
Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2019

Brain Structure and Function

The effect of exercise on memory and BDNF signaling is dependent on intensity


The aims of the present study were to investigate in brain of adult rats (1) whether exercise-induced activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)/tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) pathway is dependent on exercise intensity modality and (2) whether exercise-induced improvement of memory is proportional to this pathway activation. Wistar rats were subjected to low (12 m/min) or high (18 m/min) exercise intensity on horizontal treadmill (30 min/day, 7 consecutive days) that corresponds to ~ 40 and 70% of maximal aerobic speed, respectively. Animals treated with scopolamine to induce memory impairment were subjected to novel object recognition test to assess potential improvement in cognitive function. Expressions of BDNF, phosphorylated TrkB receptors, synaptophysin (a marker of synaptogenesis), c-fos (a neuronal activity marker) and phosphorylated endothelial nitric oxide synthase (a cerebral blood flow marker) were measured in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of different groups of rats. In terms of cognition, our data reported that only the most intense exercise improves memory performance. Our data also revealed that BDNF pathway is dependent on intensity modality of exercise with a gradual effect in hippocampus whereas only the highest intensity leads to this pathway activation in prefrontal cortex. Our study revealed that memory improvement through BDNF pathway activation is dependent on exercise intensity. While reporting that our protocol is sufficient to improve cognition in animals with impaired memory, our data suggest that prefrontal cortex is possibly a more suitable structure than hippocampus when neuroplastic markers are used to mirror potential improvement in memory performance.

On the existence of mechanoreceptors within the neurovascular unit of the mammalian brain


We describe a set of perivascular interneurons (PINs) with series of fibro-vesicular complexes (FVCs) throughout the gray matter of the adult rabbit and rat brains. PIN–FVCs are ubiquitous throughout the brain vasculature as detected in Golgi-impregnated specimens. Most PINs are small, aspiny cells with short or long (> 1 mm) axons that split and travel along arterial blood vessels. Upon ramification, axons form FVCs around the arising vascular branches; then, paired axons run parallel to the vessel wall until another ramification ensues, and a new FVC is formed. Cytologically, FVCs consist of clusters of perivascular bulbs (PVBs) encircling the precapillary and capillary wall surrounded by end-feet and the extracellular matrix of endothelial cells and pericytes. A PVB contains mitochondria, multivesicular bodies, and granules with a membranous core, similar to Meissner corpuscles and other mechanoreceptors. Some PVBs form asymmetrical, axo-spinous synapses with presumptive adjacent neurons. PINs appear to correspond to the type 1 nNOS-positive neurons whose FVCs co-label with markers of sensory fiber-terminals surrounded by astrocytic end-feet. The PIN is conserved in adult cats and rhesus monkey specimens. The location, ubiquity throughout the vasculature of the mammalian brain, and cytological organization of the PIN–FVCs suggests that it is a sensory receptor intrinsic to the mammalian neurovascular unit that corresponds to an afferent limb of the sensorimotor feed-back mechanism controlling local blood flow.

Phonological picture–word interference in language mapping with transcranial magnetic stimulation: an objective approach for functional parcellation of Broca's region


Functional imaging data suggest different regions for semantic, syntactic, and phonological processing in an anterior-to-posterior direction along the inferior frontal gyrus. Language mapping by use of neuro-navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is frequently applied in clinical research to identify language-related cortical regions. Recently, we proposed a high spatial resolution approach for more detailed language mapping of cortical sub-areas such as Broca's region. Here, we employed a phonological picture–word interference paradigm in healthy subjects to reveal functional specialization in Broca's region for phonological processing. The behavioral phonological priming effect is characterized by accelerated naming responses to target pictures accompanied by phonologically related auditory distractor words. We hypothesized that the inhibitory effects of TMS on language processing would reduce phonological priming only at stimulation sites involved in phonological processing. In active as compared to sham TMS, we found reduced phonological facilitation specifically at sites overlapping with the probabilistic cytoarchitectonic area 44. Our findings complemented functional imaging data by revealing structure–function relationship in Broca's region. The introduction of a reaction time based interference paradigm into TMS language mapping increases the objectivity of the method and allows to explore functional specificity with high temporal resolution. Findings may help to interpret results in clinical applications.

Thyroid hormone availability in the human fetal brain: novel entry pathways and role of radial glia


Thyroid hormones (TH) are crucial for brain development; their deficiency during neurodevelopment impairs neural cell differentiation and causes irreversible neurological alterations. Understanding TH action, and in particular the mechanisms regulating TH availability in the prenatal human brain is essential to design therapeutic strategies for neurological diseases due to impaired TH signaling during neurodevelopment. We aimed at the identification of cells involved in the regulation of TH availability in the human brain at fetal stages. To this end, we studied the distribution of the TH transporters monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) and organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1C1 (OATP1C1), as well as the TH-metabolizing enzymes types 2 and 3 deiodinases (DIO2 and DIO3). Paraffin-embedded human brain sections obtained from necropsies of thirteen fetuses from 14 to 38 gestational weeks were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. We found these proteins localized along radial glial cells, in brain barriers, in Cajal-Retzius cells, in migrating fibers of the brainstem and in some neurons and glial cells with particular and complex spatiotemporal patterns. Our findings point to an important role of radial glia in controlling TH delivery and metabolism and suggest two additional novel pathways for TH availability in the prenatal human brain: the outer, and the inner cerebrospinal fluid–brain barriers. Based on our data we propose a model of TH availability for neural cells in the human prenatal brain in which several cell types have the ability to autonomously control the required TH content.

Relations between cognitive and motor deficits and regional brain volumes in individuals with alcoholism


Despite the common co-occurrence of cognitive impairment and brain structural deficits in alcoholism, demonstration of relations between regional gray matter volumes and cognitive and motor processes have been relatively elusive. In pursuit of identifying brain structural substrates of impairment in alcoholism, we assessed executive functions (EF), episodic memory (MEM), and static postural balance (BAL) and measured regional brain gray matter volumes of cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar structures commonly affected in individuals with alcohol dependence (ALC) compared with healthy controls (CTRL). ALC scored lower than CTRL on all composite scores (EF, MEM, and BAL) and had smaller frontal, cingulate, insular, parietal, and hippocampal volumes. Within the ALC group, poorer EF scores correlated with smaller frontal and temporal volumes; MEM scores correlated with frontal volume; and BAL scores correlated with frontal, caudate, and pontine volumes. Exploratory analyses investigating relations between subregional frontal volumes and composite scores in ALC yielded different patterns of associations, suggesting that different neural substrates underlie these functional deficits. Of note, orbitofrontal volume was a significant predictor of memory scores, accounting for almost 15% of the variance; however, this relation was evident only in ALC with a history of a non-alcohol substance diagnosis and not in ALC without a non-alcohol substance diagnosis. The brain-behavior relations observed provide evidence that the cognitive and motor deficits in alcoholism are likely a result of different neural systems and support the hypothesis that a number of identifiable neural systems rather than a common or diffuse neural pathway underlies cognitive and motor deficits observed in chronic alcoholism.

Localization, distribution and expression of growth hormone in the brain of Asian Catfish, Clarias batrachus


Intense immunoreactivity was observed in several neurons of the nucleus preopticus (NPO) located in the preoptic area (POA), in addition to several GH cells in the proximal pars distalis (PPD) of the pituitary gland of Clarias batrachus. The immunoreactive cells were located in the paraventricular as well as supraoptic subdivisions of the NPO. GH immunoreactive fibers projecting from the neurons were traced caudally to the pituitary gland via the conspicuous preoptico-hypophysial tract (PHT) in the ventral tuberal area to the neurohypophysis of the pituitary. Apart from these immunoreactive fibers in the preoptico-hypophysial tract, some fine caliber fiber probably arising from the neurons located dorsally in the NPO also showed GH immunoreactivity, and these fibers constituted an independent tract. Bilaterally, it extended caudally through the dorsal hypothalamus almost as far as the saccus vasculosus where it curved sharply to descend into the caudal tuberal region and finally entered into the pituitary gland. The fibers of this tract were mainly distributed in the rostral pars distalis (RPD). This tract is quite distinct from the preoptico-hypophysial tract and herein called as the accessory preoptico-hypophysial tract (APHT). Expression of GH mRNA in the NPO was found 65-fold more than that of the control region, rostral cerebellum. These results altogether suggest that GH secreted by NPO neurons might serve as a neuro-modulatory role in the brain of C. batrachus. Transportation of GH to the pituitary via two independent tracts may represent the duality of neuroendocrine function. The present study underscores the possibility that GH in the brain of vertebrates may be a phylogenetically conserved phenomenon and provide clues to our understanding of the evolutionary course taken by the hormone.

Enhanced insular/prefrontal connectivity when resisting from emotional distraction during visual search


Previous literature demonstrated that the processing of emotional stimuli can interfere with goal-directed behavior. This has been shown primarily in the context of working memory tasks, but "emotional distraction" may affect also other processes, such as the orienting of visuo-spatial attention. During fMRI, we presented human subjects with emotional stimuli embedded within complex everyday life visual scenes. Emotional stimuli could be either the current target to be searched for or task-irrelevant distractors. Behavioral and eye-movement data revealed faster detection of emotional than neutral targets. Emotional distractors were found to be fixated later and for a shorter duration than emotional targets, suggesting efficient top-down control in avoiding emotional distraction. The fMRI data demonstrated that negative (but not positive) stimuli were mandatorily processed by limbic/para-limbic regions (namely, the right amygdala and the left insula), irrespective of current task relevance: that is, these regions activated for both emotional targets and distractors. However, analyses of inter-regional connectivity revealed a functional coupling between the left insula and the right prefrontal cortex that increased specifically during search in the presence of emotional distractors. This indicates that increased functional coupling between affective limbic/para-limbic regions and control regions in the frontal cortex can attenuate emotional distraction, permitting the allocation of spatial attentional resources toward task-relevant neutral targets in the presence of distracting emotional signals.

Memory-guided attention: bilateral hippocampal volume positively predicts implicit contextual learning


Several studies have begun to demonstrate that contextual memories constitute an important mechanism to guide our attention. Although there is general consensus that the hippocampus is involved in the encoding of contextual memories, it is controversial whether this structure can support implicit forms of contextual memory. Here, we combine automated segmentation of structural MRI with neurobehavioral assessment of implicit contextual memory-guided attention to test the hypothesis that hippocampal volume would predict the magnitude of implicit contextual learning. Forty healthy subjects underwent 3T magnetic resonance imaging brain scanning with subsequent automatic measurement of the total brain and hippocampal (right and left) volumes. Implicit learning of contextual information was measured using the contextual cueing task. We found that both left and right hippocampal volumes positively predicted the magnitude of implicit contextual learning. Larger hippocampal volume was associated with superior implicit contextual memory performance. This study provides compelling evidence that implicit contextual memory-guided attention is hippocampus-dependent.

Role of the insula in top–down processing: an intracranial EEG study using a visual oddball detection paradigm


Functional neuroimaging studies suggest that the insular cortex—and more especially the anterior insula (aI)—is involved in attentional processes and plays a crucial role in the "salience network". However, its specific role in attentional processing remains unclear, which is partly attributable to the low temporal resolution of non-invasive neuroimaging techniques. This study aims to examine the spatio-temporal dynamics of visual target processing using intracranial EEG recorded directly from the insula. Eight epileptic patients (four women, age 18–44 years) completed a three-stimulus visual oddball task during the extraoperative invasive intracranial EEG (iEEG) monitoring of their drug-resistant seizures. Depth electrodes were implanted in ten insular lobes (5 left and 5 right) and provided a total of 59 recording contacts in the insula. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and high-gamma-band responses (GBRs) were processed offline. Permutation analyses were performed to compare ERP signals across conditions during the P300 (225–400) interval, and modulations of GBRs (70−150 Hz) were computed for separate 100 ms time windows (from 0 to 1000 ms post-stimulus) and compared across conditions using non-parametric Wilcoxon test. Target stimuli were associated with a P300 (250–338 ms) component for 39% of contacts implanted in the aI, most probably reflecting voluntary attentional processing. Amplitude was significantly greater for target than for standard stimuli for all of these contacts, and was greater than for novel stimuli for 72%. In the posterior insula (pI), 16% of contacts showed preferential responses to target stimulus in the P300 interval. Increased GBRs in response to targets were observed in 53% of aI contacts (from ≈ 200 to 300 ms) and in 43% of pI contacts (from ≈ 400 to 500 ms). This study is the first to characterize the spatio-temporal dynamics of visual target processing in the insula using iEEG. Results suggest that visual targets elicit a P300 in the aI which corresponds in latency to the P3b component, suggesting that this region is involved in top–down processing of task-relevant information. GBRs to visual targets occur earlier in the aI than in the pI, further characterizing their respective roles in voluntary attentional processing.

Merlin modulates process outgrowth and synaptogenesis in the cerebellum


Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) patients are prone to develop glial-derived tumors in the peripheral and central nervous system (CNS). The Nf2 gene product –Merlin is not only expressed in glia, but also in neurons of the CNS, where its function still remains elusive. Here, we show that cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs) of isoform-specific Merlin-deficient mice were innervated by smaller vGluT2-positive clusters at presynaptic terminals than those of wild-type mice. This was paralleled by a reduction in frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSC). On the contrary, in conditional transgenic mice in which Merlin expression was specifically ablated in PCs (L7Cre;Nf2fl/fl), we found enlarged vGluT2-positive clusters in their presynaptic buttons together with increased amplitudes of miniature postsynaptic currents. The presynaptic terminals of these PCs innervating neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei were also enlarged. When exploring mice with Merlin-deficient granule cells (GCs) (Math1Cre;Nf2fl/fl), we found cerebellar extracts to contain higher amounts of vGluT1 present in parallel fiber terminals. In parallel, mEPSC frequency was increased in Math1Cre;Nf2fl/fl mice. On the contrary, VGluT2 clusters in cerebellar glomeruli composed of NF2-deficient presynaptic Mossy fiber terminals and NF2-deficient postsynaptic GC were reduced in size as shown for isoform-specific knockout mice. These changes in Math1Cre;Nf2fl/fl-deficient mice were paralleled by an increased activation of Rac1–Cofilin signaling which is known to impact on cytoskeletal reorganization and synapse formation. Consistent with the observed synaptic alterations in these transgenic mice, we observed altered ultrasonic vocalization, which is known to rely on proper cerebellar function. No gross morphological changes or motor coordination deficits were observed in any of these transgenic mice. We therefore conclude that Merlin does not regulate overall cerebellar development, but impacts on pre- and post-synaptic terminal organization.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos

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