
Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2019

Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 75: Current Status of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park Wetland and Actions Required for Conservation
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 75: Current Status of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park Wetland and Actions Required for Conservation Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060075 Authors: Sandra Bravo-Martin Miguel Mejías Francisco J. García-Navarro Raimundo Jiménez-Ballesta Wetlands are complex ecosystems that play multiple roles. ‘Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park’ (TDNP) undoubtedly plays a role in several ecosystem services and provides a connection...
Fri Jun 21, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 74: Assessment of Diatom Assemblages in Close Proximity to Mining Activities in Nunavik, Northern Quebec (Canada)
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 74: Assessment of Diatom Assemblages in Close Proximity to Mining Activities in Nunavik, Northern Quebec (Canada) Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060074 Authors: Isabelle Lavoie Soizic Morin Vincent Laderriere Louise-Emmanuelle Paris Claude Fortin Nunavik (Northern Quebec, Canada) is experiencing a mining boom. While several studies have been conducted in the region in relation to climate change, the effects of mining have received much...
Fri Jun 21, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 73: Sustainability Assessment of Green Asphalt Mixtures: A Review
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 73: Sustainability Assessment of Green Asphalt Mixtures: A Review Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060073 Authors: M. Reza Pouranian Mehdi Shishehbor During recent decade, the pavement sustainability has received much attention by road agencies, companies, governments and research institutes. The aim of this paper is to introduce and evaluate the sustainability of the technologies developed or underdeveloped to address environmental issues of asphalt...
Thu Jun 20, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 72: Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Development under the Belt and Road Initiative
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 72: Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Development under the Belt and Road Initiative Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060072 Authors: Hoong Chen Teo Alex Mark Lechner Grant W. Walton Faith Ka Shun Chan Ali Cheshmehzangi May Tan-Mullins Hing Kai Chan Troy Sternberg Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the largest infrastructure scheme in our lifetime, bringing unprecedented geopolitical...
Wed Jun 19, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 71: Changing Climatic Factors Favor Dengue Transmission in Lahore, Pakistan
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 71: Changing Climatic Factors Favor Dengue Transmission in Lahore, Pakistan Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060071 Authors: Syed Ali Asad Naqvi Bulbul Jan Saima Shaikh Syed Jamil Hasan Kazmi Liaqat Ali Waseem Muhammad Nasar-u-minAllah Nasir Abbas Dengue fever (DF) is a national health problem in Pakistan. It has become endemic in Lahore after its recent reemergence in 2016. This study investigates the impacts of climatic factors (temperature...
Mon Jun 17, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 70: Effect of the Type of Gas-Permeable Membrane in Ammonia Recovery from Air
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 70: Effect of the Type of Gas-Permeable Membrane in Ammonia Recovery from Air Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060070 Authors: María Soto-Herranz Mercedes Sánchez-Báscones Juan Antolín-Rodríguez Diego Conde-Cid Matias Vanotti Animal production is one of the largest contributors to ammonia emissions. A project, “Ammonia Trapping”, was designed to recover gaseous ammonia from animal barns in Spain. Laboratory experiments were conducted to select...
Sun Jun 16, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 69: Phytostabilization of Zn and Cd in Mine Soil Using Corn in Combination with Biochars and Manure-Based Compost
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 69: Phytostabilization of Zn and Cd in Mine Soil Using Corn in Combination with Biochars and Manure-Based Compost Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060069 Authors: Gilbert C. Sigua Jeff M. Novak Don W. Watts Jim A. Ippolito Thomas F. Ducey Mark G. Johnson Kurt A. Spokas Mining activities could produce a large volume of spoils, waste rocks, and tailings, which are usually deposited at the surface and become a source of metal pollution....
Thu Jun 13, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 68: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydropyrimidine Derivative for Selective and Fast Uptake of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solution
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 68: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydropyrimidine Derivative for Selective and Fast Uptake of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solution Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060068 Authors: Mohamed Ould M’hamed Lotfi Khezami The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of a 1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine derivative as a powerful heterocyclic compound for the elimination of Cd(II) ions from aqueous solutions. The tetrahydropyrimidine derivative was prepared during 30 min...
Mon Jun 10, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 67: Ecological Health Index: A Short Term Monitoring Method for Land Managers to Assess Grazing Lands Ecological Health
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 67: Ecological Health Index: A Short Term Monitoring Method for Land Managers to Assess Grazing Lands Ecological Health Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060067 Authors: Sutie Xu Jason Rowntree Pablo Borrelli Jennifer Hodbod Matt R. Raven Grazing lands should be monitored to ensure their productivity and the preservation of ecosystem services. The study objective was to investigate the effectiveness of an Ecological Health Index (EHI) for...
Mon Jun 10, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 66: Use of CaO Loaded Mesoporous Alumina for Defluoridation of Potable Groundwater Containing Elevated Calcium Levels
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 66: Use of CaO Loaded Mesoporous Alumina for Defluoridation of Potable Groundwater Containing Elevated Calcium Levels Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060066 Authors: Mahesh Jayaweera Madhusha Sudasinghe Buddhika Gunawardana Achini Peiris Jagath Manatunge Defluoridation in the presence of high calcium levels in potable groundwater is paramount, as the consumption of groundwater enriched with fluoride, and calcium has been implicated in causing...
Sun Jun 09, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 63: Estimating High-Resolution Groundwater Storage from GRACE: A Random Forest Approach
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 63: Estimating High-Resolution Groundwater Storage from GRACE: A Random Forest Approach Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060063 Authors: Md Rahaman Balbhadra Thakur Ajay Kalra Ruopu Li Pankaj Maheshwari Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data have become a widely used global dataset for evaluating the variability in groundwater storage for the different major aquifers. Moreover, the application of GRACE has been constrained to...
Tue Jun 04, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 61: Temporal and Spatial Study of Water Quality and Trophic Evaluation of a Large Tropical Reservoir
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 61: Temporal and Spatial Study of Water Quality and Trophic Evaluation of a Large Tropical Reservoir Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060061 Authors: Alberto Quevedo-Castro Erick R. Bandala Jesús G. Rangel-Peraza Leonel E. Amábilis-Sosa Antonio Sanhouse-García Yaneth A. Bustos-Terrones A water quality study was carried out at the Adolfo López Mateos (ALM) reservoir, one of the largest tropical reservoirs in Mexico, located within...
Tue Jun 04, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 65: Solar Sharing for Both Food and Clean Energy Production: Performance of Agrivoltaic Systems for Corn, A Typical Shade-Intolerant Crop
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 65: Solar Sharing for Both Food and Clean Energy Production: Performance of Agrivoltaic Systems for Corn, A Typical Shade-Intolerant Crop Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060065 Authors: Takashi Sekiyama Akira Nagashima The purpose of this research was to examine the performance of agrivoltaic systems, which produce crops and electricity simultaneously, by installing stilt-mounted photovoltaic (PV) panels on farmland. As PV power stations enjoy remarkable...
Tue Jun 04, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 64: Designer Biochars Impact on Corn Grain Yields, Biomass Production, and Fertility Properties of a Highly-Weathered Ultisol
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 64: Designer Biochars Impact on Corn Grain Yields, Biomass Production, and Fertility Properties of a Highly-Weathered Ultisol Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060064 Authors: Jeffrey M. Novak Gilbert C. Sigua Thomas F. Ducey Donald W. Watts Kenneth C. Stone There are mixed reports for biochars’ ability to increase corn grain and biomass yields. The objectives of this experiment were to conduct a three-year corn (Zea mays L.) grain...
Tue Jun 04, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 62: Management of Tropical River Basins and Reservoirs under Water Stress: Experiences from Northeast Brazil
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 62: Management of Tropical River Basins and Reservoirs under Water Stress: Experiences from Northeast Brazil Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060062 Authors: Érika Tavares Marques Günter Gunkel Maria Carmo Sobral Due to global warming, a reduction in available water will occur in many watersheds and conflicts concerning water use will take place. This situation is already typical in semi-arid areas, where many reservoirs have been constructed for...
Tue Jun 04, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 60: The Use of Sentinel-3 Imagery to Monitor Cyanobacterial Blooms
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 60: The Use of Sentinel-3 Imagery to Monitor Cyanobacterial Blooms Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060060 Authors: Igor Ogashawara Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CHABs) have been a concern for aquatic systems, especially those used for water supply and recreation. Thus, the monitoring of CHABs is essential for the establishment of water governance policies. Recently, remote sensing has been used as a tool to monitor CHABs worldwide. Remote monitoring...
Mon Jun 03, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 59: Framework for Assessment of Eco-Safe Rural Roads in Panchase Geographic Region in Central–Western Nepal Hills
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 59: Framework for Assessment of Eco-Safe Rural Roads in Panchase Geographic Region in Central–Western Nepal Hills Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060059 Authors: Sanjaya Devkota Narendra Man Shakya Karen Sudmeier-Rieux Rural roads are important for the communities in the hilly areas of Nepal as they introduce livelihood opportunities at the local level, and provide better access to the healthcare, education, and resources. Yet, most of the rural...
Thu May 30, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 58: Uptake of Trace Elements in Leaves of the Larrea Tridentata (DC.) Coville in Desert Washes of an Arid Environment
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 58: Uptake of Trace Elements in Leaves of the Larrea Tridentata (DC.) Coville in Desert Washes of an Arid Environment Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6060058 Authors: Douglas B. Sims Christopher J. Collumb Amanda C. Hudson Douglas J. Walton Trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ba, Fe, Al, Mn and Ba) were uptaken by the leaves of the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville) in Nelson, Nevada, although at low concentrations. Samples were collected...
Wed May 29, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 57: MODIS-Based Investigation of Flood Areas in Southern Cambodia from 2002–2013
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 57: MODIS-Based Investigation of Flood Areas in Southern Cambodia from 2002–2013 Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050057 Authors: Nguon Vichet Kensuke Kawamura Dung Phan Trong Nguyen Van On Zhe Gong Jihyun Lim Sok Khom Chhun Bunly In Cambodia and the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, floods commonly occur during the rainy season, and a better understanding of their spatio-temporal distribution is important for both disaster prevention and...
Sat May 25, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 55: Poultry Litter, Biochar, and Fertilizer Effect on Corn Yield, Nutrient Uptake, N2O and CO2 Emissions
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 55: Poultry Litter, Biochar, and Fertilizer Effect on Corn Yield, Nutrient Uptake, N2O and CO2 Emissions Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050055 Authors: Karamat R. Sistani Jason R. Simmons Marcia Jn-Baptiste Jeff M. Novak Biochar holds promise as a soil amendment with potential to sequester carbon, improve soil fertility, adsorb organic pollutants, stimulate soil microbial activities, and improve crop yield. We used a hardwood biochar to assess...
Fri May 24, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 56: Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability in the North Aquifer Area of Rhodes Island Using the GALDIT Method and GIS
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 56: Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability in the North Aquifer Area of Rhodes Island Using the GALDIT Method and GIS Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050056 Authors: Zografina Mavriou Nerantzis Kazakis Fotios-Konstantinos Pliakas Salinization of coastal aquifer systems constitutes a major threat for groundwater. Especially areas with high population density due to increasing tourist activity may face severe problems. In this study, the GALDIT...
Fri May 24, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 54: Visual Comfort Assessment in an Industrial Environment: A Case Study
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 54: Visual Comfort Assessment in an Industrial Environment: A Case Study Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050054 Authors: Erika Dolnikova Dusan Katunsky Air, water, soil, and light are important factors in the environment. Light is the only elementary part of life that has become an almost irreplaceable part of life. Because man is more connected with the interior, the task is to ensure that natural daylight in the interior is as high as possible....
Thu May 23, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 53: The Intention to Adopt Green IT Products in Pakistan: Driven by the Modified Theory of Consumption Values
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 53: The Intention to Adopt Green IT Products in Pakistan: Driven by the Modified Theory of Consumption Values Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050053 Authors: Saqib Ali Muhammad Danish Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja Muhammad Shoaib Sajjad Hasan Zahid Over the last decades, prompt economic growth and the resulting overconsumption has deteriorated the environment in an accelerated way. This environmental deterioration has prompted academicians and practitioners...
Fri May 17, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 52: Does Quantification of Ecosystem Services Depend Upon Scale (Resolution and Extent)? A Case Study Using the InVEST Nutrient Delivery Ratio Model in Georgia, United States
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 52: Does Quantification of Ecosystem Services Depend Upon Scale (Resolution and Extent)? A Case Study Using the InVEST Nutrient Delivery Ratio Model in Georgia, United States Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050052 Authors: Fabio Jose Benez-Secanho Puneet Dwivedi Modeling ecosystem services (ESs) intrinsically involves the use of spatial and temporal data. Correct estimates of ecosystem services are inherently dependent upon the scale (resolution...
Wed May 15, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 51: Urban Ecosystem Services Quantification through Remote Sensing Approach: A Systematic Review
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 51: Urban Ecosystem Services Quantification through Remote Sensing Approach: A Systematic Review Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050051 Authors: Paulo Amador Tavares Norma Beltrão Ulisses Silva Guimarães Ana Teodoro Paulo Gonçalves Urban ecosystem services (UES) is an essential approach to the development of sustainable cities and must be incorporated into urban planning to be able to improve humans’ life quality. This paper aimed...
Thu May 09, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 50: Fertilizer Efficacy of Poultry Litter Ash Blended with Lime or Gypsum as Fillers
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 50: Fertilizer Efficacy of Poultry Litter Ash Blended with Lime or Gypsum as Fillers Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050050 Authors: Philip J. Bauer Ariel A. Szogi Paul D. Shumaker Ash from power plants that incinerate poultry litter has fertilizer value, but research is lacking on optimal land application methodologies. Experiments were conducted to evaluate calcitic lime and flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG) as potential fillers for poultry...
Wed May 01, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 49: The Mutual Relationship between Protected Areas and Their Local Residents: The Case of Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark, China
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 49: The Mutual Relationship between Protected Areas and Their Local Residents: The Case of Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark, China Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6050049 Authors: Liang Chang Teiji Watanabe The relationship between humans and protected areas may contribute to the success of conservation efforts. The Qinling Mountains are significant to China and the rest of the world, and the Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark comprises...
Wed May 01, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 48: LIFE SOUNDLESS: New Generation of Eco-Friendly Asphalt with Recycled Materials
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 48: LIFE SOUNDLESS: New Generation of Eco-Friendly Asphalt with Recycled Materials Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040048 Authors: Miguel Angel Morcillo María Elena Hidalgo María del Carmen Pastrana David García Juana Torres María Begoña Arroyo Noise pollution coming from traffic noise has become an important issue in urban areas. Road noise is one of the main sources of high-level traffic noise. Road noise depends not only on tires but...
Wed Apr 24, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 47: The Possibility of Generating Electricity Using Small-Scale Wind Turbines and Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Households in Northern Cyprus: A Comparative Study
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 47: The Possibility of Generating Electricity Using Small-Scale Wind Turbines and Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Households in Northern Cyprus: A Comparative Study Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040047 Authors: Youssef Kassem Raafat Al Zoubi Hüseyin Gökçekuş The increased energy demand and related environmental problems caused by burning fossil fuels have raised interest in alternative energy sources. This study investigated the wind characteristics...
Mon Apr 22, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 46: Analysis of the Spatial–Temporal Variation of the Surface Ozone Concentration and Its Associated Meteorological Factors in Changchun
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 46: Analysis of the Spatial–Temporal Variation of the Surface Ozone Concentration and Its Associated Meteorological Factors in Changchun Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040046 Authors: Chunsheng Fang Liyuan Wang Ju Wang Ozone (O3) pollution has become one of the most challenging problems in China, and high O3 concentrations have been a major air quality issue in Changchun. Based on continuous observation data of surface ozone concentrations from...
Mon Apr 22, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 45: The Optimum Window-to-Wall Ratio in Office Buildings for Hot‒Humid, Hot‒Dry, and Cold Climates in Iran
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 45: The Optimum Window-to-Wall Ratio in Office Buildings for Hot‒Humid, Hot‒Dry, and Cold Climates in Iran Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040045 Authors: Jalil Shaeri Amin Habibi Mahmood Yaghoubi Ata Chokhachian About half of the energy loss in buildings is wasted through windows. Determining the optimum window-to-wall ratio (WWR) for different building facades would reduce such energy losses. The optimum WWR is the window area that minimizes...
Tue Apr 16, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 44: Aeration to Improve Biogas Production by Recalcitrant Feedstock
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 44: Aeration to Improve Biogas Production by Recalcitrant Feedstock Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040044 Authors: John Loughrin Nanh Lovanh Digestion of wastes to produce biogas is complicated by poor degradation of feedstocks. Research has shown that waste digestion can be enhanced by the addition of low levels of aeration without harming the microbes responsible for methane production. This research has been done at small scales and without provision...
Thu Apr 11, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 43: The Role of Tourism Impacts on Cultural Ecosystem Services
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 43: The Role of Tourism Impacts on Cultural Ecosystem Services Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040043 Authors: B. Derrick Taff Jacob Benfield Zachary D. Miller Ashley D’Antonio Forrest Schwartz Parks and protected areas are recognized for the important ecosystem services, or benefits, they provide society. One emerging but understudied component is the cultural ecosystem services that parks and protected areas provide. These cultural ecosystem...
Tue Apr 09, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 42: Chemical Characterization of Two Seasonal PM2.5 Samples in Nanjing and Its Toxicological Properties in Three Human Cell Lines
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 42: Chemical Characterization of Two Seasonal PM2.5 Samples in Nanjing and Its Toxicological Properties in Three Human Cell Lines Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040042 Authors: Kai Zhang Dongyang Nie Mindong Chen Yun Wu Xinlei Ge Jianlin Hu Pengxiang Ge Wenjing Li Bingbo Huang Yue Yuan Zhirao Li Xiaoyun Ma PM2.5 pollution is of great concern in China due to its adverse health effects. Many diseases have been proven...
Wed Apr 03, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 41: Environmental Noise around Hospital Areas: A Case Study
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 41: Environmental Noise around Hospital Areas: A Case Study Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040041 Authors: David Montes-González Juan Miguel Barrigón-Morillas Valentín Gómez Escobar Rosendo Vílchez-Gómez Guillermo Rey-Gozalo Pedro Atanasio-Moraga Juan Antonio Méndez-Sierra Due to the particular characteristics of hospitals, these buildings are highly sensitive to environmental noise. However, they are usually located close or within...
Mon Apr 01, 2019 03:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 40: Detection of Vegetation Cover Change in Renewable Energy Development Zones of Southern California Using MODIS NDVI Time Series Analysis, 2000 to 2018
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 40: Detection of Vegetation Cover Change in Renewable Energy Development Zones of Southern California Using MODIS NDVI Time Series Analysis, 2000 to 2018 Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6040040 Authors: Justin Nghiem Christopher Potter Rebecca Baiman New solar energy facilities on public lands in the deserts of southern California are being monitored long-term to detect environmental impacts. For this purpose, we have developed a framework for...
Thu Mar 28, 2019 02:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 38: Carbon Footprint and Water Footprint of Electric Vehicles and Batteries Charging in View of Various Sources of Power Supply in the Czech Republic
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 38: Carbon Footprint and Water Footprint of Electric Vehicles and Batteries Charging in View of Various Sources of Power Supply in the Czech Republic Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6030038 Authors: Simona Jursova Dorota Burchart-Korol Pavlina Pustejovska In the light of recent developments regarding electric vehicle market share, we assess the carbon footprint and water footprint of electric vehicles and provide a comparative analysis of energy...
Tue Mar 26, 2019 02:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 39: Challenges and Limitations of Karst Aquifer Vulnerability Mapping Based on the PaPRIKa Method—Application to a Large European Karst Aquifer (Fontaine de Vaucluse, France)
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 39: Challenges and Limitations of Karst Aquifer Vulnerability Mapping Based on the PaPRIKa Method—Application to a Large European Karst Aquifer (Fontaine de Vaucluse, France) Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6030039 Authors: Chloé Ollivier Konstantinos Chalikakis Naomi Mazzilli Nerantzis Kazakis Yoann Lecomte Charles Danquigny Christophe Emblanch Aquifer vulnerability maps can improve groundwater management for sustainable anthropogenic...
Tue Mar 26, 2019 02:00
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 37: Correction: Alsina-Pagès et al. Noise Events Monitoring for Urban and Mobility Planning in Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany. Environments, 2019, 6, 24
Environments, Vol. 6, Pages 37: Correction: Alsina-Pagès et al. Noise Events Monitoring for Urban and Mobility Planning in Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany. Environments, 2019, 6, 24 Environments doi: 10.3390/environments6030037 Authors: Rosa Ma Alsina-Pagès Robert Garcia Almazán Marc Vilella Marc Pons The authors would like to correct the published article [...]
Mon Mar 18, 2019 02:00

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