
Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2019

Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 118: A Mind Trying to Right/Write Itself: Metaphors in Madness Narratives
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 118: A Mind Trying to Right/Write Itself: Metaphors in Madness Narratives Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020118 Authors: Renana Stanger Elran This article explores autobiographical madness narratives written by people with lived experience of psychosis, dated from the mid-19th century until the 1970s. The focus of the exploration is on the metaphors used in these narratives in order to communicate how the writers experienced and understood madness from within. Different...
Tue Jun 25, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 117: Inhabiting Liminality: Cosmopolitan World-Making in Naeem Mohaiemen’s Tripoli Cancelled
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 117: Inhabiting Liminality: Cosmopolitan World-Making in Naeem Mohaiemen’s Tripoli Cancelled Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020117 Authors: Kelley Tialiou Motivated by “the need to embody … the palpable tension between the North and the South as it is reflected, articulated, and interpreted in contemporary cultural production”, documenta 14’s selection of Athens as a “vantage point … where Europe, Africa,...
Mon Jun 24, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 116: The Glorious Plagiarism, Trash Aesthetics, and Ecological Entropy of Cryptic Cut-Ups from Minutes to Go
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 116: The Glorious Plagiarism, Trash Aesthetics, and Ecological Entropy of Cryptic Cut-Ups from Minutes to Go Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020116 Authors: Chad Weidner This paper examines some of the many ways in which example early cut-ups from Minutes to Go recall canonical literary forms, revive the revolutionary destructive urgency of Dada aesthetics, as well as contribute to wider environmental concerns. How do unusual examples of radically experimental literature...
Fri Jun 21, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 115: Like Melville on the Leaf of Shakespeare? Olson’s Annotations to Ace of Pentacles, by John Wieners
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 115: Like Melville on the Leaf of Shakespeare? Olson’s Annotations to Ace of Pentacles, by John Wieners Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020115 Authors: Luke Franklin This article is on the textuality of handwritten marginal inscriptions, and the often acute difficulty of interpreting them. No poet was more profoundly influenced by the agonistics of this interpretative work than Charles Olson (1910–1970). One way to tell the story of his authorship would...
Wed Jun 19, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 114: Endlessly Responsible: Ethics as First Philosophy in Stanley Cavell’s Invocation of Literature
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 114: Endlessly Responsible: Ethics as First Philosophy in Stanley Cavell’s Invocation of Literature Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020114 Authors: Mette Blok This essay aims to give an overview of the topic ethics and literature in Stanley Cavell’s complete oeuvre. It argues that Cavell’s preoccupation with literature is, from beginning to end, primarily ethical, even though he takes his point of departure in epistemological skepticism. Recent...
Mon Jun 17, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 113: Ben Dorain: An Ecopoetic Translation
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 113: Ben Dorain: An Ecopoetic Translation Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020113 Authors: Garry MacKenzie In this article, I reflect on my own practice in translating Duncan Bàn Macintyre’s eighteenth-century Gaelic poem, Moladh Beinn Dóbhrain, into a twenty-first century ‘ecopoem’. Macintyre’s Moladh Beinn Dóbhrain has been praised for its naturalism. My translation of this long poem emphasises...
Fri Jun 14, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 112: Digital Shakespeare Is Neither Good Nor Bad, But Teaching Makes It So
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 112: Digital Shakespeare Is Neither Good Nor Bad, But Teaching Makes It So Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020112 Authors: Jim Casey Digital Shakespeare is all around us: mobile apps, YouTube videos, online “participatory cultures,” electronic playtexts, web-based educational materials, even Shakespeare-themed videogames. But how do these resources intersect with the teaching of Shakespeare in the university classroom? In particular, how might...
Sun Jun 09, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 111: Agents of Secularisation—Ibsen and the Narrative of Secular Modernity
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 111: Agents of Secularisation—Ibsen and the Narrative of Secular Modernity Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020111 Authors: Joachim Schiedermair In sociology, modernisation is often identified with secularisation. How can secularisation in the texts of modernism around 1900 be analysed? Literary history books tell us that the modernist authors were lucid analysts of their time who portrayed the process of secularisation going on around them in their dramas, novels...
Mon Jun 03, 2019 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 110: Analysing the Meta-Archive Arianna—‘Shakespeariana’: Research and Teaching Opportunities with the Iconographical Database
Humanities, Vol. 8, Pages 110: Analysing the Meta-Archive Arianna—‘Shakespeariana’: Research and Teaching Opportunities with the Iconographical Database Humanities doi: 10.3390/h8020110 Authors: Sandra Pietrini Enrico Piergiacomi The application of digital technologies to Shakespeare has advanced considerably over the last decade. The spread of online archives offers new opportunities for researchers and teachers, facilitating the collection of materials. Since 2011, we have seized...
Mon Jun 03, 2019 03:00

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