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Πέμπτη 22 Αυγούστου 2019

A comparison between the Disposcope endoscope and fibreoptic bronchoscope for nasotracheal intubation: a randomized controlled trial
Nasotracheal intubation (NTI) is frequently performed for oral and maxillofacial surgeries. This study evaluated whether NTI is easier when guided by Disposcope endoscopy or fibreoptic bronchoscopy.
BMC Anesthesiology - Latest Articles
Epidural analgesia and avoidance of blood transfusion are associated with reduced mortality in patients with postoperative pulmonary complications following thoracotomic esophagectomy: a retrospective cohort study of 335 patients
Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) represent the most frequent complications after esophagectomy. The aim of this study was to identify modifiable risk factors for PPCs and 90-days mortality related ...
BMC Anesthesiology - Latest Articles
Impact of brief prewarming on anesthesia-related core-temperature drop, hemodynamics, microperfusion and postoperative ventilation in cytoreductive surgery of ovarian cancer: a randomized trial
General (GA)- and epidural-anesthesia may cause a drop in body-core-temperature (BCTdrop), and hypothermia, which may alter tissue oxygenation (StO2) and microperfusion after cytoreductive surgery for ovarian can...
BMC Anesthesiology - Latest Articles
Viscoelastic Blood Tests Use in Adult Cardiac Surgery: Meta-Analysis, Meta-Regression, and Trial Sequential Analysis
Postoperative hemorrhage in cardiac surgery is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Standard laboratory tests fail as predictors for bleeding in the surgical setting. The use of viscoelastic (VE) hemostatic assays thromboelastography (TEG) and rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) could be an advantage in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The objective of this meta-analysis was to analyze the effects (benefits and harms) of VE-guided transfusion practice in cardiac surgery patients.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
Vasoplegia in Cardiac Surgery: Pave the Way for Prevention
IN THIS ISSUE of the Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, van Vessem et al.1 conducted a retrospective cohort study investigating the risk factors of vasoplegia in patients undergoing mitral valve repair for functional mitral regurgitation. In their study, vasoplegia was defined as administration of norepinephrine ≥0.2 μg/kg/min and/or any dose of terlipressin combined with a cardiac index ≥2.2 L/min/m2 for at least 12 consecutive hours, starting within the first 3 days after surgery.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia

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