
Παρασκευή 23 Αυγούστου 2019

Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 484: Evaluation of the Spider (Phlogiellus genus) Phlotoxin 1 and Synthetic Variants as Antinociceptive Drug Candidates
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 484: Evaluation of the Spider (Phlogiellus genus) Phlotoxin 1 and Synthetic Variants as Antinociceptive Drug Candidates Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11090484 Authors: Gonçalves Lesport Kuylle Stura Ciolek Mourier Servent Bourinet Benoit Gilles Over the two last decades, venom toxins have been explored as alternatives to opioids to treat chronic debilitating pain. At present, approximately 20 potential analgesic toxins, mainly from...
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 483: A Spectroscopic Study on Secondary Structure and Thermal Unfolding of the Plant Toxin Gelonin Confirms Some Typical Structural Characteristics and Unravels the Sequence of Thermal Unfolding Events
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 483: A Spectroscopic Study on Secondary Structure and Thermal Unfolding of the Plant Toxin Gelonin Confirms Some Typical Structural Characteristics and Unravels the Sequence of Thermal Unfolding Events Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11090483 Authors: Andrea Scirè Fabio Tanfani Alessio Ausili Gelonin from the Indian plant Gelonium multiflorum belongs to the type I ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs). Like other members of RIPs, this toxin glycoprotein inhibits...
Personas en reisgo vs factores de riesgo | ¿Es inútil el concepto de hipertensión arterial como enfermedad?
¿Debería verse alguna presión sanguínea dada en el contexto mucho más amplio del riesgo general del riesgo cardiometabólico?
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La mayoría ocurren fuera de la sala de operaciones | Muertes relacionadas con la cirugía no cardíaca
Se producen en el período de recuperación (después de la cirugía y después del alta hospitalaria), no durante la cirugía
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Epigenetics of the Synapse in Neurodegeneration
Abstract Purpose of Review In the quest for understanding the pathophysiological processes underlying degeneration of nervous systems, synapses are emerging as sites of great interest as synaptic dysfunction is thought to play a role in the initiation and progression of neuronal loss. In particular, the synapse is an interesting target for the effects of epigenetic mechanisms in neurodegeneration. Here, we review the recent advances...
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports
Automated Pupillometry in Neurocritical Care: Research and Practice
Abstract Purpose of Review The purpose of this review is to examine the impact of pupillometer assessment on care and research of patients with neurological injury. Recent Findings Recent studies demonstrate that automated pupillometry outperforms manual penlight pupil examination in neurocritical care populations. Further research has identified...
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports
MYORG Mutations: a Major Cause of Recessive Primary Familial Brain Calcification
Abstract Purpose of Review Until recently, the gene associated with the recessive form of familial brain calcification (PFBC, Fahr disease) was unknown. MYORG, a gene that causes recessive PFBC was only recently discovered and is currently the only gene associated with a recessive form of this disease. Here, we review the radiological and clinical findings in adult MYORG mutation homozygous and heterozygous individuals. ...
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports
Cancer and Cerebrovascular Disease
Abstract Purpose of Review To review the latest information about the interactions between cancer and cerebrovascular disease. Recent Findings Additional data support the finding that both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are important complications of cancer or its treatment. Reperfusion therapy is being given successfully to patients with stroke...
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports
Machine learning versus physicians’ prediction of acute kidney injury in critically ill adults: a prospective evaluation of the AKIpredictor
Critical Care
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Evidence on the magnitude of the economic, health and population effects of palm cooking oil consumption: an integrated modelling approach with Thailand as a case study
Population Health Metrics
Latest additions to Europe PMC
N-glycosylation-defective splice variants of neuropilin-1 promote metastasis by activating endosomal signals
Nature Communications
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Interplay between c-Src and the APC/C co-activator Cdh1 regulates mammary tumorigenesis
Nature Communications
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Single cell transcriptome analysis of developing arcuate nucleus neurons uncovers their key developmental regulators
Nature Communications
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Maternal, adolescent and child health issues in low and middle income countries: towards achieving the sustainable development goals
African Health Sciences
Faculty’s experience of a formal mentoring programme: the perfect fit
Background: The aging academic cohort in the faculty of health sciences necessitates transfer of knowledge and skills as a crucial component of sustainability. Formal mentoring programmes at higher education institutions aim to create a platform where experienced faculty can mentor newly appointed faculty to adjust to the context and gain knowledge and exposure. The formal mentoring programmes’ structure and outcomes can create challenges and prevent the perfect fit between the mentor and mentee.Purpose:...
African Health Sciences
Diagnostic challenges and surgical management of co-existent osteoblastoma and aneurysmal bone cyst of the lumbar spine in a child: case report
Background: Osteoblastomas (OTB) with co-existent aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) of the spine are extremely rare and more so in the lumbar spine. To the authors’ knowledge, only one case of lumbar spine involvement has been reported in a paediatric patient.Objectives: To highlight diagnostic challenges and surgical management of co-existent lumbar OTB-ACB in a child.Methods: We present a 14-year old female with low back pain and progressive swelling of 2 months. She was evaluated by neuroimaging studies...
African Health Sciences
The effectiveness of basic life support training on nursing students’ knowledge and basic life support practices: a non-randomized quasi-experimental study
Background: Provision of up-to-date information and skills training related to basic life support practices is very important for nursing students’ professional development and practitioner and education related roles.Objective: The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of basic life support training on knowledge and practices among nursing students.Methods: A non-randomized quasi-experimental design (One group pre-test-post-test) was used in this study. The study was conducted in...
African Health Sciences
Annona stenophylla aqueous extract stimulate glucose uptake in established C2Cl2 muscle cell lines
Background: Annona stenophylla is a folk medicine popularly used in Zimbabwe for the treatment of many ailments. This study was carried out to determine some of the possible anti diabetic mechanisms of its action using in vitro cell culturing methods.Methods: A. stenophylla’s effects on glucose uptake were tested using muscle cells (C2Cl2). Expression of glucose 4 transporters was determined by treating cell lines with plant extract. Total RNA was isolated and using RT-PCR, GLUT 4 expression levels were...
African Health Sciences
Rectus sheath hematoma and retroperitoneal bleeding due to rivaroxaban: a case report
Rivaroxaban is one of the new anti-coagulants that inhibit Factor Xa and rarely cause rectus sheath hematoma and retroperitoneal haemorrhage which are uncommon, life-threatening complications. Here is a case of an elderly patient on rivaroxaban therapy for the stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation who developed rectus sheath hematoma and retroperitoneal bleeding.Keywords: Rectus sheath hematoma, retroperitoneal bleeding, rivaroxaban.
African Health Sciences
Real time sonography as an anatomy teaching aid in undergraduate radiography institutions in Northern Nigeria
Background: Real-time ultrasound scanning is increasing in popularity as a teaching tool for human anatomy because it is non-invasive, offers real-time 3-D anatomy and is cheaper than dissections.Objectives: To assess real-time ultrasound scanning as a teaching method of human anatomy, and to determine what teaching methods radiography students consider effective for understanding human anatomy.Materials and methods: One hundred and ten self-administered, structured and pre-tested questionnaires...
African Health Sciences
Effect of nutrient intakes on anthropometric profiles among university students from a selected private University in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Background: Dietary composition is the cornerstone of weight management. This study aimed to investigate the effect of nutrient intakes on anthropometric profiles among university students.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 411 students aged 18-29 years, purposive sampled from a selected private university in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Anthropometric profiles were measured. Nutrient intakes were assessed by 3-day24-hour diet recalls.Results: Respondents on average had adequate macronutrient...
African Health Sciences
Association between parental involvement and academic achievement of deaf children at Mulago school for the deaf, Kampala, Uganda
Background: Deaf children face many challenges in dealing with educational opportunities and ensuring attainment of academic skills. A parent's involvement in the child's education has the potential to enhance academic performance. We sought to study the association between parental involvement and academic achievement among deaf children in Uganda.Methods: Using purposive consecutive sampling, one hundred and eight parents of deaf children (Primary 1 to 7) were recruited from Mulago School for the...
African Health Sciences
Colour vision deficiency among students in Lagos State, Nigeria
Background: Congenital colour vision defects are x-linked inherited, non-progressive and untreatable disorders that describe poor colour discrimination.Objective: To determine the prevalence of congenital colour vision deficiency among students in Lagos, Nigeria.Methods: A school-based cross-sectional, cluster sample study was conducted to test the colour vision of 2326 primary and high school students. Inclusion criteria were Snellen VA 20/20 or better and absence of known ocular pathologies. Colour...
African Health Sciences
Challenges faced by student accoucheurs during clinical placement at the free state maternal health care institutions
Background: Anecdotal evidence suggests that student accoucheurs studying at the Free State School of Nursing in South Africa are faced with resistance, discrimination, rejection and unacceptability by pregnant women during their clinical placement at the Free State maternal health care institutions.Objective: The aim of the study was to explore and describe the challenges faced by student accoucheurs regarding the maternal health care services they render to women.Methods: An explorative, descriptive,...
African Health Sciences
Staff perceptions of patient safety culture in general surgery departments in Turkey
Background: The first step towards establishing and improving patient safety culture in hospitals is measuring patient safety culture perceptions of staff. Few studies have examined the perception of patient safety culture in general surgery departments.Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate patient safety culture and patient safety grade in general surgery departments and to examine the relation between the patient safety culture and the patient safety grade.Methods: This study...
African Health Sciences
Aerobic exercise modulates cytokine profile and sleep quality in elderly
Background: Sleep disturbance is a major problem for older adults which can be exacerbated by increased inflammation as aging is associated with increased circulating pro-inflammatory and lower anti-inflammatory cytokines. There is a need to develop alternative medicine techniques to help improve sleep quality in the elderly.Objective: To investigate the effects of aerobic exercise training on the sleep quality and inflammatory cytokines in elderly subjects.Material and methods: Forty previously...
African Health Sciences
A quantitative assessment of the views of mental health professionals on exercise for people with mental illness: perspectives from a low-resource setting
Background: Exercise is nowadays considered as an evidence-based treatment modality in people with mental illness. Nurses and occupational therapists working in low-resourced mental health settings are well-placed to provide exercise advice for people with mental illness.Objectives: We examined the current exercise prescription practices employed by Ugandan health care professionals when working with people with mental illness, and identified perceived barriers to exercise prescription and exercise...
African Health Sciences
Association of Vitamin D receptor gene BsmI polymorphism with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Pakistani population
Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex metabolic disorder with strong genetic components. The reported association of vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms varies among ethnic groups.Objectives: The present study was conducted to determine association of vitamin D receptor gene BsmI (rs1544410 A>G) polymorphism with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Pakistani population.Methods: Blood samples were collected from 150 T2DM patients and 100 non-diabetic engaged by convenient sampling method....
African Health Sciences
The disuse of hearing aids in elderly people diagnosed with a presbycusis at an old age home, in Johannesburg, South Africa: a pilot study
Background: Hearing loss is the most common form of human sensory deficit with its prevalence highest within the geriatric population. Approximately a third of adults aged from 61 years exhibit the characteristics of presbycusis, a number one contributor to communication disorders among the elderly, thereby affecting the social, functional andpsychological wellbeing of the elderly. Subsiquently, this leads to loneliness, isolation, dependence and frustration.Objective: To explore reasons why elderly...
African Health Sciences
Association of inflammatory biomarkers with lung cancer in North Indian population
Background: Lung cancer is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth of the lung tissues. It is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.Objectives: The study aimed to determine the circulating CRP, TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-8 levels in lung cancer and healthy control and also established association between these biomarkers with the smoking status as well as the stages of the disease.Methodology: 51 lung cancer patients and 51 healthy controls were enrolled in this case-control study. The serum...
African Health Sciences
Cyclin D1 overexpression in Algerian breast cancer women: correlation with CCND1 amplification and clinicopathological parameters
Background: Cyclin D1 which is associated with cell cycle regulation is solidly established as an oncogene with an important pathogenetic role in breast carcinomas.Objectives: The aim of this study was to relate the Cyclin D1 protein overexpression with the amplification of its gene CCND1 in Estrogen Receptors (ER) positive breast carcinomas, in order to investigate the prognostic effect of their aberrations in relation to ER status, also to correlate the Cyclin D1 overexpression with other prognostic...
African Health Sciences
Polysaccharides obtained from mycelia of Cordyceps militaris attenuated doxorubicin-induced cytotoxic effects in chemotherapy
Objectives: Fungus Cordyceps militaris has been used as a herbal tonic in traditional Chinese medicine, which could be surface liquid-cultured for mycelia production. To evaluate the potential of polysaccharides obtained from mycelia of Cordyceps militaris (PS-MCM) for attenuation of side-effects of chemotherapy.Methods: Doxorubicin was used to induce cytotoxicity in THP-1 monocytes and EL-4 T cells, and the effects of PS-MCM on cell viability and cytokine production were detected on doxorubicin-treated...
African Health Sciences
Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors in ischemic stroke: a meta-analysis
Background: Stroke is a heterogeneous, multifactorial disease regulated by modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors like total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipid-cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipid-cholesterol (LDL-C) and glucose and non-modifiable factors like age. Evaluation of these risk factors for ischemic stroke may contribute to more effective prevention.Methods: This meta-analysis investigated the data up to 2018 with respect to age, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high...
African Health Sciences
Hospital-acquired acute kidney injury prevalence in in adults at a South African tertiary hospital
Background: Hospital Acquired Acute Kidney Injury (HA-AKI) prevalence has not been analysed in a South African setting. We investigated HA-AKI prevalence, using the KDIGO definition, with clinical characteristics and outcomes. The aim was to provide evidence for earlier treatment interventions to improve outcomes, such as recent UK NHS initiatives of automated electronic alerts in the laboratory information system.Methods: Retrospective laboratory and clinical data was analysed for a 6-month period...
African Health Sciences
Outcome of cardiovascular risk assessment among rural community dwellers in ezionum, Nigeria-implications for public health
Background: Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of mortality worldwide. Risk assessment has been shown to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In view of their proximity and accessibility, community pharmacies could be a suitable site forcardiovascular risk assessment and other preventive health activities especially in rural underserved populations. The objective of this study was to assess outcome of cardiovascular risk assessment among rural community dwellers.Materials and methods:...
African Health Sciences
Right ventricular systolic function in Nigerians with heart failure secondary to hypertensive heart disease
Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction has been shown to be a major contributor to the adverse outcomes in subjects with heart failure. Few studies evaluating the right ventricle in heart failure subjectshave been carried out in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study was therefore designed to evaluate the right ventricular systolic function in subjects with heart failure secondary to hypertensive heart disease presenting to the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria.Methodology: Seventy-six...
African Health Sciences
Assessment of community knowledge, attitude, and stigma of Buruli ulcer disease in Southern Nigeria
Background: Poor knowledge can influence timely care-seeking among persons with Buruli ulcer disease (BUD).Objectives: To assess community knowledge, attitude and stigma towards persons with BUD in endemic settings of Southern Nigeria.Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted among adult community members in four States of Southern Nigeria. A semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was administered to all participants.Results: Of 491 adults who completed the survey, 315...
African Health Sciences
Predictors of recurrent TB in sputum smear and culture positive adults: a prospective cohort study
Objective: To explore simple inexpensive non-culture based predictors of recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Setting and study population: HIV-infected and uninfected adults with the first episode of smear positive, culture-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in a high tuberculosis burden country.Design: A nested prospective cohort study of participants with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) presenting to a hospital out-patient clinic.Results: A total of 630 TB culture confirmed participants were followed...
African Health Sciences
Seroprevalence and determinants of Helicobacter pylori infection among asymptomatic under-five children at a Tertiary Hospital in the South-Western region of Nigeria
Background: The epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection among under-five children in the South West Nigeria remains largely understudied. There is no data on the subject from the study area.Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the seroprevalence of H. pylori infection among under-five children at a tertiary hospital in the South Western, Nigeria and to determine its associated socio-demographic factors.Methods: Sera of 360 children were analyzed for anti H. pylori Ig G...
African Health Sciences

Bacterial etiology in early re-admission patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Background: Repeatedly hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) are often exposed to more antibiotics, but the distribution of pathogenic bacteria in these patients is poorly understood. The objectives of this study were to analyze the distribution of pathogenic bacteria and the risk factors associated with multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria infection in early re-admission patients with AECOPD.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed charts for patients...
African Health Sciences
The impact of hepatitis C viremia status on lung functions in chronic hepatitis c patients
Background: Previous trials have investigated the effect of hepatitis C on lung functions; however, the role of viral load levels is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of HCV viremia status on lung functions.Methods: This study was in 60 patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Patients were classified into three groups (non-viremic, low-viremic and high-viremic) based on serum HCV RNA levels. Spirometric parameters (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC) and the proportion of patients with...
African Health Sciences
Detection and phenotypic characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical and community samples in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Objective: The objective of this study was to isolate and phenotypically characterize methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)from clinical and community samples in Abakaliki, Nigeria.Methods: A total of 709 clinical (303) and community samples (406) samples were obtained for this study. MRSA isolates were detected using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method with the inclusion of 1 μg oxacillin and cefoxitin antibiotic disc. The isolates were screened for the β-lactamase production using nitrocefin...
African Health Sciences
An audit of surgical site infection following open prostatectomy in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital
Background: Surgical site infections (SSI) are a potential cause of morbidity and increased cost of care after operations such as open prostatectomy.Objective: To audit the occurrence of SSI after open prostatectomy at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, NigeriaMethods: A review of all patients who underwent open prostatectomy over a ten-year period (July 2005 to June 2015). Data analysis was done using the statistical package for social sciences version 21....
African Health Sciences
Prevalence of infectious multi-drug resistant bacteria isolated from immunocompromised patients in Tunisia
Objectives: A retrospective study was conducted in the Bone Marrow Transplant Center of Tunisia during a period of 10 years (from 2002 to 2011) in order to report the prevalence of infectious multi-drug resistant bacteria.Methods: Bacterial identification was carried on the basis of biochemical characteristics and API identification systems. Antibiotic susceptibility was tested by disc diffusion method on Muller-Hinton agar.Results: During the study period, 34.5% of 142 Klebsiella pneumoniae strains...
African Health Sciences
Epidemiology of resistance and phenotypic characterization of carbapenem resistance mechanisms in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates at Sahloul University Hospital-Sousse, Tunisia
Objective: To assess the prevalence of ESBL producing and carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from in-come and out-come patients at Sahloul-university hospital.Methods: A retrospective study over a 3 years period (January 2012 and December 2014) focused on 2160 strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS program. ESBL detection was performed using a double disc diffusion method and carbapenemase detection was realized by Rosco-Disk kit.Results:...
African Health Sciences
Dengue fever – an update review and implications for Nigeria, and similar countries
Background: In the last five decades, dengue has emerged as one of the most important infectious diseases, following a 30-foldincrease in global incidence throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. The actual numbers of dengue cases areunder-reported and many cases are misclassified.Objectives: This article describes the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features and management of dengue. It also exploresthe implications of infection with this flavivirus for Nigeria, and similar...
African Health Sciences
In vitro antibacterial and cytogenotoxicological properties of the aqueous extract of Cymbopogoncitratus Stapf (DC) leaf
Background: Microbial infection of the genital tract or semen is one of the leading causes of male infertility. Consequently, there is a need to seek alternative products from natural sources.Objectives: The antibacterial, phytochemical and cytogenotoxicological assessments of the aqueous extract of Cymbopogon citratus leaf were evaluated.Methods: The antibacterial potential of the extract was done via agar-well diffusion and microdilution techniques. The phytochemical analysis was done via standard...
African Health Sciences
The prevalence and clinical profile of adrenocortical deficiency among HIV infected persons in Northern Nigeria
Background: Infection with the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) is still a prevalent problem in Africa.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypocortisolism among patients with HIV and their clinical profile at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH), Kano, Nigeria.Method: Three hundred and fifty adult patients with HIV infection were recruited from the HIV clinic of AKTH, Kano. Blood samples for serum electrolytes, and cortisol both before and after the short Synacthen...
African Health Sciences
Classification and description of chronic pain among HIV positive patients in Uganda
Introduction: Chronic pain classification in HIV positive patients is essential for diagnosis and treatment. However, this is rarely done despite association with poor outcomes.Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 345 consented patients at a specialized HIV care center in Uganda was conducted. Chronic pain was defined as pain of more than two weeks duration. Data was collected using a socio-demographic questionnaire, the IASP classification of chronic pain; the StEP; Mini Mental Status Examination,...
African Health Sciences
Neurological disorders in HIV in Africa: a review
Background: Neurological disorders in HIV infection are a common cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this paper is to provide a narrative overview of up to date information concerning neurological disorders affecting HIV infected persons in Africa.Methods: Seminal research concerning neurological disorders among HIV-infected adults in sub-Saharan Africa from prior to 2000 was combined with an in-depth search of PubMed to identify literature published from 2000 to 2017. The following Mesh terms...
African Health Sciences
Determinants of adverse neonatal outcomes among postnatal women in Dar es Salaam -Tanzania
Background: Neanatal comploications are the commonest problems facing babies in Tanzania. An attempt has been made to investigate determinants of neonatal outcomes among postnatal women.Methods: Using a case-contrrol study design, 165 women were selected from 3 health facilities, where they had had antenatal care (ANC), labour, delivery and post natal care.Results: Chi- square test revealed that gestational age (p-value, 0.01), HIV status (p-value, 0.000) and malaria (p-value, 0.001<0.05) were...
African Health Sciences
Seroprevalence of HBV among people living with HIV in Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria
Background: Co-infection of HBV with HIV is associated with significant morbidity and mortality globally. In spite of increasing reports of HIV/HBV co-morbidities in Nigeria, little or no data exists on this subject in Anyigba. Therefore,we determined the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigenemia among HIV positive patients on anti-retroviral treatment programme in Anyigba, Kogi State, North-Central Nigeria.Methods: Sera samples obtained from 200 consented HIV patients were screened for HBsAg...
African Health Sciences
Risk factors of stillbirth among mothers delivered in public hospitals of Central Zone, Tigray, Ethiopia
Background: Stillbirth is a death before the complete expulsion or extraction from the mother. The burden is severe and high in developing countries. Risk factors for stillbirth are not yet studied in Ethiopia.Objective:To identify risk factors of stillbirth among mothers delivered in public hospitals of Central Zone Tigray, Ethiopia.Methods: A case-control study design was used. Data collection period was from January to April 2018. Study subjects 63 cases and 252 controls were selected using systematic...
African Health Sciences
Molecular identification of diarrheal Aeromonas using immuno magnetic polymerase chain reaction (IM-PCR) technique: a comparative study with conventional culture method
Background: Aeromonas are ubiquitous bacteria causing many clinical conditions including acute diarrhea. Diarrheagenic Aeromonas harbors aerolysin gene secreting virulent enterotoxin, aerolysin.Objectives: To develop a molecular and immunological based method for detection of Aeromonas.Methods: Diarrheal Aeromonas strains were identified from stool samples using culture, enterotoxicity testing using mice model. During immune magnetic polymerase chain reaction IM-PCR protocol, aerolysin specific antibodies...
African Health Sciences
Patterns of paediatric emergency admissions and predictors of prolonged hospital stay at the children emergency room, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria
Background: There is a high prevalence of paediatric emergency cases in less developed countries. However, prolonged hospital stay at emergency units may further overstretch the facilities.Objective: To assess the patterns of presentations, services offered and predictors of a prolonged stay at the Children Emergency Room of a tertiary hospital in Southern Nigeria.Methods: This prospective cross-sectional, study was conducted at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Nigeria from 1st January–31st...
African Health Sciences
Factors affecting child malnutrition in Ethiopia
Background: One of the public health problems in developing countries is child malnutrition. An important factor for children’s well-being is good nutrition. Therefore, the malnutrition status of children under the age of five is an important outcome measure for children’s health. This study uses the proportional odds model to identify risk factors associated with child malnutrition in Ethiopia using the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey data.Methods: This study uses the 2016 Ethiopian...
African Health Sciences
Stability of a monovalent rotavirus vaccine after exposure to different temperatures observed in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Background: Rotavirus infection and its associated hospitalization of children less than 5 years old in middle- and low-income countries remains a public health challenge. We hypothesized that the Rotarix®potency is affected by non-optimal temperatures which translates into reduced vaccine effectiveness in these settings.Objective: To assess the effect of non-optimal temperatures on the potency of the Rotarix® vaccine in South Africa.Methods: Rotarix® vaccine was exposed to temperatures reflecting...
African Health Sciences
Zinc oxide nanoparticles inhibits quorum sensing and virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Background: Quorum sensing inhibitionis an advanced strategy that aims to interfere with bacterial cell-to-cell communication systems (quorum sensing), which regulate virulence factors production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in order to overcome the globalcrisis of antimicrobial resistance.Objectives: Study the potential quorum sensing inhibitory effect of Zinc oxide (ZnO)nanoparticlesin Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the impact on production of virulence factors.Methods: Quorum sensing inhibitory effect...
African Health Sciences
Maternal mortality trends at the Princess Marina and Nyangabwe referral hospitals in Botswana
Background: Despite the fact that about 94% of pregnant women attend ANC, 95% deliver at health facilities and 99% deliveries are assisted by skilled birth attendants in Botswana, the national Maternal Mortality Rate is still high.Objectives: To determine the trend of MMR at Princess Marina and Nyangabwe referral hospitals before and after EMOC training.Methods: Retrospective longitudinal quantitative study design was used to collect data on maternal deaths. Demographic characteristics, maternal...
African Health Sciences

Examining sexual functions of women before and after menopause in Turkey
Background: Sexuality is an important factor that completes the lives of individuals and affects people in all age groups.Objectives: To examine the sexual functions of women before and after menopause.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Family Health Centers in Tunceli Turkey,\ between September 2014 and February 2015. The study data were obtained using a Questionnaire and the Female Sexual Function Index. The data wereanalyzed by number, percentage distribution, mean, standard...
African Health Sciences
Stathmin 1 is highly expressed and associated with survival outcome in malignant adrenocortical tumours
Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is an aggressive endocrine cancer with few molecular predictors of malignancy and survival, especially in paediatric patients. Stathmin 1 (STMN1) regulates microtubule dynamics and has been involved in the malignant phenotype of cancer cells. Recently, it was reported that STMN1 is highly expressed in ACC patients, and STMN1 silencing reduces the clonogenicity and migration of ACC cell lines. However, the prognostic significance of STMN1 and its therapeutic potential...
Investigational New Drugs
Depressive symptoms, sexual activity, and substance use among adolescents in Kampala, Uganda
Background: Adolescents experience high rates of depression, initiation of sexual activity, and substance use.Objectives: To better understand the demographics of adolescents presenting to an adolescent clinic in Uganda, and to elucidate which factors are associated with depressive symptoms, sexual initiation, and substance use.Methods: A retrospective review was performed on intake forms obtained during interviews with adolescents presenting to the Makerere/Mulago Columbia Adolescent Health Clinic...
African Health Sciences
Attitude of married women towards contraceptive use in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria
Background: Contraceptive use helps in preventing unplanned pregnancy and reducing maternal death among married women.Objective: To investigate the attitude of married women towards contraceptive use in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State. The study also examined whether the variables of age and educational attainment would influence attitude of married women towards contraceptive use in Ilorin metropolis.Methods: Descriptive survey design and analytical methods were adopted for the study. Simple random...
African Health Sciences
Resurgence of non-communicable diseases in LMICs: a cause for concern?
African Health Sciences
Hysterosalpingographic findings in infertility – what has changed over the years?
Background: Prior studies on Hysterosalpingography (HSG) have shown that pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) related tubal adhesions accounted for 30 – 50% of female infertility, with as high as 80% reported in some studies. With improved access tocontraceptives, antibiotics and promotion of safe practices, the abnormal findings in HSG may have reduced or altered.Objective: To document the imaging findings in the HSG of participants and to compare current findings with prior studies done nationally...
African Health Sciences
A system approach to improving maternal and child health care delivery in Kenyan communities and primary care facilities: baseline survey on maternal health
Background: Maternal, fetal and neonatal mortality are 10 to 100 fold higher in many low-income compared to high-income countries. Reasons for these discrepancies include limited antenatal care and delivery outside health facilities.Objectives: The study aimed at conducting a baseline survey to assess the current levels of maternal health indicators in six counties in Western Kenya.Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted targeting women residing in Uasin-Gishu, ElgeyoMarakwet, TransNzoia, Bungoma,...
African Health Sciences
Rubella virus, Toxoplasma gondii and Treponema pallidum congenital infections among full term delivered women in an urban area of Tanzania: a call for improved antenatal care
Background: A significant proportion of newborns in the developing countries are born with congenital anomalies.Objective: This study investigated congenital infections due to Rubella virus, Toxoplasma gondii, Treponema pallidum among presumed normal neonates from full term pregnant women in Mwanza, Tanzania.Methods: Sera from mothers were tested for Treponema pallidum and Toxoplasma gondii infection while newborns from mothers with acute infections were tested for T. pallidum and T. gondii, and...
African Health Sciences
Circulating soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, soluble endoglin and placental growth factor during pregnancy in normotensive women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Background: Based on the increased pre-eclampsia and HIV antenatal incidence in South Africa, we determined the angiogenic profiles due to its mechanistic link in preeclampsia development, throughout uncomplicated pregnancies in HIV positive and negative women.Objective: To determine the angiogenic profiles throughout uncomplicated pregnancies in HIV positive and HIV negative women. We explored possible correlations between angiogenic serum levels and selected maternal characteristics (HIV status, gestational...
African Health Sciences
Women exposed to intimate partner violence: a Foucauldian discourse analysis of South African emergency nurses’ perceptions
Background: Emergency nurses’ understanding and interpretation of intimate partner violence influence the care they provide to women exposed to intimate partner violence.Objectives: The aim of this study was to uncover discourses that may help understand emergency nurses’ responses towards women exposed to intimate partner violenceMaterials and methods: This study used a qualitative design to explore emergency nurses’ discourses. Purposive sampling was used to select 15 participants working at an...
African Health Sciences
Infections: HIV and related-diseases, anti-microbial resistance and neglected tropical diseases
African Health Sciences

Δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια:

Δημοσίευση σχολίου

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

