How Ayushman Bharat can be a boon in uplifting ancient AYUSH medical wisdom Shyam Bhutada Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):63-65 |
Samhita-based edification: an incredible primeval Indian medical education system Bharat C Chouragade Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):66-69 |
Contribution of text Rasapaddhati in the history of Indian alchemy: A review Bharat Rathi, Renu Rathi, Santosh Pusadkar Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):70-74 Background: Rasapaddhati is a classical Sanskrit text related to Rasashastra, which mainly deals with metals, minerals, and mercurial preparations flourished during the medieval period to achieve Dehavada (attaining long and healthy life by using mercurial preparations) and Lohavada (conversion of lower metals into precious metals such as gold and silver). Later knowledge of Rasashastra extended to the therapeutic application in various diseases. Rasapaddhati is a fifteenth-century alchemical treatise written by Acharya Bindu comprising the personal experiences of the author in the field of alchemy. Aims and Objectives: This work is a humble attempt to summarize the key features of text Rasapaddhati, its contents, and contribution in the development of Indian alchemy. Materials and Methods: A review of Rasapaddhati was performed on Siddhiprada Hindi commentary by Siddhinandan Mishra and published by Chaukhambha Orientalia in 1987. Results and Conclusion: It is written in Shardulvikridit Chhanda and is completed in 236 verses. The key features of Rasapaddhati include the classifications of minerals, metals, precious stones, description of mercury, and its various processes and 49 herbal and herbomineral formulations with therapeutic applications in various diseases. |
A review on Lepa Kalpana: An inherent topical formulations described in Sharangadhar Samhita Mangesh Dhote, Bharat Rathi, Dhirajsingh S Rajput, Rita Dongre Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):75-82 Background: Being one of the major texts in Ayurveda herbal pharmaceutics, Sharangadhar Samhita contributes a very significant part in the world of Ayurveda. It is a major book for reference to academicians as well as physicians. It is an ancient text written by Acharya Sharangadhar in fourteenth century. It is divided into three parts, which are called Khanda. The Khanda includes Prathama Khanda (first part)—7 chapters, Madhyama Khanda (second part)—12 chapters, and Uttara Khanda (last part)—13 chapters, that is, total chapters in Sharangadhar Samhita are 32 and comprises 2600 verses. Materials and Methods: In this work, the review of relevant literature of Lepa Kalpana was carried out from Hindi and English commentary on Sharangadhar Samhita by Pandit Durgadutta Shastri and P. Himasagar Murthy, respectively. In Uttara Khanda, 11th chapter is described as Lepadi Vidhi Adhyaya (chapter on topical dosage formulations) and the same chapter was considered for review. Observation and Results: Total 94 types of Lepa formulations are narrated, of which 80 Lepa formulations contain herbal ingredients, whereas remaining 14 formulations contain herbo-mineral ingredients. Most of these formulations are indicated in skin disorder, hair disorder, migraine, abscess management, anti-inflammatory, and so on. Conclusion: Under the heading of Lepa, Acharya Sharangadhar has provided medicament for local application in common skin diseases. There is a huge scope for research as well as drug discovery and development in the context of Lepa formulations such as Stana and Lingavriddhikar Lepa (breast and penis enlargement), Kurandaghna Lepa (hydrocele), and Suryavarta Ardhavabhedakahara Lepa, mentioned by Acharya Sharangadhar. |
Role of Ayurveda therapeutic procedures in prenatal and postnatal care Sudha Dansana, Sujata Kadam Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):83-89 Background: Pregnancy and childbirth are challenging events in women’s life cycle. Throughout this journey very often a mother faces several health issues, discomforts, and complications increasing the risk for her life. To deal with this situation, modern medicine usually needs help of different medical and surgical interventions but not all medicines and surgeries are effective. Ayurveda has advocated ample of therapeutic procedures that can take care of the safety of woman during the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Such procedures are being discussed in this article. Materials and Methods: Selected Ayurveda classics, electronic databases, namely PubMed, Digital helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles, National Centre for Biotechnology information, and so on are searched to compile the evidence of such therapeutic interventions advocated during obstetrical management. Results: Shodhana therapy (bio-purification procedures) is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. However, Panchakarma (five cleansing methods) such as Basti (therapeutic enema), Nasya (instillation of herbal oils, juices, or powders through the nasal route), and other Upakarmas (allied therapies) such as Parisheka (pouring medicated liquids), Avagahana (Tub bath with herbal liquids) are prescribed in the classics of Ayurveda in the context of Garbhini Chikitsa (pregnancy management), Prasava Paricharya (intrapartum management), and Sutika Paricharya (puerperal management). These ancient methods of treatment procedures are advised to be used moderately with pleasant manner. Conclusion: Specific Panchakarma therapies are useful in achieving and maintaining normal pregnancy and enable normal labor. Various Upakarmas facilitate healthy growth and development of fetus, prevent minor ailments and complications in intrapartum as well as in postpartum phase. Hence, Ayurveda procedures appear to be the most effective remedial measure in preventing obstetrical complications, promoting maternal and child health, and lowering maternal mortality rate. |
Preconception care in Ayurveda Revathy Padmakumar Sindhu, Syamlal Sivaramakrishnapillai Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):90-92 Reproduction is one of the basic requirements of any species to continue its existence on the universe. Human reproduction includes stage-wise procedures leading to formation of a new individual. Any simple deviation in this finely calculated series of events can lead to the drastic pathological conditions. Ayurveda, the extract of the entire Vedas, dreams about add (good progeny). Human birth process with pre- and post-event knowledge is explained by (Branch which deals with Obstetrics), which is an integrated part of (Branch which deals with Pediatrics). The preconceptional care in Ayurveda was described centuries back to get a disease-free and good progeny by following the regimen and rituals. Recent research shows that each seminal ejaculation in intercourse depletes the body energy of male counterpart, hence to maintain the quality and energy of sperm, (following of celibacy) for one month before (Conception) was planned. The aim of Aharaniyama before conception was to elevate the qualities of sperm and ovum. Garbhadhana and Puthreshti speak about the preparation of mind-set of would-be parents and to evoke a zeal to have a good progeny. Preconception care is an extension of prenatal care to provide optimal health to mother and baby. Thus, this study helps to explore Ayurveda measures to get a Shreyasipraja. |
Comparative organoleptic and physicochemical study of roots of Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. and Decalepis hamiltonii Wight and Arn Parul P Nandgaonkar, Pramod Khobragade, Akshay S Pargaonkar, Pradeep S Nandgaonkar Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):93-98 Background: Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. (Sariva), commonly known as Anantmool, is used in therapeutics in Ayurveda with its unique attributes. From few decades due to the heavy demand and extreme commercial collection from natural habitat of this plant, its natural population has decreased with higher rate and has resulted in the extinction of population. In various Ayurvedic raw drug market and in the leading Ayurvedic pharmacies, the roots of Decalepis hamiltonii, which is considered as Sariva Bheda, are used in place of the roots of H. indicus (Sariva) in Ayurvedic formulations. Though H. indicus is cultivated by special method, still it is a very time-consuming and expensive process. D. hamiltonii is easily cultivated with high yield and is less expensive as compared to H. indicus. Aim: In view of these facts, this study was undertaken to compare physicochemical analysis of H. indicus and D. hamiltonii.Materials and Methods: Field samples of H. indicus and D. hamiltonii were collected, identified, authenticated, and studied for vegetative, pharmacognostic, organoleptic, and physicochemical characters. Observation and Results: The root of H. indicus and D. hamiltonii are easily identified by their organoleptic characters. The physicochemical parameters such as loss on drying, total ash, acid-insoluble ash, alcohol-soluble extractives, and water-soluble extractive showed some differences. Conclusion: The external morphological characters of both collected field samples are clearly distinguished and identified as H. indicus (L.) R. Br. and D. hamiltonii Wight and Arn, and they also differ on the physicochemical parameters. |
Correlation of Agni with Koshtha, Prakruti, and Mala Namrata B Chouragade, Deepali M Giri, Bharat C Chouragade Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):99-103 Background: Agni (digestive capacity) is an important factor for digestion and metabolism in our body. Ingested food is to be digested, absorbed, and assimilated, which is unavoidable for the maintenance of life, and is performed by the Agni. Agni resides and functions in the body in the form of Pitta (a physiological humor). Wellness and illness of an individual depends on the proper and improper functions of the Agni. Hence, Agni is said to be the Mool (base) of life. Materials and Methods: In this study, 60 healthy volunteers were randomly selected, and their Agni, Koshtha (nature of bowel), Prakruti (physical and mental temperament), and Mala Parikshan (stool examination) were examined through prevalidated Case Record Proforma (CRP), and the results were recorded, and correlation of status of Agni with Koshtha, Prakruti, and Sama-Nirama Mala Parikshan was conducted. Results and Conclusion: The result shows correlation of Agni with Koshtha, Prakruti, and Mala type (Sama and Nirama), which is in tune with the principles described in Samhitas (basic text of Ayurveda), and it is evident that Agni is the most important factor for health as described in the definition of health in Sushruta Samhita. |
Effectiveness of mobile app as a teaching and learning tool Gaurav R Sawarkar, Priti R Desai, Punam G Sawarkar Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):104-111 Background: The field of mobile technology in health sciences is somewhat newer concept and provides more openings to future researchers for conduction of more studies. Mobile devices with various applications offer noteworthy facilities with its transportability and accessibility. Rachana Sharir (anatomy) is itself one of the volatile subjects in which various concepts such as Marma Sharir are difficult to understand and memorize. Therefore, to make the topic interesting and easy to comprehend, there is need to make changes in teaching and learning methodology by using Marma Mobile App. Aims and Objectives: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of Mobile App as a teaching and learning tool and perception toward Mobile App, and to compare the efficacy and retention of knowledge in Mobile App and conventional teaching. Materials and Methods: First-year BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery) students were involved in the study. Two modules were prepared on Marma Sharir. Accordingly, pretest and posttest were prepared and conducted before and after teaching the module, respectively. Feedback was noted after crossover study. Observation and Results: The score of posttests was highly significant in Mobile App method as compared with conventional teaching. Students were truly agreeing with Mobile App method and admitted that Marma App developed more interest in the topic and reduced the study duration with increased recall skill. Conclusion: Students remarked that the App was helpful to develop interest in the topic and reduced study duration required for the topic. It created good visual impact and helped in quick recall with retention of knowledge as compared with the conventional teaching. Students suggested for addition of animations and videos in the present App. |
Pharmaceutico-analytical study of Adraka Khanda Neha S Chavhan, Bharat Rathi Journal of Indian System of Medicine 2019 7(2):112-118 Background: Adraka (Zingiber Officinale) Khanda described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali is a drug of choice in Udarda (Pressure Urticaria), Shittapitta (Cold Urticaria) and Koth (Solar Urticaria) such as autoimmune system. This formulation is having spicy test. Khanda being one of the common dosage from appreciated by all age group for their palatability and easy method of administration and feasibility. Pharmaceutical standardization of this formulation is not established yet, which is first step towards research on the formulation. Hence present work was planned. Material and Method: Three batches of Adraka were prepared by adopting reference of Bhaishajya Ratnavali and the average required for preparation of Adraka Khanda was one day. A constant heat of 90 to 100 °C was maintained throughout the procedure. Result and Conclusion: The analytical study revealed average observed values of pH (6.2), Acid insoluble ash (0.50), Moisture content (3.5), Water extract (23.2) Alcoholic extract (20.8), Water soluble ash (4.3) , Total ash (5.2). |
ΩτοΡινοΛαρυγγολόγος Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,
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