Microbe-mediated sustainable bio-recovery of gold from low-grade precious solid waste: A microbiological overview Publication date: March 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 89 Author(s): Supriyanka Rana, Puranjan Mishra, Zularisam ab Wahid, Sveta Thakur, Deepak Pant, Lakhveer Singh Abstract
In an era of electronics, recovering the precious metal such as gold from ever increasing piles of electronic-wastes and metal-ion infested soil has become one of the prime concerns for researchers worldwide. Biological mining is an attractive, economical and non-hazardous to recover gold from the low-grade auriferous ore containing waste or soil. This review represents the recent major biological gold retrieval methods used to bio-mine gold. The biomining methods discussed in this review include, bioleaching, bio-oxidation, bio-precipitation, bio-flotation, bio-flocculation, bio-sorption, bio-reduction, bio-electrometallurgical technologies and bioaccumulation. The mechanism of gold biorecovery by microbes is explained in detail to explore its intracellular mechanistic, which help it withstand high concentrations of gold without causing any fatal consequences. Major challenges and future opportunities associated with each method and how they will dictate the fate of gold bio-metallurgy from metal wastes or metal infested soil bioremediation in the coming future are also discussed. With the help of concurrent advancements in high-throughput technologies, the gold bio-exploratory methods will speed up our ways to ensure maximum gold retrieval out of such low-grade ores containing sources, while keeping the gold mining clean and more sustainable.
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Adsorption kinetics of the herbicide safeners, benoxacor and furilazole, to activated carbon and agricultural soils Publication date: March 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 89 Author(s): Saraswati Poudel Acharya, Jacob Johnson, Jennifer Weidhaas Abstract
Chloroacetamide herbicides, namely acetochlor and metolachlor, are common herbicides used on corn and soybean fields. Dichloroacetamide safeners, namely benoxacor and furilazole, are commonly used in formulations containing chloroacetamide herbicides. Extensive reports on adsorption of chloroacetamide herbicides are available, yet little information exists regarding adsorption potential of co-applied safeners. Herein, the adsorption and desorption characteristics of selected herbicide safeners to granular activated carbon (GAC) and in agricultural soils are reported. Further, soil column studies were performed to understand the leaching behaviour of the herbicide Dual II Magnum. Equilibrium sorption experiments of safeners to three agricultural soils and one GAC showed that adsorption was best fitted by the Freundlich isotherm. The Freundlich adsorption constant, Kf, for benoxacor and furilazole sorption onto three agricultural soils ranged from 0.1 to 0.27 and 0.1 to 0.13 (mg/g) × (mg/L)ˆ(1/n), respectively. The Kf for benoxacor and furilazole to GAC was 6.4 and 3.4 (mg/g) × (mg/L)ˆ(1/n), respectively, suggesting more favorable sorption of benoxacor to GAC than furilazole to GAC. The sorption to soils was reversible as almost 40%–90% of both safeners was desorbed from three soils. These results were validated in four replicated soil column studies, where S-metolachlor was shown to leach similarly to the safener benoxacor, originating from the herbicide formulation. The leaching of S-metolachlor and benoxacor was influenced by soil texture. Cumulatively, these results show that safeners will move through the environment to surface waters similarly to the active ingredients in herbicides, but may be removed during drinking water treatment via GAC.
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Assessment of sources and transformation of nitrate in the alluvial-pluvial fan region of north China using a multi-isotope approach Publication date: March 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 89 Author(s): Qianqian Zhang, Huiwei Wang Abstract
A multi-isotope approach and mixing model were combined to identify spatial and seasonal variations of sources, and their proportional contribution to nitrate in the Hutuo River alluvial-pluvial fan region. The results showed that the NO3− concentration was significantly higher in the Hutuo River valley plain (178.7 mg/L) region than that in the upper and central pluvial fans of the Hutuo River (82.1 mg/L and 71.0 mg/L, respectively) and in the river (17.0 mg/L). Different land use types had no significant effect on the groundwater nitrate concentration. Based on a multi-isotope approach, we confirmed that the main sources of groundwater nitrate in different land use areas were domestic sewage and manure, followed by soil nitrogen, ammonia fertilizer, nitrate fertilizer and rainwater, and there were no significant spatial or seasonal variations. Combining δ15N–NO3-, δ18O–NO3- and δ37Cl results can increase the accuracy of traceability. Nitrification could be the most important nitrogen migration and transformation process, and denitrification did not significantly affected the isotopic composition of the nitrate. The SIAR model outputs revealed that the main nitrate pollution sources in groundwater and river water were domestic sewage and manure, accounting for 55.9%–61.0% and 22.6% (dry season), 50.3%–60.4% and 34.1% (transition season), 42.7%–47.6% and 35.6% (wet season 2016) and 45.9%–46.7% and 38.4% (wet season 2017), respectively. This work suggests that the random discharge and disposal of domestic sewage and manure should be the first target for control in order to prevent further nitrate contamination of the water environment.
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Efficacy assessment of peracetic acid in the removal of synthetic 17α-ethinyl estradiol contraceptive hormone in wastewater Publication date: March 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 89 Author(s): Rita Maurício, Flávia Semedo, Rita Dias, João P. Noronha, Leonor Amaral, Michiel A. Daam, António P. Mano, Mário S. Diniz Abstract
Increasing concerns have been raised on endocrine disrupting chemicals like the sex hormone 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), the more since traditional wastewater (WW) treatments appear to be ineffective for their removal. The efficacy of the relatively novel disinfectant peracetic acid (PAA) in EE2 removal was evaluated, as well as its potential effects on WW quality parameters. The treatments tested for EE2 removal were also evaluated in terms of toxicity, through the determination of biochemical responses (antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and vitellogenin induction) using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a biological model. PAA contact times less than 20 min appeared insufficient regardless of the PAA dose tested, but a 100% EE2 removal was attained at a PAA concentration of 15 mg/L with a contact time of 20 min. Total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand and pH in PAA treatments remained well within levels set in European legislation for WW discharge. EE2 induced significant increased vitellogenin (VTG) levels in both female and male fish, indicating increased estrogenic activity, especially in males suggesting an endocrine disruption effect. With the addition of PAA (15 mg/L), however, VTG levels in both sexes returned to control values. Although this PAA treatment showed increased levels of the antioxidant enzyme catalase, the lipid peroxidation levels were similar or even lower than in controls. Overall the results suggest that the use of PAA appears a promising way forward as a less toxic alternative to chlorine disinfection with high efficiency in the removal of EDC like EE2.
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Characteristics, evolution, and regional differences of biomass burning particles in the Sichuan Basin, China Publication date: March 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 89 Author(s): Jinqi Luo, Junke Zhang, Xiaojuan Huang, Qin Liu, Bin Luo, Wei Zhang, Zhihan Rao, Yangchun Yu Abstract
The Sichuan Basin has experienced serious air pollution from fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the past few years with biomass burning has been identified as a major source of PM2.5 in this region. We used single particle aerosol mass spectrometer to investigate the characteristics of biomass burning particles in three interacting cities representing different types of urban environment in the Sichuan Basin. A total of 739,794, 279,610, and 380,636 biomass burning particles were detected at Ya'an, Guang'an, and Chengdu, which represented 42%, 69%, and 61%, respectively, of the total number of particles. We analyzed the chemical composition, transportation, and evolution of biomass burning particles. The contribution of K-elemental carbon and K-secondary inorganic particles was highest in Ya'an (36%) and Guang'an (47%), respectively, reflecting the important role of fresh biomass burning particles and long-distance transport in these two cities. Air masses originating from different directions corresponded to different levels of PM2.5 and the contributions of polluted clusters increased significantly on polluted days. Fresh and secondary inorganic biomass burning particles increased pollution at Ya'an and Guang'an, respectively, but dominated different stages of pollution in Chengdu. K-nitrate particles were formed by photochemical reactions, whereas K-sulfate particles were formed by both photochemical and liquid-phase reactions. Investigation of the degree of particle aging showed that there were more fresh particles at Ya'an and more aged particles at Guang'an. These results are useful in helping our understanding of the characteristics of biomass burning particles and evaluating their role in PM2.5 pollution in the Sichuan Basin.
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Size distribution of particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fresh combustion smoke and ambient air: A review Publication date: February 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 88 Author(s): Lulu Zhang, Lu Yang, Quanyu Zhou, Xuan Zhang, Wanli Xing, Yongjie Wei, Min Hu, Lixia Zhao, Akira Toriba, Kazuichi Hayakawa, Ning Tang Abstract
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and they mostly stem from the imperfect combustion of fossil fuels and biofuels. PAHs are inherently associated with homogenous fine particles or distributed to different-sized particles during the aging of air masses. PAHs carried by fine particles undergo a long-range transport to remote areas while those adsorbed on coarse particles have a shorter lifetime in ambient air. More importantly, PAHs with higher molecular weights tend to be bound with finer particles and can deeply enter the lungs, posing severe health risks to humans. Thus, the environmental fate and health effects of particulate PAHs are strongly size-dependent. This review summarizes the size distributions of particulate PAHs freshly emitted from combustion sources as well as the distribution patterns of PAHs in ambient particles. It was found that PAHs from stationary sources are primarily bound to fine particles, which are slightly larger than particles to which PAHs from mobile sources are bound. In ambient air, particulate PAHs are distributed in larger size modes than those in the combustion fume, and the particle size decreases with PAH molecular weight increasing. The relevant mechanisms and influencing factors of particle size distribution changes are illustrated in this article, which are essentially attributed to combustion and ambient temperature as well as the physical and chemical properties of PAHs. Overall, the study on the particle size distribution of PAHs will contribute for a full understanding of the origin, atmospheric behaviors and health effects of particulate PAHs.
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Effects of EDTA and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on plant growth and heavy metal uptake of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance Publication date: February 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 88 Author(s): JunKang Guo, Xin Lv, HongLei Jia, Li Hua, XinHao Ren, Haris Muhammad, Ting Wei, Yongzhen Ding Abstract
Phytoremediation is a cost-effective and environment-friendly strategy for decontaminating heavy-metal-contaminated soil. However, the practical use of phytoremediation is constrained by the low biomass of plants and low bioavailability of heavy metals in soil. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the metal chelator ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and EDTA in combination with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (Burkholderia sp. D54 or Burkholderia sp. D416) on the growth and metal uptake of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance. According to the results, EDTA application decreased shoot and root biomass by 50% and 43%, respectively. The soil respiration and Cd, Pb, Zn uptake were depressed, while the photosynthetic rate, glutathione and phytochelatin (PC) contents were increased by EDTA application. Interestingly, Burkholderia sp. D54 and Burkholderia sp. D416 inoculation significantly relieved the inhibitory effects of EDTA on plant growth and soil respiration. Compared with the control, EDTA + D416 treatment increased the Cd concentration in shoots and decreased the Pb concentration in shoots and roots, but did not change the Zn concentration in S. alfredii plants. Furthermore, EDTA, EDTA + D54 and EDTA + D416 application increased the cysteine and PC contents in S. alfredii (p < 0.05); among all tested PCs, the most abundant species was PC2, and compared with the control, the PC2 content was increased by 371.0%, 1158.6% and 815.6%, respectively. These results will provide some insights into the practical use of EDTA and PGPR in the phytoremediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soil by S. alfredii.
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Comparative study on water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5 from two distinct climate regions and air quality Publication date: February 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 88 Author(s): Duong Huu Huy, Le Tu Thanh, To Thi Hien, Norimichi Takenaka Abstract
Recently, air quality has significantly improved in developed country, but that issue is of concern in emerging megacity in developing country. In this study, aerosols and their precursor gas were collected by NILU filter pack at two distinct urban sites during the winter and summer in Osaka, Japan and dry and rainy seasons in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. The aims are to investigate the contribution of water-soluble inorganic ions (WSIIs) to PM2.5, thermodynamic characterization and possible formation pathway of secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA). The PM2.5 concentration in Osaka (15.8 μg/m3) is lower than that in HCMC (23.0 μg/m3), but the concentration of WSIIs in Osaka (9.0 μg/m3) is two times higher than that in HCMC (4.1 μg/m3). Moreover, SIA including NH4+, NO3− and SO42− are major components in WSIIs accounting for 90% and 76% (in molar) in Osaka and HCMC, respectively. Thermodynamic models were used to understand the thermodynamic characterization of urban aerosols. Overall, statistical analysis results indicate that very good agreement (R2 > 0.8) was found for all species, except for nitrate aerosol in HCMC. We found that when the crustal species present at high amount, those compositions should be included in model calculation (i.e. in the HCMC situation). Finally, we analyzed the characteristics of NH4+– NO3−– SO42− system. A possible pathway to produce fine nitrate aerosol in Osaka is via the homogeneous reaction between NH3 and HNO3, while non-volatile nitrate aerosols can be formed by the heterogeneous reactions in HCMC.
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Enhanced removal of I− on hierarchically structured layered double hydroxides by in suit growth of Cu/Cu2O Publication date: February 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 88 Author(s): Jiuyu Chen, Junyi Wang, Qianhong Gao, Xiaomei Zhang, Ying Liu, Peng Wang, Yan Jiao, Zongxiang Zhang, Yi Yang Abstract
To further improve the removal ability of layered double hydroxide (LDH) for iodide (I−) anions from wastewater, we prepared hierarchically porous Cu5Mg10Al5-LDH and used as a matrix for in suit growth of Cu/Cu2O on its surface, forming Cu/Cu2O-LDH, which was characterized and applied as an adsorbent. Results displayed high I− saturation uptake capability (137.8 mg/g) of Cu/Cu2O-LDH compared with Cu5Mg10Al5-LDH (26.4 mg/g) even thermal activated LDH (76.1 mg/g). Thermodynamic analysis showed that the reaction between I− anions and Cu/Cu2O-LDH is a spontaneous and exothermic. Uptake kinetics analysis exhibited that adsorption equilibrium can be reached after 265 min. Additionally, the adsorbent showed satisfactory selectivity in the presence of competitive anions (e.g., SO42−), and could achieve good adsorption performance in a wide pH range of 3–8. A cooperative adsorption mechanism was proposed on the basis of the following two aspects: (1) ion exchange between iodide and interlayer anions; (2) the adsorption performance of Cu, Cu(II) and Cu2O for I−. Meanwhile, the difference between the adsorption mechanism of Cu/Cu2O-LDH, Cu5Mg10Al5-LDH and Cu5Mg10Al5-CLDH adsorbents was also elaborated and verified.
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Ca2+ and SO42− interactions with dissolved organic matter: Implications of groundwater quality for CKDu incidence in Sri Lanka Publication date: February 2020 Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 88 Author(s): Madhubhashini Makehelwala, Yuansong Wei, Sujithra K. Weragoda, Rohan Weerasooriya Abstract
It has recently been proposed that recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in groundwater plays a potent etiological role in the peculiar distribution of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu). This study aims to elucidate the interactions of Ca2+ and SO42− with a model organic fraction of humic acid (SHA) to determine the possible relationship of CKDu incidence with the DOC in drinking water. XPS and FT-IR methods respectively determined the surface functional groups and chemical composition of protonated dissolved organic carbon (HDOC) in a CKDu high-risk zone (HR) of Sri Lanka and in SHA. Higher surface C composition (87.9%) and lower O (11.4%) were observed for HDOC from the HR region than for SHA (C: 73.8%, O: 24.7%). Aromatic C with less O-containing functional groups was observed in HDOC. The IR band at 1170 cm−1 confirms the formation of organic sulfonate (C–SO3-) on SHA. A band at 1213 cm−1 due to organic sulfonate in HDOC from the CKDu HR region was also identified. The IR band at 866 cm−1 evidenced the formation of CaCO3 on SHA above pH 7.4. XPS data confirmed the presence of sulfur oxidation states corresponding to SO32− and SO42− at 168.9 eV and 170.1 eV binding energies, respectively. The binding energies at 347 eV and 351 eV for Ca 2p3/2 and Ca 2p1/2 eV, respectively, confirmed the bidentate complexation of Ca2+ with COO− and sulfonate groups on SHA. The organic sulfonate formed is postulated as a uremic toxicant.
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ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
Παρασκευή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
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