
Δευτέρα 24 Ιουνίου 2019


Cell Mitosis Event Analysis in Phase Contrast Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
Publication date: Available online 22 June 2019Source: Medical Image AnalysisAuthor(s): Yunxiang Mao, Liang Han, Zhaozheng YinAbstractIn this paper, we solve the problem of mitosis event localization and its stage localization in time-lapse phase-contrast microscopy images. Our method contains three steps: first, we formulate a Low-Rank Matrix Recovery (LRMR) model to find salient regions from microscopy images and extract candidate patch sequences, which potentially contain mitosis events; second,...
Medical Image Analysis
XQ-SR: Joint x-q Space Super-Resolution with Application to Infant Diffusion MRI
Publication date: Available online 22 June 2019Source: Medical Image AnalysisAuthor(s): Geng Chen, Bin Dong, Yong Zhang, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen, Pew-Thian YapAbstractDiffusion MRI (DMRI) is a powerful tool for studying early brain development and disorders. However, the typically low spatio-angular resolution of DMRI diminishes structural details and limits quantitative analysis to simple diffusion models. This problem is aggravated for infant DMRI since (i) the infant brain is significantly smaller...
Medical Image Analysis

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