
Παρασκευή 28 Ιουνίου 2019

Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 55: Influence of Pathogens and Mechanical Stimuli in Inflammation
Inflammation is a process driven by underlying cell-cell communication and many other factors. In this study, a model of cell-cell communications was proposed to study factors driving the inflammation time course. Analyses of inflammations that are driven by the combined effects of strain (mechanical stimuli) and/or pathogens are considered in this paper. An agent-based model was employed to simulate inflammation where macrophages and fibroblasts influence each other through cell signaling cytokines that diffuse and spread in the tissue space. The communication network of macrophages and fibroblasts was then inferred and its network model (termed TE network) was generated and analyzed. The results suggest that factors driving inflammation time course can be discriminated by the characteristics of TE networks. Inflammation driven only by pathogens has certain TE network characteristics indicating slower and lower information exchange among cells. Multiple stimuli can help to maintain sufficient information exchange among cells, which is beneficial for inflammation resolution. The TE network captures the unfolding of the innate immune system over time, and the history of pathogens invasion. The resulting network leads to an improved understanding of the resilience of the system to future pathogen invasion.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 54: Application of Plasmid Engineering to Enhance Yield and Quality of Plasmid for Vaccine and Gene Therapy
There is an increased interest in plasmid DNA as therapeutics. This is evident in the number of ongoing clinical trials involving the use of plasmid DNA. In order to be an effective therapeutic, high yield and high level of supercoiling are required. From the bioprocessing point of view, the supercoiling level potentially has an impact on the ease of downstream processing. We approached meeting these requirements through plasmid engineering. A 7.2 kb plasmid was developed by the insertion of a bacteriophage Mu strong gyrase-binding sequence (Mu-SGS) to a 6.8 kb pSVβ-Gal and it was used to transform four different E. coli strains, and cultured in order to investigate the Mu-SGS effect and dependence on strain. There was an increase of over 20% in the total plasmid yield with pSVβ-Gal398 in two of the strains. The supercoiled topoisomer content was increased by 5% in both strains leading to a 27% increase in the overall yield. The extent of supercoiling was examined using superhelical density (σ) quantification with pSVβ-Gal398 maintaining a superhelical density of −0.022, and pSVβ-Gal −0.019, in both strains. This study has shown that plasmid modification with the Mu-phage SGS sequence has a beneficial effect on improving not only the yield of total plasmid but also the supercoiled topoisomer content of therapeutic plasmid DNA during bioprocessing.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 53: Engineered Gold-Based Nanomaterials: Morphologies and Functionalities in Biomedical Applications. A Mini Review
In the last decade, several engineered gold-based nanomaterials, such as spheres, rods, stars, cubes, hollow particles, and nanocapsules have been widely explored in biomedical fields, in particular in therapy and diagnostics. As well as different shapes and dimensions, these materials may, on their surfaces, have specific functionalizations to improve their capability as sensors or in drug loading and controlled release, and/or particular cell receptors ligands, in order to get a definite targeting. In this review, the up-to-date progress will be illustrated regarding morphologies, sizes and functionalizations, mostly used to obtain an improved performance of nanomaterials in biomedicine. Many suggestions are presented to organize and compare the numerous and heterogeneous experimental data, such as the most important chemical-physical parameters, which guide and control the interaction between the gold surface and biological environment. The purpose of all this is to offer the readers an overview of the most noteworthy progress and challenges in this research field.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 52: A Multidisciplinary Approach toward High Throughput Label-Free Cytotoxicity Monitoring of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
This paper focuses on cytotoxicity examination of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) using different methods, including impedance spectroscopy. Recent advances of SPIONs for clinical and research applications have triggered the need to understand their effects in cells. Despite the great advances in adapting various biological and chemical methods to assess in-vitro toxicity of SPIONs, less attention has been paid on the development of a high throughput label-free screening platform to study the interaction between the cells and nanoparticles including SPIONs. In this paper, we have taken the first step toward this goal by proposing a label-free impedimetric method for monitoring living cells treated with SPIONs. We demonstrate the effect of SPIONs on the adhesion, growth, proliferation, and viability of neuroblastoma 2A (N2a) cells using impedance spectroscopy as a label-free method, along with other standard microscopic and cell viability testing methods as control methods. Our results have shown a decreased viability of the cells as the concentration of SPIONs increases with percentages of 59%, 47%, and 40% for 100 µg/mL (C4), 200 µg/mL (C5), 300 µg/mL (C6), respectively. Although all SPIONs concentrations have allowed the growth of cells within 72 h, C4, C5, and C6 showed slower growth compared to the control (C1). The growth and proliferation of N2a cells are faster in the absence or low concentration of SPIONS. The percent coefficient of variation (% CV) was used to compare cell concentrations obtained by TBDE assay and a Scepter cell counter. Results also showed that the lower the SPIONs concentration, the lower the impedance is expected to be in the sensing electrodes without the cells. Meanwhile, the variation of surface area (∆S) was affected by the concentration of SPIONs. It was observed that the double layer capacitance was almost constant because of the higher attachment of cells, the lower surface area coated by SPIONs. In conclusion, impedance changes of electrodes exposed to the mixture of cells and SPIONs offer a wide dynamic range (>1 MΩ using Electric Cell-substrate Impedance electrodes) suitable for cytotoxicity studies. Based on impedance based, viability testing and microscopic methods’ results, SPIONs concentrations higher than 100 ug/mL and 300 ug/mL cause minor and major effects, respectively. We propose that a high throughput impedance-based label-free platform provides great advantages for studying SPIONs in a cell-based context, opening a window of opportunity to design and test the next generation of SPIONs with reduced toxicity for biomedical or medical applications.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 51: Engineering Bone-Implant Materials
This special issue is dedicated to the simulation as well as experimental studies of biomechanical behavior of biomaterials, especially those that are used for bone implant applications [...]
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 50: A Microcavity Array-Based 4D Cell Culture Platform
(1) Background: We describe a 4D cell culture platform with which we tried to detect and to characterize migration dynamics of single hematopoietic stem cells in polymer film microcavity arrays integrated into a microtiter plate. (2) Methods: The system was set up with CD34-expressing KG-1a cells as a surrogate for hematopoietic stem cells. We then evaluated the system as an artificial hematopoietic stem cell niche model comprised of a co-culture of human hematopoietic stem cells from cord blood (cord blood CD34+ cells, hHSCs) and human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) from bone marrow over a period of 21 days. We used a software-based cell detection method to count single hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in microcavities. (3) Results: It was possible to detect single HSCs and their migration behavior within single microcavities. The HSCs displayed a pronounced migration behavior with one population of CD34-expressing cells located at the bottom of the microcavities and one population located in the middle of the microcavities at day 14. However, at day 21 the two populations seemed to unite again so that no clear distinction between the two was possible anymore. (4) Conclusions: Single cell migration detection was possible but microscopy and flow cytometry delivered non-uniform data sets. Further optimization is currently being developed.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 49: Mechanical Response of Porcine Liver Tissue under High Strain Rate Compression
In automobile accidents, abdominal injuries are often life-threatening yet not apparent at the time of initial injury. The liver is the most commonly injured abdominal organ from this type of trauma. In contrast to current safety tests involving crash dummies, a more detailed, efficient approach to predict the risk of human injuries is computational modelling and simulations. Further, the development of accurate computational human models requires knowledge of the mechanical properties of tissues in various stress states, especially in high-impact scenarios. In this study, a polymeric split-Hopkinson pressure bar (PSHPB) was utilized to apply various high strain rates to porcine liver tissue to investigate its material behavior during high strain rate compression. Liver tissues were subjected to high strain rate impacts at 350, 550, 1000, and 1550 s−1. Tissue directional dependency was also explored by PSHPB testing along three orthogonal directions of liver at a strain rate of 350 s−1. Histology of samples from each of the three directions was performed to examine the structural properties of porcine liver. Porcine liver tissue showed an inelastic and strain rate-sensitive response at high strain rates. The liver tissue was found lacking directional dependency, which could be explained by the isotropic microstructure observed after staining and imaging. Furthermore, finite element analysis (FEA) of the PSHPB tests revealed the stress profile inside liver tissue and served as a validation of PSHPB methodology. The present findings can assist in the development of more accurate computational models of liver tissue at high-rate impact conditions allowing for understanding of subfailure and failure mechanisms.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 48: Expansion Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Production of Cardiomyocytes
Transplantation of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSCs)-derived cardiomyocytes for the treatment of heart failure is a promising therapy. In order to implement this therapy requiring numerous cardiomyocytes, substantial production of hPSCs followed by cardiac differentiation seems practical. Conventional methods of culturing hPSCs involve using a 2D culture monolayer that hinders the expansion of hPSCs, thereby limiting their productivity. Advanced culture of hPSCs in 3D aggregates in the suspension overcomes the limitations of 2D culture and attracts immense attention. Although the hPSC production needs to be suitable for subsequent cardiac differentiation, many studies have independently focused on either expansion of hPSCs or cardiac differentiation protocols. In this review, we summarize the recent approaches to expand hPSCs in combination with cardiomyocyte differentiation. A comparison of various suspension culture methods and future prospects for dynamic culture of hPSCs are discussed in this study. Understanding hPSC characteristics in different models of dynamic culture helps to produce numerous cells that are useful for further clinical applications.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 47: Mechanics of the Tricuspid Valve—From Clinical Diagnosis/Treatment, In-Vivo and In-Vitro Investigations, to Patient-Specific Biomechanical Modeling
Proper tricuspid valve (TV) function is essential to unidirectional blood flow through the right side of the heart. Alterations to the tricuspid valvular components, such as the TV annulus, may lead to functional tricuspid regurgitation (FTR), where the valve is unable to prevent undesired backflow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium during systole. Various treatment options are currently available for FTR; however, research for the tricuspid heart valve, functional tricuspid regurgitation, and the relevant treatment methodologies are limited due to the pervasive expectation among cardiac surgeons and cardiologists that FTR will naturally regress after repair of left-sided heart valve lesions. Recent studies have focused on (i) understanding the function of the TV and the initiation or progression of FTR using both in-vivo and in-vitro methods, (ii) quantifying the biomechanical properties of the tricuspid valve apparatus as well as its surrounding heart tissue, and (iii) performing computational modeling of the TV to provide new insight into its biomechanical and physiological function. This review paper focuses on these advances and summarizes recent research relevant to the TV within the scope of FTR. Moreover, this review also provides future perspectives and extensions critical to enhancing the current understanding of the functioning and remodeling tricuspid valve in both the healthy and pathophysiological states.
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 46: Controlling Electronic Devices with Brain Rhythms/Electrical Activity Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
The purpose of this research study was to explore the possibility to develop a brain-computer interface (BCI). The main objective was that the BCI should be able to recognize brain activity. BCI is an emerging technology which focuses on communication between software and hardware and permitting the use of brain activity to control electronic devices, such as wheelchairs, computers and robots. The interface was developed, and consists of EEG Bitronics, Arduino and a computer; moreover, two versions of the BCIANNET software were developed to be used with this hardware. This BCI used artificial neural network (ANN) as a main processing method, with the Butterworth filter used as the data pre-processing algorithm for ANN. Twelve subjects were measured to collect the datasets. Tasks were given to subjects to stimulate brain activity. The purpose of the experiments was to test and confirm the performance of the developed software. The aim of the software was to separate important rhythms such as alpha, beta, gamma and delta from other EEG signals. As a result, this study showed that the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is the best compared with the backpropagation, resilient backpropagation, and error correction algorithms. The final developed version of the software is an effective tool for research in the field of BCI. The study showed that using the Levenberg–Marquardt learning algorithm gave an accuracy of prediction around 60% on the testing dataset.

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