
Κυριακή 17 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Achieving the Lowest Effective Antipsychotic Dose for Patients with Remitted Psychosis: A Proposed Guided Dose-Reduction Algorithm
Abstract Continuing antipsychotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia under clinical remission remains controversial. Even though the mainstream opinion declares an outweighed balance against medication discontinuation, recent reviews and critiques suggest that some patients may remain symptom free and well functioning after stopping antipsychotics, but few predictors can identify who can try medication discontinuation, whilst no guidelines exist for reducing medication to...
Latest Results for CNS Drugs
Potentiation of morphine-induced antinociception by harmaline: involvement of μ-opioid and ventral tegmental area NMDA receptors
Abstract Rational Morphine is one of the most well-known and potent analgesic agents; however, it can also induce various side effects. Thus, finding drugs and mechanisms which can potentiate the analgesic effects of low doses of morphine will be a good strategy for pain management. Objective The involvement of μ-opioid receptors and ventral tegmental area...
Latest Results for Psychopharmacology
Effects of benzodiazepines administration on identification of facial expressions of emotion: a meta-analysis
Abstract Rationale Benzodiazepines, a class of commonly prescribed drugs, were shown to cause cognitive impairments in several domains. However, the effect of benzodiazepines on social cognition is still unclear. Objectives In order to clarify how benzodiazepines administration affects the identification of facial expressions of emotion (FEE), we conducted...
Latest Results for Psychopharmacology
Adolescents with thyroid nodules: retrospective analysis of factors predicting malignancy
Abstract Thyroid nodules are less common in children than in adults. However, pediatric thyroid nodules have a higher rate of malignancy compared to those in adults, and increased risk of metastasis and recurrence. In the present study, we analyzed the clinical features as well as laboratory and thyroid ultrasound (US) findings of children and adolescents with thyroid nodules to identify predictive factors of thyroid cancer. We retrospectively analyzed 275 patients with thyroid...
Latest Results for European Journal of Pediatrics
Outcomes of hypoplastic left heart syndrome: analysis of National Inpatient Sample Database 1998–2004 versus 2005–2014
Abstract Neonates with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) were identified from the National Inpatient Sample dataset for the years 1998–2014. These patients were stratified into two chronological groups, past group (1998–2005) and recent group (2006–2014). A total of 20,649 neonates with HLHS were identified. Of them, 9179 (44.5%) were born in the past group and 11,470 (55.5%) in the recent group. Median birth weight was significantly less in the recent group (2967 g vs. 3110...
Latest Results for European Journal of Pediatrics
Atypical primary cutaneous cryptococcosis during ibrutinib therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Novel nonsense IL-12Rβ1 mutation associated with recurrent tuberculosis
Abstract The interleukin (IL)-12/interferon(IFN)γ axis plays an important role in the control of mycobacterial diseases as demonstrated by the increased susceptibility to mycobacterial species in patients with an inborn error of the IL-12-dependent IFNγ immunity. Here, we report a novel mutation in the IL-12Rβ1 gene in a female Pakistani patient who was born in a consanguineous marriage and developed severe bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) infection and recurrent tuberculosis. After...
Latest Results for Immunologic Research
Comparative transcriptomics and transcriptional regulation analysis of enhanced laccase production induced by co-culture of Pleurotus eryngii var . ferulae with Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
Abstract The co-culturing of Pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was confirmed in our previous studies to be an efficient strategy to improve laccase production by submerged fermentation. To determine the possible regulation principles underlying this behaviour, comparative transcriptomic analysis was performed on P. eryngii var. ferulae to investigate the differential expression of genes in co-culture. RNA-seq analysis showed that genes concerning xenobiotic...
Latest Results for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Vicia : a green bridge to clean up polluted environments
Abstract Vicia species, commonly known as vetches, include legume plants which nowadays can be found in many countries around the world. Their use to improve soil health and productivity is crucial in management schemes that make sustainable agriculture possible, but they can also play a part in the phytoremediation of polluted environments. Furthermore, they harbor a large community of rhizospheric microorganisms, such as biodegradative bacteria and plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria,...
Latest Results for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Novel mutations in the QRDR region gyr A gene in multidrug-resistance Corynebacterium spp. isolates from intravenous sites
Abstract The resistance to fluoroquinolones in corynebacteria is due to mutations occurring in the quinolone-resistance-determining region (QRDR) of the gyrA gene encoding the enzyme gyrase A subunit. In recent years we can observe an increasing number of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Corynebacterium striatum, Corynebacterium jeikeium and Corynebacterium urealyticum, including wide range of disorders, such as invasive infections. In this study 14 Corynebacterium spp....
Latest Results for Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Update 2020: nomenclature and listing of celiac disease–relevant gluten epitopes recognized by CD4 + T cells
Abstract Celiac disease is caused by an abnormal intestinal T cell response to cereal gluten proteins. The disease has a strong human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association, and CD4+ T cells recognizing gluten epitopes presented by disease-associated HLA-DQ allotypes are considered to be drivers of the disease. This paper provides an update of the currently known HLA-DQ restricted gluten T cell epitopes with their names and sequences.
Latest Results for Immunogenetics
Correction to: Reducing macrophage numbers alleviates temporomandibular joint ankylosis
The article “Reducing macrophage numbers alleviates temporomandibular joint ankylosis”, written by Lu Zhao, E Xiao, Linhai He, Denghui Duan, Yang He, Shuo Chen, Yi Zhang and Yehua Gan, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal.
Latest Results for Cell and Tissue Research
YTHDF2 reduction fuels inflammation and vascular abnormalization in hepatocellular carcinoma
Abstract Background Dynamic N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification was previously identified as a ubiquitous post-transcriptional regulation that affected mRNA homeostasis. However, the m6A-related epitranscriptomic alterations and functions remain elusive in human cancer. Here we aim to identify the profile and outcome of m6A-methylation in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). ...
Latest Results for Molecular Cancer
Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Early to Moderate Stage Knee Osteoarthritis with Intra-articular Hyaluronic Acid Compared to Conservative Interventions
Abstract Introduction Evidence has demonstrated greater benefit of intra-articular hyaluronic acid (IA-HA) within earlier stages of knee osteoarthritis (OA) rather than waiting for patients to have progressed to later stages of disease progression. High molecular weight (HMW) HA has also been shown to be more effective than low molecular weight (LMW) HA products in mild to moderate knee OA, providing an important distinction to make within...
Latest Results for Advances in T...
Persistent shunt dependency in children treated with CSF diversion for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH)
Abstract Long-term shunt dependency rates in children treated for IIH with CSF diversion have not been established. We therefore present our experience with 4 children shunted for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) during the years 1988–2000 with very long-time follow-up. Two out of these patients have experienced late or very late episodes of severe shunt failure during the second or third decade after initial shunt treatment. They were all boys and may not be representative...
Latest Results for Acta Neurochirurgica
The prognostic value of peri-operative neurological performance in glioblastoma patients
Abstract Background IDH-wild-type glioblastoma (GBM) is a disease with devastating prognosis. First-line therapy consists of gross total resection and adjuvant radiotherapy with concomitant temozolomide. Several clinical parameters have been identified to provide prognostic value. We investigated whether peri-operative overall neurological performance could also be used to evaluate patients’ prognosis. ...
Latest Results for Acta Neurochirurgica
Revealing Evolutionarily Optimal Strategies in Self-Reproducing Systems via a New Computational Approach
Abstract Modelling the evolution of complex life history traits and behavioural patterns observed in the natural world is a challenging task. Here, we develop a novel computational method to obtain evolutionarily optimal life history traits/behavioural patterns in population models with a strong inheritance. The new method is based on the reconstruction of evolutionary fitness using underlying equations for population dynamics and it can be applied to self-reproducing systems (including...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Combined associations of hs-CRP and cognitive function with all-cause mortality among oldest-old adults in Chinese longevity areas: a prospective cohort study
Abstract Background Inflammatory markers, such as high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and cognitive impairment (CI) are associated with mortality; CRP is related to the deterioration of CI. However, it is still unknown whether these two indices predict mortality independent of each other. Furthermore, their joint effect on all-cause mortality has not been well established, especially in oldest-old adults. ...
Latest Results for Immunity
Sun Nov 17, 2019 02:00
Preservation of renal function in cardiac surgery patients with low cardiac output syndrome: levosimendan vs beta agonists
Abstract Background Some studies have been performed to assess the effects of levosimendan on cardiac function when administered to cardiac surgery patients with low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) in the immediate postoperative period. Levosimendan is an inotropic agent for the treatment of low cardiac output syndrome that seems to have a protective effect on renal function. ...
Latest Results for BMC Anesthesi...
Sun Nov 17, 2019 02:00

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