
Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2019

Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1748-1761: Contemporary Landscape Structure within Monumental Zone-1 at Bagan Cultural Heritage Site, Myanmar
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1748-1761: Contemporary Landscape Structure within Monumental Zone-1 at Bagan Cultural Heritage Site, Myanmar Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020107 Authors: Min Zar Ni Aung Shozo Shibata This study examines the contemporary landscape structure of the Monumental Zone (MZ)-1 at the Bagan Cultural Heritage Site in the Dry Zone of Myanmar. With respect to hundreds of medieval monuments, how local residents in the residential areas within the MZ-1 manage the landscape...
Tue Jun 25, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1739-1747: Assessment of Local People Opinion After World Heritage Site Designation, Case Study: Historic City of Yazd, Iran
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1739-1747: Assessment of Local People Opinion After World Heritage Site Designation, Case Study: Historic City of Yazd, Iran Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020106 Authors: Ahmad Nasrolahi Jean-Michel Roux Leila Ghasvarian Jahromi Mahmoudreza Khalili Local participation in the cultural heritage conservation has always been a concern since the Venice Charter (1964). It seems the assumption of the World Heritage Center, and particularly their State Parties,...
Sun Jun 23, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1724-1738: Chemical Compositional Signatures of Constituent Minerals of Iron Slags and Ores from the Khmer Monuments
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1724-1738: Chemical Compositional Signatures of Constituent Minerals of Iron Slags and Ores from the Khmer Monuments Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020105 Authors: Etsuo Uchida Motoki Murasugi Ayaka Kuroda Yusu Lu Iron slags and ores were collected from 22 sites (A to V) in Preah Khan of Kompong Svay, the area surrounding Phnom Daek, and the Angkor monuments. Iron ores were taken from two outcrops in Phnom Daek. The chemical compositions of fayalite and...
Thu Jun 20, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1702-1723: Reconsidering Sustainable Mobility Patterns in Cultural Route Planning: Andreas Syngrou Avenue, Greece
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1702-1723: Reconsidering Sustainable Mobility Patterns in Cultural Route Planning: Andreas Syngrou Avenue, Greece Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020104 Authors: Efthimios Bakogiannis Charalampos Kyriakidis Maria Siti Eleni Floropoulou Culture is frequently used as a means of promoting sustainable urban development. Indeed, in many areas across Europe, cultural and recreational routes or clusters have so far been utilized in order for urban regeneration...
Sun Jun 16, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1684-1701: The Choir Books of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice: Results of in Depth Non-Invasive Analyses
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1684-1701: The Choir Books of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice: Results of in Depth Non-Invasive Analyses Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020103 Authors: Paola Ricciardi Anna Mazzinghi Stefano Legnaioli Chiara Ruberto Lisa Castelli This paper discusses a cross-disciplinary, international collaboration aimed at researching a series of 15th century choir books at the abbey of San Giorgio Maggiore on the homonymous island in Venice. Produced for the abbey...
Fri Jun 14, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1662-1683: Raman Microspectroscopic Imaging of Binder Remnants in Historical Mortars Reveals Processing Conditions
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1662-1683: Raman Microspectroscopic Imaging of Binder Remnants in Historical Mortars Reveals Processing Conditions Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020102 Authors: Thomas Schmid Petra Dariz Binder remnants in historical mortars represent a record of the connection between the raw materials that enter the kiln, the process parameters, and the end product of the calcination. Raman microspectroscopy combines high structural sensitivity with micrometre to sub-micrometre...
Fri Jun 14, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1640-1661: Live Your Myth in Greece: Towards the Construction of a Heritage Identity
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1640-1661: Live Your Myth in Greece: Towards the Construction of a Heritage Identity Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020101 Authors: Myrto Stenou Nowadays, top-rated tourist attractions in Greece are ancient archaeological places and islands with blue-and-white esthetics. The country’s projected impression is greatly based on these two distinguished representations, chosen for their distinctive architecture scattered in the Greek landscape. Both imageries seem...
Wed Jun 12, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1630-1639: Reconnecting Nature and Culture—The INCREAte Approach and Its Practical Implementation in the Island of Kythera
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1630-1639: Reconnecting Nature and Culture—The INCREAte Approach and Its Practical Implementation in the Island of Kythera Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020100 Authors: Nicholas Georgiadis Yorgos Melissourgos Stefanos Dodouras Irini Lyratzaki George Dimitropoulos Angeliki Foutri Lily Mordechai Rigas Zafeiriou Thymio Papayannis Integrated Nature CultuRE Approach (INCREAte) promotes the interconnection of culture and nature. this approach...
Wed Jun 05, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1614-1629: New Insights into Synthetic Copper Greens: The Search for Specific Signatures by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy for Their Characterization in Medieval Artworks
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1614-1629: New Insights into Synthetic Copper Greens: The Search for Specific Signatures by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy for Their Characterization in Medieval Artworks Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020099 Authors: Juliana Buse Vanessa Otero Maria Melo A systematic investigation of medieval copper green pigments was carried out based on written sources: 21 manuscripts, dating from 50–70 to 1755 AD, were sourced and 77 recipes were selected, translating...
Tue Jun 04, 2019 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1588-1613: Sustainable Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage: The Route from Discovery to Engagement—Open Issues in the Mediterranean
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 1588-1613: Sustainable Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage: The Route from Discovery to Engagement—Open Issues in the Mediterranean Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2020098 Authors: Vasilike Argyropoulos Anastasia Stratigea Fatal events taking place in World War (WW) I and II have left behind important historical evidence as an underwater cultural heritage (UCH) (e.g., shipwrecks, submerged aircraft, war artifacts), lying in peace at the bottom of, among...
Mon Jun 03, 2019 03:00

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