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Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου 2019


1. HAUSSLER SM, Knopke S, Dudka S, Grabel S, et al.
[Improvement in tinnitus distress, health-related quality of life and 
psychological comorbidities by cochlear implantation in single-sided deaf 
patients. German version]. 
HNO. 2019 Aug 5. pii: 10.1007/s00106-019-0706-7. doi: 10.1007/s00106-019-0706. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=31384969&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/31384969

2. SEGURA-HERNANDEZ M, Valadez-Jimenez VM, Ysunza PA, Sanchez-Valerio AP, et al.
Acoustic analysis of voice in children with cleft lip and palate following vocal 
rehabilitation. Preliminary report. 
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;126:109618. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=31394406&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/31394406

3. MILAN U, Dagmar H, Ivo S, Jana J, et al.
First experiences with a new adhesive bone conduction hearing device in children. 
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;126:109614. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=31377401&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
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4. KUAN EC, Rereddy SK, Patel NN, Maina IW, et al.
Asymptomatic radiographic sinonasal inflammation does not affect pituitary 
surgery outcomes. 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1545-1548. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30835847&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
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5. YAMASAKI A, Levesque PA, Bleier BS, Busaba NY, et al.
Improvement in nasal obstruction and quality of life after septorhinoplasty and 
turbinate surgery. 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1554-1560. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30810237&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30810237

6. SERESIRIKACHORN K, Suwanparin N, Srisunthornphanich C, Chitsuthipakorn W, et al.
Factors of success of low-dose macrolides in chronic sinusitis: Systematic review 
and meta-analysis. 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1510-1519. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30746710&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30746710

7. ALI SA, Kovatch KJ, Smith J, Bellile EL, et al.
Implication of Fusobacterium necrophorum in recurrence of peritonsillar abscess. 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1567-1571. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30582617&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30582617

8. RIMMER RA, Duffy AN, Knops AM, Rabinowitz MR, et al.
The Role of Free Tissue Transfer in the Management of Chronic Frontal Sinus 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1497-1504. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30549281&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30549281

9. JUSTICZ N, Choi S.
When Should Pediatric Septoplasty Be Performed for Nasal Airway Obstruction? 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1489-1490. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30515850&s=orl&pm=2 

Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30515850

10. HANEY MM, Hamad A, Leary E, Bunyak F, et al.
Automated Quantification of Vocal Fold Motion in a Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve 
Injury Mouse Model. 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:E247-E254. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30478924&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30478924

11. COPPESS S, Soares J, Frogner BK, DeMarre K, et al.
A pilot study assessing clinic value in pediatric pharyngeal dysphagia: The 
OPPS/cost method. 
Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1527-1532. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=30284270&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/30284270

12. MCGUIRE JK, Viljoen G, Rocke J, Fitzpatrick S, et al.
Does Thyroid Gland Preserving Total Laryngectomy Affect Oncological Control in 
Laryngeal Carcinoma? 
Laryngoscope. 2019 Aug 8. doi: 10.1002/lary.28235. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=31393610&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/31393610

13. OKADA M, Quinkert A, Franck KH, Welling DB, et al.
The natural progression of low-frequency hearing loss in patients who meet hybrid 
implant system candidacy criteria. 
Laryngoscope. 2019 Aug 8. doi: 10.1002/lary.28217. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=31393603&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/31393603

14. REED NS, Huddle MG, Betz J, Power MC, et al.
Association of Midlife Hypertension with Late-Life Hearing Loss. 
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Aug 6:194599819868145. 
PubMed: www.amedeo.com/p2.php?id=31382849&s=orl&pm=2 
ABSTRACT available 
Share: http://m.amedeo.com/31382849

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