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Πέμπτη 29 Αυγούστου 2019

Public Health Law News Announcements,
Tool: Local Inclusionary Zoning Laws Dataset
As part of the 2018 Local Policy Surveillance Project, the Cook County Department of Public Health has created an interactive dataset that identifies and illustrates key features of 10 local inclusionary zoning laws in different cities in effect as of December 1, 2018. Inclusionary zoning laws can be used to make housing opportunities more accessible and affordable for low- to moderate-income families and individuals. This dataset is hosted on LawAtlas and was created through a cooperative agreement between CDC’s Public Health Law Program and ChangeLab Solutions.

Webinar: Financing Integrated Health and Social Services for Populations with Mental Illness
The Systems for Action Individual Research Project will host a webinar on September 11, 2019, at 12:00 pm (EDT). Presenters will describe a study that will inform how to structure and design payment models for payers of coordinated specialty care and other multi-disciplinary, team-based interventions across different sectors. The goal of this webinar is to increase awareness of the different ways to pay for these services so that the next generation is well-equipped with tools and resources they need to live with mental health conditions.

Call for Abstracts: 2020 Preparedness Summit
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) will host the 2020 Preparedness Summit during March 31–April 3, 2020, in Dallas, Texas. This year’s theme is Fixing Our Fault Lines: Addressing Systemic Vulnerabilities. The planning committee is seeking abstracts that address evidence-based best practices and tools and/or resources that build and sustain public health preparedness, and that are scalable at the local, state, tribal, and national levels. Abstract submissions are due by September 17, 2019, at 11:59 pm (EDT).

National Preparedness Month: Training and Courses
September is National Preparedness Month, and this year’s theme is “Prepared, Not Scared.” The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be sharing a variety of resources and tips throughout the month. Consider taking online training offered by FEMA to equip yourself with skills that can help you respond to disasters or emergencies more effectively.

US Global Health Legislation Tracker
The Kaiser Family Foundation has created a tracking system for global health legislation introduced in the 116th Congress. Legislation covers a variety of topics and already consists of at least 40 pieces of legislation that can impact global health. The tracker does not include resolutions, but it does include each bill’s title, sponsor(s), current status, topic, and a brief description of the global health-related provisions. 

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