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Παρασκευή 30 Αυγούστου 2019

Two salamander species respond differently to timber harvests in a managed New England forest
Background Managing forests for timber while protecting wildlife habitat is of increasing concern. Amphibians may be particularly sensitive to forest management practices due to their unique biology; however, it is not clear how different species respond to timber harvest practices—particularly over longer time scales. Methods Here we report on the differential responses of two salamander species—the eastern red-backed...
PeerJ Computer Science
Comparative and evolutionary analysis of the reptilian hedgehog gene family (Shh, Dhh, and Ihh)
The hedgehog signaling pathway plays a vital role in human and animal patterning and cell proliferation during the developmental process. The hedgehog gene family of vertebrate species includes three genes, Shh, Dhh, and Ihh, which possess different functions and expression patterns. Despite the importance of hedgehog genes, genomic evidence of this gene family in reptiles is lacking. In this study, the available genomes of a number of representative reptile species were explored by utilizing adaptive...
PeerJ Computer Science
CRISPR-Responsive Materials Deliver Therapy on Biological Cues
CRISPR gene editing is a technique famous for its potential to edit the genomes of living organisms, including humans. Using the technique, it may be possible to reverse congenital conditions, kill off viruses, and do things previously only imagined. But now it has been employed to do something else entirely, and that is to give materials the ability to change their properties when specific DNA sequences are nearby. The MIT and Harvard team behind the new research developed a variety...
Thu Aug 29, 2019 19:53
Brainstem injury in pediatric patients receiving posterior fossa photon radiation
Publication date: Available online 28 August 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Christopher A. Devine, Kevin X. Liu, Myrsini Ioakeim-Ioannidou, Matthew Susko, Tina Y. Poussaint, Thierry A.G.M. Huisman, Mariam Aboian, Douglas Brown, Cierra Zaslowe-Dude, Avani D. Rao, Lawrence T. Orlina, Bhupendra Rawal, Sabine Mueller, Karen J. Marcus, Stephanie A. Terezakis, Steve E. Braunstein, Daphne A. Haas-KoganAbstractBackgroundBrainstem necrosis is a rare, but...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Thu Aug 29, 2019 19:12
Robotic Guidewire to Clear Stroke Clots, Deliver Therapies Inside Brain
Endovascular procedures have drastically improved the available therapy options for a number of diseases and conditions. Catheters can now be navigated deep into the body, including the brain, but there’s still room for improvement to traverse particularly tortuous vascular anatomy. These days, most guidewires that are used to make the initial journey through the vasculature are pretty dumb. They can be rotated and pushed, and that’s about it, which can be pretty frustrating for the physicians...
Thu Aug 29, 2019 18:10
Plugging Holes in Blood Vessels Caused by Nanoparticle Therapy
While targeting nanoparticles to attack cancer cells can be effective at reducing primary tumors, they tend to create tiny holes within blood vessel walls that let some cancer cells escape and metastasize elsewhere. This is a serious side effect that may limit the usefulness of many nanoparticle-based cancer therapies in the long run, so researchers at National University of Singapore have been studying this matter and how to address it. The team identified that nanomaterial-induced endothelial...
Thu Aug 29, 2019 16:14
Graphene Clothing Prevents Mosquitoes from Being Attracted to Skin
Throughout history, diseases spread by mosquitoes to humans have probably caused more suffering than all the wars combined. Current techniques for fighting mosquitoes usually involve chemicals, but these may have side effects for us as well as the surrounding environment. Heavy clothing can help, but as anyone who has spent time outdoors where mosquitoes are rampant will know, they tend to be persistent and eventually find a way to take a bite. Now, researchers at Brown University are reporting...
Thu Aug 29, 2019 15:52
Comparative transcriptome analysis of panicle development under heat stress in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars differing in heat tolerance
Heat stress inhibits rice panicle development and reduces the spikelet number per panicle. This study investigated the mechanism involved in heat-induced damage to panicle development and spikelet formation in rice cultivars that differ in heat tolerance. Transcriptome data from developing panicles grown at 40 °C or 32 °C were compared for two rice cultivars: heat-tolerant Huanghuazhan and heat-susceptible IR36. Of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs), 4,070 heat stress-responsive genes were...
PeerJ Computer Science
Thu Aug 29, 2019 03:00
Postural control in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis while wearing a Chêneau brace or performing active self-correction: a pilot study
Background It is known that adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is often accompanied by balance deficits. This reciprocal relationship must be taken into account when prescribing new therapeutic modalities because these may differently affect postural control, interacting with therapy and influencing its results. Objective The purpose was to compare postural control in girls with AIS while wearing the Chêneau brace...
PeerJ Computer Science
Thu Aug 29, 2019 03:00
Analysis of the laccase gene family and miR397-/miR408-mediated posttranscriptional regulation in Salvia miltiorrhiza
Salvia miltiorrhiza is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicine materials. It contains important bioactive phenolic compounds, such as salvianolic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins. Elucidation of phenolic compound biosynthesis and its regulatory mechanism is of great significance for S. miltiorrhiza quality improvement. Laccases (LACs) are multicopper-containing enzymes potentially involved in the polymerization of phenolic compounds. So far, little has been known about LAC genes...
PeerJ Computer Science
Thu Aug 29, 2019 03:00
Effects of shading on the growth and leaf photosynthetic characteristics of three forages in an apple orchard on the Loess Plateau of eastern Gansu, China
Background Inclusion of forage into the orchard is of great help in promoting the use efficiency of resources, while shading from trees restricts forage growth and production in the Loess Plateau of China. This study was aimed to investigate how tree shading affected leaf trait, photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll feature of forages under the tree in the orchard-forage system. Methods The shading treatments were...
PeerJ Computer Science
Thu Aug 29, 2019 03:00
Microbial community dynamics during aerobic granulation in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Microorganisms in aerobic granules formed in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) remove contaminants, such as xenobiotics or dyes, from wastewater. The granules, however, are not stable over time, decreasing the removal of the pollutant. A better understanding of the granule formation and the dynamics of the microorganisms involved will help to optimize the removal of contaminants from wastewater in a SBR. Sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer PCR amplicons revealed that during...
PeerJ Computer Science
Thu Aug 29, 2019 03:00
Mapping research trends of retinal vein occlusion from 2009 to 2018: a bibliometric analysis
Objectives To map publication trends and explore research hotspots of retinal vein occlusion (RVO) study. Methods Based on Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), a bibliometric analysis was carried out. The knowledge map was constructed by VOSviewer v.1.6.10 to visualize the annual publication number, the distribution of countries, international collaborations, author productivity, source journals, cited reference and keywords...
PeerJ Computer Science
Thu Aug 29, 2019 03:00

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