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Παρασκευή 30 Αυγούστου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,

Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 501: Molecular Characterisation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic...
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 501: Molecular Characterisation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic Strains of Aspergillus Section Flavi Isolated from Imported Peanuts along the Supply Chain in MalaysiaToxins, Vol. 11, Pages 501: Molecular Characterisation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic Strains of Aspergillus Section Flavi Isolated from Imported Peanuts along the Supply Chain in Malaysia Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11090501 Authors: Mahror Norlia Selamat Jinap Mahmud Ab Rashid Nor-Khaizura Son Radu...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:58
 BMJ Open recent issues The Uppsala-Stockholm Assisted Reproductive Techniques (UppStART) study...
 BMJ Open recent issuesThe Uppsala-Stockholm Assisted Reproductive Techniques (UppStART) studyPurposeThe Uppsala–Stockholm Assisted Reproductive Techniques (UppStART) study is a prospectively recruited sample of couples undergoing assisted reproduction in Stockholm and Uppsala county in Sweden. The study was initiated to (1) investigate possible changes in the epigenetic profile of infants inferred through the ART procedures and their consequence and (2) to assess the impact of lifestyle and health...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:56
 Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research - Latest Articles Receptor tyrosine...
 Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research - Latest ArticlesReceptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor Sunitinib and integrin antagonist peptide HM-3 show similar lipid raft dependent biphasic regulation of tumor angiogenesis and metastasisAnti-angiogenesis remains an attractive strategy for cancer therapy. Some anti-angiogenic reagents have bell-shape dose-response curves with higher than the effective doses yielding lower anti-angiogenic effec...Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:56
Development and comparison of population pharmacokinetic models of vancomycin in neurosurgical...
Development and comparison of population pharmacokinetic models of vancomycin in neurosurgical patients based on two different renal function markersWe developed two one‐compartment models based on Cys C (Cys C model) and Serum creatinine (SCR model), respectively. And the main aim of this study is to comparing the predictive performance of two models. Abstract What is known and objectives Some previous studies have indicated that serum cystatin C (Cys C) is a better marker than serum creatinine...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:46
Tissue engineering and stem cell therapy in pediatric urology Shilpa Sharma, Devendra K Gupta Journal...
Tissue engineering and stem cell therapy in pediatric urologyShilpa Sharma, Devendra K GuptaJournal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 2019 24(4):237-246The rapidly expanding field of tissue engineering along with stem cell therapy has a promising future in pediatric urological conditions. The initial struggle seemed difficult in renal regeneration but a functional biounit has been developed. Urine excretion has been demonstrated successfully from stem cell-generated embryonic kidneys. Three-dimensional...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:43
YESTERDAY Associations between brain structure and perceived intensity of sweet and bitter tastes....
YESTERDAYAssociations between brain structure and perceived intensity of sweet and bitter tastes.Related ArticlesAssociations between brain structure and perceived intensity of sweet and bitter tastes. Behav Brain Res. 2019 05 02;363:103-108 Authors: Hwang LD, Strike LT, Couvy-Duchesne B, de Zubicaray GI, McMahon K, Breslin PAS, Reed DR, Martin NG, Wright MJ Abstract Functional neuroimaging studies have identified brain regions associated with human taste perception, but only a few have investpubmed:...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:39
Sema3E is required for migration of cranial neural crest cells in zebrafish: Implications for...
Sema3E is required for migration of cranial neural crest cells in zebrafish: Implications for the pathogenesis of CHARGE syndromeSummary CHARGE syndrome is a congenital disorder with multiple malformations in the craniofacial structures, and cardiovascular and genital systems, which are mainly affected by neural crest defects caused by loss‐of‐function mutations within chromodomain helicase DNA‐binding protein 7 (CHD7). However, many patients with CHARGE syndrome test negative for CHD7. Semaphorin...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:37
Superior laryngeal nerve block for neurogenic cough: A case series. Related ArticlesSuperior...
Superior laryngeal nerve block for neurogenic cough: A case series.Related ArticlesSuperior laryngeal nerve block for neurogenic cough: A case series. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 2019 Aug;4(4):410-413 Authors: Dhillon VK Abstract Objectives: To demonstrate that an in-office superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) block with lidocaine and steroids is an effective alternative to neuromodulators for patients with neurogenic cough. Study Design: Retrospective stupubmed: speech and language13hQualitative...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:36
Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients With Lung or Esophageal Cancer Receiving Definitive Radiation...
Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients With Lung or Esophageal Cancer Receiving Definitive Radiation TherapyConditions:   Lung Cancer;   Esophageal CancerIntervention:   Procedure: Cardiac rehabilitationSponsor:   Washington University School of MedicineNot yet recruitingClinicalTrials.gov: HEAD AND NECK | Open Studies | updated in the last 14 days14hEpstein-Barr Virus DNA to Systemic Therapy for Treatment Adaptation in Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaCondition:   Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaInterventions:   Drug: sintilimab;...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Thu Aug 29, 2019 09:34

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