory laterality in patients with unilateral posterior missing teeth three months after treatment with an implant‐supported fixed partial prosthesis (ISFPP). Methods Thirty patients with unilateral posterior missing teeth participated in this prospective study. They were treated with one‐, two‐ or three‐unit ISFPPs. The control group comprised 10 healthy individuals with complete natural dentition. Each participant performed masticatory...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Issue Information
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Morphological Immaturity of the Neonatal Organ of Corti and Associated Structures in Humans
Abstract Although anatomical development of the cochlear duct is thought to be complete by term birth, human newborns continue to show postnatal immaturities in functional measures such as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). Some of these OAE immaturities are no doubt influenced by incomplete maturation of the external and middle ears in infants; however, the observed prolongation of distortion-product OAE phase-gradient delays in newborns cannot readily be explained by conductive factors....
Latest Results for Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Morphological Immaturity of the Neonatal Organ of Corti and Associated Structures in Humans
Abstract Although anatomical development of the cochlear duct is thought to be complete by term birth, human newborns continue to show postnatal immaturities in functional measures such as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). Some of these OAE immaturities are no doubt influenced by incomplete maturation of the external and middle ears in infants; however, the observed prolongation of distortion-product OAE phase-gradient delays in newborns cannot readily be explained by conductive factors....
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Reevaluation of Genetic Variants Previously Associated with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Integrating Population‐based Cohorts and Proteomics Data
Abstract Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is one of the most common causes of sudden cardiac death in young people. Patients diagnosed with ARVC may experience increased likelihood of development of anxiety and depression, emphasizing the need for accurate diagnosis. To assist future genetic diagnosis and avoidance of misdiagnosis, we evaluated the reported monogenic disease‐causing variants in ARVD/C Genetic Variants Database, Human Gene Mutation Database, and ClinVar....
Clinical Genetics
Issue Information ‐ Editorial Board
Clinical Genetics
Publisher Correction to: O Organism, Where Art Thou? Old and New Challenges for Organism-Centered Biology
Please note that this article belongs to the Special Issue on “New Styles of Thought and Practices: Biology in the Interwar Period,” guest editors Jan Baedke and Christina Brandt, but was included in volume 52, issue 2, Summer 2019 by mistake. It should be regarded as part of this special issue collection of articles.
Latest Results for Journal of the History of Biology
"BMJ Open"[jour]; +27 new citations
27 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: "BMJ Open"[jour] These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/12PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
pubmed: "bmj open"[jour]
"BMJ Open"[jour]; +27 new citations
27 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: "BMJ Open"[jour] These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/12PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
pubmed: "bmj open"[jour]
Detection of anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) in saliva for rheumatoid arthritis using DBA mice infected with <em>Porphyromonas gingivalis</em>
Publication date: Available online 11 August 2019Source: Archives of Oral BiologyAuthor(s): Wakako Sakaguchi, Masahiro To, Yuko Yamamoto, Keitaro Inaba, Mayumi Yakeishi, Juri Saruta, Shinya Fuchida, Nobushiro Hamada, Keiichi TsukinokiAbstractObjectiveThe anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA), an autoantibody of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is very specific in the diagnosis of RA and has been detected in early cases and several years before the onset of the disease. In this study, we focused on...
Oral Biology
Prediagnosis aspirin use, DNA methylation, and mortality after breast cancer: A population‐based study
Background The authors hypothesized that epigenetic changes may help to clarify the underlying biologic mechanism linking aspirin use to breast cancer prognosis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first epidemiologic study to examine whether global methylation and/or tumor promoter methylation of breast cancer‐related genes interact with aspirin use to impact mortality after breast cancer. Methods Prediagnosis aspirin use was assessed through in‐person interviews within a population‐based...
Epigenetics and differential effects of aspirin on breast cancer survival: Opportunities for understanding human susceptibility and risk
Pulmonary Capillary Hemorrhage Induced by Super Sonic Shear Wave Elastography in Rats
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & BiologyAuthor(s): Douglas L. Miller, Zhihong Dong, Chunyan Dou, Brandon Patterson, Krishnan RaghavendranAbstractThe occurrence of the pulmonary capillary hemorrhage (PCH) bioeffect of diagnostic ultrasound in rats was investigated for a SuperSonic Imagine shear wave elastography system (Aixplorer, Supersonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France). The elastography imaging repeated at 1 Hz and consisted of widely spaced...
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
EMT-related protein expression in polyploid giant cancer cells and their daughter cells with different passages after triptolide treatment
Abstract Our previous work has demonstrated that paclitaxel can induce the formation of polyploid giant cancer cells (PGCCs) and inhibit tumor growth by reprogramming ovarian cancer epithelial cells to a benign fibroblastic state via epithelial–mesenchymal transition. Here, triptolide (TPL) was used to treat the breast and ovarian cancer lines. The morphologic characteristics and EMT-related protein expression were studied in different generation of cancer cells after TPL treatment....
Medical Oncology
Lead exposure and mortality among U.S. workers in a surveillance program: Results from 10 additional years of follow-up.
Related ArticlesLead exposure and mortality among U.S. workers in a surveillance program: Results from 10 additional years of follow-up. Environ Res. 2019 Aug 05;177:108625 Authors: Barry V, Steenland K Abstract BACKGROUND: A cohort of male lead-exposed workers with past blood lead levels, previously followed for mortality over 12 years, has now been followed for an additional 10 years. This has doubled the number of deaths and allowed for examination...
Vestibular testing in children with severe-to-profound hearing loss.
Related ArticlesVestibular testing in children with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Jul 29;125:201-205 Authors: Kotait MA, Moaty AS, Gabr TA Abstract Many studies showed that children with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) have possible vestibular affection which is related to the severity of cochlear pathology. OBJECTIVES: this work is designed to evaluate vestibular function in children with congenital...
vestibular evoked
Reliability of the fluctuations within the stride time series measured in runners during treadmill running to exhaustion
Publication date: Available online 11 August 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Shiwei MoAbstractBackgroundThe fluctuations within stride time series (i.e., stride time variability and complexity) during running exhibit long-range correlation. Detecting the breakdown of the long-range correlation was proposed for monitoring the occurrence of running-related injuries during running. However, the stride time fluctuations were only measured from the unilateral side. In addition, the reliability...
Gait & Posture
Computational Pathology and the Understanding of Disease
The Journal of Pathology
medical science; +421 new citations
421 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: medical science These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/12PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Medical Science
Socially oriented thinking and the biological stress response: Thinking of friends and family predicts trajectories of salivary cortisol decline
Abstract The cortisol stress response has been related to perceived social support, but previous studies rely on self‐reported social support variables. The cortisol recovery phase in particular has been theorized to serve a social coping function, but individual differences in recovery slope have not yet been examined in relation to social coping‐relevant indices. This study addressed these gaps by examining the relationship of cortisol trajectories after a socioevaluative task to individual differences...
How much baseline correction do we need in ERP research? Extended GLM model can replace baseline correction while lifting its limits
Abstract Baseline correction plays an important role in past and current methodological debates in ERP research (e.g., the Tanner vs. Maess debate in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods), serving as a potential alternative to strong high‐pass filtering. However, the very assumptions that underlie traditional baseline also undermine it, implying a reduction in the signal‐to‐noise ratio. In other words, traditional baseline correction is statistically unnecessary and even undesirable. Including the...
When the outcome is different than expected: Subjective expectancy shapes reward prediction error at the FRN level
Abstract Converging evidence in human electrophysiology suggests that evaluative feedback provided during performance monitoring (PM) elicits two distinctive and successive ERP components: the feedback‐related negativity (FRN) and the P3b. Whereas the FRN has previously been linked to reward prediction error (RPE), the P3b has been conceived as reflecting motivational or attentional processes following the early processing of the RPE, including action value updating. However, it remains unclear...
Bilateral ectopic third molars in maxillary sinus associated with dentigerous cyst-A rare case report.
Related ArticlesBilateral ectopic third molars in maxillary sinus associated with dentigerous cyst-A rare case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Aug 02;61:298-301 Authors: Sharma S, Chauhan JS Abstract INTRODUCTION: Ectopic eruptions of a tooth in a non-dentate region is a rare entity and such cases have been reported to occur in the nasal cavity, orbital floor, maxillary sinus, mandibular condyle, chin, palate and coronoid process. CASE PRESENTATION:...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Multidisciplinary management of giant cervicothoracic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.
Related ArticlesMultidisciplinary management of giant cervicothoracic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Aug 01;61:294-297 Authors: López PA, Pedraza M, Moreno A, García O, Buitrago R, Mogollon G, Fory L, Conrado H Abstract INTRODUCTION: Cutaneus squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type of nonmelanoma skin cancer. SCC is a malignant neoplasm of the skin characterized by aberrant proliferation of keratinocytes....
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Post transplant renal vein thrombosis, with successful thrombectomy and review of the literature.
Related ArticlesPost transplant renal vein thrombosis, with successful thrombectomy and review of the literature. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Jul 31;61:291-293 Authors: Lerman M, Mulloy M, Gooden C, Khan S, Khalil A, Patel L, Zhou XJ Abstract INTRODUCTION: Renal vein thrombosis post kidney transplant is a rare but graft threatening event. RVT is reported in 0.3-4.2% of kidney transplants. When occurring early post transplant, prior to development of collateral...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Clinical and functional results of radial club hand with centralization and pollicization using the second metacarpus: A clinical case series.
Related ArticlesClinical and functional results of radial club hand with centralization and pollicization using the second metacarpus: A clinical case series. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Aug 01;61:285-290 Authors: Lahiji FA, Asgari F, Mirzaee F, Zafarani Z, Aslani H Abstract INTRODUCTION: Radial club hand (RCH) is a rare congenital deformity leading in several functional and psychological problems. However, our knowledge about the long-term functional...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Evidence-based case report: How to deal with unpredicted endometriosis nodule closed to ureter and rectum during laparoscopy.
Related ArticlesEvidence-based case report: How to deal with unpredicted endometriosis nodule closed to ureter and rectum during laparoscopy. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Jul 22;61:280-284 Authors: Purbadi S, Aprilia B, Novianti L Abstract INTRODUCTION: Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of endometrial-like tissue within and outside the pelvic cavity. Peritoneum nodules invaded more than 5 mm representing the commonest form of deep infiltrating...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Port site recurrence, an unintended consequence of laparoscopic resection of ovarian cancer. A case report.
Related ArticlesPort site recurrence, an unintended consequence of laparoscopic resection of ovarian cancer. A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Jul 19;62:5-8 Authors: Sugarbaker PH Abstract BACKGROUND: Cancer surgery has as its goal complete clearance and absolute containment of the malignant disease as it is being resected. Any aspect of the procedure which allows the escapes of malignant cells may result in disease recurrence. METHODS:...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Use of ICG imaging to confirm bowel viability after upper mesenteric stenting in patient with acute mesenteric ischemia: Case report.
Related ArticlesUse of ICG imaging to confirm bowel viability after upper mesenteric stenting in patient with acute mesenteric ischemia: Case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Jul 31;: Authors: Аlexander K, Ismail M, Alexander M, Ivan T, Olga V, Dmitry S, Anastasiya G, Denis M Abstract INTRODUCTION: Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a rare and life-threatening disease. Despite modern advances in open and endovascular treatments it has unacceptably high...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Towards general network architecture design criteria for negative gas adsorption transitions in ultraporous frameworks
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11565-3Porous framework material DUT-49 was recently demonstrated to exhibit a unique counterintuitive negative gas adsorption (NGA) behaviour. Here the authors identify framework DUT-50 as an additional pressure amplifying material that features distinct NGA transitions, and suggest structural design criteria to access other such materials.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Anomalous quantum Griffiths singularity in ultrathin crystalline lead films
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11607-wEvidence of quantum phase transitions is normally difficult to be detected. Here, Liu and Wang et al. report divergent critical exponent in ultrathin Pb films with superconducting fluctuations and spin-orbit interaction, indicating an anomalous quantum Griffiths singularity of superconductor-metal transition.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Robust continuous in vitro culture of the <i>Plasmodium cynomolgi</i> erythrocytic stages
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11332-4Present understanding of Plasmodium vivax biology is hampered by its inability to grow in vitro. Here, the authors developed an in vitro culture of its simian counterpart, P. cynomolgi, which shares morphological and phenotypic similarities with P. vivax, initiating a new phase in vivax research.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Band-collision gel electrophoresis
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11438-9Electrophoretic mobility shift assays are widely used in gel electrophoresis to study binding interactions between different molecular species, but these assays access only a subset of reaction possibilities. Here, the authors develop a band-collision gel electrophoresis (BCGE) approach that demonstrates a much wider variety of reaction types.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Engineering a microbial biosynthesis platform for de novo production of tropane alkaloids
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11588-wTropane alkaloids (TAs) are a group of phytochemicals that are used to treat neurological disorders. Here, the authors engineer baker’s yeast to produce tropine, a key intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of TAs, and cinnamoyltropine, a non-canonical TA, from simple carbon and nitrogen sources.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
CAF hierarchy driven by pancreatic cancer cell p53-status creates a pro-metastatic and chemoresistant environment via perlecan
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10968-6Subtypes of cancer associated fibroblasts can both promote and suppress tumorigenesis. Here, the authors investigate how p53 status in pancreatic cancer cells affects their interaction with cancer associated fibroblasts, and report perlecan as a mediator of the pro-metastatic environment.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Publisher Correction: Chip-scale atomic diffractive optical elements
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11529-7Publisher Correction: Chip-scale atomic diffractive optical elements
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Parallels in the sequential organization of birdsong and human speech
Nature Communications, Published online: 12 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11605-yBy examining the organization of bird song and human speech, the authors show that the two types of communication signals have similar sequential structures, following both hierarchical and Markovian organization.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds

Towards general network architecture design criteria for negative gas adsorption transitions in ultraporous frameworks
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Anomalous quantum Griffiths singularity in ultrathin crystalline lead films
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Robust continuous in vitro culture of the <i>Plasmodium cynomolgi</i> erythrocytic stages
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Band-collision gel electrophoresis
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Engineering a microbial biosynthesis platform for de novo production of tropane alkaloids
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
CAF hierarchy driven by pancreatic cancer cell p53-status creates a pro-metastatic and chemoresistant environment via perlecan
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Publisher Correction: Chip-scale atomic diffractive optical elements
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Parallels in the sequential organization of birdsong and human speech
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Low-dose perampanel improves refractory cortical myoclonus by the dispersed and suppressed paroxysmal depolarization shifts in the sensorimotor cortex.
Related ArticlesLow-dose perampanel improves refractory cortical myoclonus by the dispersed and suppressed paroxysmal depolarization shifts in the sensorimotor cortex. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019 Jul 19;130(10):1804-1812 Authors: Oi K, Neshige S, Hitomi T, Kobayashi K, Tojima M, Matsuhashi M, Shimotake A, Fujii D, Matsumoto R, Kasama S, Kanda M, Wada Y, Maruyama H, Takahashi R, Ikeda A Abstract OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the effects of perampanel (PER) on refractory...
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
New avenues in molecular genetics for the diagnosis and application of therapeutics to the epilepsies.
Related ArticlesNew avenues in molecular genetics for the diagnosis and application of therapeutics to the epilepsies. Epilepsy Behav. 2019 Aug 07;:106428 Authors: Magalhães PHM, Moraes HT, Athie MCP, Secolin R, Lopes-Cendes I Abstract Genetic epidemiology studies have shown that most epilepsies involve some genetic cause. In addition, twin studies have helped strengthen the hypothesis that in most patients with epilepsy, a complex inheritance is involved....
pubmed: epilepsy treatment
Pectoral nerve blocks and postoperative pain outcomes after mastectomy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Related ArticlesPectoral nerve blocks and postoperative pain outcomes after mastectomy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Lovett-Carter D, Kendall MC, McCormick ZL, Suh EI, Cohen AD, De Oliveira GS Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Several studies have evaluated the effect of pectoral nerve blocks to improve postoperative analgesia following breast cancer surgery resulting in contradictory...
anesth pain med
The impact of oral appliance therapy with moderate mandibular advancement on obstructive sleep apnea and upper airway volume.
Related ArticlesThe impact of oral appliance therapy with moderate mandibular advancement on obstructive sleep apnea and upper airway volume. Sleep Breath. 2019 Aug 10;: Authors: Pahkala R, Seppä J, Myllykangas R, Tervaniemi J, Vartiainen VM, Suominen AL, Muraja-Murro A Abstract PURPOSE: To find out if a moderate protrusion with a mandibular advancement device (MAD) can significantly increase the upper airway volume and, further, what signs and symptoms...
pubmed: snoring
The relationship between risk of obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep problems, depression, and anxiety in adolescents from a community sample.
Related ArticlesThe relationship between risk of obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep problems, depression, and anxiety in adolescents from a community sample. Psychiatry Res. 2019 Jul 31;280:112504 Authors: Park KM, Kim SY, Sung D, Kim H, Kim BN, Park S, Jung KI, Park MH Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is highly related to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. However, previous studies on OSA and depression and anxiety have...
pubmed: snoring
Mometasone furoate intranasal spray is effective in reducing symptoms and adenoid size in children and adolescents with adenoid hypertrophy.
Related ArticlesMometasone furoate intranasal spray is effective in reducing symptoms and adenoid size in children and adolescents with adenoid hypertrophy. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2019 Aug 07;: Authors: Ghafar MHA, Mohamed H, Mohammad NMY, Mohammad ZW, Madiadipoera T, Wang Y, Abdullah B Abstract INTRODUCTION: The use of mometasone furoate (MF) intranasal spray in treating adenoid hypertrophy (AH) has a variable outcome due the different methods of...
pubmed: snoring
The effects of photodynamic therapy with blue light and papain-based gel associated with Urucum, on collagen and fibroblasts: a spectroscopic and cytotoxicity analysis
Abstract Papacarie Duo™ is clinically used and has proven effectiveness; however, it is necessary to improve its antimicrobial action. The combined treatment of Papacarie Duo™ with Urucum (Bixa Orellana) could create a potential tool for dental caries treatment; its extract obtained from the seeds’ pericarp contains a water-soluble primary pigment (cis-bixin) with smaller amounts of other carotenoids. The dicarboxylic acid salts of cis-norbixin and trans-norbixin occur in heated...
Choroid plexus papilloma of the third ventricle. A case report.
Related ArticlesChoroid plexus papilloma of the third ventricle. A case report. Neurocirugia (Astur). 2019 Aug 07;: Authors: Castro Castro J, Lista Martínez O, Cuevas Álvarez EC, Iglesias Meleiro JM, Pérez López C Abstract Choroid plexus papilloma is an uncommon tumour of the central nervous system, accounting for less than 1% of all intracranial neoplasm. The usual locations are the lateral ventricle in infants and children and the fourth ventricle...
Sociedad Luso-Española de Neurocirugía
2D Crystal Engineering of Nanosheets Assembled from Helical Peptide Building Blocks
Nanosheet Engineering: Fine‐tuning of 2D crystalline nanosheets across the sub‐nano‐ and mesoscale regime was achieved through systematically adjusting the length and stability of collagen triple helices. The results afford broad engineering principles for the design and construction of tailorable 2D nanomaterials assembled from rigid, helical structural motifs such as α‐helices or coiled coils. Abstract The successful integration of 2D nanomaterials into functional devices hinges on developing...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Asymmetric Catalytic [2,3] Stevens and Sommelet–Hauser Rearrangements of α‐Diazo Pyrazoleamides with Sulfides
Points of control: Chiral N,N′‐dioxide/NiII complexes efficiently catalyze the asymmetric catalytic [2,3] Stevens and Sommelet–Hauser rearrangements of α‐diazo pyrazoleamides with sulfides. The catalytic system shows excellent stereocontrol, discriminating between the heterotopic lone pairs of sulfur and controlling both the 1,3‐proton transfer and the [2,3]‐σ rearrangement. Abstract Catalytic enantioselective [2,3] Stevens and Sommelet–Hauser rearrangements of α‐diazo pyrazoleamides with sulfides...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Asymmetric Construction of Axially Chiral 2‐Arylpyrroles by Chirality Transfer of Atropisomeric Alkenes
Axially chiral 2‐arylpyrrole frameworks are efficiently accessed through a direct chirality transfer strategy by rapid cyclization of enantioenriched atropisomeric alkenes, generated by organocatalytic asymmetric N‐alkylation reactions. This approach accommodates a broad scope of substrates with remarkably high chirality transfer efficiency. Given the enantioenriched atropisomeric alkenes, novel heterocyclic 2‐arylazepine atropisomers were realized through a rationally designed ene reaction. ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Conditional Singlet Oxygen Generation through a Bioorthogonal DNA‐targeted Tetrazine Reaction
Two birds with one stone: Biorthogonal, activatable, halogenated BODIPY‐tetrazine photosensitizers have been developed that allow both organelle‐specific localization and conditional singlet oxygen production simultaneously. Abstract We report the use of bioorthogonal reactions as an original strategy in photodynamic therapy to achieve conditional phototoxicity and specific subcellular localization simultaneously. Our novel halogenated BODIPY‐tetrazine probes only become efficient photosensitizers...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Molecular Semiconductor Surfactants with Fullerenol Heads and Colored Tails for Carbon Dioxide Photoconversion
Photosynthesis with soap: Surfactants consisting of dye molecules and a polyhydroxylated fullerene self‐assemble into bilayer vesicles that mimic key functions of photosystems II and I. They can absorb photons of two different visible wavelengths, exchange excited charge carriers, and thus enable the conversion of CO2 into formic acid. Abstract The leaf is a prime example of a material converting waste (CO2) into value with maximum sustainability. As the most important constituent, it contains...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Protein‐like Enwrapped Perylene Bisimide Chromophore as a Bright Microcrystalline Emitter Material
A perylene bisimide solid‐state emitting pigment with monomer‐like absorption and emission spectra and a high fluorescence quantum yield of 90 % was synthesized through the attachment of two bulky bay substituents. The full enwrapping of the chromophore and unidirectional chromophore alignment within the crystal lattice resemble natural pigments in which chromophores are embedded in protein environments. Abstract Strongly emissive solid‐state materials are mandatory components for many emerging...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Triplet Fullerenes as Prospective Spin Labels for Nanoscale Distance Measurements by Pulsed Dipolar EPR Spectroscopy
Excited and exciting: Photoexcited triplet fullerenes can be successfully used for nanoscale distance measurements in biomolecules by pulsed dipolar electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. They feature outstanding spectroscopic properties as spin labels, provide drastic signal enhancement compared to all known alternatives, and are applicable up to near‐room temperatures. Abstract Precise nanoscale distance measurements by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy play...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Oxidation of Reduced Ceria by Incorporation of Hydrogen
The interaction of hydrogen with reduced ceria (CeO2‐x) powders and CeO2‐x(111) thin films was studied using several characterization techniques including TEM, XRD, LEED, XPS, RPES, EELS, ESR, and TDS. The results clearly indicate that both in reduced ceria powders as well as in reduced single crystal ceria films hydrogen may form hydroxyls at the surface and hydride species below the surface. The formation of hydrides is clearly linked to the presence of oxygen vacancies and is accompanied by the...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Guiding Drugs to Target‐Harboring Organelles: Stretching Drug‐Delivery to a Higher Level of Resolution
The highest resolution of drug delivery is achieved by targeting molecules to specific subcellular compartments through chemical modifications. This approach can lead to improved clinical efficacy and reduced side effects and to essential chemical probes for cell biology research. Abstract The ratio between the dose of drug required for optimal efficacy and the dose that causes toxicity is referred to as the therapeutic window. This ratio can be increased by directing the drug to the diseased...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
The Periodic‐Table—A Universal Icon: Its Birth 150 Years Ago, and Its Popularization Through Literature Art and Music
A story recounting Mendeleev's life, his founding of the periodic table, its impact on chemistry, and its universality through literature, with special attention to Primo Levi, pop and classical music and plastic arts. Abstract This Essay projects the spark of genius of Mendeleev, whose efforts led to the effective formulation of the periodic table, which has placed the entire world of chemical matter on a palm. The periodic table gave rise to a central paradigm, which did for chemistry what...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
In situ Self‐Assembled Nanofibers Precisely Position Cancer Associated Fibroblasts for Improved Tumor Imaging
The tumor complexity makes the development of high sensitive tumor imaging probes facing arduous tasks. Here, we construct a fibroblast activation protein‐α (FAP‐α) responsive peptide‐based near infrared probe, which specifically in situ forms nanofibers on the surface of cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). The assembly/aggregation induced retention (AIR) effect endows the probe enhanced accumulation and retention around the tumor, resulting in 5.5‐fold signal enhancement in tumor compared to that...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Palladium Mediated Cleavage of Thiazolidine Backbone Modified Proteins in Live Cells
Chemical protein synthesis and biorthogonal modification chemistries allow production of unique proteins for a range of biological studies. Bond forming reactions for site‐selective protein labeling are commonly used in these endeavors. Selective bond cleavage reactions, however, are much less explored and still pose a great challenge. In addition, most of studies with modified proteins prepared by total synthesis or semisynthetically have been applied mainly for in vitro experiments with very limited...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A flame‐reaction method leading to large‐scale synthesis of high performance SmxCoy nanomagnets
We report a flame‐reaction method to synthesize high performance SmxCoy (x=1, y=5; x=2, y=17) particles in multi‐gram scale. This flame‐reaction allows the controlled decomposition of Sm(NO3)3 and Co(NO3)2 to 320 nm SmCo‐O (SmCoO3 + Co3O4) particles. Coated with CaO, 5.8 g of SmCo3.8‐O particles are reduced at 900 oC by Ca into 4.2 g of 260 nm SmCo5 particles. The SmCo5 particles are strongly ferromagnetic and the aligned particles in epoxy exhibit a large room temperature coercivity (Hc) of 41.8...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A customizable tablet app for hand movement research outside the lab
Publication date: Available online 11 August 2019Source: Journal of Neuroscience MethodsAuthor(s): Adam Matic, Alex Gomez-MarinAbstractBackground. Precise behavioral measurements allow the discovery of movement constraints that provide insights into sensory-motor processes and their underlying neural mechanisms. For instance, when humans draw an ellipse on a piece of paper, the instantaneous speed of the pen co-varies tightly with the local curvature of the path. Known as the speed-curvature power...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods

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