Public Health Policies on E-CigarettesAbstract
Tobacco continues to kill about 0.48 million Americans per year and there are currently 34.3 million smokers in the USA. As a consequence of the First Surgeon General’s Report on Tobacco in 1964, tobacco control interventions on part of the government led to a significant decline in conventional tobacco product usage over the last few decades. However, more recently, a new entity in the form of electronic cigarettes has risen rapidly and has exposed a younger population to a plethora of dangerous consequences. Looking at e-cigarettes from the perspective of tobacco control however raises a lot of challenges. There is little doubt that existing smokers of combustible cigarettes who switch to e-cigarettes will be switching to a less harmful product. However, if the younger generation begins using e-cigarettes as a result of targeted marketing, appealing flavors and ‘safer alternative’ perception, decades of progress made in conventional tobacco control will be negated. Governments at the federal, state, and local levels have a mandate to once again implement new public health policies to ensure that non-conventional tobacco products like e-cigarettes are available as smoking cessation tools for existing smokers but at the same time do not play a role in ruining the health of future generations through addiction and disease.
Purpose of Review
To review the present scenario of regulations and policies impacting public health with respect to electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) with the objective of providing a meaningful and balanced view of the challenges at hand with plausible recommendations.
Recent Findings
Nicotine in tobacco is known to cause addiction and dependence. It is particularly potent in children and young adults. E-cigarettes can deliver high concentrations of nicotine, and these concentrations can vary depending on the numerous constituents within the e-cigarette which vary greatly from one another. Use of e-cigarettes is implicated as a risk factor for future cigarette use in young adults. Moreover, e-cigarette usage patterns also depend on several sociodemographic factors. Banning tobacco products has shown to reduce smoking risk in youth and as such, strong e-cigarette regulation measures are needed for prevention.
Effective regulation of ENDS faces a multitude of challenges. One such challenge is to prevent youth and non-smokers from getting habituated to nicotine through e-cigarettes. The intention of tobacco companies to sustain sales through harmful marketing strategies that tone down the risks and highlight e-cigarettes as a “much safer alternative” while promoting flavors appealing to children should be immediately prohibited. Another hazard is the endorsement of ENDS as devices meant for enhancing social interaction which opens a path for youth to make erroneous choices under peer pressure. On the other hand, several studies have reported that e-cigarettes significantly reduce an existing smoker’s risk of being exposed to toxic tobacco smoke constituents that are normally present in cigarette smoke. This leads to the conclusions that e-cigarettes can be a tool for smoking cessation for current smokers. Public policy must take a multi-dimensional approach to balance these two extremes.
Optimizing Dyslipidemia Management for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: a Focus on Risk Assessment and Therapeutic OptionsAbstract
Primary prevention of incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) as well as decreasing the risk of future events in those with established atherosclerosis is critical from a public health perspective. Management of dyslipidemias constitutes a key target in decreasing the risk of developing ASCVD events. While there have been great strides in the treatment of dyslipidemia over the last three decades, there are important recent developments and ongoing research that will expand the available therapeutic options and enable further cardiovascular risk reduction.
Purpose of Review
The purpose of this paper is to review new developments relating to the primary prevention and management of ASCVD with a specific focus on optimizing the treatment of dyslipidemias.
Recent Findings
In the realm of ASCVD risk prediction, mounting evidence over the last decade has demonstrated that coronary artery calcium testing is superior to any serum biomarker in the prediction of future ASCVD events and in discriminating future cardiovascular risk. As such, it has been incorporated into the most recent ACC/AHA primary prevention guideline to help guide management decisions in select patients. In terms of the management of dyslipidemias, PCSK9 inhibitors lower LDL-C by 50–70% and provide an additional 15% reduction in key cardiovascular events in high-risk patients with known ASCVD, as demonstrated in the ODYSSEY and FOURIER trials. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitors, which significantly increase HDL-C levels, demonstrated mixed results in large clinical trials and have helped reframe HDL-C as a risk marker rather than a modifiable risk factor. In regard to the management of triglycerides, the REDUCE-IT trial demonstrated a nearly 5% absolute reduction in key cardiovascular events with a highly purified fish-oil derivative named icosapent ethyl in high-risk patients already on statin therapy. Finally, in regard to lipoprotein(a)—which is a strong risk factor for ASCVD—there are exciting developments in the therapeutic pipeline which reduce circulating lipoprotein(a) levels by nearly 90%.
The management of dyslipidemias continues to be an exciting field with several ongoing cardiovascular outcomes trials, improvement in risk prediction models, and new therapeutic agents in the pipeline that will further mitigate residual cardiovascular risk in both primary and secondary prevention patients.
Echocardiographic Diastolic Stress Testing: What Does It Add?AbstractPurpose of Review
Diastolic stress echocardiography may help facilitate the attribution of exertional dyspnea to cardiac and non-cardiac disease. It represents a non-invasive hemodynamic test to assess the patients with unexplained dyspnea. It can improve the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) or diastolic heart failure.
Recent Findings
A number of studies have validated exercise E/e′ as a measure of left ventricular (LV) filling pressure against invasively measured LV filling pressure using simultaneous exercise echocardiography-catheterization studies. Addition of E/e′ during exercise echocardiography improved sensitivity for diagnosis of HFpEF compared with resting assessment alone, and its specificity can be improved if tricuspid regurgitation velocity also increases above the normal range with exercise. The independent prognostic value of exercise E/e′ has also been well delineated in a number of studies.
Diastolic stress exercise echocardiography should be considered for all patients with unexplained or exertional dyspnea and normal diastolic filling pressure or grade 1 diastolic dysfunction on resting echocardiography. Addition of diastolic assessment with exercise echocardiography improves the sensitivity of the test in patients with dyspnea and there are sufficient data to integrate diastolic exercise test into our clinical practice.
Clinical Utility of [ 18 F]FDG-PET /CT in Pericardial DiseaseAbstract
Identification of the etiology of pericardial disease is challenging because the accessibility to pericardial fluid and tissue is limited and there is a relatively low yield of fluid and tissue analysis. Pericardial disease is associated with various systemic diseases and is frequently a first manifestation of other systemic diseases. Detecting the cause of pericarditis and minimizing the subsequent inflammatory process can possibly prevent long-term complications.
Purpose of Review
To review the clinical utility of [18F]-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ([18F]FDG-PET/CT) in the diagnosis and treatment of pericardial disease.
Recent Findings
[18F]FDG-PET/CT can visualize the hypermetabolic tissues of both malignancy and inflammation. Distribution of [18F]FDG-PET/CT uptake can provide information for neoplastic disease. If malignancy is ruled out, high uptake of pericardium is associated with active inflammation of the pericardium, and thus response to anti-inflammatory agents can also be predicted with [18F]FDG-PET/CT imaging.
[18F]FDG-PET/CT can be helpful for diagnosing and establishing prognosis and for planning for anti-inflammatory treatment in pericardial disease.
For Whom the Bell TollsAbstract
Sudden cardiac death is one of the most important causes of death worldwide. Advancements in medical treatment, percutaneous interventions, and device therapy (ICD and CRTD) showed consistent reduction in mortality, mainly in survivors of SCD and in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and depressed left ventricular function. Patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathies, mildly reduced LV function, and channelopathies have increased risk for SCD. Identifying the subgroup of these patients before they experience life-threatening or fatal events is essential to further improve outcomes. In this review, we aimed to summarize the current knowledge for risk stratification and primary prevention, to describe the gaps in evidence, and to discuss future directions for screening and treating patients at risk for SCD.
Purpose of Review
The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive description of the etiologies of sudden cardiac death, risk stratification strategies, and to describe the current medical and interventional therapies. We aimed to discuss the current gaps in our knowledge of primary prevention of SCD and to review novel approaches and interventions.
Recent Findings
The incidence of SCD has decreased in the last two decades due to improved pharmacological treatment and ICD implantation in SCD survivors and in patients with reduced left ventricular function and ischemic cardiomyopathy. The efficacy of ICD in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy is challenged by new findings from the DANISH trial. Catheter ablation is new emerging strategy to prevent SCD in patients with scar relater or PVC-triggered ventricular arrhythmias.
Despite the new treatments, SCD is still a major burden. ICD remains the cornerstone for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, whereas appropriate risk stratification of the patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and channelopathies is needed to further improve outcomes. The future of ablation as the treatment and prevention of SCD remains to be studied.
Cardiac Amyloidosis: Updates in ImagingAbstractPurpose of Review
We summarize key features pertaining to the two most commonly encountered types of cardiac amyloidosis (CA), monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain (AL) and transthyretin type (ATTR), expanding upon the clinical application and utility of various imaging techniques in diagnosing CA.
Recent Findings
Advances in imaging have led to earlier identification, improved diagnosis of CA and higher discriminatory power to differentiate CA from other hypertrophic phenocopies. The application of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) has led to a deeper understanding of underlying pathophysiological processes in CA, owing largely to its intrinsic tissue characterization properties. The widespread adoption of bone scintigraphy algorithms has reduced the need for cardiac biopsy and improved diagnostic confidence in ATTR CA.
As new treatments for CA are rapidly developing, there will be even greater reliance on imaging, as the requirement to diagnose disease earlier, monitor response and amend treatment strategies accordingly intensifies.
Engineering Functional Cardiac Tissues for Regenerative Medicine ApplicationsAbstractPurpose of Review
Tissue engineering has expanded into a highly versatile manufacturing landscape that holds great promise for advancing cardiovascular regenerative medicine. In this review, we provide a summary of the current state-of-the-art bioengineering technologies used to create functional cardiac tissues for a variety of applications in vitro and in vivo.
Recent Findings
Studies over the past few years have made a strong case that tissue engineering is one of the major driving forces behind the accelerating fields of patient-specific regenerative medicine, precision medicine, compound screening, and disease modeling. To date, a variety of approaches have been used to bioengineer functional cardiac constructs, including biomaterial-based, cell-based, and hybrid (using cells and biomaterials) approaches. While some major progress has been made using cellular approaches, with multiple ongoing clinical trials, cell-free cardiac tissue engineering approaches have also accomplished multiple breakthroughs, although drawbacks remain.
This review summarizes the most promising methods that have been employed to generate cardiovascular tissue constructs for basic science or clinical applications. Further, we outline the strengths and challenges that are inherent to this field as a whole and for each highlighted technology.
Lp(a): Addressing a Target for Cardiovascular Disease PreventionAbstractPurpose of Review
To review the current recommendations for lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) screening, the evidence behind the thresholds for increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, and the available data supporting Lp(a) lowering.
Recent Findings
Lp(a) is almost entirely genetically determined and has an independent causal association with CVD. Measurement of Lp(a) is challenging given the structural heterogeneity of apolipoprotein a (apo(a)), for which isoform-insensitive immunoassays should be used. Current guidelines do not recommend treatment to lower Lp(a) but rather focus on intensified preventive measures including low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) lowering in patients with high Lp(a). Evidence suggests that levels higher than 50 mg/dL (125 nmol/L) identify significantly increased CVD risk. Mendelian randomization studies suggest that in order to have a clinically significant reduction in coronary heart disease, Lp(a) levels should be reduced by at least 60–70 mg/dL to attain a significant benefit. Ongoing studies of targeted therapy with antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) have shown promising reductions in Lp(a) up to 80%, but a cardiovascular outcomes trial is needed.
There is unquestionably an increased risk for CVD in patients with elevated Lp(a); however, measurement assay issues and the lack of Lp(a)-targeted therapies with proven outcome reduction limit the clinical utility of this important risk factor. Available evidence suggesting specific thresholds for clinically significant CVD risk are based on European or Caucasian populations, not accounting for important racial differences. Novel Lp(a)-targeted emerging therapies may need to account for an expected reduction of at least 60–70 mg/dL to achieve a clinically significant benefit.
The Assessment of Cardiac Masses by Cardiac CT and CMR Including Pre-op 3D Reconstruction and PlanningAbstractPurpose of Review
The purpose of this review is to (1) review the recent evidence examining the use of CT and CMR in the assessment of a suspected cardiac mass, (2) summarize the typical imaging features of the most common cardiac masses, and (3) examine the latest developments in the use of three-dimensional reconstructions and models in the preoperative assessment of a cardiac mass.
Recent Findings
CMR can distinguish between tumors and non-tumor masses and between benign and malignant mass with a high degree of accuracy.
CT and CMR are complementary tools in the evaluation of cardiac masses. CMR is the preferred initial imaging modality due to its versatile imaging planes and superior tissue characterization. CT better depicts calcification and has a higher spatial resolution compared with CMR, which is of particular importance in preoperative planning. CT also offers a valuable alternative in those with contraindications to CMR. Three-dimensional reconstructions, particularly of CT datasets, are a valuable adjunct in the preoperative assessment of a cardiac mass and may allow a better appreciation of the margins of the mass and its relationship with surrounding structures. Three-dimensional printing is an emerging technology which may be of additional value in selected patients with a cardiac mass.
Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma: Is This a Genetic Disorder?Abstract
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PCC/PGL) are neuroendocrine tumors of the adrenal medulla and extra-adrenal ganglia which often over-secrete catecholamines leading to cardiovascular morbidity and even mortality. These unique tumors have the highest heritability of all solid tumor types with up to 35–40% of patients with PCC/PGL having a germline predisposition.
Purpose of Review
To review the germline susceptibility genes and clinical syndromes associated with PCC/PGL.
Recent Findings
There are over 12 PCC/PGL susceptibility genes identified in a wide range of pathways. Each gene is associated with a clinical syndrome with varying penetrance for both primary and metastatic PCC/PGL and often includes increased risk for additional tumors besides PCC/PGL.
Patients with sporadic or hereditary PCC/PGL should be monitored for life given the risk of multiple primary tumors, recurrence, and metastatic disease. All patients with PCC/PGL should be referred for consideration for clinical genetic testing given the high heritability of disease.
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Πέμπτη 29 Αυγούστου 2019
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
10:46 μ.μ.


Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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